new mod
eMule0.28a-[lovelace.10c] Known bugs / todos:
- webserver grafics not displayed
(done) (copy webserver-folder from official binaries)
- download averages (5min/session) are doubled
(done)(already..thought I'd never find that bug)
- show # of known clients
- filestatistics not saved
(done) (can't reproduce error..)
- Anti-Leecher feature too hard (set in source code somewhere +2 instead of +1)
- in statistics connection tab remove first "(1:3)"
- systray toolinfo problem again
- in statistics dialog, "(session)" string has to be removed 2 times
- ul-folder can't be unshared / categories problem
Many, many thanx to LazyMe, aldee, Fr4nkD, lazyme, pinki, burner(pilz), sakjack, jmacksumo and any other for supporting me.
Here are the links: (thank you aldee)
ed2k://|file|eMule0.28a-lovelace.10c-Binaries.rar|1084124|89FB33F280E530AFF8C02B1AB2E97 7E1|/
ed2k://|file|eMule0.28a-lovelace.10c-Sources.rar|1233736|E0164A527E1601C14AC56F8854DA74 40|/
[lovelace] mod important features
-> "AntiCreditTheft" ([lovelace]-mods will detect stolen credits/userhashs. Clients
using stolen userhashs are not able to download from [lovelace]-mods).
-> new credit system (start:1, max:100, min:0.1, ratio:1:1.5, only one formula)
(see also additional folder)
-> "Smart Upload Control v2" (SUCv2) + speed per slot (see also additional folder)
-> "AntiFakeHandling" ([lovelace]-mods use intelligent fake block handling and are
immune against fake block senders - aka Corruption Handling.)
-> not only(!) 1st and last chunks are released (faster releases) (also be sure to
select: "try to download first and last chunks first" to get higher priority
by a releaser's [lovelace]-mod)
-> "AntiCrash" Features, mod should run more stable
Changelog eMule v0.28a [lovelace.10c]
(18.04.03) [lovelace.10c]
+* updated to base eMule v0.28a [lovelace]
* bugfix: AntiLecher/Fake Clients was not working properly with
other clients than emules [lovelace]
* fixed new creditsys to work with 64bit numbers [lovelace]
* small fixes
(17.04.03) [lovelace.10b], don't use this, contains bug
+ only added khaos stats, but was work enough for 10b ;o) [khaos]
* transfer forever bug fixed (thx dcethe) [lovelace]
* part Files Sometimes Too Big [cyberpat92]
+ AntiLecher/Fake Clients (eMule v.90 etc.) [lovelace]
(16.04.03) [lovelace.10a]
* bug: always sorting by priority, (thx Ice1972) [lovelace]
+ lovelace mod icon in downloadlist was not displayed [lovelace]
+ uploaded/downloaded in uploadqueuelist [LSD]
-+ replaced ICS by jicxicmic's GetNextRequestedBlock()
aka 'download Stops Prematurely' [jicxicmic]
* very small fixes
(14.04.03) [lovelace.10]
+ Intelligent-Chunck-Selection (ICS)(incl. new emule protocol tag)[enkeyDEV]
* minimize rehashing of files [taab/jicxicmic]
+ view uploaded blocks in downloadbar [drLSD]
+* stop sharing corrupt parts to other clients [stormit/slugfiller]
* shared files loaded multiple times [khaos]
+ mod icon in queuelists [lovelace]
* increased release priority [lovelace]
* raised waterlevel push effect [lovelace]
* AntiCreditTheft doesn't send messages anymore (official doesn't send either) [lovelace]
* Vorlost AntiFilesharing0.3 was too hard and also applied to all clients
whose userhash was stolen (fixed) [lovelace]
-+ exchanged degus' webserver (which was looking nicer) with kuchin's webserver
(which has official support). [lovelace]
* memleaks by [bluecow]
+ some little changes in design ;o) [lovelace]
(29.03.03) [lovelace.9b][fix]
* on exit crash [lovelace]
* view known clients list crash [lovelace]
* (unknown) up/down-stats saved to credits [lovelace]
* clients.met was almost deleted [lovelace][fix]
(28.03.03) [lovelace.9a]
+* fixed hole in AntiCreditTheft, rewrote code [lovelace]
* maxdownload in preferences was behaving strange (thx Ice1972) [lovelace]
* A4AF Status wasn't reloaded after restart (thx Ice1972) [lovelace]
+ AntiCreditTheft: only trusted clients (with score-ratio>1) will get
this special yellow icon; also in known clients list. [lovelace]
INFO: There's a client.met cleaning emule flying around. It does nothing else
than taking the incompatible clients.met (from older versions,
lovelace-mods, morph-mod with AntiCreditTheft-Feature, but NOT with actual
morph-mod based on 27c (this will remain incompatible)),
and cleaning them for >27b and then exits. You can get it here:
ed2k://|file||902970 |42C36337ACD0D8E38AFF38930367F003|/
(27.03.03) [lovelace.9]
*+ updated to codebase 27b and 27c [lovelace]
- removed kuchin's Webserver because it uses winsock2
and therefore isn't compatible with LANcast [lovelace]
+ added Degus' Webserver instead [Degus]
+ push small and rare files according to 'water levels' option in prefs [lovelace]
*+ file priority view in shared files list [lovelace]
* compatibility of AntiCreditTheft with new version creditfile.
