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Alt 28. July 2003, 20:22   #391
Advanced Member
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Ja das ist klar. Wollte nur mal ausprobieren ob der MOD auch bei mir nach 10-20Minuten mit 20kB/s zieht!!
Theorie ist wenn man alles weiß und nichts klappt!

Praxis ist wenn alles funktioniert und keiner weiß, warum!
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Alt 28. July 2003, 20:31   #392
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
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wenn überhaupt sowas vorkommt, dann ist es reine glückssache, es gibt auch clients, die etwas mehr als standart-dsl haben!


fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 28. July 2003, 20:51   #393
Board Profi
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wenn überhaupt sowas vorkommt, dann ist es reine glückssache, es gibt auch clients, die etwas mehr als standart-dsl haben!

Da muss ich wieder Sprechen leider.

Obwohl ich seit Kurtzen mehr Speed habe.

Selbst mit 768/128 Hatte ich innerhalb der ersten 10 - 15 Minuten einen Down von 15 - 20 k und nach 30 Minuten bereits 20 - 40 k

zuletzt mit Morph 8f

und mit dem Neuen Speed Super Down mit der 8f doch mit der 8g fast nichts.

Schon Komisch

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Alt 28. July 2003, 21:02   #394
Benutzerbild von Xman
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ich denk schon auch, daß es reine Glücksache ist. Und wie das auch beim Würfeln ist, es kann auch passieren, daß Du 6 * 6 hintereinander hast
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Alt 28. July 2003, 21:03   #395
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Also bei mir hat es leider nicht geklappt. Werde den Mod aber trotzdem mal weiter laufen lassen....

Theorie ist wenn man alles weiß und nichts klappt!

Praxis ist wenn alles funktioniert und keiner weiß, warum!
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Alt 29. July 2003, 18:01   #396
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

so, schon wieder eine neue version: eMule 0.29b morph 1a!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 29. July 2003, 18:13   #397
Benutzerbild von Xman
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Mußt schon genau sagen wie der neue Morph heißt:
MorphNext 1a

Next Generation wohl.. WOW, das klingt nach einem Quatensprung
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Alt 29. July 2003, 18:16   #398
Benutzerbild von MoD
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Und wo bekommt man die "Next Generation"?

Ich habe noch keinen neuen Post dazu im Forum gesehen.

Barton 3,2 GHz + (FSB 400), Epox 8KRA2+, ATI Radeon X850XT, 2 GB Ram PC-3200 (MDT CL 2,5), Festplatten: WD 800JB und eine WD 1600JD , Win XP Pro incl. Serv.-Pck. 2, T-DSL 3000

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Alt 29. July 2003, 18:20   #399
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Gibt's direkt bei Sourceforge:
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Alt 29. July 2003, 20:29   #400
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.014

Das ist :

eMule 29c MorphNext 1a : bin

eMule 29c MorphNext 1a : source

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext 1a
FIXED: Some little fix/tweaks [IceCream/SiRoB]
NOTES: The final version of the MorphNext Beta stage ! Thx to all of the beta-testers !

