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-   -   eMule0.27c.Maella.v3.0.Alpha2 (http://www.emule-web.de/board/2497-emule0-27c-maella-v3-0-a.html)

malla 4. April 2003 10:13


Binaries: http://www.skatertod.de/emule/Maella...2-binaries.rar

Sources: http://www.skatertod.de/emule/Maella...a2-sources.zip




1. [FAF] -Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements-

For the users of analog modem (e.g. 56k), the bandwidth can be set with an increment of 0.1 [KB/s].

2. [patch] -Small latency-

The basic perdiod has been reduce from 100 ms to 50 ms.
This lower period help to have a better control of the bandwidth.

3. [patch] -New bandwidth control-

Both the controls for the upload and download datarate have been fully rewritten.
It should allow a smoother use of the bandwidth resources and a lower ping.
It corrects the bug of the Patch#5 (v0.26c only) that avoid a user to change its setting to a unlimitted download.
Attention: the upload limit should not be set to 'unlimited'

4. [patch] -Accurate measure of bandwidth: IP, TCP or UDP, eDonkey protocol, etc-

The complet measure of the bandwidth has been rewritten.
The computing of the bandwidth is proceed only once per second.
It should be much more accurate (almost real-time, average value for the last 2 seconds) and use less CPU time (based Ottavio84).
The overhead includes the IP overhead (partially), TCP and UDP overhead, eDonkey overhead + control. The measure is done at the Socket's interface.
New curves have been added to the graphics to display the 'Overall-current', 'Current', 'Average-minute' and 'Average-session' datarate.

5. [patch] -New Save/load Sources- enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)

This patch saves 10 sources per downloaded file.
The sources have an expiration of 3 days.
The sources are saved in the .txtsrc files, that are text and so human-readable.

6. [patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference- (Tarod)

Now when Disable Exchanging Sources is active sources are not sent nor asked.
Users with a low bandwidth should better let the exchange source disabled.

7. [patch] -Overhead compensation (pseudo full rate control)-

This is the most experimental part of this mode.
It could be enabled/disabled in the preference.
When activated, the upload/downloads limits applied to the full bandwidth (data + overhead).
The upload/download control tries to compensate the measured overhead.

8. [patch] -General Code Improvement-

Divers code improvement to reduce the cpu load. Most of these changes have been reported in the Forum of the emule project

9. [patch] -MTU Configuration-

The MTU can not be configured with the preferences.(See http://www.hms.com)

10. [patch] -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb)

Check if a received packet is not a fake. A packet and the source are rejected in two conditions:
- A packet is filled with the same pattern (e.g. only with zero)
- The compression factor is too high (>5x) for this kind of file (e.g. zip, rar, ace, mp3, ogg, jpg).
With some kind of file "*.nrg", it could be necessary to disabled this test in preferences.

11. [patch] -AntiCrash/AntiFake handling- (Vorlost/Mortillo)

Check the name of an Hello packet to avoid a crash.

12. [patch] -MiniDump/CrashRpt-

The CrashRpt.dll is OPTIONAL and may work only with XP.
Its purpose is to generate a Minidump file (< 50kB) during a crash.
This Minidump could be then used with the emule.pdb (generated during compilation) to locate the faulty line of code.
To use this dll, it must be first copied in the same directory als eMule.exe.
For details see (http://www.codeproject.com/debug/crash_report.asp)

13. [patch] -download Stops Prematurely- (jicxicmic)

In the case of the rarest part, it's important to focus on only one part to complete as quick and possible (and so to become a new source for it)
For the already widely available parts, it's better to spread the requests over all available parts => avoid a premature download stop

- already requested rarest chuncks => priority 1 (highest)
- rarest chunks => priority 2
- first/last movie chuncks => priority 2~3 (optional)
- Unfinished chuncks => priority 4
- Unasked chuncks (rand) => priority 5
- already requested rarest chuncks (rand) => priority 6 (lowest)

14. [patch] -Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55- (Statik)

Use the universal mod identifier.

15. [patch] -Minimum Upload Slot-

The minimum number of upload slot can be configured with the preference (range 2..4)

Known bug

Upload limit should not be set to 'unlimited'
New sources could still be added to a completing file

To do

- Add support for 'Unlimited' upload
- Change the management of the upload slot
- Clean-up this change-log...

- March 31st, 2003
- v3.0 Alpha2 (base on official client v0.27c)

[fix] -Client Detail dialog => remove version-
[fix] -Stop Share Corrupt Parts other Clients- (Slugfiller/STORMIT)
[fix] -Divers small fix-

[patch] -New setting panels => Tweaks II-
[patch] -Filter SND RCV sources verbose message-
[patch] -Filter Source Exchange SND RCV sources verbose message-
[patch] -Display number clients on queue-

- March 30th, 2003
- v3.0 Alpha1 (base on official client v0.27c)

1. [FAF] -Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements-
2. [patch] -Small latency-
3. [patch] -New bandwidth control-
4. [patch] -Accurate measure of bandwidth: IP, TCP or UDP, eDonkey protocol, etc-
5. [patch] -New Save/load Sources- enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)
6. [patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference- (Tarod)
7. [patch] -Overhead compensation (pseudo full rate control)-
8. [patch] -General Code Improvement-
9. [patch] -MTU Configuration-
10. [patch] -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb)
11. [patch] -AntiCrash/AntiFake handling- (Vorlost/Mortillo)
12. [patch] -MiniDump/CrashRpt-
13. [patch] -download Stops Prematurely- (jicxicmic)
14. [patch] -Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55- (Statik)
15. [patch] -Minimum Upload Slot-


[fix] -Roll back IPFilter from v0.26c-
[fix] -Memory Leak In Preference-

[patch] -Limited DebugLine-
[patch] -Reask for file- (enkeyDEV(Ottavio84))
[patch] -support For Winxp Colorscheme "silver"- (bluecow)
[patch] -Enhancing Source Finding By Using Friends- (bluecow)

Harvey 4. April 2003 11:39

nach http://www.emule-project.net/board/i...ST&f=15&t=5960 ist bereits 3.0 Beta 4 draussen.

RuZap 5. April 2003 19:51

und wo gibbet die??

Frank 5. April 2003 20:53

Binaries: eMule0.27c.Maella.v3.0.Beta5-binaries.rar
Sources: eMule0.27c.Maella.v3.0.Beta5-sources.zip
changelog: changelog-Maella.txt


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