![]() |
Webserver -> Was bringt diese Funktion und wie nutzt man :?: Hallo erstmal an alle, ich habe mich hier mal ganz frisch registrieren lassen, lese schon seit einigen Tagen in diesem Board, habe aber leide noch keinen Hinweis darauf bekommen welchen Nutzen die Webserverfunktion im Plus-Mod haben soll. Für alle tips und Hilfen bin ich euch dankbar. |
ich glaube diese funktion erstellt nur eine statistik seite im internet, is also eher uninteressant ... |
Meiner Meinung nach soll man darüber den Emule auch (in Grenzen) steuern können (z.B. neue Downloads anfangen), bin mir da aber auch nicht sicher. Nur Statistiken wäre ja auch etwas sinnlos. |
Hab mal gehört dass wenn man ein File fertig geladen hat es sofaor auf den server übertragen wird oder so ähnlich :? |
Klingt ja ganz interessant! Nur, wie kann man das nutzen? |
ein Fall fürhttp://www.crazypics.de/smilies_schi...childer053.gif Zitat:
Wenn das stimmt, ist es ja genauso sinnlos wie die Signaturen |
Hi, nun muss ich auch mal meinen senf abgeben! Was ist der Webserver für Emule plus? Mit dieser funktion generiert das programm ein seite auf die mann mit dem passwort was mann eingegeben hat zugreifen kann! Die adresse ist wie folgt aufgebaut http://ip-nummer-des-pcs-auf-dem-der-mule-läuft:4711 Auf der seite kann mann den emule überwachen neue links einfügen, statistiken anschauen und verschieden werte einstellen! Das bringt den vorteil das wenn man den emule im büro stehn hat wie ich nicht ständig runter rennen muss und schauen ob er läuft und wie! Mann kann sogar so weit gehn und sich bei nem Namenserver wie dyndns ne dynamische adresse zu holen und dem entsprechenden programm das ich dann von jeden pc im inet meinen emule steuern und überwachen kann! Das heist ich kann in meinem skiurlaub dann meinen emule steuern sofern er nicht abgestürzt ist *fg* Hoffe mal konnte weiterhelfen! Die Funktion ist eigentlich der Hauptgrund warum ich den plus habe MorphX |
Thx hamma wieder was dazu gelernthttp://unreal.ingame.de/forum/images/smilies/prost.gif |
:shock: Extrem Kool! Finde ich hammer geil! Wird sofort meine Liebkingsfunktion! :) Einfach der Hammer :) |
ich hab nen router und ich habe versucht das auch schon auf dem 4661 ( server betrieb) zu laufen lasssen , aber er findet nie eine seite...muss ich wohl portforwarding machen mit dem port 4711 ... ach ja wie sieht das mit den hackern aus , haben die dann auf einen freie durchfahrt? |
damit der server wirklich rennt sollte man den esel neu starten! sonst glaubt man so wie ich der funkt gar nicht ;) wenns dann noch sicher sein soll kann man zb auf dem 4711 port (oder auf dem selber angegebenen serverport) nur verbindungen vom localhost zulassen (firewall, oder vielleicht gibts die funktion ja in der nächsten version :) und dann über ssh drauf. (wenn man einen ssh server besitzt) ist natürlich nicht sehr praktisch, aber sicher. sicher und praktisch hab ich noch nie gesehen ;) |
aber das muesste mir dem port 4661 funzen :?: |
also wenn ich bei mir daheim von lan aus zugreifen will sieht das so aus den port 4661 sagt mir gar nichts für was ist der den gut? Wenn man im netzwerk mit nem router arbeitet muss man die ports doch nicht forwarden! Muss mann das nicht nur wenn man was von extern haben will, bin mir da nicht so sicher. MorphX |
4711 ist der Standartport für den Webserver! Den kann man auch verändern! Sollte ihn jedoch nicht auf einen schon benutzten Port legen! 4662 ist der Standartport von Emule/Edonkey! Kann man aber auch verändern! Hier ist mal eine Portliste inklusive Trojaner ;) Da könnt ihr gucken, welche Ports noch frei sind! 1,TCP Port Service Multiplexer 2,Management Utility 3,Compression Process 5,Remote Job Entry 7,Echo 9,Discard 11,Active Users 13,Daytime 17,Quote of the Day 18,Message Send Protocol 19,Character Generator 20,File Transfer [Default Data] +,21,File Transfer Protocol [Control],,ftp://%a:%p/,\r\n 22,SSH Remote Login Protocol 23,Telnet,telnet.exe,%a %p,\r\n 24,any private mail system +,25,Simple Mail Transfer 27,NSW User System FE 29,MSG ICP 31,MSG Authentication 33,Display Support Protocol 35,any private printer server 37,Time 38,Route Access Protocol 39,Resource Location Protocol 41,Graphics 42,WINS Host Name Server 43,Who Is 