eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen. |
3. September 2003, 23:10
#1 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| Problem: eMule 0.30b Iberica 10a [07.10.03]
eMule 0.30b Iberica 10a
changelog Zitat:
Iberica 10a
based on eMule 0.30b LSD 13a Pawcio alpha4
- [add] VQB: ownCredits
- [add] Quick Start (by tritant, adapted by spanish man)
- [add] Sparse file support (by Moonlight)
- [add] Show Client IP (Spanish MAn)
- [patch] sort CS in sharedfiles (by LSD and Sivka)
- [patch] cupple of GUI improvements (by Noamson)
- [fix] bug in CClientList::GetStatistics (by rayita)
- [add] open file folder (by SiRoB)
- [add] remove file from HD (by blackHand)
- [add] create ed2k link for somo forum (ex :emulespaña)
- [changed] #define EXPIREIN 3 to #define EXPIREIN 30 //days
| DOWNLOAD Binary 10a Binary 10a AMD Binary 10a P4
Sources 10a: ed2k://|file|iberica.10a_src.rar|3592618|b486fce29df24360 1f538bec7ae2d3f4|/ Zitat:
Iberica 9b
- Based on Pawio alpha 3a + Iberica 9a+Push corrigé
- [add] quick start (by tritant)
- [add] auto-update friend list
Version Iberica 9a
- Nouvelle Base LSD 12e - Pawcio alpha 3
- [add] Sparse file support.(Moonlight)
- [add] Delete file from HD in shared file list (by BlackHand)
- [add] open file folder (by SiRoB)
- [bugfix] Full socket read (Slugfiller)
- [add] Only download complete files v2.1 (shadow)
- [patch] cupple of GUI improvements (Noamson)
- [add] create ED2K link for some forum (ex : eMulespana)
- [fix] middle mouse button crash (k-man)
- [add] HoaX's progress percentage
| DOWNLOAD Binary 9b Binary 9b AMD Binary 9b P4
Sources 9b: ed2k://|file|iberica9b_src.rar|3059284|14d1196f15012c084c ac668252deb2cc|/ Zitat:
Iberica 8b
[fix] Bug that's causing crashes is in CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueue()(by Pawcio)
- more fix from pawcio....
[Update] Delete File (The Black Hand) :Now uses a safer method to delete files.
Iberica 8a AMD
Une Iberica 8a avec les fix suivant de LSD 12e :
[FIX] #zegzav dcliuplst
[FIX] Maella -Code Fix DestroySocket()-
[MOD] itsonlyme: cacheUDPsearchResults
[FIX] This Clients Always Enter in Queue IsFriend, PR_RELEASE, PR_VERYHIGH
[FIX] Max Con Soft/Hard not changed in pref/conn when move from pref to pref (SerG)
[FIX] Unlimited friendslots in queuelist
[LSD] Mr.Proper BETA (clean clientlist unused sources, source in clientsctrl with DownloadState&Uploadstate NONE removed from mem) Free mem function.
[FIX] small bug, eMule allows to open unfinished files in sharedfiles (NoamSon)
| DOWNLOAD Binary 8b Binary 8b AMD Binary 8b P4
Sources 8b: ed2k://|file|iberica8b--src.rar|3139734|16b3dc49c60c575dc0a5d66c4020cc27|/ Zitat:
Iberica 7h
- [bugfix] Full socket read (by SlugFiller)
- [fix] the change of the "Hard Limit", "Max. Connections" and "Max. new connections / 5 secs" on LSD Tweaks preferences are now working (by SerG)
- [fix] a possible source of crash in CServerConnect::CheckForTimeout() (thanks Mp3Dibujos)
- Sparse file support...(by Moonlight)
- Only download complete files v2.1 (by shadow#)
- [fix] Webinterface: Control Characters in Filename (by Indigi)
- [add] AutoUpdate emfriends.met by a click (thanks MoNKi)
| DOWNLOAD Binary Binary AMD Binary P4
Sources: ed2k://|file|emule0.30a-iberica7h--src.rar|3152130|bdd025d762d9a2f4d6ef4b4683567682|/] Zitat:
Iberica 7g
[LSD] Source Time Reask (snd/req) Adjust (4-20) Default 10minutes
[FIX] HotFix by SiRoB about problem of udp request during full connection reached
[FIX] Pawcio Fix CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueu
[FIX] System Icon on DownList - NoamSon
[MOD] #zegzav:completesrc
[FIX] RemoveFromUploadQueue // modified by sivka
[FIX] Friends, and who want ReleasePRIO-file can allways entry the waiting queue (sivka)
| DOWNLOAD Binary Sources Zitat:
Changements presents sur LSD 12c et aussi Ibérica 7f
[FIX] txtsrc don't delete after completion
[FIX] AMD version sometimes crash in dnslookup
[FIX] Pawcio fix in listesocket.
