Hier ist endlich der neue eWombat Version 0.062 (bugfix und einiges neues)
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eWombat 0.062 based on EMule v0.28a/0.29a
Changes from eWombat 0.061
o USING newer ws2_32.dll (Winsocket Version 2) if avaiable (OS >= Win98SR2)
- mfc-sockets only used old winsock.dll
o Using of Cpu-HighPerformanceCounter as timer for speed-measurement if avaiable (CPU >= Pentium/K6)
o Hide overshares adapted from Slugfiller
- Parts in a file uploaded a certain amount of times more than the least uploaded parts are not revealed to other users.
This is to prevent a case where all the users download the same part and the other parts become less spread.
You can set the amount of times a part has to be uploaded before it's hidden, or disable it
o Progress bar in the shared files list showing how many times was each part of a file uploaded adapted from Slugfiller
- Uses black and blue colors, like the download progress bar. Black means never uploaded, light blue means uploaded a little,
dark blue means uploaded alot.
o Enable/Disable Small File Push Ratio adapted from VQB
- Files under 1 chunk get a priority boost in inverse ratio to their size.
- A 1 chunk file(or above) gets no boost, and a 9.28k(1/1000 chunk) file(and below) gets the maximal boost of times 1000.
- file boost ratio can be seen in an extra column in the upload window.
o rework of upload-queue ('eXtended upload' and 'Automatic Upload Bandwith Control')
- 20% of max. connections are reserved for upload-queue with active 'spread connections'
o rework of downloadqueue
- Autocleanup is only performed when there are new sources for a file (adapted from eMulePlus)
- active download-files displaying how many sources are not yet asked in []
o Keep ip-filtered clients out of queue adapted from Harvey56
o experimental settings only set to default after restart if they are lower then defaults (thanks to Mr.Blonde)
o added 'prefer first and last chunk' to the individual file settings (thanks to Mr.Blonde)
o new description for experimental settings (thanks to Usul)
o manual set all shared files to low-priority except files with release-priority (thanks to MxM)
o support non-ip ed2k download links adapted from Slugfiller (thanks to Odinasgardson)
o support non-ip ed2k server links adapted from eMulePlus/Netwolf
o S.N.A.F.U. slightly improved
- Detected leecher clients can now be kicked from downloadqueue too.
- now blocks message-flooding from banned mods
o Added TCP/IP Settings
- connection timeout (the time a socket trys to establish a connections)
- send/receive data timeout (the time without sending or receiving data a socket is closed)
o support for incoming OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID adapted from Maella
o Mod Version via MOD_VERSION tag is shown after client-version
o CompareClients first checks by ip:port so that the same ip:port can't be at queue twice (adapted from NoamSom)
Bugfixes from eWombat 0.061
o fixed: SafeHash can crash eWombat on startup
o fixed: manual cleanup only deletes 10 sources
o fixed: sometimes incompatible *.met files
- float-tags are not written due to compatibility with other eMule versions/mods
o fixed: shared-files statistics could be initialisized with ugly values
- Added 'Reset this file statistics' to eliminate saved ugly values
o fixed: A4AF Handling
o fixed: sending only one instead of two TCP packets of 1300 (2*1300) at the same time
o Removed: 'Accurate speed measurement adapted from BadWolf(Ottavio84) (<=eMule029a)' due to trouble with
'eXtended Upload' and 'AUBWC'
ToDo for 0.063:
o Adding new eMule0.29b RSA secure identification system (against userhash "stealing")
o Rework of the 100ms Timer to avoid 'High CPU-Usage trouble' which causes incorrect speedmeasurement and
can interrupt upload/download queue (many connection timeouts)
eWombat 0.061 (HOTFIX) based on EMule v0.28a/0.29a
Bugfixes from eWombat 0.061
o fixed: spread connection to avoid high 'too many connection' now working an can be enabled/disabled
- trys to avoid high 'too many coonections' and gives every file a change to connect to the sources during
timeslots of 1 second depending on the files priority
o fixed: Fixed source exchanged sending IDs instead of IPs apapted from Slugfiller-VQB
o fixed: Recheck needed parts when known needed parts finished downloading adapted from Ottavio84-VQB
o fixed: saving statistic-values also to the preferences.ini in the main directory to avoid problems
with onlinesig tools (for some of these tools you must also rename the eWombat.exe to eMule.exe)
eWombat 0.060 based on EMule v0.28a/0.29a
Changes from eWombat 0.056
o S.N.A.F.U. (AntiCreditTheft2/eXtended AntiLeecher)
- Detected leecher clients will be banned and can be manually kicked from uploadque or can be unbanned
- Not based on AntiCommunity-Strings
o SafeHash adapted from slugfiller
o Accurate speed measurement adapted from BadWolf(Ottavio84) (<=eMule029a)
o A4AF Handling adapted from sivka/eMule
- Manual swap all A4AF to this file"
- Manual swap all A4AF To other files
- Auto swap all A4AF to a selected file
- automatic swaps no needed part clients to other files (<=eMule)
o Cleanup Queue Menu Added
