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Alt 21. June 2003, 01:26   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: Overnet 0.49.4 - Horde Feature Problem: Overnet 0.49.4 - Horde Feature

Overnet now with the Horde!!!
6.20.03 - There is a new version on the download page. It includes a new download system called Horde.

Horde makes downloading even faster.
You will join the Horde for a file you are downloading. You will then find other users that are also in the Horde and partner with them. This means that you will each send parts of the file to each other until it is complete. This way you work closely with other people that are also downloading the file to complete it together. The Horde will work together to ensure that the file is downloaded as fast as possible to everyone.

Horde is the leech killer.
When you download in a Horde you are always seeking partners that give you the best speeds. Since everyone is doing this, those that have the highest upload speeds will also get the highest download speeds. If you don't upload then you wont find people to partner with you so your downloads will be sluggish. With Horde the more you give the more you will receive.

Important Note: Once you move your temp files to 0.49 they can't be loaded by older versions.

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Ähnliche Themen: Overnet 0.49.4 - Horde Feature

  1. Feature Requests
    Xtreme MOD - 19. August 2019 (409)
  2. Really need UPNP feature !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mülltonne - 4. June 2006 (2)
  3. Erweiterung des Feature, Schnellstart
    eMule MOD - Development - 5. September 2005 (32)
  4. Feature gewünscht
    eMule MOD - Development - 22. June 2005 (0)
  5. Feature Wishlist
    eMule MOD - Development - 6. February 2005 (24)
  6. Horde und gezieltes Chunksharing
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 10. December 2004 (3)
  7. Neues Server-Feature
    Allgemeines OffTopic - 19. November 2004 (0)
  8. Horde Modus
    eMule MOD - Development - 12. July 2004 (7)
    eMule MOD - Development - 1. November 2003 (6)
  10. eDonkey 'Horde' Details?
    Board-Kneipe 'Laberecke' - 15. August 2003 (1)
  11. Ne Idee als Feature...
    eMule Signatur - 30. January 2003 (5)

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