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Alt 31. August 2003, 14:25   #76
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gvstarfleet, inwiefern Update? Auf der Seite gibts keine neue Version zum Downloaden oder ich bin blind...
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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:01   #77
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Mal ne bescheidene Frage !! Hat zzul aufgehört ???? na ja immerhin gibst es ja noch den gamma !!

aber schade ist es doch !!

oder weiss jemand mehr

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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:02   #78
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Tarod`s Son, hab ich mich auch schon gefragt, der ist nämllich verdammt gut gelaufen bei mir...

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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:06   #79
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ja selbst tarod benutzte ihn !!! allerdings leicht abgewandelt, versteht sich !!!

Na ja warten wir mal ab und testen fleissig weiter !!
Vielleicht kommt bald wieder ein mod der alles vereint was ich suche !!
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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:10   #80
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Tarod`s Son, gibts noch Tarod Mods? Bin jetzt noch nicht so lange dabei und hab hier im Board noch nie einen gesehen...
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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:14   #81
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nein es gibt nur noch die alten !!!
Tarod hat nach etlichen streitereien und missverständnisse aufgehört !!

So wie ich ihn verstanden habe wird es auch niemals wieder welche geben !! er nutzt nur noch für sich privat !! und er hat mir den zzul empfohlen. Aleerdings er nutzt für sich eine leicht abgewandelte version !! was er geändert hat kann ich dir nicht sagen. Fakt ist allerdings er rückt sie natürlich nicht raus !!

Kannst du dir vorstellen was passiert, wenn eine auf 30 basierende version von tarod rauskommt ??? ne da hat er keine lust drauf !!

so und die alte mod`s sind alle vor version 30 und somit sollten sie nicht mehr genutzt werden !! schade ist aber so !!
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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:52   #82
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Tarod`s Son, ok... Dann halt kein Tarod... Aber der GaMMaOH ist wirklich net schlecht!
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Alt 19. October 2003, 10:58   #83
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klar und da demnächst die community sharing eh rausfällt, bleibt er erste wahl !! allerdings fehlen mir da noch ein paar settings alle sivka oder so !!
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Alt 22. October 2003, 16:15   #84
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eine letzte frage !! wie kann ich bei dieser version die io list automatisch einstellen ??? das er sie beim start aktualisiert ??? und ich habe einen fehler in der icon leiste !! bei download steht bei mir = per menü: und bei upload Quellen berei....
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Alt 14. January 2004, 18:18   #85
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Zitat von zzul
Visit http://www.lava.se/emule/dynamicul/ for exe and source.

Links to exe:

ed2k: eMule_0.30e_ZZUL-20040106-1735_exe.zip (ed2k link on web page)
http: eMule_0.30e_ZZUL-20040106-1735_exe.zip

This patch contains several enhancements for the upload in eMule, enhancements that will be very interesting for releasers:

ZZ SlotFocus: Focus the upload bandwidth to as few upload slots as possible!
(only one, if the top slot wants it all). Transfers files to fewer people at a time, but faster to each. Faster transfers makes chunks complete sooner, making it possible for other clients to share the chunks sooner. This gives more sources in shorter time, sharing the upload demands on several computers sooner. At 76 Kbytes/s ZZUL opens ca 6-10 slots, when official eMule opens 24 slots. ZZUL only opens new slots if necessary to use the configured bandwidth. Upload slot focusing version 2 is available in this patch. Version 1 is used in eMule Plus (and others?). You can see which upload that has the highest priority by checking the number in the "Slot #" column. Slot #1 get all bandwidth it can handle. Slot #2 gets any leftovers after slot #1 has taken what it wants, etc.

When you download a file, it is good for you to give all chunks you allready have of that file to other clients as soon as possible. As soon as you have spread your chunks, the other clients will actually help you to download the chunks you are missing. Then you can get those chunks from them (and fast, since you now have good credits with them). It will also be easier for you to get the chunks from the original source, now that is no longer busy uploading chunks that you already have, to other clients. So set your upload speed as high as possible!

ZZ UploadSpeedSense: Automatically finds the best upload speed for your connection!
ZZUL now works right out of the box, without need for configuration of upload speed. Just set the upload speed limit to 0 (unlimited) in prefs and then relax. If you use other programs that wants bandwidth, ZZ UploadSpeedSense will automatically lower the upload limit for eMule while the other transfer is going on. When the transfer is done, ZZ UploadSpeedSense raises the upload limit back to normal speed. ZZ UploadSpeedSense will not work properly for multihomed hosts.

ZZ PowerShare: Powershare files without having to unshare any files!
You can set files to be powershared by right clicking them in the shared files list and selecting "Powershare" -> "Set powersharing". Files that have powershare activated will be uploaded a 100% of the time, if there are people trying to download them. It doesn't matter how many other files you share or download. This makes it possible for you to release files efficiently, and still download files normally. If the files with release priority doesn't use all the bandwidth, normal shared files are uploaded. This means that you won't have to unshare everything that you are not releasing. This gives more sources for files on the network, and make sure the allotted upload bandwidth are always used a 100% efficiently to release your files.

