eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen. |
5. July 2003, 01:39
#1 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| Problem: eMule v0.29b [SlugFiller-VQB] v0.34 [05.07.2003]
eMule v0.29b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.34 Zitat:
As per requests, a point-by-point changelog:
-Ported to 0.29b
-Fixed bug with handling of browse files for shared files, and also tweaked unsharing of config dir, to fit with shareSubdir's features(don't share as subdirectory, allow subdirs to be shared, etc). Upped version of share subdir to 2.4.
-Added icons for showing if files in the shared files list have comments. Icons are right of the file icon. Maybe I should have put them on the left, I'll wait for the public oppinion, and maybe change it next version.
-Changed implementation of spreadReask to prevent bug in case of 50 days wrap-around.
-Fixed a few bugs with release slots, and improved implementation.
-New fix: SafeDisconnect. Prevents crash bug occuring while giving a slot to a client, in the case where the connection to the client fails. This crash-bug was more appearant when release slots were used, so now they are much safer to use.
Somehow I like my old loose-style "what's new" formatting better...
In any way, special thanks goes to k-man for his help in debugging release slots, and in the development of SafeDisconnect!
And, as you may have heard, VQB officially retired from SF-VQB. This doesn't mean he'll stop compiling and releasing SF-VQB right away(though, in time he probably will). However, this does means that I now can(and should) officially ask if anyone is interested in taking his place in compiling, debugging and releasing SF-VQB, since I obviously can't expect him to keep at it forever(he does have other duties, and it already shows as occasional release delays).
The requirements are:
* Knowledge and experience in using VS .Net
* Ability to be online frequently enough to make new compilations, or even participate in debug sessions(which with VQB had to be over-night, due to time zone differences, so ok time zone is also a plus)
* Some method for effecient cross file transfer(VQB runs his own FTP, but any real-time method, as in not e-mail, would do)
* Optionally, ability to spread the new releases(though I can just set up a google account for first sources).
Well, what are you waiting for? Get downloading!
Almost forgot to mention: The latest SF-VQB uses taab's XML language file support. This isn't mentioned in the changelog, nor in the feature-list, because quite technically it is an official-client feature, I made no actual changes to the code in order to implement it. I consider it more "enabled" than "implemented".
This means 2 things:
1. SF-VQB only comes with English support. For support in other languages please download the complete official 0.29b XML language pack here.
2. Even with the language packs, you still won't be able to see SF-VQB languages in any language other than English. On the other hand, now anyone can create his own translation of SF-VQB's strings(rather than having them in English for all languages) simply by:
* Making a copy of "lang\mod1_messages_ENGLISH.xml"(available with the eMule binary) naming it "lang\mod1_messages_(name of the language you translate it to).xml", where "(name of the language you translate it to)" is what comes after "messages_" in that language's XML file in the official XML language pack(shown above).
* Editing the new file, replacing all the text within the square brackets of the CDATA sections with the translated versions.
* Thoughnot really important, editing the CDATA sections in "LANGID" and "SUBLANGID" as well as "LANGNAMEEMULE", to match those in "lang\messages_(name of the language you translate it to).xml" in the official language pack.
* Post the translated file(preferably as download link, but also ok as quote) in this sub-forum, and it'll be added to the next SF-VQB release, along with the matching official language file.
| Downloads:
Version 0.34 - eMule 0.29b
ed2k://|file|eMule-29b[SF-VQB]-v0.34-src.exe|922389|3B5C5E360F17B7967CC66C225D412C55|/|sources,|/ |
| |
8. July 2003, 17:39
#2 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 21.06.2003
Beiträge: 16
| Der MOD ansich gefällt mir nicht so gut, die SF/VQB Versionen wollen bei mir nie richtig in Gang kommen. Allerdings hat der MOD coole Features wie Hide Overshare und UL SLot SHaping sowie andere gute Funktionen.
Die würd ich mir in einem anderen Mod wünschen.
__________________ Filesharing heißt auch geben und nicht nur nehmen! |
| |
8. July 2003, 18:28
#3 | V.I.P.
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033
| eMule v0.29b [SlugFiller-VQB] v0.34 [05.07.2003] Details Zitat:
Zitat von Eselfreak Allerdings hat der MOD coole Features wie Hide Overshare und UL SLot SHaping sowie andere gute Funktionen.
Die würd ich mir in einem anderen Mod wünschen. | Die gibt es in anderen Mods, mußt nur mal ein bischen suchen. Im eWombat, den ich zur Zeit nutze, gibt es zum Beispiel das Hide Overshare. |
| |
8. July 2003, 19:26
#4 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| Lösung: eMule v0.29b [SlugFiller-VQB] v0.34 [05.07.2003] im fusion r7 gibt es diese funktionen glaub ich auch. |
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