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Alt 23. October 2003, 19:06   #46
Board Profi
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seit 4.5 std. am start. sieht bis jetzt gut aus. die normale version im einsatz.
endlich mal ein mod, der nur die nötigen ul-slots aufmacht. da können sich suc/uss usw. eine scheibe von abschneiden. endlich mal 1 client, der den maximalen ul-speed bekommt. ganz selten, das da clients dazwischen kommen, die den vollpower nicht abkönnen. und wenn doch, dann macht er eben noch einen ul-slot auf. super gelöst.
wenn er jetzt auch noch ein paar tage ab heute durchläuft, ohne irgendwelche dummheiten zu machen. das wärs !!
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Alt 23. October 2003, 20:20   #47
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
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endlich mal ein mod, der nur die nötigen ul-slots aufmacht.
So pauschal würde ich das aber nicht sagen.
Wenn Du z.B. seltene Files im Load hast, ist es, bedingt durch den Quellentausch, besser mal mehr U-Slots zu haben.
Ich fahre da manchmal mit 10 - 12 Slots.


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Alt 23. October 2003, 20:34   #48
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Benutzerbild von xtremchopper
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Ist es eigentlich sinnvoll das 1:4Ratio einzuschalten? Hab das, obwohl es eine super Beschreibung auf der Webseite ist, nicht so ganz raffen können, da es doch ein wenig her ist wo ich mal Englisch lernen durfte

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Alt 23. October 2003, 21:31   #49
Board Profi
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Januar1956, so hat halt eben jeder seine vorlieben. für mich ist das mit dem vollen ul-power eine geniale lösung. ausserdem habe ich - aus meiner sicht - seltene teile im ul. naja - und die jungens / mädels kommen halt in den genuss meines vollen ul-speeds und freuen sich über den tollen dl-speed.
mir gefällt bei diesem mod besonders gut, das ich die funktion hide overshare auf die einzelenen files einstellen kann.
jetzt muss er nur noch anfangen zu rennen, aber nach knapp 7 std. laufzeit kann man ja nocht nicht viel erwarten. habe ja durch den absturz des vorgänger-mods und der langen pause nach dem start dieses mods meine ganzen schönen qr verloren. geduld ist eine esel-tugend.

xtremchopper, wo haste den die webseite gesehen ? kleiner tip - bitte.
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Alt 23. October 2003, 21:40   #50
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
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ich hoffe, dass ich den richtigen thread erwischt habe!
Zitat von Pawcio
eMule Pawcio 4.0 Release Candidatebased on 0.30b

This version is based on original eMule

PAWCIO mod WebSite!!! by Rick164:

For a description on "Bandwidth control" tab look below features list.

1. Normal:
ed2k://|file|emule0.30bPawcio4RC-Normal.zip|1739789|E5EC4D66EC5A4EA68C7646ABCCD5394 7|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC
2. P4 optimized (also Celeron with SSE2):
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC P4
3. AMD K7 (Athlon, Duron) optmized:
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC AMD

ed2k://|file|emule0.30bPawcio4RCsrc.zip|2665033|0BFA75583 9F37126B7539700AAD82841|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4.0 RC Sources
Dump version:
ed2k://|file|emule0.30bPawcio4RCDump.zip|2148968|5A3E9AF7 D5B4AC625C577E189AB35290|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4.0 RC Dump


1. Pawcio Bandwidth Control (Tag: "Pawcio: BC") - tab "Bandwidht Control" in Preferences.
Completly new upload system based on Maella (50 ms, packets splitting), ZZ (USS) and own ideas.
-->A. Special algorithm for minimaliziation of opened slots (as an option: can be turn on/off by "Minimize number of opened slots" option)
-->B. Bandwidth Setting in 0.1 kB increaments (Maella idea)
-->C. Simplified options for USS and DSS(now you have to choose only the minimal upload/download and decide how much eMule should use your bandwidth - slider - no more need of % of lowest ping)
-->D. Advanced option for USS and DSS (you can exactly choose what max ping should be and which server to ping)
-->E. Auto managment of Max Connections and Max Connections per 5 second. If you set them too high BC can detect this(auto managment can be turn on/off by Manage of active connections)
Info: BC changes only too high settings (when managment is turned on), if they are resonable, they won't be changed
-->F. Possibility of "catching" whole eMule upstream/downstream within specified limits:
-->--> I: eMule protocol, IP, TCP, UDP header overhead (option "Include Overhead")
-->--> II: TCP connection negotiations (option "Include connections overhead") - empiric calculations
-->--> III: TCP acknowledge packets (option "Include TCP Ack") - empiric (doesn't not take account of RWIN size - only 2.5% of stream)
-->G. Cumulate upload bandwidth to certain slots (as an option - "Cumulate Bandwitdth for upload slots") - idea of ZZ:SlotFocus
-->H. "Session up 1:4 limit" from Morph Next.
-->I. Status of USS and DSS (working, preparing, etc) and all limits (up, down) can be seen on Bandwidth Control Tab (you can enter any value in Connection tab but limits of ratio are preserved, you can see them on Status on Bandwidth Control Tab)
-->J. There is new type of clients: Clients on reserved upload list (ready in any time to start upload):
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is not selected, reserved client is added when client on upload queue is just ending its session (so reserved client is able to prepare before taking the freed slot - no delays)
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is selected, there is quantified number of reserved clients (algorithm in CUploadQueue::AcceptToReserve)
-->--> - when "Cumulate Bandwidth for upload slots" is selected, reserved clients are very similar to Trickle Slots in ZZUL (so there is rotation between upload queue and reserved upload queue)
-->K. Blue lines added to graphs (in Statistic Window) showing whole current upload and download (with whole overhead)

