eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen. |
28. February 2003, 17:08
#1 | V.I.P.
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002 Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366
| Problem: eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8 [02.03.03]
eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8
I fixed this time (I hope...) the annoying bug with the smaller download rate.
I would like as well to define a few new rules. Please, before reporting a bug here:
- Check if the bug is not a commun to the eMule v0.26b (Bug Reports)
- Check if the bug as not already by fixed with a newer version
... and try to provide all the usefull information.
Binaries: http://emulemaella.free.fr/Download/...8-binaries.rar
ed2k://|file|eMule0.26d.Maella.v2.0.beta8-binaries.rar|800987|4fa104f0b8ca1ea7d0592bdb561120 70|/
Sources: http://emulemaella.free.fr/Download/...a8-sources.zip
ed2k://|file|eMule0.26d.Maella.v2.0.beta8-sources.zip|906240|6073182dc05a52f69f195b7711157fd 6|/
Homepage: http://emulemaella.free.fr/ (empty for the moment)
1. [FAF] -Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements-
For the users of analog modem (e.g. 56k), the bandwidth can be set with an increment of 0.1 [KB/s].
2. [patch] -Small latency-
The basic perdiod has been reduce from 100 ms to 50 ms.
This lower period help to have a better control of the bandwidth.
3. [patch] -New bandwidth control-
Both the controls for the upload and download datarate have been fully rewritten.
It should allow a smoother use of the bandwidth resources and a lower ping.
It corrects the bug of the Patch#5 (v0.26c only) that avoid a user to change its setting to a unlimitted download.
Attention: the upload limit should not be set to 'unlimited'
4. [patch] -Accurate measure of bandwidth: IP, TCP or UDP, eDonkey protocol, etc-
The complet measure of the bandwidth has been rewritten.
The computing of the bandwidth is proceed only once per second.
It should be much more accurate (almost real-time, average value for the last 2 seconds) and use less CPU time (based Ottavio84).
The overhead includes the IP overhead (partially), TCP and UDP overhead, eDonkey overhead + control. The measure is done at the Socket's interface.
New curves have been added to the graphics to display the 'Overall-current', 'Current', 'Average-minute' and 'Average-session' datarate.
5. [patch] -New Save/load Sources- enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)
This patch saves 10 sources per downloaded file.
The sources have an expiration of 3 days.
The sources are saved in the .txtsrc files, that are text and so human-readable.
6. [patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference- (Tarod)
Now when Disable Exchanging Sources is active sources are not sent nor asked.
Users with a low bandwidth should better let the exchange source disabled.
7. [patch] -Overhead compensation (pseudo full rate control)-
This is the most experimental part of this mode.
It could be enabled/disabled in the preference.
When activated, the upload/downloads limits applied to the full bandwidth (data + overhead).
The upload/download control tries to compensate the measured overhead.
8. [patch] -General Code Improvement-
Divers code improvement to reduce the cpu load. Most of these changes have been reported in the Forum of the emule project
9. [fix] -Downloadlistctrl-
Fix a bug of the official release 'Sources are sometimes not displayed or displayed under the wrong file'.
This fix is still experimental.
10. [patch] -MTU Configuration-
The MTU can not be configured with the preferences.(See http://www.hms.com)
11. [patch] -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb)
Check if a received packet is not a fake. A packet and the source are rejected in two conditions:
- A packet is filled with the same pattern (e.g. only with zero)
- The compression factor is too high (>5x) for this kind of file (e.g. zip, rar, ace, mp3, ogg, jpg).
With some kind of file "*.nrg", it could be necessary to disabled this test in preferences.
12. [patch] -AntiCrash/AntiFake handling- (Vorlost/Mortillo)
Check the name of an Hello packet to avoid a crash.
Known bug
Upload limit should not be set to 'unlimited'
New sources could still be added to a completing file
To do
- Add support for 'Unlimited' upload
- Change the management of the upload slot
- Clean-up this change-log...