- Manual drop NoNeedSource, FullQueueSource, QR>max(changeable) Source and Unknown Sources
o individual file preferences
- For every file in downloadqueue cleanup-values and MaxSources are changeable
- If not changed they'll use the main-preferences
o New/Cleaned preferences tabs: eWombat upload, eWombat download, eWombat settings
o moved files preferences.* to config\eWombat.* and adresses.dat,ipfilter.dat,shareddir.dat, webservices.dat to config\*.*
o DrawStatusBar slightly improved and fixed
o additional blackbox-release with extended error-reports (if you want to help me finding bugs)
Bugfixes from eWombat 0.056/EMule 0.28a
o fixed: Flushing On Part Completion To Avoid Corruption (adapted from skynetman)
O fixed: Corrupted Upload Client List In Cknowfile, can cause crash or bad obtainedpart data (adapted from zegzav)
o fixed: download Stops Prematurely (adapted from jicxicmic)
o fixed: catching crashs when using 'gethostbyname' with third party winsock DLLs (<=eMule029a)
o fixed: little Bug in ProxyLayer for ASyncSocketEx
o fixed: some float to int conversions (<=eMule0.29a)
o adapted exeption-handling from eMule0.29a
ToDo for 0.070:
o Statistik and onlinesig PlugIn
o SMS (sending/receiving messages)
o avoiding connenction peaks
o individual selectable tempdir for files in downloadqueue
o speed improvments (maybe replacing OnTimer-procedures with real threats)
o friendslist rework
eWombat 0.056 based on EMule v0.28a
Bugfixes from eWombat 0.055
o fixed multiple instances of one source
o fixed loading/saving credits.met
- if credits.met is corrupted eWombat trys to open credits.met.bak
- clients with no credits won't be saved
o fixed 'client's with incrorrect names get std. names'
o possible fix for onlinesig
eWombat 0.055 based on EMule v0.28a
Bugfixes from eWombat 0.050/eMule v0.28a
o MetaTag 4 (floatvalues from Hybrid 0.4
fixed (<= eMule 0.28b)
o Memory leak every time updateing 'server.met' from a URL fixed
o exit eWombat before hash completes fixed
o Show Downloadinfo On Category Tabs fixed
o Added some Exeption-Handling for mysterios eWombat-Crash
o Disconnect from server at exit
Changes from eWombat 0.050
o 'Unlucky Donkey Patch'
*** Non-eMule Clients with a userhash that looks like eMule-userhash
*** are now identified as eDonkey Clients and not eMule Version 0!
o Added remove download-clients with unknown status to automatic/manual Cleanup
o prevent disconnection between uploading chunks if there is no one in queue
o UL-Slot Handling settings rework
o Client's with incrorrect names get std. names
o Client's sending incrorrect Port in Hello-Packet are corrected
ToDO for 0.06:
o Adding helpfile for eWombat settings
o replacing redundant code
o better download-queue handling
eWombat 0.050 based on EMule v0.28a
Changes from eWombat 0.041
o Changed AsyncSocket*** 1.1 to 1.2
o Enhanced Slot Handling
Switch between eWombat UL-Handling and eMule UL-Handling
Enable/Disable 'Automatic Upload Bandwidth Control'
*** eWombat UL-Handling and 'Automatic Upload Bandwidth Control'
*** are disabled if upload-limit is 0 (UNLIMITED)
o Reconnect on LowID
o Small code improvments
o cleandup sourcecode
ToDO for 0.06:
o replacing redundant code
o better download-queue handling
ToDO for 1.00:
o Splitting into several DLL-Files
o Adding COM-Interface (for Plugins)
eWombat 0.041 Bugfix for 0.040
o UL-Slots are fixed
o Fallback to orginal eMule-Creditsystem
o Enable/Disable Creditsystem
o Credits are saved priodical
Importend things ToDO for 005:
o more accurate speed measurement
o reducing file io
eWombat 0.04 based on eMule v0.28a
Changes from eWombat 0.03
o Anti Credit Theft adapted from lovelace
o Anti 0-Filled Parts adapted from lovelace
o Block Friendshare Leecher-Mod Clients
o Credit System modifikation adapted from lovelace
o Sending additional eWombat Version in eMuleInfoPacket
(Just for development purpose)
o Hide Client Version in Download-List
eWombat 0.03 based on eMule v0.28a
o Add Client to friendlist fixed...
o eWombat Preferences Input Field Values fixed...
o Color of MiniStatistik are info- or button-color by settings
Changes from eWombat 0.02
o Minimum/Maximum UL-slots settings
o Experimental:
'Find Sources from Server' Timer Settings
'UDP Packet sent' Timer settings
*** don't set this too low, it wont speed up anything, but it could kill emule or your
*** internetconnection
*** these values are changed to default by every eWombat restart.
eWombat 0.02 based on eMule v0.28a
Changes from eWombat 0.01
o MiniStatistik added
eWombat 0.01 based on eMule v0.28a
Changes from Emule v0.28a:
o Webserver functions eliminated...
o IRC functions eliminated...
o CHAT functions eliminated...
o STATISTIK functions eliminated...
o Small code improvments
Additions to Emule v0.28a:
o Automatic/Manual Cleanup of High Queue Raking Sources, NoNeeded Part Sources and
Full Queue Sources. Prefrences-Dialog for Setting up the Values/Timer for this.
o Changing GetTickCount() to High Resolution Timers
o Fake File Handling
o Leecher Handling
o Automatic A4AF Handling
o Automatic Queue Hard/Soft limits
o Upload Slot Settings
o PlugIn Dlls for Irc/Chat/Statistik and Webserver
o Cleaning up MFC-Code
o Kaaza Protocoll integration