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta15
ADDED: Option to Boost Friends (x1.5) [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Option to use official or ZZ ratio system [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Option to Boost the less uploaded files of the session [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Show complete user-hash in the my info window (near the server tab) [IceCream]
ADDED: New management of the rating icons with 5 differents icons (eMule PLUS rating icons) [IceCream]
ADDED: The system icons (avi, mp3, rar ...) are now shown in the download list like in the shared list [IceCream]
TWEAKED: Second step in the preview of Music file [IceCream]
TWEAKED: SpreadBar Optimisation [SiRoB]
CHANGED: New Scope Statistic [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta14
ADDED: Update ipfilter.dat [Yun.SF3]
FIXED: Some bugfix in the shared file list [IceCream/SiRoB]
FIXED: Informations "Lost to Corruption" and "Gained by compression" in file details are now right for new file [SiRoB]
FIXED: Correted the A4AF counter per file [SiRoB]
FIXED: Corrected some information in the auto/quick feedback feature [IceCream]
CHANGED: Credit system, more strong and only for secured clients [Yun.SF3]
CHANGED: SUC Default Setting to (900/600/3000/50) [Yun.SF3/SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta12
ADDED: Latest ZZ Patch 20030724-0336 [SiRoB]
ADDED: Added the auto/quick feedback feature, available by a right click on a file ine the download list [IceCream]
FIXED: Improved leecher detection with double-check, before enter in queue and before enter in upload slot [IceCream]
FIXED: Some others little fix/tweaks [IceCream/SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated the Leecher/Spammer mod list [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta11
ADDED: Boost for the less uploaded files [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: ReAsk Server for new Sources [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Storing ED2K link in Save Source files, To recover corrupted met by skynetman [IceCream]
ADDED: Added the option to change the eMule process to high priority, usefull if you use heavy softwares or games during eMule session [IceCream]
FIXED: Added title for the new column in the server list [IceCream]
FIXED: First try to avoid the "eMule:an invalid argument was encountered" bug [IceCream]
FIXED: Hotfix by HoaX_69 to avoid the double hash of a file in the share list [IceCream]
FIXED: Hotfix by Maella about Failed Upload Session Count [IceCream]
CHANGED: Complete source count feature v0.06 to v0.06a by zegzav [Yun.SF3]
CHANGED: Credit System always activated [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Enchanced Systray Popup [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta10
ADDED: Remote Status in UploadListCtrl [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Total Upload/Download from LSD [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Requested Files From Sivka [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Saving of multisorting parameters [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: A4AF counter per user, ahead of user nickname From Sivka [IceCream]
ADDED: A4AF counter per file, in the sources column From Sivka [IceCream]
ADDED: A4AF filenames, shown in status column From Sivka [IceCream]
FIXED: Several bug that cause a problem during the connection to a server [IceCream]
FIXED: Remanage the A4AF by Khaos to be compatible with the A4AF counter by Sivka [IceCream]
FIXED: Implementation of Latest ZZ patch 20030718-2005 [SiRoB]
FIXED: ED2K link with source Khaos v14.6 Tempory Patch [SiRoB]
FIXED: Defeat 0-filled Part Senders log message is now more understandable [IceCream]
CHANGED: SUC start with middle range(i.e.:[min+max]/2) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: The min up for the SUC is now 2 in systray too [IceCream]
CHANGED: Update of the Defeat 0-filled Part Senders From Maella [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29c MorphNext Beta9
MERGED: Code merged to 29c [SiRoB]
ADDED: Hotfix for the friend/co-releasers slot in case the client was no more connected [IceCream/SiRoB]
ADDED: xrmb patch for showing in a download's progress bar how much of what was downloaded was already completed and hashed. Slightly modified code [IceCream]
ADDED: xrmb patch for seeing which chunks do sources need from you in the sources status bar [IceCream]
ADDED: Inactive downloads(Paused, error, etc...) have gray-faded status bars, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: The incomplete side of the progress bar has marks for where chunks start and end, by SlugFiller [ICeCream]
ADDED: Multi-sorting column, if you sort a list by one column, then by another, the order of the sorting will be remembered, and when the items change it will fit the same order of sorting instead of just the last, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: Clients on your download queue that have you on their upload queue with a credits mark now have a star on it [IceCream]
ADDED: You can now see you own UL/DL modifier in a client details next to the client's UL/DL modifier(In brackets) [IceCream]
ADDED: There is now a progress bar nammed "SPREAD BAR v1.2" in the shared files list showing how many times was each part of a file uploaded, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADED : The SPREAD BAR uses black and blue colors, like the download progress bar. Black means never uploaded, light blue means uploaded a little, dark blue means uploaded alot, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: These statistics of the SPREAD BAR are now saved in the known.met file, using a similar format to the saving of gaps in a part.met file, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: Option than verifies all non-paused downloads have enough space to finish, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: You can see which files have comments set in the Shared Files with comment icons, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: Max Upload limit is now accessible near the min SUC upload preferency [SiRoB]
ADDED: If multiple files are selected while entering a new comment, the new comment is applied to all of them, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by bluecow about the 2 GB file limit [IceCream]
FIXED: Khaos patch Counter Source not decreased [SiRoB]
FIXED: Revamped multiple aspects of downloadlist sorting, by SlugFiller [IceCream]
FIXED: Now recheck client with "needed parts status" when known needed parts finished downloading, by Ottavio84 [IceCream]
ADDED: Latest ZZ patch + fix [SiRoB]
ADDED: Latest Khaos patch [IceCream]
CHANGED: Complete source count feature v0.05 to v0.06 by zegzav [IceCream]
CHANGED: Remanage the Morph preferences in different class to be more user-friendly [SiRoB/IceCReam]
CHANGED: Display limit for Up/Down Y-Axis is adjusted to gain space [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Credits are only given to secured clients now [Yun.SF3]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta8
ADDED: WebServices Popup Menu Separator Intelligent Detection & Creation [SiRoB]
ADDED: Popup Open File Folder entry [SiRoB]
ADDED: Hotfix by bluecow to avoid some tray icon crash-problem [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by k-man to avoid middle mouse button crash [IceCream]
ADDED: New Systray Popup from Fusion & Fixed [SiRoB]
ADDED: Anti-leecher feature, now with option to activate/desactivate it and icons for leecher banned in queue [IceCream]
ADDED: A First security-check for the leecher which have incorrect version number, they can't enter in the queue but are counted as leecher [IceCream]
ADDED: Statistics for Secured users and for leechers banned [IceCream]
ADDED: First try with the preview of Music file [IceCream]
ADDED: The Save/Load source feature has been improved to keep best source with best Sources Exchanges [IceCream]
ADDED: The file of the saved source are now in a separated directory to clean the "Temp" directory [IceCream]
ADDED: New feature by Khaos which allow the merge of two category [IceCream]
ADDED: Default nick is now the current version of the mod [IceCream]
ADDED: FunnyNick Feature by xmrb are been added to replace the "http://emule-project.net" user-nick [IceCream]
FIXED: Upload limit When we want to lower maxupload with SUC because SUC don't have enough packets to make is job [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update several Khaos features and added some tweaks [IceCream]
MOVED: Moved Khaos Preferences in Morph Preferences [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta7
ADDED: Hotfix by Khaos about the A4AF stacking feature which working now [IceCream]
ADDED: Morph Preference Look like TweakPreference [SiRoB]
ADDED: Smart Upload Control v2 [SiRoB]
ADDED: Debug Log Option for Secured Connection [SiRoB]
ADDED: Debug Log Option for A4AF [IceCream]
ADDED: Option for Defeat 0-filled Part Senders from Maella [IceCream]
CHANGED: Increase the size of the Push Small Files feature from 50KB to 150KB [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta6
FIXED: Correct the bug of the download speed shown in the systray [IceCream]
FIXED: Correct the SystrayBarGraph Color Problem [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Default Statistics Preference Colors [SiRoB/IceCream]
CHANGED: Increase the ZZ uploadload ratio from 1:3 to 1:4 [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta5
FIXED: Ipfilter load and logline at startup is now fixed [IceCream]
FIXED: Hotfix for the ZZ upload patch when an exception can be raised in some case and may crash eMule [IceCream]
FIXED: Correct the bug in the Category Dialog choice, it work now flawlessly [IceCream]
ADDED: No more wizard at launch if you upgrade your Morph version to an other Morph [IceCream]
ADDED: You can launch the mod even if an others emule is already launched, usefull just to take a look [IceCream]
ADDED: Insert missing string in stats for the zz Upload System [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by dpr about the ServerSocket cause memory leak [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by rayita about the Send of packet cause memory leak [IceCream]
ADDED: Change Icons to the orignal Morph-mod icons [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta4
FIXED: Correct several bugs which could make some stability problem [IceCream]
FIXED: Correct again a problem in sources exchanges count [SiRoB]
FIXED: Finally a working fix for the Hard Limit problem [IceCream]
ADDED: Advanced A4AF Modes per Category by Khaos [IceCream]
ADDED: Advanced download category by mask in option edit category by Khaos [IceCream]
NOTES: For the explanation of the Khaos features go on his homepage -> http://www.viewfromthebench.com/stat...os_readme.html