credits are now divided into two files: main credits "clients.met" and
AntiCreditTheft information "trusted.met" [lovelace]
+ AntiCreditTheft now sends a message to the thief [lovelace]
+ Save/Load Sources (30/3) [Ottavio84]
* MaxDownload for SUC (thx Yun.sf3) [lovelace]
+* source management improved, don't loose received sources [bluecow]
+ Anti-Leecher-Communities/AntiFriendsharing0.3 [Vorlost/MrFaber]
+ Hybrid's OP_END_OF_DOWNLOAD [bluecow]
* limitation of LowID direct upload connects [lovelace]
* sort by priority and expand; 'transferring' fixed (thx Ice1972) [lovelace]
* minor fixes
(21.03.03) [lovelace.8a]
- disabled "kick/ban" feature because it was considered to be bad : ( [lovelace]
* bug in LANcast, it works now : ) [MoRpHeUs]
* bug in LANcast, it really works now ; ) [lovelace]
*+ fixed and updated A4AF [Yun.sf3]
* bug when completing files [Yun.sf3]
* LowID slot management [lovelace]
*+ new established modversion string compatble (tag:0x55," [%s]") [lovelace]
+ small/rare push based on waterlevels [lovelace]
(19.03.03) [lovelace.8] based on official 0.27a
+ new lovelace-"AntiCreditTheft"-feature implemented [lovelace]
+ "AntiFakeHandling" added [lovelace]
+ lovelace credit system added [lovelace]
* fixed filepriority [lovelace]
+ not only(!) 1st and last chunks are released [lovelace]
* changes for lovelace's "1st and last chunks"-release prio [lovelace]
*+ optimized upload slot management [lovelace]
+ upload speed per slot setting [lovelace]
+ SUC v2 implemented [lovelace]
- removed SharedFiles "obtained" statusbar
(because of high CPU usage and some misfunction)
+ added "Waterlevels" instead (less CPU-Usage) [lovelace]
* reask for file after canceled transfer [Ottavio84] modified [lovelace]
* potential spoof bug [sivka/moosetea]
+ reconnect on low ID [Tarod]
+ eMule-Mod identification for (Tarod/Lovelace/Plus/LSD/Oxygen/Morph/Fusion)
(for other mods, who like to update:
[lovelace] mod now sends: 0x77 1 0x90 '%s' //" [lovelace.'%s']")
+ GetClientSoftText()+ClientVersion Sorting [lovelace]
+* LowID slots direct add limitation [lovelace]
+ possibility to ban manually (please don't abuse) [lovelace]
+ possibility to kick (please don't abuse) [lovelace]
* Clientlistctrl Localize [LSD]
+ Overwrite Already Downloaded Parts And Chunk (Fake Block) [emarc]
* loading preferences.ini, MaxDownload ratio is not checked [jicxicmic]
* spanish translation error [Gargo00]
* nr. of category directories [bluecow]
+ funny nicknames [xrmb/MoRpH]
+ AntiCrashString/AntiCrashName/AntiFakePort [Vorlost/lovelace]
+ LANcast [MooseTea]
+ Auto-A4AF (enkeydev/sivka/Yun.sf3) [Tarod]
* additional small fixes