[FIX] Pawcio fix nstrdup fires an exception!! in ET_MOD_VERSION
[FIX] Pawcio ToolTip fix for Dual Monitors.
[FIX] ED2kLink in txtsrc
[FIX] fBaseValue (float) division (lovelace)
[FIX] Statisc Graph, COScopeCtrl::ReCreateGraph(), Code optimalization (Maella)
[FIX] banned stats, and fix (NoamSon)
[FIX] Delete Sockets Fix (Maella)
[FIX] Maella -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb) Compression/Corruption
(in some ISOS can detect bad correct-block specially end part) solve disabling
[FIX] Fix Infinity Loop "Upload session ended due canceled transfer", if fail add ip to ipfilter (only if is infinite loop).
[FIX] DrawUpStatusBar (wistily)
(fixs status bars in up/dl, last chunk or if files is less than 9,8mb too)
Changements presents sur LSD 12c mais pas sur Ibérica 7f :
[FIX] Bans fakeport atakers
[FIX] Fake/ipfilter % Progress Caption Fix (LSD)
[FIX] PrefsTweak greyed boxes in debug info.
[LSD] Individual Auto-SLS
[LSD] Removed unknown Button and Reduced Icons Size
[LSD] Cat-Tabs Is Longer and min size reduced, can see 25 tabs in 800x600 (if titles is 1 char)
| DOWNLOAD Binary Sources Zitat:
Changements complets v7c:
- patch checks if the internet connection is OK by checking the server status (by milobac)
- missing code (by sivka)
- New Progress percentage bar (by SlugFiller)
- Show requested chunks also for non eMule clients (by Maella)
- [fix] Close backdoor v2.0 (by Maella)
- [patch] -End of upload session (by Maella)
- remove redundant md4 code removal (by K-man)
- fix in ZZUL patch - (by zz)
- show client IP
- progress hash (by Bzubzu)
- checkDiskspace (by SLUGFILLER)
- shareSubdir (by SLUGFILLER)
- fullChunk (by VQB)
- grayPause, showComments, SafeHash, LowIdRetry, infiniteQueue, chunkDots, multiSort, preferShareAll, mergeKnown, noRefrag, hostnameSources, batchComment
- VQB: multipleInstance
- itsonlyme: modname
[Patch] Approximate number of complete sources v 0.07a (by zegzav)
[fix] Memory leak again in BaseClient.cpp, quite serious.(by Pawcio)
[fix] 3 errors in ListenSocket.cpp (by Pawcio)
[FAF] -One-queue-per-file-, now te system can be used up to 15 days (before 3 days)
[improve] -One-queue-per-file-, better handling of the release slot
[fix] -One-queue-per-file-, incompatibility between lowId and release slot
+ made a new add-LowID-on-reconnect patch: before, best-score-LowIDs got every
second slot on reconnect. This procedure was able to block the upload queue.
Now, LowIDs with highest score will get a reserved slot until they reconnect.
If meanwhile the max upload rate can't be reached with the calculated number
of slots, additional ones will get opened.