44,MPM FLAGS Protocol 45,Message Processing Module [recv] 46,MPM [default send] 47,NI FTP 48,Digital Audit Daemon 49,Login Host Protocol (TACACS) 50,Remote Mail Checking Protocol 51,IMP Logical Address Maintenance 52,XNS Time Protocol 53,Domain Name Server 54,XNS Clearinghouse 55,ISI Graphics Language 56,XNS Authentication 57,any private terminal access 58,XNS Mail 59,any private file service 60,Unassigned 61,NI MAIL 62,ACA Services 63,whois++ 64,Communications Integrator (CI) 65,TACACS-Database Service 66,Oracle SQL*NET 67,Bootstrap Protocol Server 68,Bootstrap Protocol Client 69,Trivial File Transfer 70,Gopher 71,Remote Job Service 72,Remote Job Service 73,Remote Job Service 74,Remote Job Service 75,any private dial out service 76,Distributed External Object Store 77,any private RJE service 78,vettcp 79,Finger\r\n\r\n +,80,World Wide Web HTTP,C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE,http://%a:%p/,HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n 81,HOSTS2 Name Server 82,XFER Utility 83,MIT ML Device 84,Common Trace Facility 85,MIT ML Device 86,Micro Focus Cobol 87,any private terminal link 88,Kerberos 89,SU/MIT Telnet Gateway 90,DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map 91,MIT Dover Spooler 92,Network Printing Protocol 93,Device Control Protocol 94,Tivoli Object Dispatcher 95,SUPDUP 96,DIXIE Protocol Specification 97,Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol 98,TAC News 99,Metagram Relay 100,[unauthorized use] 101,NIC Host Name Server 102,ISO-TSAP Class 0 103,Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net 104,ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 105,CCSO name server protocol 106,3COM-TSMUX 107,Remote Telnet Service 108,SNA Gateway Access Server 109,Post Office Protocol - Version 2 +,110,Post Office Protocol - Version 3 111,SUN Remote Procedure Call 112,McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol 113,Authentication Service 114,Audio News Multicast 115,Simple File Transfer Protocol 116,ANSA REX Notify 117,UUCP Path Service 118,SQL Services +,119,Network News Transfer Protocol 120,CFDPTKT 121,Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call 122,SMAKYNET 123,Network Time Protocol 124,ANSA REX Trader 125,Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser 126,Unisys Unitary Login 127,Locus PC-Interface Conn Server 128,GSS X License Verification 129,Password Generator Protocol 130,cisco FNATIVE 131,cisco TNATIVE 132,cisco SYSMAINT 133,Statistics Service 134,INGRES-NET Service 135,DCE endpoint resolution 136,PROFILE Naming System 137,NETBIOS Name Service 138,NETBIOS Datagram Service 139,NETBIOS Session Service,explorer.exe,\\%a, 140,EMFIS Data Service 141,EMFIS Control Service 142,Britton-Lee IDM 143,Internet Message Access Protocol 144,NewS 145,UAAC Protocol 146,ISO-IP0 147,ISO-IP 148,Jargon 149,AED 512 Emulation Service 150,SQL-NET 151,HEMS 152,Background File Transfer Program 153,SGMP 154,NETSC 155,NETSC 156,SQL Service 157,KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol 158,PCMail Server 159,NSS-Routing 160,SGMP-TRAPS 161,SNMP 162,SNMPTRAP 163,CMIP Manager 164,CMIP Agent 165,Xerox 166,Sirius Systems 167,NAMP 168,RSVD 169,SEND 170,Network PostScript 171,Network Innovations Multiplex 172,Network Innovations CL/1 173,Xyplex 174,MAILQ 175,VMNET 176,GENRAD-MUX 177,X Display Manager Control Protocol 178,NextStep Window Server 179,Border Gateway Protocol 180,Intergraph 181,Unify 182,Unisys Audit SITP 183,OCBinder 184,OCServer 185,Remote-KIS 186,KIS Protocol 187,Application Communication Interface 188,Plus Five's MUMPS 189,Queued File Transport 190,Gateway Access Control Protocol 191,Prospero Directory Service 192,OSU Network Monitoring System 193,Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol 194,Internet Relay Chat Protocol 195,DNSIX Network Level Module Audit 196,DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir 197,Directory Location Service 198,Directory Location Service Monitor 199,SMUX 200,IBM System Resource Controller 201,AppleTalk Routing Maintenance 202,AppleTalk Name Binding 203,AppleTalk Unused 204,AppleTalk Echo 205,AppleTalk Unused 206,AppleTalk Zone Information 207,AppleTalk Unused 208,AppleTalk Unused 