When "Include connectino overhead" is selected you have to set minimum 11kB/s (instead of 10kB/s) for upload limit to have unlimited download, and minimum 3.5 kB/s (instead of 3kB/s) to have 4x ratio.
When "Include TCP Ack" is selected Session up ratio (ZZ:RATIO from MorphNext) is forced.
All limits you can see on Status - Bandwidth Control.

2. Features for RELEASERS:
- Power Sharing from ZZ (safe MorphKad 0.4 implementation). File in Power Shared mode is automatically uploaded with full chunks, regardless what you set in preference.
- HideOS / Selective Chunk Sharing from SF-IOM mod
- HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis. Every file can have it's own values (right click on file in Shared Files window), so released files can have HideOS value 1 and Selective Chunk enabled (as Slugfiller recommends) and normal files default value (5)
- Parts Selector - manually choose which parts are Enabled/Disabled (from Plus mod) or Auto managed (Auto means HideOS). Manually enabling/disabling works only for completed files and in power shared mode. Like in HideOS, if you block a part, but user can't take any other, the part is automatically unblocked for this user (so you won't become NSS for him).
- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window

3. Release Window from The Black Hand mod - access to news, releases from eMule!

4. Antivirus Check from The Black Hand mod - scan for viruses just completed files! (configuration in "Extended Settings" in Preferences)

5. Tray menu from eMule Plus mod with fast access to Upload Speed Sense (USS) and Download Speed Sense (DSS) options. (tag Pawcio: TrayMenu)

6. Anti-Leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature from Morph Next mod (Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

7. USS and DSS now in Scheduler.

8. Safe Hash - full implementation from SF-IOM mod

9. Merge Known - saves statistics also for not completed files (from SF-IOM mod)

10. Check Disk Space - from SF-IOM mod. Files get new stauts, when there is not enough space on disk (Insufficient Diskspace), Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences"

11. Drop High Queue Rate sources - usefull for 56K users (for others rather not because with time flow, queue ranks are decreasing). Drop is done the same way as original clients drops FullQ and NSS (can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

12. Toolbar from Kademlia client - you can use now skins!

13. New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB

14. Mod version (partially form The Black Hand mod) - see what mods are using other users

15. Configuration of MSS in Connection Tab (from Morph Next and LSD mod)

16. Reconnect on LowID in Server Tab (by Tarod) thanks to WiRAHA

17. Code fixes:
- Maella fixes for Sockets
- fix in CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueue()
- fix in CUpDownClient::unzip()
- fix in CUpDownClient::TryToConnect()

Short guide (recommended settings):
USS Group:
- deselect "Max ping allowed"
- URL to ping - select Auto
- select options: "Minimize number of opened slots", "Cumulate bandiwidth...", "Include overhead", "Manage of active connections", "Include connection overhead".
- use slider (above "Max ping allowed" or on TrayMenu) to find best surfing experience.

