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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 21. June 2003, 13:47   #1
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 19.04.2003
Beiträge: 38
Standard: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] Problem: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003]

Zitat von cyrex2001
Zitat von mightyknife
Hello all together...

Here is the probably last release of eMule Morph - at least on the old codebase, since MorphNext is under heavy development and will be released soon.

The intention of this release is not to introduce new features but mostly to correct some (more or less crucial) bugs as a last completition, since MorphNext will possibly not contain all of the old features of Morph in the first release - instead of that it will contain totally new ones


Binaries: eMule029b_MoRpH_v8g-binaries.zip bitte mit linksklick!

Sources: eMule029b_MoRpH_v8g-source.zip bitte mit linksklick!

Changelog for eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003]
Changed [MorphNick] to original [FunnyNick] for the FunnyNick Feature [IceCream]
Added much more code to encounter the summertime bug, but still disabled [MightyKnife]
Performed some cleanup [MightyKnife]
Added possibility to disable "New upload slot available" debug message [MightyKnife]
Fixed some german translations [MightyKnife]
Added preview also for music files, first try [IceCream]
Added increased compatibility when importing known.met file from older EMule versions [MightyKnife]
Added a workaround against getting known.met corrupted when upgrading from older EMule versions [MightyKnife]
Fixed possible crash in A4AF handling when canceling a download [MightyKnife]
Changed hashing of unknown .part files from parallel to serial to prevent possible hashing of dozens of files simultaneously [MightyKnife]
Fixed a bug in processing "hello type" TCP-messages which could lead to low-id's [MightyKnife]
Added a bugfix against an error when talking to clients with eF-MOD3b eMule mod (alias "Unknown exception in CClientReqSocket:rocessPacket") [MightyKnife]
Added possibility to disable red highlighting of currently downloading files [MightyKnife]
Added separators to pointlist in Upload-Queue for better readability [MightyKnife]
Changed display of remaining time/size: splitted into two columns [MightyKnife]
Added column "community" to up/down/clientlist to enable sorting for community members [MightyKnife]
Fixed community/friend boost factor: factor 101%..199% was not possible [MightyKnife]
For the explain of each functions, go here :


Sorry that there's no installer available yet, but our developer for the installer is on holidays at the moment.

Credit bug fixed

Changelog for eMule 29b Morph v8f [02.07.2003]
Corrected a mistake which caused Nosologore mod to be banned [milobac]
Fixed don't stop friend slot after time or excess transfert amount [IceCream]
Updated the Leecher/Spammer mod list and again some tweaks/controls [IceCream]
Added command line -more to launch others instances of eMule [IceCream]
Added the FunnyNick Feature by xrmb [IceCream]
Corrected the downloading file in red color even if some columns are removed [IceCream]
Fixed the ask of files shared when a friend slot is establish [IceCream]
Added Hotfix by MKThunderStorm about the source exchange compression [IceCream]
Removed limit of max up per slot [Yun.SF3]
Download: HIER

Finally we have decided to change our way to release our mods ! Better than release several RCx version, we will release more final version instead ... It will allow a better control of the version on the network, a better understanding between us and our users, and more short changelogs between each release. So here it is, the Morph 8e !

It integrate all the news that you start to know now, with some fix and optimisations of the differents features


changelog :

