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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 22. March 2003, 09:45   #1
Registriert seit: 11.12.2002
Beiträge: 716
Standard: eMule v0.27a BadWolf STN Problem: eMule v0.27a BadWolf STN


BadWolf: Here is my latest work. It is not too much different from the previous 0.27a Badwolf, i've added only the fixed ratio. I know that STN (Save The Net) mod will be not too much popular, cause the 1:4 up/down ratio for everyone (and it is a real ratio, based on how you're uploading at the moment), but i think it's more fair like this, and from now on all my next MODS will have this.

who will be so brave to use it?

-MTU control (thanks to maella)
-night shift
-2 upload options (normal & releaser)
Normal: try to give to every opened slot the same amount of bandwith
Releaser: tryi to give the max to a single slot reserving at least 1k/sec for every other opened slot.
-DL:UL Ratio 4:1

ed2k://|file|emule0.27a-BadWolfSTN2-binaries.zip|1056665|079c56e8b171b39471b7cd0087e4e cc5|/
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