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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 16. December 2002, 00:17   #1
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366
Standard: eMule v0.23b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.23 Problem: eMule v0.23b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.23

hi... hörte sich ganz gut an:

Version 0.23


ed2k://|file|emule-v23b[SlugFiller-VQB]-v0.23src.rar|841386|f45f49eb2a214fd59478e13e9a761e 2a|/|sources,|/


[1] Check diskspace v1.1:
* Verifies all non-paused downloads have enough room in the temp partition to finish.
* If there isn't enough room, downloads are paused so that the remaining downloads do have enough room. Files with lower priority are more likely to be paused in favor of higher priority files. Files paused this way have a status of "Insufficient diskspace".
* Whenever a download is paused, resumed, stopped, or has it's priority changed, the free disk space is rechecked to see if previously paused files can be resumed, or new ones paused because of the current non-manually-paused downloads changing.
* v1.1: Rechecks the free diskspace every 15 minutes, just in case the free disk space on the temp partition has changed(files copyed, created, deleted, etc).

[2] Share with subdirectories v2:
* When a directory is shared, all of it's subdirectories are shared as well.
* Only the root directory is saved in the dat files, the subdirectories are rescanned every time the shared files are reloaded or refreshed. As a result, the dat file is smaller than one where all the subdirectories are shared manually, and if a shared directory's subdirectories change(renamed, created, deleted, etc), the change will be detected the next time the shared files are refreshed.
* v2: To share a directory with subdirectories hold the ctrl key, otherwise the directory is shared without it's subdirectories.
* v2: Directories shared with subdirectories are now saved in a seperate dat file. The subdirectories themselves are still not shared.
* v2: Once a directory is shared with subdirectories you cannot unshare/reshare any of it's subdirectories, and the checkbox next to them disappears.
* v2: The incoming directory is shared with subdirectories by default and doesn't have a checkbox(cannot be unshared).
* v2: You can now share files from network shares without having to map them to a drive first.

[3] Adjustable connections per five seconds:
* eMule 0.23 introduced a features which limits how many connections can be made every 5 seconds, so routers aren't flooded due to too many connections in too little time. However, the official client doesn't allow changing the limit. Now you can set whichever limit you choose.

[4] Transfer whole chunk:
* Upload slot cycling is set to cycle only after 9.28MB(the size of a complete chunk) were sent, so that anyone downloading will get at least one chunk complete and be able to hash it and reshare.

[5] Push small files v1.1:
* Files under 1 chunk get a priority boost in inverse ratio to their size. A 1 chunk file(or above) gets no boost, and a 9.28k(1/1000 chunk) file(and below) gets the maximal boost of times 1000.
* v1.1: Small file boost can be seen

[6] Release priority v1.1:
* The highest shared files upload priority for complete files can now be set to times 50.
* v1.1: You can now select it in a seperate menu item from the old highest value of times 5. For part files this option is grayed.
* v1.1: The menu item for times 5 was modified from "Highest" to "Higher".

[7] Save known.met:
* Known met is saved after every upload is complete to preserve statistics in case of crash.

[8] Too many connections distribution over time:
* Retries for connection requests with too many connections are now spread more randomly over time rather than having them retry in the same order as before all at the same time, so different connections have a chance to retry each time, and there isn't an instant peak in retries.
* Based on the patch by Dwono.

infos von: http://www.emule-project.net/en/viewtopic.php?t=13504

sorry wegen dem dateinamen kann ich kein link erstellen

...sometimes i feel like a fool, 'coz i'm so uncool - forgive me...
Pink_Frog ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16. December 2002, 08:17   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 08.12.2002
Beiträge: 184

Schon angetestet?

Nullman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16. December 2002, 13:29   #3
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366
Standard: eMule v0.23b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.23 eMule v0.23b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.23 Details

nein... aber die teuerkom schmeisst mich in ca.4 std. raus, da könnte man mal überlegen das zu testen


...sometimes i feel like a fool, 'coz i'm so uncool - forgive me...
Pink_Frog ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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