Limits in USS group:
1. for T-DSL 768/128 (mostly Germany)
- Min upload - 11
- Max upload - 16
- deselect "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

2. for T-DSL 1536/256 (mostly Germany)
Min upload - 14
Max upload - 30
- deselect "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

3. for 512/128 (mostly France, Poland)
Min upload - 8
Max upload - 15
- select "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

Description of "Bandwidth Control" tab:
USS (Upload Speed Sense) Group:
USS (work of ZZ :respect: ) dynamically finds current, best upload rate from the range of "Min upload in kB/s" and "Max upload in kB/s". "Max upload in kB/s" can be found automatically by selecting "Auto" box. USS lower the upload when other applications are using your connection or when mule is downloading very fast (important for ADSL user when download can be limited by upload). The key of USS to work is pinging a host. USS can find the proper host to ping for you (just select "Auto" box, on the right of "URL/IP to ping:" input box). If searching fails (very rearly) it uses host given in "URL/IP to ping". If you know which host to ping
unselect "Auto" box and input own address. By pinging, USS gets replies from host and on this basis it knows what to do (increase or decrease current upload). USS has to have a value to comapre with received respons from host, this value is "Max ping allowed". It would be the best if you could know what is proper ping for your connection (if you know, then select "Max ping allowed" box and input it). If you don't know, do not select "Max ping allowed" box, instead use intuitive slider above (it will find the proper ping for on the base of lowest ping calculated during preparation of USS). When you move slider on the left upload will be lower but you can surf the net easily, on the right - opposite behaviour.

Minimize number of opened slots
- when this option is selected eMule will open less slots than original if it is possible (if less users can take more bandwidth). It means that the chunks will arrive faster to users.

Cumulate bandwidth for upload slots (idea of ZZ: Slot Focus - but a bit diffrent) - when this option is not selected eMule tries to upload to all users on upload queue with the same speed. Selecting this option is causing that eMule always upload to one user (Priority client - no matter wheter he has slow or fast connection) and then rest bandwidth gives for the fastest users (faster spread of chunks). Priority client is always client which was first on upload queue (stayed the longest), thanks to this for every client ("fast", "slow") will be a turn to get data.

Session up limit (1:4) (idea of ZZ, changed by MorphNext) - instead of 1:3 and 1:4 ratio for download (or unlimited when upload higher than 10) there is limit 1:4 for session. As long as you have downloaded less than 4 times the amount you uploaded (or you are uploading higher than 10kB/s) the limit of download is the same as value entered in "Connection tab" (so it can be unlimited). When you have downloaded more - the download is limited to preserve 1:4 session ratio.

Include overhead - eMule upload not only file data. It comunicates with other users (queue ranks, names of files, hashes, etc), server. If you want this upload can within limits defined in "Connection" tab or USS.

Manage of active connection - when this option is selected and you have too high values of "Max connections" and "Max connections per 5 sec for your connection, they will be adjusted automatically when needed.

Include connection overhead
- not only eMule communicates between users, system and network layer also (on diffrent level). This system communication can take a lot of bandwidth especially when sorces are loaded (SLS system, or a file with a lot sources from server). It's almost impossible to calculate this overhead exactly, but an approximate is acceptable. You can include this overhead within upload limits (USS or "Connection tab"). Keep in mind that to have the unlimited download or 1:4 ratio with this option selected the limits for upload were chaned:
- unlimited download needs minimum 11kB/s upload instead of 10
- 1:4 ratio needs minimum 3.5 kB/s upload instead of 3

Include TCP Ack Packets - every data received needs to be acknowledged (it is TCP ACK packet), so it's generating upstream. The amount of overhead is hardly to calculate exactly, it depends on many settings (e.g RWIN). But as with "Include connection overhead" some approximation can be done (64kB/s downstream needs circa 1.5kB/s upstream). You can include this overhead within upload limits but then Session up limit (1:4) is enforced.

Status Group:
Here you can see what's happening with USS, what are the limits of download (limited by settings described above - so you don't have to calculate them) and what host is pinged. USS/DSS can be Disabled / Preparing / Succesfull / Failed.

I hope it is understandable. Sorry for my english

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC - 23.10.2003
[FIXED] Crashes on exit and server reconnect
[FIXED] Proper change of the skins
[FIXED] Improved auto new-connections managment

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 BETA 2 - 21.10.2003
[FIXED] Crash on empty shared file list
[FIXED] Friend list crash
[FIXED] Cancel upload attack 100% cpu usage
[FIXED] Proper display of HideOS and Selective Chunk on context menu (right click in Shared Files)
[FIXED] Code dealing with sockets

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 BETA - 19.10.2003
[ADDED] DSS - download speed sense is now implemented
[ADDED] Power Sharing form ZZ/MorphKad 0.4
[ADDED] HideOS/Selective chunk sharing form SF-IOM.
[ADDED] HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis (every file can have it's own values) - more detail on the features list
[ADDED] Parts selector for Power Shared and completed files (more on feature list on the first post)
[ADDED] Toolbar from Kademlia (Dann's skins included in the zip!)
[ADDED] Drop High Queue Rate Sources (especially for 56K users). Droping is done in the same way as original eMule drops FullQ and NSS (option in "Extended settings" tab)
[FIXED] All new (comparing to original eMule) options are now grouped in "Extended settings" tab under "Additional Tweaks" group.
[FIXED] CONNETION_TIMEOUT value is back to original 40000 (from 25000)
[FIXED] Other small fixes:
- proper save of decimal value
- working feature "Full chunks for Release files"
- no more dialog with "29 characters"
- fixes to bandwidth code