* tuned the upload slot managemenent to get more constant upload-rate
* some small fixes
[ADD] SmartUploadControl v3 (by Lovelace)
[ADD] Slot speed (by Lovelace)
[ADD] Slot Management (by Lovelace)
[CHANGE] Anti-leech system (by Khaos)
[ADD] One-queue-per-file (by Maella - Idea of bloodymad)
[ADD] Defeat 0-filled part senders (by Maella - Idea of Xrmb)
[ADD] Anti-crash/Anti-fake handling (by Vorlost/Mortillo)
[ADD] Addons to detect hashthieves/leechers (by Xrmb/Milobac/Athlazan)
[ADD] Show your own UserHash (by Morph Team)
[ADD] Spreadbars (by Slugfiller)
[ADD] Hide OS (by Slugfiller)
[ADD] Extended clean-up II (by Maella)
[ADD] File push ratio (by Tarod)
[ADD] New icons
[ADD Patch] Code improvement (by Maella)
- Slot Release (by Athlazan)
- Show Shared Files Comments (by Slugfiller)
- Storing ED2K link in Save Source .txtsrc files to recover corrupted .met
- Quick Start (by Tritant)
- push and kick
- change in some windows size
- [fix] ya se puede ver el nombre del servidor abajo ( thanks Bzubzu)
| Zitat:
Iberica 7b Basee sur LSD 12c
- changement de dimensions de quelques fenetres
- PATCH complete sources v 0.07a (by zegzav)
- remove redondant code for MD4 ( by k-man )
| Zitat:
Iberica 7a :
[fix] Memory leak again in BaseClient.cpp, quite serious.(by Pawcio)
[fix] 3 errors in ListenSocket.cpp (by Pawcio)
[add] display complete userhash in status window (by Mighty Knife)
[fix] groupboxes with icons not properly localised (by itsonlyme)
[fix] some strings not localised (by itsonlyme)
- progress bar adapted by SlugFiller
[fix] missing code (by sivka)
[add] Support of external AntiVirus! (by Avi-3K)
[fix] Close backdoor v2.0 (by Maella)
[patch] -End of upload session-, Missing protocol support (by Maella)
- Show requested chunks also for non eMule clients (by zz)
| |
| |
4. September 2003, 06:10
#2 | Senior Member
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
Beiträge: 341
| Hört sich sehr interresant an!
__________________ Saug du Esel! |
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4. September 2003, 10:04
#3 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| eMule 0.30b Iberica 10a [07.10.03] Details so, ich hab ihn jetzt am laufen, mal schauen wie er sich macht.
nur wird der mod dummerweise von der online-sig nicht erkannt. |
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4. September 2003, 10:24
#4 | MODder
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203
| Lösung: eMule 0.30b Iberica 10a [07.10.03] renegade, kannst ja deine statistik am testende posten!
__________________ 
fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt) |
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4. September 2003, 11:52
#5 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 31.05.2003
Beiträge: 250
| eMule 0.30b Iberica 10a [07.10.03] [gelöst] hmm download links vieleicht entfernen?
der mod is basiernt auf den cryptum ( schnelle abfahrt )
es ist fast 1 zu 1 der gleiche mod und er enthält eine manuele kick funktion!
naja bei mir stehen jetzt alle esel da pladde voll und ich atm nix saugen "muss"
__________________ 
eMule einstellungen und vieles mehr hier klicken |
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4. September 2003, 12:03
#6 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| hab es beim testen auch gerade gesehen.
aber er läuft eh nicht besonders. das gleiche wie beim original lsd.
sehr viele aktive verbindungen, miserabler dl und der ul wird schlechter je näher man ans limit kommt. 38 wollte er garnimmer machen, obwohl noch luft bis zum limit von 48 ist.
lsd taugt bei mir absolut nichts. |
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4. September 2003, 12:56
#7 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 31.05.2003
Beiträge: 250
| naja so sterng bin ich nicht, der cryptum lief recht gut und hat alle dl´s beenndet.