Changelog for eMule 29b Morph v8e [30.06.2003]
Merged to Emule 29b [Morpheus/Yun.sf3/IceCream/SiRoB]
Added a new icon (in green) to see the eMule securised client [IceCream]
Removed the Anti-credit hack from Lovelace [Yun.sf3]
Some tweaks in the Anti-leechers feature [IceCream]
Updated the Leecher/Spammer mod list [IceCream]
Polish and Russian Translation [Manveru/Andrey23]
Auto-update of Ipfilter.dat (thanks to atheistdictionary.com for mirroring and to Syntax's Mule for updating), based on BadWolf's code [milobac]
Updated FakeReport (now more ed2k to paste, link prefilled in the form) [milobac]
Spanish Translation [ajalbendin]
Fixed leecher ban if status change [IceCream]
Added two options for tweaking the download auto priorities [Yun.SF3]
Added Saving of known.met when clicking reload [Yun.SF3]
Re-Added Save the url to update the server.met file [IceCream]
Updated French, Spanish, Italian, German and Brazilian Portuguese translations [milobac/ajalbendin/Ragman/apex/tcmjr]
Added some little tweaks [Yun.SF3]
Added some tweaks to avoid some CPU utilisation problem [IceCream]
Fixed the secure status for "0.29b no-secure" users who change for Morph [IceCream]
Fixed a bug in the save of the partfile [Mighty Knife]
Added auto-update of Fake List [milobac]
Complete new Anti-leecher system which show the leecher banned in queue and a fake "inqueue/rank" is sent to this users [IceCream]
Fixed some problem with special-nick users [IceCream]
Transfering files are now displayed in red [Yun.SF3]
Credits are only counted for "Secured" clients [Yun.SF3]
Added a special icon to identify the leecher in queue [IceCream]
Added a new filter option for categories to hide the paused/stopped files [IceCream]
Added the number of Secured and Leechers client to the Statistics [IceCream]
Added hash bounded friend slots (can be deactivated in pref. dialog) [MightyKnife]
Added community boost factor [MightyKnife]
Added friend boost factor [MightyKnife]
Added minimum upload slots [MightyKnife]
Changed SUC maximum upload is now governed by global maximum upload [MightyKnife]
Added every message in EMule chat window has a time stamp now (can be deactivated in pref. dialog) [MightyKnife]
Added the own userhash is displayed in the status window below the webserver status [MightyKnife]
Added activities in the friendlist can be logged (can be toggled in pref. dialog) [MightyKnife]
Added file hasining activities can be logged (can be toggled in pref. dialog) [MightyKnife]
Added community icon as overlay to standard client icons [MightyKnife]
Hotfix MSSCommentbox in Morph preferences dialog is now created dynamically to prevent debug assertion errors [MightyKnife]
Added SUC debug messages can be explicitly disabled from debug messages to prevent the debug log from being overfilled with SUC messages [MightyKnife]
Fixed community sharing works now [MightyKnife]
Added some code in preparation to fix the summertime bug, but still disabled [MightyKnife]
Added community viewable filelist (can be toggled in pref. dialog) [MightyKnife]
Fixed friends were boosted without community sharing enabled [MightyKnife]
Fixed SUC minimum upload is more important than global maximum upload [MightyKnife]
Added "Check Fake" in the download tab [milobac]
Tweaked New Upload System [SiRoB]
Changed Overhead datarate calcul to be near the reality [SiRoB]
Changed Average datarate calcul for Global and Individual Download/Upload [SiRoB]
Remanage the preferences options to be more user-friendly [IceCream]
Added Reduce upload when connecting to server [SiRoB]
Bevor jemand fragt: Programm und Quellcode gibt unter dem angegebenen Link
elchoupa ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 14:49   #2
Junior Member
Benutzerbild von John Kimble
Registriert seit: 17.04.2003
Beiträge: 70

-Updated the leecher/spammer mod list [IceCream]
-Added full counter-measures for all leecher mod (not only Mison-mod) [IceCream]
-Complete rewritten Anti-spammer/leecher mod. It uses now less CPU usage,it bans spammers

da lacht das herz =)
..und schon läuft er..

edit:uff.. kaum läuft er 5 mins schon stehen im log 11 leecher detections..
ah ja.. und saugen tut er ausm stand gleich mal mit 15 kbs...
sieht sehr vielversprechend aus das ganze. bin auf den langzeittest gespannt

edit2: obwohl ich ein neues creditfile hab erstellen lassen, sind im upload nur leute mit 7 stelligen wartelisten punkten.. bug??

athlon 2000xp; asrok k7vt2; 512 mb infinion DDR ram; windows XP pro; d-link 604 router
John Kimble ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 19:01   #3
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800
Standard: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] Details

das war bei mir mit (glaub ich) allen Morph-Versionen so. Punkte und Bewertung waren der gleiche Wert und 7-Stellig. Dies Prob gibts aber noch bei paar anderen Mods auch. Bin mir nicht sicher, aber glaub es war der Lovelace.

