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Alt 10. August 2003, 12:52   #1
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Beiträge: 169
Standard: eMule 0.29c Peace 0.03a (17.07.03) Problem: eMule 0.29c Peace 0.03a (17.07.03)

Zitat von peacemake
eMule Peace v0.03a (29c) Based on 29c

Coder= rayita

Date= 17/07/03

Bin= v0.03a BIN

Sources= v0.03a SRC


-Upgraded to eMule 0.29c.
-Corrected bugs on A4AF handling wich caused a crash on completing files (Thanks Julger).
-Corrected some details on preferences interface.
-Corrected minor bugs.
-CIDE droped and replaced by new RSA-CIDE, now it support V2 (eMule 0.29c) and RSA-CIDE [enkeyDev].
-Added commnity mimethic [lovelace].
-Added/modified some icons.
-Modified the code counter fonts number, now it´s faster and real.
-First version released that has too a COMPACT version . (not included here).

Full Changelog: eMule Peace Changelog

Full Features: eMule Peace Features/Characteristics
eMule Peace v0.02b Mod (29c) Based on 29c

Date= 14/07/03

Bin= v0.02b BIN

Sources= v0.02b SRC

Changelog up to this version:
-Added support to protocol CIDE [enkeyDev].
-Added new filter for non valids emule clients.
-Added check in known files duplicateds [slugfiller]
-Added secure client conection to prevent erased client access.
-Added A4AF intelligent control [khaos].
-Added A4AF balanced exchange [khaos].
-Added server list buttom to download directly peacemake.net server.met.
-Fixed some minor bugs.
-Quitted safehash [slugfiller] in meantime its decovered why excess RAM used.
-Fixed a little bug about restored statistics.
-Fixed a bug about handling of anti-/communities.
-Fixed a little bug on preferences/security that maked aplly button didnt got activated.
-Some clean up about code not used.
-Added support to protocol CIDE [enkeyDev].
-Added new filter for non valids emule clients.
-Corrected problems about exponential memory use under some circumstances.
-fixed a bug which didnt actualized statistics.
-fixed a bug which didnt restore statistics.


-Fixed a bug which didnt let to key-out sources recording.
-Translated english messages.
-Added icon of secure connection in the lists of clients.
-Added icon of member of community/anticomunity in the lists of clients.
-Added to protocol anti-leech and countermeasures [ IceCream ].
-Modified the search of ed2k links in clipboard so that it ignores spaces ahead and back of elink.
-Added to support for Protocol L2HAC [ enkeyDEV ]. (This protocol improves the communication with a LowID or from a LowID, avoiding the saturation of the server).
-Added send of time considered in QR [ BloodMad ].
-Added capture of sources in the search and the list of archives of a client.
-Added multiarrangement (the lists are ordered by two you order).
-Rewritten the code of treatment of communities, the existing almost was useless.
-corrected some bugs in self-limit sources handling.
-corrected a bug in timers handling which caused an overflow and infinite re-asking.
-Fixed some aesthetics problems in preferences window.
-Added the possibility of infinite queue.
-Added the possibility of reserving positions of ascent for files in release [ SlugFiller].
-Added code to avoid that they too much quickly ban by conect to a client [SlugFiller ].
-Added hash/re-hash surely (improvement of the ICH) [ SlugFiller ].
-Corrected bug in the routine of compression of packages [MKThunderStorm ].
-Fixed a bug on remote clients identification of emule version.
-Added bars of progress extended [ SlugFiller ].
-Added diffusion bars [ SlugFiller ].
-Added to verification of space in disc [ SlugFiller ].
-Improved the filtrate of well-known files duplicated [ SlugFiller ].
-Corrected bug in reask to prevent an underflow [ SlugFiller ].
-Corrected small bug that permited not to preview files in pause.
-Added to precapture of sources in the search window [ SlugFiller ].
-Added the possibility of changing to commentaries of groups of archives [ SlugFiller ].
-Added the possibility of reserving to a position of ascent for the launchings [ SlugFiller ].
-Added the possibility of coloring the files in unloading.
-Changed the color of the files in pause for grey one.
-Added the information gained or lost during the compression to the completed files.
-Corrected bug in the list of rises which didnt update the list when added a friend.
-Corrected bug in the information of the sources which did not give the number total of sources correctly.
-Some little code improvements in general.
-Added a visible indicator of auto A4AF in the downloading list.
-Added the options of configuration of recording of sources and improved the code.
-Correction of diverse absences and errors in the translation to the Spanish.
-Modified the code to avoid the corruption of the file known.met [ VQB ]
-Added possibility of increasing the priority of the small files improving posibility of downloading of these [ VQB ].
-Added possibility of increasing the priority of the small files improving posibility of downloading of these [ VQB ].
-We changed to the base of the MOD sivka to emule 0.29b official
-Correction of diverse absences and errors in the translation to the Spanish.
-Improvement of the detection of compressed files (of this form less CPU is spent when it is not necessary).
-Added option to conect/desconect it limits of automathic sources.
-Improvement of the code on self limits sources number.
-Improved the detection of duplicated clients (to evade the robbery of userhash)(thanks |BoOop|).
-Corrected a small bug in the graphics statistics of upload which indicated zero in some occasions [ elendal ].
-Added time of conection /in delay to a source (column traffic remaining time).
-Added submenu of A4AF (in the list of downloadings). The options of A4AF have been moved here.
-Added submenu to eliminate (in the list of downloadings). The options have been moved here to eliminate sources that before were in menu.
-Added re-ask submenu (In downloads list) New options to ask server and sources.
-Added possibility of seeing the own credits in menu of information of a client.
(warning is I calculate on the basis of our kept data, the client may not have exactly such data)
-Added the functions of friends menu of context of the different lists from clients.
-Corrected bug in the list of well-known clients who not updated the list when added a friend.
-Corrected bug in the tail of clients who not updated the list when added a friend.


-Corrected an error on max. connections from the wizard.(Thanks |BoOoP|).
-Added new section on preferences to add new options.
-Added option to increse priority to friends.
-Changed static values for corrected ones.


-Corrected translation errors.
-We changed installation values for another ones more functionals.
-Wizard bugs corrected, fixed misconfigured values.
-Wizard optimiced to spain connections.
(translation by peacemake)

Inside the BIN are full characteristics.
NEW Thread: http://www.emule-project.net/board/i...howtopic=25955
OLD Thread http://www.emule-project.net/board/i...howtopic=24011
Gruß gvstarfleet
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Alt 10. August 2003, 13:49   #2
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

sieh mal hier, da hat in burner schon gepostet!


fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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