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Alt 29. June 2003, 22:12   #1
Junior Member
Benutzerbild von -jester-
Registriert seit: 13.05.2003
Beiträge: 65
Standard: eMule0.29b-sivka.v8b2-athlazan.v2.14a Problem: eMule0.29b-sivka.v8b2-athlazan.v2.14a


- Added a new icon (key) to see the eMule securised client [IceCream]
- moved "suspicious block" messages to DebugLog
- New Icons (KoKaïne) [LSD]
- Added Option to Increase Release Priority [LSD]
- Check diskspace v1.2(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: checkDiskspace")
- Transfer whole chunk v2(Tag: "VQB: fullChunk")
- Push small files v1.1(Tag: "VQB: SFpush")
- Release slots(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: slotRelease"): causes crashes for some reason. I'd suggest against using it, for the time being, until SlugFiller can find out what's wrong with it...
- (Tag: "VQB: saveKnownMet")
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: spreadReask")
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: xchgByIP") Only sources with a valid IP are sent by IP.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: multiSort")
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: mergeKnown")
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: DLsortFix") Revamped multiple aspects of downloadlist sorting.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: searchCatch") Downloads can take sources from search results and browsed user files.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: hostnameSources") Download links can contain hostname sources, instead of just ip.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: batchComment") If multiple files are selected while entering a new comment, the new comment is applied to all of them.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: doubleLucas") Added checks to startup timer, so that if the controls aren't yet initialized, even after the delay, it waits for another timer cycle until they are before trying to initialize.
- (Tag: "SLUGFILLER: Commit") Files written to are now commited to disk before being closed.
- See own credits(Tag: "VQB: ownCredits")
- Infinite Queue(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: infiniteQueue")
- Slot Shaping(Tag: "VQB: SlotShaping") Disabled pending debug and optimizations
- Hide overshares(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: hideOS") Parts in a file uploaded a certain amount of times more than the least uploaded parts are not revealed to other users. This is to prevent a case where all the users download the same part and the other parts become less spread. You can set the amount of times a part has to be uploaded before it's hidden, or 0 to disable(Default: 5).
- Detailed downloadsTag: "xrmb:confirmedDownload")
- Detailed downloadsTag: "xrmb:seeTheNeed")
- Detailed downloadsTag: "SLUGFILLER: grayPause")
- Detailed downloadsTag: "SLUGFILLER: chunkDots")
- Spread bars v1.2(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: Spreadbars")
- Safe Hash(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: SafeHash")
- L2hac - Lowid To Highid Automatic Callback, a simple idea to avoid useless server load [enkeyDEV]
- Mod Version Indentify 0x55 [Maella]
- Filtering Invalid Emule Clients [Mr Faber]
- Show compression [Tarod]
- Approximate Number Of Complete Sources v0.04a [zegzav]
- Download Stops Prematurely (version May 24 2003) [jicxicmic]
- Smart Upload Control v2 (SUCv2) + speed per slot [lovelace]

Binary: http://rt001bki.eresmas.net/sivka/eM...v2.14a-bin.zip
Source: http://rt001bki.eresmas.net/sivka/eM...v2.14a-src.zip
-jester- ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29. June 2003, 22:16   #2
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563



-> tonne

NaP ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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