209,The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol 210,ANSI Z39.50 211,Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal 212,ATEXSSTR 213,IPX 214,VM PWSCS 215,Insignia Solutions 216,Computer Associates Int'l License Server 217,dBASE Unix 218,Netix Message Posting Protocol 219,Unisys ARPs 220,Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 221,Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth 222,Berkeley rshd with SPX auth 223,Certificate Distribution Center 242,Direct 243,Survey Measurement 244,Dayna 245,LINK 246,Display Systems Protocol 256,RAP 257,Secure Electronic Transaction 258,Yak Winsock Personal Chat 259,Efficient Short Remote Operations 260,Openport 261,IIOP Naming Service (SSL) 262,Arcisdms 263,HDAP 280,http-mgmt 281,Personal Link 282,Cable Port A/X 309,EntrustTime 344,Prospero Data Access Protocol 345,Perf Analysis Workbench 346,Zebra server 347,Fatmen Server 348,Cabletron Management Protocol 349,mftp 350,MATIP Type A 351,MATIP Type B 371,Clearcase 372,ListProcessor 373,Legent Corporation 374,Legent Corporation 375,Hassle 376,Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto 377,NEC Corporation 378,NEC Corporation 379,TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client 380,TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server 381,hp performance data collector 382,hp performance data managed node 383,hp performance data alarm manager 384,A Remote Network Server System 385,IBM Application 386,ASA Message Router Object Def. 387,Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. 388,Unidata LDM Version 4 389,Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 390,UIS 391,SynOptics SNMP Relay Port 392,SynOptics Port Broker Port 393,Data Interpretation System 394,EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer 395,NETscout Control Protocol 396,Novell Netware over IP 397,Multi Protocol Trans. Net. 398,Kryptolan 399,ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over TCP 400,Workstation Solutions 401,Uninterruptible Power Supply 402,Genie Protocol 403,decap 404,nced 405,ncld 406,Interactive Mail Support Protocol 407,Timbuktu 408,Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. 409,Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. 410,DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol 411,Remote MT Protocol 412,Trap Convention Port 413,SMSP 414,InfoSeek 415,BNet 416,Silverplatter 417,Onmux 418,Hyper-G 419,Ariel 420,SMPTE 421,Ariel 422,Ariel 423,IBM Operations Planning and Control Start 424,IBM Operations Planning and Control Track 425,ICAD 426,smartsdp 427,Server Location 428,OCS_CMU 429,OCS_AMU 430,UTMPSD 431,UTMPCD 432,IASD 433,NNSP 434,MobileIP-Agent 435,MobilIP-MN 436,DNA-CML 437,comscm 438,dsfgw 439,dasp Thomas Obermair 440,sgcp 441,decvms-sysmgt 442,cvc_hostd 443,https MCom 444,Simple Network Paging Protocol 445,Microsoft-DS 446,DDM-RDB 447,DDM-RFM 448,DDM-BYTE 449,AS Server Mapper 450,TServer 451,Cray Network Semaphore server 452,Cray SFS config server 453,CreativeServer 454,ContentServer 455,CreativePartnr 456,macon-tcp 457,scohelp 458,apple quick time 459,ampr-rcmd 460,skronk 461,DataRampSrv 462,DataRampSrvSec 463,alpes 464,kpasswd 465,ssmtp 466,digital-vrc 467,mylex-mapd 468,proturis 469,Radio Control Protocol 470,scx-proxy 471,Mondex 472,ljk-login 473,hybrid-pop 474,tn-tl-w1 475,tcpnethaspsrv 476,tn-tl-fd1 477,ss7ns 478,spsc 479,iafserver 480,iafdbase 481,Ph service 482,bgs-nsi 483,ulpnet 484,Integra Software Management Environment 485,Air Soft Power Burst 486,avian 487,saft 488,gss-http 489,nest-protocol 490,micom-pfs 491,go-login 492,Transport Independent Convergence for FNA 493,Transport Independent Convergence for FNA 494,POV-Ray 495,intecourier 496,PIM-RP-DISC 497,dantz 498,siam 499,ISO ILL Protocol 500,isakmp 501,STMF 502,asa-appl-proto 503,Intrinsa 504,citadel 505,mailbox-lm 506,ohimsrv 507,crs 508,xvttp 509,snare 510,FirstClass Protocol 511,mynet-as 512,remote process execution; 513,remote login a la telnet; 514,cmd 515,spooler 516,videotex 517,like tenex link 518,? 519,unixtime 520,extended file name server 521,ripng 522,ULP 523,IBM-DB2 524,NCP 525,timeserver 526,newdate 527,Stock IXChange 528,Customer IXChange 529,IRC-SERV 530,rpc 531,chat 532,readnews 533,for emergency broadcasts 534,MegaMedia Admin 535,iiop 536,opalis-rdv 537,Networked Media Streaming Protocol 538,gdomap 539,Apertus Technologies Load Determination 540,uucpd 541,uucp-rlogin 542,commerce 543,? 