- March 1st, 2003
- v2.0 beta8 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix-patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference-
- March 1st, 2003
- v2.0 beta7 (base on official client v0.26d)
[patch] -Better Compatibility With Hybrid- (bluecow)
[fix-patch] -New bandwidth control- fix poor download limit
- February 27th, 2003
- v2.0 beta6 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix-patch] -New bandwidth control- fix source of possible crash
- February 27th, 2003
- v2.0 beta5 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix] -Check For New Version- (bluecow)
[patch] -MTU Configuration-
[patch] -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb)
[patch] -AntiCrash/AntiFake handling- (Vorlost/Mortillo)
[fix-patch] -New bandwidth control-
- February 22th, 2003
- v2.0 beta4 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix] -Downloadlistctrl-
- February 20th, 2003
- v2.0 beta3 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix] -Downloadlistctrl-
[fix+patch] -General Code Improvement-
- February 18th, 2003
- v2.0 beta2 (base on official client v0.26d)
[fix] -Downloadlistctrl-
[fix] -Mixed upload/download rate in the detail dialog-
[patch] -General Code Improvement-
- February 16th, 2003
- v2.0 beta1 (base on official client v0.26d)
[FAF] -Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements-
[patch] -Small latency-
[patch] -New bandwidth control-
[patch] -Accurate measure of bandwidth-
[patch] -EMSocket with lower copy overhead-
[patch] -New Save/load Sources- enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)
[patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference- (Tarod)
[patch] -Overhead compensation (pseudo full rate control)-
[fix] -Memory Leak In Preference-
Please Reports bugs here.
PS: sorry for my english
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2. March 2003, 17:01
#2 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 24.02.2003
Beiträge: 11
| Re: eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8 [02.03.03] Wie wäre es mal in Deutsch *lol*
Das wäre doch mal ne erfindung oder ?
Sorry aber mich regt es fürchterlich auf das alles in english gepostet wir obwohl wir in Deutschland leben , wo es noch menschen gibt die es nicht so mit dem English haben .
mfg Powi
Werd Ihn aber trotzdem mal testen
__________________ Manchmal ist weniger halt mehr. *g* |
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2. March 2003, 17:11
#3 | Board-Äffchen !
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563
| eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8 [02.03.03] Details ich sach ma so unter Dresdenern. der, der den mod macht, ist nicht immer n deutscher. und wenn du nix zu tun hast, kannst ja gerne übersetzen. gl & hf
ps. irgenwie fehlt da in der changelog das für dei beta8 |
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2. March 2003, 22:15
#4 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| Lösung: eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8 [02.03.03] hat denn den schon jemand getestet??? |
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3. March 2003, 08:55
#5 | V.I.P.
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033
| eMule 0.26d Maella v2.0 beta8 [02.03.03] [gelöst] @NaP
Hab die Änderungen der beta8 ergänzt.
Hatte das Teil jetzt mal 1 Tag und 18h laufen, scheint ganz gut zu laufen, leidet für meine Begriffe aber etwas an Feature-Armut (zumindest vermisse ich die Sivka-Features ) Tut aber tapfer seinen Dienst, kein Grund zur Klage. Schön finde ich, das der Overhead mit einer eigenen Kurve in den Statistiken auftaucht (genaugenommen gibt es eine Kurve data+overhead, also das, was Emule tatsächlich an Bandbreite verbraucht). |
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3. March 2003, 12:12
#6 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 16.01.2003
Beiträge: 7
| Was ich nicht verstehen kann das man immer noch kein Englisch, heute in der Gesellsschaft ist es eigentlich pflicht besonders im Berufleben wenn man weiterkommen will ... tz tz tz
__________________ |
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4. March 2003, 18:25
#7 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 09.02.2003
Beiträge: 22
| Was heist, macht eigentlcih MTU & auf was sollte man es stellen ?? |
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