ZZ FriendSlots: Enhanced co-release/friends functionality!
All available upload bandwidth is focused on friend slots, if the friends want to download. You will be able to give friend slots to several friends simultaneously. This means you can share your files with your friends and co-releasers efficiently in eMule, instead of using an ftp-server, ICQ, irc-dcc or similar. Your co-releasers will start sharing the file as soon as they complete the first chunk, instead of having to wait for the entire file to be transfered. If you have several co-releasers to spread the file to, eMule will automatically make sure that the coreleasers will be rotated in the upload slots, giving one chunk to each co-releaser, to make sure the file is available with maximum bandwidth as soon as possible. If your co-releasers also give each other friend slots, the file will spread even faster! While you are uploading to your co-releasers, other clients will be able to find you as a source, and as soon as the friends are done downloading, the bandwidth will automatically be used by any other clients that want your files. ZZUL remembers which of your friends that have been given friend slots between restarts.

Upload traffic will be spread out as evenly as possible to make the ping lower!
This includes all outbound overhead traffic, such as source sharing etc. (This feature is based on an idea by Slugfiller, but ZZUL uses it's own way of doing it.)

Overhead traffic is now limited by the upload limit!
This prevents overhead from making eMule using more upload bandwidth than has been entered in preferences.

ZZ TransferRatioBalance: More flexible limiting of download speed!
If you have uploaded at least a third of what you have downloaded, since you started the program, you will have unlimited download speed. This is true also for modem users and other low bandwidth users. However, if you have uploaded less than that, compared to your downloads, downloads will slow down a little, to reach balance of 1:3. Please note that uploads to friend slots are not included in the upload sum, so you shouldn't exclusively upload to friends all the time if you are also downloading at the same time.

ZZ SmartQueueLimit: Better handling of full Queue!
There will be a soft limit for the queue, that is about 30% lower than the real (hard) limit for the queue. Once the queue size reaches the soft limit eMule will starting being a lot more picky about which clients it will allow to get on queue. It will only allow high priority clients that have high credits, or that wants release prio files. This makes sure clients can always queue up for your release files, even when the queue would normally be full.

ZZ TypeToFind: Easier to find your files in the lists! - Included in official eMule since 0.30a
Search for a filename in download list and shared files list by simply writing the filename you want to find. eMule will select the filename for you.

ZZ QRSort: Easier to see in which source you have the best queue position!
Sort by status, and then double click on a file you are trying to download. The list of sources will be showed with the source with lowest QR first.

ZZ ShowVersion: Easily accessible version information about the clients you are connected to!
Shows eMule/eDonkey version in mosts lists, as well as what mod the clients are using.

ZZ LowIDFairness: Be more fair to low ID clients!
Low ID clients connecting to a ZZUL client will be more fairly treated compared to how they are treated by the official client. If you are a low ID client, and it is your time to download from a remote client, you will not be able to download until your client connect to that remote eMule client the next time.

If the remote client is an official eMule client, it may be that you are not allowed to start download event when you next reconnect, even if your time to download has come.

If however, the remote client is a ZZUL eMule, you will alway be allowed connect. If you have waited longer (since it was decided that you should get to download the next time you reconnect) than the last of the fully connected clients, then you will downgrade that client to a trickle slot, and take its fully activated slot. If you have not waited that long, you will get a trickle slot, and will be kept connected for up to 3 minutes. If you are upgraded to a fully active client during that time, everything is ok, you have your slot.

If you are not upgraded to a fully active client during that time, you may be put back on queue, but you will be put in first place. This means, that the next time you reconnect (about 20-30 minutes later) you will have a greater chance of downgrading one of the already connected clients, and get a fully activated slot.

This behaviour gives equal opportunity for high and low ID clients. (Please note, that you will not be able to downgrade a client that wants a powershared file, unless you also want a powershared file).

Visit http://www.lava.se/emule/dynamicul/ for exe and source.

Links to exe:

ed2k: eMule_0.30e_ZZUL-20040106-1735_exe.zip (ed2k link on web page)
http: eMule_0.30e_ZZUL-20040106-1735_exe.zip

New in latest version:
  • First version based on 0.30e.

  • Upload and download stuff are now in the same tab again, to simplify merging.

  • Removed the Powershare menu and inserted the powershare prios in the normal upload prio menu. (This is just a GUI change, the powershare feature is still there.)

  • There's a bug in the drawing of obtained parts for the clients in upload slots, if the client downloads a file that is less than a chunk (9.28 MBytes) in size. This is only a visual problem, the correct data is uploaded.

  • Various minor fixes and features that I've probably forgotten. If you notice something new that isn't listed here, please inform me.

There is an old thread about this patch in the developers forum, but perhaps some people here that doesn't visit the dev forum will be interested as well?

Please give me comments here, or in the thread in the developer forum.

/zz B)
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Alt 14. January 2004, 18:27   #86
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Klasse, ein neuer ZZUL
Gleich mal ziehen und testen!
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Alt 14. January 2004, 18:39   #87
Registriert seit: 21.09.2003
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ja aber ein problem ! download beginnt in 2 minuten = 13 kb ! Allerdings hat er zu jedem server die verbindung verloren !
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Alt 14. January 2004, 18:49   #88
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Dann lad ihn doch per HTTP... Hab ihn auch daher geholt, werd ihn gleich laufen lassen...
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Alt 14. January 2004, 18:59   #89
Board Profi
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scheibenkleister, lässt sich nicht in der 2. Instanz starten.
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Alt 14. January 2004, 19:01   #90
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@hubutz ! der download nach programmstart beginnt schon nach 2 minuten !

Nur die ed2k server scheinen ein problem festzustellen, ich meinte auf jeden emule server verliere ich die verbindung !
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