544,krcmd 545,appleqtcsrvr 546,DHCPv6 Client 547,DHCPv6 Server 548,AFP over TCP 549,IDFP 550,new-who 551,cybercash 552,deviceshare 553,pirp 554,Real Time Stream Control Protocol 555,? 556,rfs server 557,openvms-sysipc 558,SDNSKMP 559,TEEDTAP 560,rmonitord 561,? 562,chcmd 563,snews 564,plan 9 file service 565,whoami 566,streettalk 567,banyan-rpc 568,microsoft shuttle 569,microsoft rome 570,demon 571,udemon 572,sonar 573,banyan-vip 574,FTP Software Agent System 575,VEMMI 576,ipcd 577,vnas 578,ipdd 579,decbsrv 580,SNTP HEARTBEAT 581,Bundle Discovery Protocol 600,Sun IPC server 606,Cray Unified Resource Manager 607,nqs 608,Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer 609,npmp-trap 610,npmp-local 611,npmp-gui 612,HMMP Indication 613,HMMP Operation 614,SSLshell 615,Internet Configuration Manager 616,SCO System Administration Server 617,SCO Desktop Administration Server 618,DEI-ICDA 619,Digital EVM 620,SCO WebServer Manager 633,Service Status update (Sterling Software) 634,ginad 635,RLZ DBase 636,ssl-ldap 637,lanserver 666,? 667,campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies 668,MeComm 669,MeRegister 670,VACDSM-SWS 671,VACDSM-APP 672,VPPS-QUA 673,CIMPLEX 674,ACAP 704,errlog copy/server daemon 705,AgentX 709,Entrust Key Management Service Handler 710,Entrust Administration Service Handler 729,IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client 730,IBM NetView DM/6000 send 731,IBM NetView DM/6000 receive 741,netGW 742,Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. 744,Flexible License Manager 747,Fujitsu Device Control 748,Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager 749,kerberos administration 750,? 751,? 752,? 753,? 754,send 758,? 759,? 760,? 761,? 762,? 763,? 764,? 765,? 767,phone 769,? 770,? 771,? 772,? 773,? 774,? 775,? 776,? 780,? 786,Concert 800,? 801,? 886,ICL coNETion locate server 887,ICL coNETion server info 888,AccessBuilder 911,xact-backup 991,Netnews Administration System 995,SSL based POP3 996,vsinet 997,? 998,? 999,? 1000,? 1001,WEB ex trojan 1023,Reserved 1024,Reserved 1025,network blackjack 1027,ICQ? 1030,BBN IAD 1031,BBN IAD 1032,BBN IAD 1047,Sun's NEO Object Request Broker 1048,Sun's NEO Object Request Broker 1058,nim 1059,nimreg 1067,Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. 1068,Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. 1080,Socks 1083,Anasoft License Manager 1084,Anasoft License Manager 1089,SocksServer trojan 1110,Cluster status info 1123,Murray 1155,Network File Access 1212,lupa 1222,SNI R&D network 1248,? 1313,BMC_PATROLDB 1314,Photoscript Distributed Printing System 1345,VPJP 1346,Alta Analytics License Manager 1347,multi media conferencing 1348,multi media conferencing 1349,Registration Network Protocol 1350,Registration Network Protocol 1351,Digital Tool Works (MIT) 1352,Lotus Note 1353,Relief Consulting 1354,RightBrain Software 1355,Intuitive Edge 1356,CuillaMartin Company 1357,Electronic PegBoard 1358,CONNLCLI 1359,FTSRV 1360,MIMER 1361,LinX 1362,TimeFlies 1363,Network DataMover Requester 1364,Network DataMover Server 1365,Network Software Associates 1366,Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform 1367,DCS 1368,ScreenCast 1369,GlobalView to Unix Shell 1370,Unix Shell to GlobalView 1371,Fujitsu Config Protocol 1372,Fujitsu Config Protocol 1373,Chromagrafx 1374,EPI Software Systems 1375,Bytex 1376,IBM Person to Person Software 1377,Cichlid License Manager 1378,Elan License Manager 1379,Integrity Solutions 1380,Telesis Network License Manager 1381,Apple Network License Manager 1382,? 