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Alt 21. June 2003, 19:59   #4
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563
Standard: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] Lösung: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003]

21.06.2003 16:30:19: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod sivka v7b3 Mison: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 16:32:16: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 16:33:20: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.21: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 16:35:08: Anti-leechermods: Client v5.1 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 16:54:00: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 16:58:12: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:00:51: Anti-leechermods: Client devil|X| DarkMule.de using the mod -|eV|A4-GAMMA|-: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:01:16: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:01:49: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:03:50: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:15:09: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.22: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:23:31: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:23:49: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:24:41: Anti-leechermods: Client eMule v0.27c [LSD7c] $WAREZ$ using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:27:07: Anti-leechermods: Client mentalizt using the mod lovelace.10c Mison: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:30:22: Anti-leechermods: Client nO-FaCe-G@m3r´s Edit $4.5 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:31:45: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:33:25: Anti-leechermods: Client RAMMSTEIN using the mod LSD.9c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:37:30: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:37:32: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:41:54: Anti-leechermods: Client www.saug-doch.de DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:44:58: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:45:12: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:45:20: Anti-leechermods: Client elopeach using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:45:32: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:48:03: Anti-leechermods: Client v5.1 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:48:25: Anti-leechermods: Client devil|X| DarkMule.de using the mod -|eV|A4-GAMMA|-: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:48:42: Anti-leechermods: Client mentalizt using the mod lovelace.10c Mison: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:55:51: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:56:32: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 17:59:43: Anti-leechermods: Client richtertheo $GAM3R$ using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:03:25: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:06:43: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:06:51: Anti-leechermods: Client [ausgetauschte XS Quellen] Chief [lO)`=IFH-D] using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:14:12: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:18:52: Anti-leechermods: Client unix user using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:21:42: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.9c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:28:23: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:28:28: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.9c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:31:20: Anti-leechermods: Client v5.1 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:32:28: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:38:57: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:39:49: Anti-leechermods: Client unix user using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:43:17: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:45:05: Anti-leechermods: Client devil|X| DarkMule.de using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:46:35: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:50:53: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:51:44: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 18:54:40: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.22: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:04:59: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:05:12: Anti-leechermods: Client Heino using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:08:04: Anti-leechermods: Client nO-FaCe-G@m3r´s Edit $4.5 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:08:04: Anti-leechermods: Client RAMMSTEIN using the mod LSD.9c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:09:15: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:12:53: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod -|eVortex|MOD|v1.6a.1|-: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:14:32: Anti-leechermods: Client emule-project.net using the mod Mison Max 0.22: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:16:48: Anti-leechermods: Client The Dark Door-[ImperatoR] using the mod ImperatoR: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:18:44: Anti-leechermods: Client v5.1 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:26:52: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:27:36: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:29:31: Anti-leechermods: Client Hallo ich bin es nur !!! using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:36:10: Anti-leechermods: Client mentalizt using the mod lovelace.10c Mison: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:39:39: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:45:47: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:46:52: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod Mison Max 0.21: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:46:55: Anti-leechermods: Client using the mod lovelace.10c Mison: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:48:19: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:53:12: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 19:59:51: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:04:06: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:07:19: Anti-leechermods: Client (: funny 6 [name geändert] DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:09:14: Anti-leechermods: Client devil|X| DarkMule.de using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:10:04: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:11:42: Anti-leechermods: Client http://www.emule-project.net using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:14:52: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:20:36: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:22:31: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:27:19: Anti-leechermods: Client unix user using the mod Mison Max 0.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:31:51: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:32:37: Anti-leechermods: Client v5.1 using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:35:32: Anti-leechermods: Client eMule v0.27c [LSD7c] $WAREZ$ using the mod DM-v5.1: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:36:32: Anti-leechermods: Client The One using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:36:51: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:40:51: Anti-leechermods: Client emule using the mod : has been banned because of using a leecher mod
21.06.2003 20:53:27: Anti-leechermods: Client DarkMule v6 using the mod LSD.7c: has been banned because of using a leecher mod