zufriedenstellend sag ich da
__________________ 
eMule einstellungen und vieles mehr hier klicken |
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8. September 2003, 13:30
#8 | MODder
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203
| neue Version:eMule0.30a-Iberica7e1 Zitat:
Changelog :
- Merged to cryptum 3b
- patch checks if the internet connection is OK by checking the server status (by milobac)
- missing code (by sivka)
- [fix] Close backdoor v2.0 (by Maella)
- [patch] -End of upload session (by Maella)
- remove redundant md4 code removal (by K-man)
- fix in ZZUL patch - (by zz)
- change in some windows size
- [fix] the name of the server can already be seen down ( thanks Bzubzu)
- New Progress percentage bar (by SlugFiller)
- Show requested chunks also for non eMule clients (by Maella)
- [patch] -End of upload session (by Maella)
- [HOTFIX] probleme with one queue per file, with release file
- [fix] txtsrc not delteded after file completed (by drLSD)
- [fix] crash in AMD version (by drLSD)
- [fix] in DrawUpStatusBar: the last part was always considered as 9.28 MB (by wistily)
- [fix] CKnownFile::m_ClientUploadList contains, invalid clients (by zegzav)
- [Add] Emulespana y eMuleMods at webservices.dat
- [fix] in one queue per file ( Maella)
- [fix] bugs in Hideos feature (Pawcio)
- [patch] cupple of GUI improvements ( NoamSon) :
1. show the icons aligned, if no comment, a blank space will apear insted of the comment icon. (NoamSon)
2. show local comments mark (by SF), aligned too (NoamSon)
3. show red text if file was not seen before (khaos)
4. show system icon for part file (NoamSon)
- Disk space statistic ( nimmrod m)
- Only download complete files v2 (by shawdow) :
************************************************** **********
1. if a file was not seen complete, no data is downloaded and no bandwidth is wasted.
2. while waiting for the file to show up complete, sources are asked every (FILEREASKTIME*2).
3. the download can be manually started in the file-context menu.
4. if a file is stopped and restarted, this waiting state will be restored.
************************************************** *********** http://www.emulemods.com/download/redirec.php?id=96 http://www.emulemods.com/downloads/mods/ib...rica7e1_AMD.rar http://www.emulemods.com/downloads/mods/ib...erica7e1_P4.rar
ed2k://|file|eMule0.30a-Iberica7e_Src.rar|3419019|3239031768DE21B21A4B73F6 508F2C2C|/
| cyrex2001
__________________ 
fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt) |
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8. September 2003, 21:33
#9 | MODder
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203
| wieder ein update: Zitat:
version 7e2 :
- [HotFix] by SiRoB about problem of udp request during full connection reached
- [add] show download in green
- [Hotfix] by k-man to avoid middle mouse button crash
- [fix] bug in banned stat (by Noamson)
- [fix] in stat the pourcentage was not display for "Sessions réussies au total" and "Sessions échouées au total" in all languages (thanks Rafix)
ed2k://|file|eMule0.30a-Iberica7e2.rar|1760446|D8507E92CF65F867723AF0C7ACB FA43E|/
AMD optimized:
ed2k://|file|eMule0.30a-Iberica7e2_AMD.rar|1762200|9210EDF8BFC0D78DE340C5F E8900A353|/
ed2k://|file|eMule0.30a-Iberica7e2_Src.rar|3453076|0AD757CF612AD4DF64B7A54 F5DB6DBF9|/
| wenn einer den mod testet und feststellt, dass die kick-funktion noch vorhanden ist, sollte er mir eine pm zukommen lassen, damit ich die links entferne!
__________________ 
fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt) |
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8. September 2003, 22:07
#10 | MODder
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800
| cyrex2001,
ist die kickfunktion nicht auch im crpytum drin ? Dieser wird doch überall gepostet (incl offizielles Forum). Über die Kickfunktion läßt sich eh streiten. Ich wäre manchmal froh, wenn ich sie hätte
__________________ |
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8. September 2003, 22:29
#11 | Board-Äffchen !
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563
| solange die kickfunktion im changelog vermerkt ist, ist auch nichts gegen sie einzuwenden. wenn aber nicht, sieht es schon wieder anders aus. wer weiss, was der da sonst noch mit einbaut, ohne es zu vermerken |
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8. September 2003, 22:56
#12 | MODder
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800
| laut changelog isse drin
__________________ |
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10. September 2003, 22:38
#13 | Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
| update auf version 7f |
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15. September 2003, 12:56
#14 | Board Profi
Registriert seit: 31.03.2003
Beiträge: 941
| Der Produziert aber 'nen heftigen Overhead. Bei 19kb Down hat der 'nen Overhead im Schnitt von 7kb laut Statitisk.
__________________ |
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15. September 2003, 23:14
#15 | Junior Member
Registriert seit: 26.03.2003
Beiträge: 54
| Es gibt schon nen Iberica 7g |
| |
| Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, neue Themen zu verfassen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. HTML-Code ist aus. | | | Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 17:43 Uhr.