1383,GW Hannaway Network License Manager 1384,Objective Solutions License Manager 1385,Atex Publishing License Manager 1386,CheckSum License Manager 1387,Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM 1388,Objective Solutions DataBase Cache 1389,Document Manager 1390,Storage Controller 1391,Storage Access Server 1392,Print Manager 1393,Network Log Server 1394,Network Log Client 1395,PC Workstation Manager software 1396,DVL Active Mail 1397,Audio Active Mail 1398,Video Active Mail 1399,Cadkey License Manager 1400,Cadkey Tablet Daemon 1401,Goldleaf License Manager 1402,Prospero Resource Manager 1403,Prospero Resource Manager 1404,Infinite Graphics License Manager 1405,IBM Remote Execution Starter 1406,NetLabs License Manager 1407,DBSA License Manager 1408,Sophia License Manager 1409,Here License Manager 1410,HiQ License Manager 1411,AudioFile 1412,InnoSys 1413,Innosys-ACL 1414,IBM MQSeries 1415,DBStar 1416,Novell LU6.2 1417,Timbuktu Service 1 Port 1418,Timbuktu Service 2 Port 1419,Timbuktu Service 3 Port 1420,Timbuktu Service 4 Port 1421,Gandalf License Manager 1422,Autodesk License Manager 1423,Essbase Arbor Software 1424,Hybrid Encryption Protocol 1425,Zion Software License Manager 1426,Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 1427,mloadd monitoring tool 1428,Informatik License Manager 1429,Hypercom NMS 1430,Hypercom TPDU 1431,Reverse Gossip Transport 1432,Blueberry Software License Manager 1433,Microsoft-SQL-Server 1434,Microsoft-SQL-Monitor 1435,IBM CICS 1436,Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 1437,Tabula 1438,Eicon Security Agent/Server 1439,Eicon X25/SNA Gateway 1440,Eicon Service Location Protocol 1441,Cadis License Management 1442,Cadis License Management 1443,Integrated Engineering Software 1444,Marcam License Management 1445,Proxima License Manager 1446,Optical Research Associates License Manager 1447,Applied Parallel Research LM 1448,OpenConnect License Manager 1449,PEport 1450,Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility 1451,IBM Information Management 1452,GTE Government Systems License Man 1453,Genie License Manager 1454,interHDL License Manager 1455,ESL License Manager 1456,DCA 1457,Valisys License Manager 1458,Nichols Research Corp. 1459,Proshare Notebook Application 1460,Proshare Notebook Application 1461,IBM Wireless LAN 1462,World License Manager 1463,Nucleus 1464,MSL License Manager 1465,Pipes Platform 1466,Ocean Software License Manager 1467,CSDMBASE 1468,CSDM 1469,Active Analysis Limited License Manager 1470,Universal Analytics 1471,csdmbase 1472,csdm 1473,OpenMath 1474,Telefinder 1475,Taligent License Manager 1476,clvm-cfg 1477,ms-sna-server 1478,ms-sna-base 1479,dberegister 1480,PacerForum 1481,AIRS 1482,Miteksys License Manager 1483,AFS License Manager 1484,Confluent License Manager 1485,LANSource 1486,nms_topo_serv 1487,LocalInfoSrvr 1488,DocStor 1489,dmdocbroker 1490,insitu-conf 1491,anynetgateway 1492,stone-design-1 1493,netmap_lm 1494,ica 1495,cvc 1496,liberty-lm 1497,rfx-lm 1498,Watcom-SQL 1499,Federico Heinz Consultora 1500,VLSI License Manager 1501,Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 1502,Shiva 1503,Databeam 1504,EVB Software Engineering License Manager 1505,Funk Software 1506,Universal Time daemon (utcd) 1507,symplex 1508,diagmond 1509,Robcad 1510,Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man. 1511,3l-l1 1512,Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service 1513,Fujitsu Systems Business of America 1514,Fujitsu Systems Business of America 1515,ifor-protocol 1516,Virtual Places Audio data 1517,Virtual Places Audio control 1518,Virtual Places Video data 1519,Virtual Places Video control 1520,atm zip office 1521,nCube License Manager 1522,Ricardo North America License Manager 1523,cichild 1524,ingres 1525,oracle 1526,Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv 1527,oracle 1528,micautoreg 1529,oracle 1530,rap-service 1531,rap-listen 1532,miroconnect 1533,Virtual Places Software 1534,micromuse-lm 1535,ampr-info 1536,ampr-inter 1537,isi-lm 1538,3ds-lm 1539,Intellistor License Manager 1540,rds 1541,rds2 1542,gridgen-elmd 1543,simba-cs 1544,aspeclmd 1545,vistium-share 1546,abbaccuray 1547,laplink 1548,Axon License Manager 1549,Shiva Hose 1550,Image Storage license manager 3M Company 1551,HECMTL-DB 1552,pciarray 1553,sna-cs 1554,CACI Products Company License Manager 1555,livelan 1556,AshWin CI Tecnologies 1557,ArborText License Manager 1558,xingmpeg 1559,web2host 1560,asci-val 1561,facilityview 1562,pconnectmgr 1563,Cadabra License Manager 1564,Pay-Per-View 1565,WinDD 1566,CORELVIDEO 1567,jlicelmd 1568,tsspmap 1569,ets 1570,orbixd 1571,Oracle Remote Data Base 1572,Chipcom License Manager 1573,itscomm-ns 1574,mvel-lm 1575,oraclenames 1576,moldflow-lm 1577,hypercube-lm 1578,Jacobus License Manager 1579,ioc-sea-lm 1580,tn-tl-r1 1581,vmf-msg-port 1582,MSIMS 1583,simbaexpress 1584,tn-tl-fd2 1585,intv 1586,ibm-abtact 1587,pra_elmd 1588,triquest-lm 1589,VQP 1590,gemini-lm 1591,ncpm-pm 1592,commonspace 1593,mainsoft-lm 1594,sixtrak 1595,radio 1596,radio-sm 1597,orbplus-iiop 1598,picknfs 1599,simbaservices 1600,? 