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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 24. October 2003, 20:19   #61
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

ich glaub, dass dauert nicht mehr lange, ich hab mir mal das changelog angeschaut von der v1i, ist ganz schön lang!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 25. October 2003, 13:09   #62
Registriert seit: 15.04.2003
Beiträge: 56

hi cyrex2001,

gibt es weltbewegende Änderungen im Plus-Mod ??
Was gibts denn neues, erzähl mal



Lord_of_the_Fire ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 25. October 2003, 13:22   #63
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

Lord_of_the_Fire, hier kannst du es selber nachlesen!


fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 1. November 2003, 19:20   #64
Registriert seit: 15.04.2003
Beiträge: 56

V1i hat wohl etwas Verspätung
Lord_of_the_Fire ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 1. November 2003, 19:27   #65
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

Lord_of_the_Fire, ich rechne so mitte/ende november mit der der v1i! das plusteam release so 2 monate nach der letzten version, zumindest war es bei den letzten 2en so!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 1. November 2003, 22:56   #66
Registriert seit: 05.07.2003
Beiträge: 16

eine 1i beta2 gibt es schon in emule
Tortila ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. January 2004, 15:22   #67
Senior Member
Registriert seit: 15.08.2003
Beiträge: 548



FEATURE: added some more actions customizable by shortcut management for Download window [DonGato]
FEATURE: added downloading file rename and cleanup box customizable by shortcut management [netwolf]
FEATURE: expand/collapse sources by pressing +/- key [netwolf]
FEATURE: added a debug message for files before they start to be hashed [DonGato]
FEATURE: added keyboard DEL and INS actions to Friends list for easy operation [DonGato]
FEATURE: auto priority is now available for completed files using complete sources values [DonGato]
FEATURE: display own userhash in log at startup [SyruS]
FEATURE: added unique setting on Queue and Known lists to set the autoupdate option (high CPU usage) [DonGato]
FEATURE: Rich Edit Log, Serverinfo & Debug log (added color to the logs) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added Keep-Alive option for server connections (from official) [DonGato]
FEATURE: Rich Edit IRC/Messages (added copy text to clipboard & save logs as RTF) [katsyonak]
CHANGE: statusbar is now erased when log or debuglog are erased [KuSh]
CHANGE: some code optimizations [Aw3/KuSh]
CHANGE: MD4 calculation optimization [Aw3]
CHANGE: caseinsensitive handling of [acronym="eMuleuser aus der eigenen Community werden beim Upload bevorteilt"]community[/acronym]-sharing [SyruS]
CHANGE: added ed2k-link to .txtsrc files so in case of .part.met corruption you know what to search for [netwolf]
CHANGE: added Queue Full (QF) to sources information in tooltips [netwolf]
CHANGE: update the way Limitless download is enabled in preferences [DonGato]
CHANGE: new complete/completing icons [Psy]
BUGFIX: fixed string format buffer overflow with status command line argument [KuSh]
BUGFIX: category column sorting bug fix [KuSh]
BUGFIX: prevent from connect to the same server every time [KuSh]
BUGFIX: localization fixes [KuSh]
BUGFIX: some problems with InfoListCtrl (File/Source details in Download Window) [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: files weren't added to shared files if all blocks recovered by ICH [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: wrong values in categories because completed files weren't counted [DonGato]
BUGFIX: having non existing directories in shareddir.dat inhibits setting drive letter bold [DonGato]
BUGFIX: close of chat by button now sets focus on the last tab (for multiple closing) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: data transfer after cancel request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: memleak in UDP socket [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fix to limit requests to block borders [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: fixed command line server link loading (server was removed) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed cumulative statistics totals for uploads and downloads [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed document filtered search [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed unknown sources due to addition of already known clients [Eklmn/DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed precedence of category selection on WebServer and Search over Auto Cat feature [DonGato]
BUGFIX: removed FPU optimizations for non-MMX CPUs because of 100% corruption on downloads [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fix for statistics tree update delay not being obeyed [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed wrong server duration times (current and total) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed the packet handling [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: added second sort to avoid jumping of non-eMule clients when sources are sorted by QR [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed change of sort by preferences in search list when a search is going on [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed sort for double columns in server list [morevit/DonGato]
BUGFIX: corrected tooltip font color [DropF]
BUGFIX: corrected SF Ratio on queue list [DonGato]
BUGFIX: corrected type switching in InfoList [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed Search sorting by size [DonGato]
BUGFIX: force update of status categories when files are paused, stopped, resumed or completed [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed queue filtering reseting some values [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed cleanup on File Details when the whole file name is selected [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixed [acronym="Von Anbietern verschiedener Dateien gezielt Datei abfragen."]A4AF[/acronym] icon showing without file status icons enabled [DonGato]
BUGFIX: integer size of transferred bytes in WebServer is too small for files over 2 Gb [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed some Javascript errors when using localizations [DonGato]
eMulePlus-1j.Binary.zip Binaries
eMulePlus-1j.Installer.exe Installer
TheMatrix ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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