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Alt 10. August 2003, 13:25   #1
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Beiträge: 169
Standard: eMule 0.29c X4 [10.08.2003] Problem: eMule 0.29c X4 [10.08.2003]

eMule v0.29c X4

CHANGELOG (latest version first):

- ADDED: Permissions on files have been activated. When
someone asks for your file list, if he/she is authorized
according to what you chose in your preferences, he/she
will only see the files that you have agreed to show (in
section Shared files).
- ADDED: These new permissions introduce new colors in
Shared Files section : green = complete file that you
agree to show to people asking for you list; orange =
files you agree to show to friends only ; red = files
you don't want to show.
- ADDED: In the Downloads list, a double-click on the
little comment icons shows the list of comments.
- CHANGED: Adapted Shared files status bar colors to
Download progress bar ones.
- CHANGED: Completed files are now displayed before
currently dowloading ones when sorting by Status.
- CHANGED: Sources are henceforth always sorted by QR
(Queue Rank).
- CHANGED: The Release priority is much stronger (1000
instead of 1. Namely, a true Release mode!
- CHANGED: New search icon (binoculars).
- CHANGED: The Franch language DLL has been renamed into
"X_fr_FR.dll" in order to allow cohabitation with other mods
and to avoid confusion with DLLs.
- CHANGED: In French language, the text "Effacer terminés"
has been changed into "Retirer téléchargements terminés".
- FIXED(CHANGED): adding from the www an ED2K link containing
'#' symbols (often converted into "/#" by mistake), or not
finished by a '/', will work correctly from now on.
- FIXED: Replaced "KB/s" in the statistics by the corres-
ponding text in other languages (e.g. "Ko/s" in French).
- FIXED: I only half fixed the friend icon refresh bug after
adding a friend in Transfer window.

Downloads :
eMule v0.29c X4 (Bin) (Copy the whole contents of this archive into your eMule directory. You may keep your config directory, though.)


eMule v0.29c X4 (Src) (Optional)

Zitat von xMule
eMule v0.29c X3

Here is my new mod based on latest eMule 0.29c ! Namely eMule v0.29c X3 (the name of the mod is "X", the version number is "3" ).

It's not FULL of big features (I rely on eMule 0.29c for that) but it's full of tiny little practical enhancements.

The languages are only English (international) and French. Sorry about that but I don't have the means to make more versions.

Change log in version X3 from version X2:
- ADDED: Possibility to change the comments and rating of a file from Download list.
- ADDED: Own UserHash is shown in "My Info".
- CHANGED: Big modifications of the progress bar. Colors have been changed and some other color categories were added.
- CHANGED: "Shared files" icon has been changed.
- CHANGED: Log tab is active at startup.
- FIXED: fr_FR.dll has been fixed (Searching files won't always result in an empty list for French users).

Change log in version X2 from version X1:
- ADDED: different icons for each rating.
- CHANGED: "Clear completed" option has been moved to the top of the pop-up menu.
- CHANGED: Connect/Disconnect icons replaced.
- CHANGED: Transfer (DL/UL) icon replaced.
- CHANGED: Improved statistics scaling.
- FIXED: small "bug" from v0.29c: "add to friends" did not refresh display to show the heart.

Change log in version X1 from official eMule v0.29c:
- CHANGED: Paused files are displayed in gray.
- CHANGED: Finished files are displayed in green.
- CHANGED: Corrupt files are displayed in red.
- CHANGED: Files that haven't been updated for a week are displayed in orange.
- CHANGED: The list of friends in the Chat section has been widened in order to display longer names.
- CHANGED: Statistics icon has been changed.
- CHANGED: The stats interval stops at the maximum capacity of your connection instead of 4 KB/s beyond, because you'll seldom reach this limit anyway.
- CHANGED: A few other tiny graphic enhancements.

Downloads :
Hier gibt es Screenshots dazu: http://www.emule-project.net/board/i...howtopic=25489
Gruß gvstarfleet
gvstarfleet ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10. August 2003, 13:41   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 01.01.2003
Beiträge: 278

seite is tot

Hopie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10. August 2003, 14:40   #3
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203
Standard: eMule 0.29c X4 [10.08.2003] eMule 0.29c X4 [10.08.2003] Details

emule 0.29c X4 ist auch schon erhältlich!


fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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