1601,aas 1602,inspect 1603,pickodbc 1604,icabrowser 1605,Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol) 1606,Salutation Manager (SLM-API) 1607,stt 1608,Smart Corp. License Manager 1609,isysg-lm 1610,taurus-wh 1611,Inter Library Loan 1612,NetBill Transaction Server 1613,NetBill Key Repository 1614,NetBill Credential Server 1615,NetBill Authorization Server 1616,NetBill Product Server 1617,Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication 1618,skytelnet 1619,xs-openstorage 1620,faxportwinport 1621,softdataphone 1622,ontime 1623,jaleosnd 1624,udp-sr-port 1625,svs-omagent 1636,CableNet Control Protocol 1637,CableNet Admin Protocol 1638,CableNet Info Protocol 1639,cert-initiator 1640,cert-responder 1641,InVision 1642,isis-am 1643,isis-ambc 1644,Satellite-data Acquisition System 4 1645,datametrics 1646,sa-msg-port 1647,rsap 1648,concurrent-lm 1649,inspect 1650,? 1651,shiva_confsrvr 1652,xnmp 1653,alphatech-lm 1654,stargatealerts 1655,dec-mbadmin 1656,dec-mbadmin-h 1657,fujitsu-mmpdc 1658,sixnetudr 1659,Silicon Grail License Manager 1660,skip-mc-gikreq 1661,netview-aix-1 1662,netview-aix-2 1663,netview-aix-3 1664,netview-aix-4 1665,netview-aix-5 1666,netview-aix-6 1667,netview-aix-7 1668,netview-aix-8 1669,netview-aix-9 1670,netview-aix-10 1671,netview-aix-11 1672,netview-aix-12 1673,Intel Proshare Multicast 1674,Intel Proshare Multicast 1675,Pacific Data Products 1676,netcomm1 1677,groupwise 1678,prolink 1679,darcorp-lm 1680,microcom-sbp 1681,sd-elmd 1682,lanyon-lantern 1683,ncpm-hip 1684,SnareSecure 1685,n2nremote 1686,cvmon 1687,nsjtp-ctrl 1688,nsjtp-data 1689,firefox 1690,ng-umds 1691,empire-empuma 1692,sstsys-lm 1693,rrirtr 1694,rrimwm 1695,rrilwm 1696,rrifmm 1697,rrisat 1698,RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1 1699,RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2 1700,mps-raft 1701,l2f 1702,deskshare 1703,hb-engine 1704,bcs-broker 1705,slingshot 1706,jetform 1707,vdmplay 1708,gat-lmd 1709,centra 1710,impera 1711,pptconference 1712,resource monitoring service 1713,ConferenceTalk 1714,sesi-lm 1715,houdini-lm 1716,xmsg 1717,fj-hdnet 1718,h323gatedisc 1719,h323gatestat 1720,h323hostcall 1721,caicci 1722,HKS License Manager 1723,pptp 1724,csbphonemaster 1725,iden-ralp 1726,IBERIAGAMES 1727,winddx 1728,TELINDUS 1729,CityNL License Management 1730,roketz 1731,MSICCP 1732,proxim 1733,sipat 1734,Camber Corporation License Management 1735,PrivateChat 1736,street-stream 1737,ultimad 1738,GameGen1 1739,webaccess 1740,encore 1741,cisco-net-mgmt 1742,3Com-nsd 1743,Cinema Graphics License Manager 1744,ncpm-ft 1745,remote-winsock 1746,ftrapid-1 1747,ftrapid-2 1748,oracle-em1 1749,aspen-services 1750,Simple Socket Library's PortMaster 1751,SwiftNet 1752,Leap of Faith Research License Manager 1753,Translogic License Manager 1754,oracle-em2 1755,ms-streaming 1756,capfast-lmd 1757,cnhrp 1758,tftp-mcast 1759,SPSS License Manager 1760,www-ldap-gw 1761,cft-0 1762,cft-1 1763,cft-2 1764,cft-3 1765,cft-4 1766,cft-5 1767,cft-6 1768,cft-7 1769,bmc-net-adm 1770,bmc-net-svc 1771,vaultbase 1772,EssWeb Gateway 1773,KMSControl 1774,global-dtserv 1776,Federal Emergency Management Information System 1777,powerguardian 1778,prodigy-internet 1779,pharmasoft 1780,dpkeyserv 1781,answersoft-lm 1782,hp-hcip 1783,Fujitsu Remote Install Service 1784,Finle License Manager 1785,Wind River Systems License Manager 1786,funk-logger 1787,funk-license 1788,psmond 1789,hello 1790,Narrative Media Streaming Protocol 1791,EA1 1792,ibm-dt-2 1793,rsc-robot 1794,cera-bcm 1795,dpi-proxy 1796,Vocaltec Server Administration 1797,UMA 1798,Event Transfer Protocol 1799,NETRISK 1800,ANSYS-License manager 1801,Microsoft Message Que 1802,ConComp1 1803,HP-HCIP-GWY 1804,ENL 1805,ENL-Name 1806,Musiconline 1807,Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol 1808,Oracle-VP2 