Unk: Fixed possible crash with Comment packet.
Unk: Recheck unzip size to avoid problems. (emarc)

atch to enable folderselection when no C: is on system
Ornis:Fixed seek-failures on large files [gabest]
Ornis: Added Webserver Control Panel [based on Kuchin], with changed/added:
-Progressbars with colored part-display!
-various style changes/corrections
-datasizes better casted
-additional preferences: set connectionlimits, sourcesperfile, new connections per 5 seconds, and 2 file settings
-Two access profiles: Admin(full power) & Guest (only watch)
-Fixed incompatiliby of control images concerning Opera & old Mozilla
-Fixed security bug, concerning sessionID creation
-Add log-message of Logins & Logouts
VQB: Eliminated just created ed2k links prompting to add links from clipboard
Unk: A previous version or mod seems to have set a clients hash to all 0. eMule now verifies your hash at startup and resets it if required.
Unk: UDP only use clients IP for finding the sender.. It now checks for UDP port also to make sure it finds the correct object..
Unk: Double update in Known Client List fixed. (JustusJonas)
Ornis:Cancel downloads of a category are now prompted first
Unk: Disabling queue list bug.
Unk: Source Exchange updated to include the users hash to help prevent multiple clients.
Unk: Client Details bug.
Unk: Fixed a bug that didn't upldate last seen if a client in your queue only used UDP.
Unk: Added localization to the Known Client List.
Unk: Fixed a bug where a source could get stuck in the Asking state forever.
Ornis:Adding same ed2k-file multiple times via weblink was possible when eMule was not running
Ornis:You can now enable loggin the verbose-log to disk, without display it in serverwindow
Ornis: Fix: Versionstats for the Hybridversion now visible
Ornis: Foldercount fixed when sending package SHAREDDIRS
Ornis: Fixed: decision about zipping a package was made case sensitive - not anymore
Ornis: Download-Tooltip corrected (one info was gone)
Orins: Fixed: Sending commands to categories handles "show all unassigned" now