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta3
FIXED: Correct a wrong test for UDPReask in a Khaos function which slow down the upload [IceCream/SiRoB]
FIXED: Correct range and default values for the Save/load Sources [IceCream]
FIXED: Correct a small bug about the A4AF Stacking feature [Yun.SF3/IceCream]
FIXED: Correct a problem of udp request during full connection reached [SiRoB]
FIXED: Correct the problem of the Hard Limit per file which was not respected [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by madium in Webserver about the priority low which was not shown [IceCream]

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta2
ADDED: zz Upload System [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Advanced Statistics by Khaos [IceCream]
ADDED: Download Manager by Khaos [IceCream]
- Start Paused From Same Category
- Setting the Resume Order
- Push Small Files
- Select Category Dialog when a new file is added
- Automatically Resume Files
- Default to Active Category
- Hide Paused filter
- New Category Commands
- Show Category Names in DL
ADDED: Smart A4AF Swapping by Khaos [IceCream]
ADDED: Advanced A4AF Modes by Khaos [IceCream]
- Disabled
- Balancing Mode
- Stacking Mode
ADDED: Dynamic Download Priority by Khaos [IceCream]
ADDED: New Save/load Sources by enkeyDEV [Yun.SF3]
NOTES: For the explanation of the Khaos features go on his homepage -> http://www.viewfromthebench.com/stat...os_readme.html

Changelog for eMule 29b MorphNext Beta1
ADDED: Hotfix by MKThunderStorm about the source exchange compression [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by Elandal about the upload speed indicator [IceCream]
ADDED: Patch by NoamSon about the Compare Clients [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by MightyKnife about a bug in SavePartFile [IceCream]
ADDED: Patch by SlugFiller to allow a SafeDisconnect [IceCream]
ADDED: Patch by k-man to make inline nstrdup() and use less cpu [IceCream]
ADDED: Hotfix by khaos about Statistics can't be restored in 0.29b [IceCream]
ADDED: Patch by Maella about enhanced Chunk Selection/Download Stops Prematurely v1.06 [IceCream]
ADDED: Complete source count feature v0.05 by zegzav [IceCream]
ADDED: Beta-patch from stobo about the download limit may stop downloads, too much slowdown causes timeout [IceCream]
ADDED: Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 II- From Maella [Yun.SF3]
ADDED: Defeat 0-filled Part Senders - From Maella [IceCream]
CHANGED: Transfer full chunk & Secure Identification are now True by default [IceCream]
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Alt 29. July 2003, 20:35   #401
Benutzerbild von Wurstmacher2002
Registriert seit: 16.07.2003
Beiträge: 29

rofl du spätzünder, guck dich ma um !!! (extra thema)
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Alt 29. July 2003, 20:39   #402
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033


dazu gibts hier http://www.emule-web.de/board/viewtopic.php?t=5056 schon einen Thread, bitte Diskussionen dazu dort führen, sonst wirds etwas durcheinander.
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