1809,Oracle-VP1 1810,Jerand License Manager 1811,Scientia-SDB 1812,RADIUS 1813,RADIUS Accounting 1814,TDP Suite 1815,MMPFT 1818,Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol 1819,Plato License Manager 1820,mcagent 1821,donnyworld 1822,es-elmd 1823,Unisys Natural Language License Manager 1824,metrics-pas 1901,Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A 1902,Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B 1903,Local Link Name Resolution 1904,Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C 1905,Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol 1906,TPortMapperReq 1907,IntraSTAR 1908,Dawn 1909,Global World Link 1911,Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol 1912,Unassigned 1913,armadp 1914,Elm-Momentum 1915,FACELINK 1916,Persoft Persona 1917,nOAgent 1918,Candle Directory Service - NDS 1919,Candle Directory Service - DCH 1920,Candle Directory Service - FERRET 1944,close-combat 1945,dialogic-elmd 1946,tekpls 1947,hlserver 1948,eye2eye 1949,ISMA Easdaq Live 1950,ISMA Easdaq Test 1951,bcs-lmserver 1973,Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol 1985,Folio Remote Server 1986,cisco license management 1987,cisco RSRB Priority 1 port 1988,cisco RSRB Priority 2 port 1989,cisco RSRB Priority 3 port 1990,cisco STUN Priority 1 port 1991,cisco STUN Priority 2 port 1992,cisco STUN Priority 3 port 1993,cisco SNMP TCP port 1994,cisco serial tunnel port 1995,cisco perf port 1996,cisco Remote SRB port 1997,cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol 1998,cisco X.25 service (XOT) 1999,cisco identification port 2000,? 2001,? 2002,? 2004,? 2005,? 2006,? 2007,? 2008,? 2009,n 2010,? 2011,raid 2012,? 2013,? 2014,? 2015,? 2016,? 2017,? 2018,? 2019,? 2020,? 2021,? 2022,? 2023,? 2024,? 2025,? 2026,? 2027,? 2028,? 2030,? 2032,? 2033,? 2034,? 2035,? 2038,? 2040,? 2041,? 2042,isis 2043,isis-bcast 2044,? 2045,? 2046,? 2047,? 2048,? 2049,? 2065,Data Link Switch Read Port Number 2067,Data Link Switch Write Port Number 2102,Zephyr server 2103,Zephyr serv-hm connection 2104,Zephyr hostmanager 2105,MiniPay 2201,Advanced Training System Program 2202,Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium 2213,Kali 2221,Allen-Bradley unregistered port 2222,Allen-Bradley unregistered port 2223,Allen-Bradley unregistered port 2232,IVS Video default 2233,INFOCRYPT 2234,DirectPlay 2235,Sercomm-WLink 2236,Nani 2237,Optech Port1 License Manager 2238,AVIVA SNA SERVER 2239,Image Query 2241,IVS Daemon 2279,xmquery 2280,LNVPOLLER 2281,LNVCONSOLE 2282,LNVALARM 2283,LNVSTATUS 2284,LNVMAPS 2285,LNVMAILMON 2286,NAS-Metering 2287,DNA 2288,NETML 2301,Compaq Insight Manager 2307,pehelp 2401,cvspserver 2500,Resource Tracking system server 2501,Resource Tracking system client 2564,HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet 2583,Wincrash V2.0 trojan 2592,netrek 2700,tqdata 2784,world wide web - development 2785,aic-np 2786,aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database 2787,piccolo - Cornerstone Software 2788,NetWare Loadable Module - Seagate Software 2789,Media Agent 2801,Phineas trojan 2908,mao 2909,Funk Dialout 2910,TDAccess 2911,Blockade 2912,Epicon 3000,HBCI 3001,Redwood Broker 3002,EXLM Agent 3010,Telerate Workstation 3011,Trusted Web 3047,Fast Security HL Server 3048,Sierra Net PC Trader 3049,? 3128,Squid Proxy 3141,VMODEM 3142,RDC WH EOS 3143,Sea View 3144,Tarantella 3145,CSI-LFAP 3264,cc:mail/lotus 3333,DEC Notes 3421,Bull Apprise portmapper 3454,Apple Remote Access Protocol 3455,RSVP Port 3456,VAT default data 3457,VAT default control 3883,Deep Throat 2 trojan 3900,Unidata UDT OS 3984,MAPPER network node manager 3985,MAPPER TCP/IP server 3986,MAPPER workstation server 4008,NetCheque accounting 4009,Chimera HWM 4132,NUTS Daemon 4133,NUTS Bootp Server 4134,NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol 4321,Remote Who Is 4343,UNICALL 4444,KRB524 4445,UPNOTIFYP 4446,N1-FWP 4447,N1-RMGMT 4448,ASC Licence Manager 4449,ARCrypto IP 4450,Camp 4451,CTI System Msg 4452,CTI Program Load 4453,NSS Alert Manager 4454,NSS Agent Manager 4500,sae-urn 4501,urn-x-cdchoice 4662, Edonkey Protocol 4672,remote file access server 5000,? 5001,? 