und daran kann man erkennen, dass die banfunktion nicht nur nachm namen geht.
NaP ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 20:07   #5
Senior Member
Registriert seit: 07.01.2003
Beiträge: 477
Standard: eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] eMule 29b Morph v8g [27.07.2003] [gelöst]

klingt echt Super !!!
cu .. de DQA321 .. nur ICH halt
DQA321 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 20:53   #6
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

NaP, ist der bug mit der clients.met noch drin?

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 20:58   #7
Junior Member
Benutzerbild von John Kimble
Registriert seit: 17.04.2003
Beiträge: 70

ich hab in jezz seit 6 stunden an und die leecher detection is ca 250 einträge lang..

athlon 2000xp; asrok k7vt2; 512 mb infinion DDR ram; windows XP pro; d-link 604 router
John Kimble ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 21:05   #8
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563

cyrex2001, ich hab mein normales creidtfile vom vorlost genommen und es gab keine probs
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Alt 21. June 2003, 21:12   #9
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

NaP, ich meine, ist die clients.met und die trusted.met jetzt im config-ordner oder im emule-verzeichnis?
danke fürs nach schauen!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 21:21   #10
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von Hoermaenn
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 102

Emule verzeichnis
Hoermaenn ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 21:28   #11
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

danke Hoermaenn! ist der bug nur geflickt!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 22:27   #12
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Schon jemand mit OS Win2k das Teil zum Laufen gebracht?
Die Pre7a RC2 ist bei 2k usern einfach beim Versuch zum Server zu connecten abgestürzt.. mehrfach (steht im thread zu Morph 0.28b 6b).

Berichtet mal bitte - cyrex2001, wie schaut's bei dir aus? Läuft er?
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Alt 21. June 2003, 22:35   #13
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

sorry, hab zur zeit, den neuen lovelace drauf!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 22:39   #14
Benutzerbild von winki2099
Registriert seit: 08.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.425

der neue morph läuft bei mir seit etwa einer stunde, bisher problemlos.
Windows is great. I used it to download Linux.
winki2099 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. June 2003, 23:29   #15
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

@morpheus, ich hab mir mal die sources angeschaut, wegen der clients.met!
hier wären meine änderungen, ohne gewähr!
rot sind die änderungen!
62: if ( PathFileExists(appdir+"clients.met")) MoveFile(appdir+"clients.met",configdir+"clients.met"); //corrected by cyrex2001
62: if ( PathFileExists(configdir+"clients.met")) MoveFile(configdir+"clients.met",appdir+"clients.met"); //reversed By Yun.SF3
123: CString strFileName = m_pAppPrefs->GetConfigDir() + CString("clients.met");
123: CString strFileName = m_pAppPrefs->GetAppDir() + CString("clients.met");
128: CString strFile2Name = m_pAppPrefs->GetConfigDir() + CString("trusted.met");
128: CString strFile2Name = m_pAppPrefs->GetAppDir() + CString("trusted.met");
237: CString name = m_pAppPrefs->GetConfigDir() + CString("clients.met");
238: CString name2 = m_pAppPrefs->GetConfigDir() + CString("trusted.met");
237: CString name = m_pAppPrefs->GetAppDir() + CString("clients.met");
238: CString name2 = m_pAppPrefs->GetAppDir() + CString("trusted.met");

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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