5002,radio free ethernet 5003,Claris FileMaker Pro 5004,avt-profile-1 5005,avt-profile-2 5010,TelepathStart 5011,TelepathAttack 5020,zenginkyo-1 5021,zenginkyo-2 5050,multimedia conference control tool 5145,? 5150,Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol 5190,America-Online 5191,AmericaOnline1 5192,AmericaOnline2 5193,AmericaOnline3 5236,? 5300,# HA cluster heartbeat 5301,# HA cluster general services 5302,# HA cluster configuration 5303,# HA cluster probing 5304,# HA Cluster Commands 5305,# HA Cluster Test 5400,Excerpt Search 5401,Excerpt Search Secure 5555,Personal Agent 5631,pcANYWHEREdata 5632,pcANYWHEREstat 5678,Remote Replication Agent Connection 5679,Direct Cable Connect Manager 5713,proshare conf audio 5714,proshare conf video 5715,proshare conf data 5716,proshare conf request 5717,proshare conf notify 5729,Openmail User Agent Layer 5742,Wincrash V1.03 5745,fcopy-server 5755,OpenMail Desk Gateway server 5757,OpenMail X.500 Directory Server 5766,OpenMail NewMail Server 5767,OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure) 5800,Virtual Network Computing server,C:\Program Files\ORL\VNC\vncviewer.exe,%a:0, 5900,Virtual Network Computing server,C:\Program Files\ORL\VNC\vncviewer.exe,%a:0, 6000,6000-6063 X Window System 6110,HP SoftBench CM 6111,HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control 6112,dtspcd 6123,Backup Express 6141,Meta Corporation License Manager 6142,Aspen Technology License Manager 6143,Watershed License Manager 6144,StatSci License Manager - 1 6145,StatSci License Manager - 2 6146,Lone Wolf Systems License Manager 6147,Montage License Manager 6148,Ricardo North America License Manager 6149,tal-pod 6253,CRIP 6389,clariion-evr01 6455,SKIP Certificate Receive 6456,SKIP Certificate Send 6558,? +,6588,AnalogX Web Proxy 6670,Vocaltec Global Online Directory 6672,vision_server 6673,vision_elmd 6831,ambit-lm 6969,acmsoda 7000,file server itself 7001,callbacks to cache managers 7002,users & groups database 7003,volume location database 7004,AFS/Kerberos authentication service 7005,volume managment server 7006,error interpretation service 7007,basic overseer process 7008,server-to-server updater 7009,remote cache manager service 7010,onlinet uninterruptable power supplies 7099,lazy-ptop 7100,X Font Service 7121,Virtual Prototypes License Manager 7174,Clutild 7200,FODMS FLIP 7201,DLIP 7395,winqedit 7491,telops-lmd 7511,pafec-lm 7777,cbt 7781,accu-lmgr 7999,iRDMI2 8000,iRDMI/Shoutcast Server 8010,Wingate web logfile 8032,ProEd 8080,Standard HTTP Proxy 8450,npmp 8888,NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1) 8889,Desktop Data TCP 1 8890,Desktop Data TCP 2 8891,Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application 8892,Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product 8893,Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application 8894,Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application 9000,CSlistener 9100,HP JetDirect Printer Server 9535,? 9876,Session Director 9992,Palace 9993,Palace 9994,Palace 9995,Palace 9996,Palace 9997,Palace 9998,Distinct32 9999,distinct 10000,Network Data Management Protocol 11000,SSTROJG trojan 12345,Win95/NT Netbus backdoor,,%a, 12753,tsaf port 13223,PowWow chat program 17007,? 18000,Beckman Instruments 20001,Millenium trojan 20024,Netbus 2.0 Pro 21554,GirlFriend trojan 21845,webphone 21846,NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services 21847,NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services 21848,NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution 21849,NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System 22273,wnn6 22347,WIBU dongle server 22555,Vocaltec Web Conference 22800,Telerate Information Platform LAN 22951,Telerate Information Platform WAN 23456,Evil FTP trojan 25000,icl-twobase1 25001,icl-twobase2 25002,icl-twobase3 25003,icl-twobase4 25004,icl-twobase5 25005,icl-twobase6 25006,icl-twobase7 25007,icl-twobase8 25008,icl-twobase9 25009,icl-twobase10 25793,Vocaltec Address Server 25867,WebCam32 Admin 26000,quake 26208,wnn6-ds 30303,Sockets De Troie trojan 47557,Databeam Corporation 47806,ALC Protocol 47808,Building Automation and Control Networks 54320,Back Orifice 2000 65000,Devil trojan |
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