Alpha4 version - 01.10.2003:
[FIX] Fix to Bandwidth Control code (prevent crash)
[ADDED] Spanish, French, German (partial) languages

Alpha3bHOTFIX version - 30.09.2003:
[FIX] Fix to CDownloadQueue::SortByPriority() to work with CheckDiskSpace (caused problems with connecting to server)

Alpha3b version - 29.09.2003:
[FIX] USS Scheduler now fully compatible with 0.30b
[FIX] Sorting of eMule version
[ADDED] Check Disk Space (SlugFiller - option in "Extended Settings") thanks to Meuh6789
[ADDED] Anti-leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature form MORPHNext (option in "Extended Settings") thanks to danielsan81 and sam06000
[ADDED] Up/Down Column from LSD thanks to sam06000
[ADDED] Reconnect on LowID (Tarod - "Server" tab in "Preferences") thanks to WiRAHA
[ADDED] WebServer files in zip (thanks to LD86)

Alpha3a version - 29.09.2003:
UPDATE to eMule 0.30b code

Alpha3a version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Performace fix for Bandwidth Control
[FIXED] Bug in DwonloadQueue (thanks to lcf)

Alpha3 version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Yellow icons again(thanks to MorTillo)
[FIXED] Fast cycling of queue when no connection (thanks to Meuh6879)
[FIXED] Important fixes and tunes for Bandwidth Control

Alpha2 version - 24.09.2003:
[FIXED] Number of opened slots
[FIXED] Yellow icons of clients now displayed properly in transfer window[/color]

Alpha version - 22.09.2003

Best Regards,

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 23. October 2003, 21:57   #51
Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624

also bei mir läuft die amd-version normal von cpu-seite her. 2-14% auslastung.

und gleich ein update, da die Normal und die P4-versionen falsch verlinkt ist.

1. Normal:
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC Normal

2. P4 optimized (also Celeron with SSE2):
--->eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC P4
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Alt 23. October 2003, 23:17   #52
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 02.10.2003
Beiträge: 987

cyrex2001, das liest sich sehr gut. thx.
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Alt 24. October 2003, 18:43   #53
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von xtremchopper
Registriert seit: 31.03.2003
Beiträge: 941

Der Pawcio AMD optimiert ist bei mir sehr empfindlich wenn nebenbei der CCEncoder läuft. Der Upload geht voll in die Knie. Ansonsten läuft der Mod mit 'ner CPU Last von 2-5% sehr CPU schonend.
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Alt 24. October 2003, 19:27   #54
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

xtremchopper, aber cce ist natürlich auch cpu-fressend, wie alle encoder!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 24. October 2003, 20:02   #55
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von xtremchopper
Registriert seit: 31.03.2003
Beiträge: 941

Ist schon klar, wollte damit nur sagen das der Pawcio (zumindest bei mir) im Vergleich zu anderen Mods empfindlicher auf CpuFresser reagiert. In letzter Zeit hatte ich keinen Mod dazwischen der den Upload verlor während ein Encoder lief, andererseits hatte ich ich auch keinen Mod mit so'ner geringen CpuLast.
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Alt 24. October 2003, 20:14   #56
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
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Beiträge: 2.203

xtremchopper, bei mir isses immer so, sobald die cpu zuviel leistung für was anderes brauch, bricht mein up- und download ein, bei meiner alten mühle, deswegen mache ich alles andere auf meinen neueren pc!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24. October 2003, 21:36   #57
Unregistrierter Gast
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Beiträge: 3.624

so, die beta 2 nun einen tag am laufen gehabt. zwar stabil, aber sonst nicht irgendwie beeindruckend. ul:dl verhältnis nicht mal ein 1:1 geschaft, fehlgeschlagene sessions lagen bei 25-30%.
was DSS bewirken soll ..... keine ahnung. find auch den ul nicht so besonders, ist recht weit weg vom eingestellten wert.
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Alt 26. October 2003, 22:07   #58
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

nu hat pawcio, athlazan abgelöst!
die erste 30c mod!
eMule Pawcio 4.0 based on 0.30c

This version is based on original eMule

PAWCIO mod WebSite!!! by Rick164:

For a description on "Bandwidth control" tab look below features list.

1. Normal:
ed2k://|file|emule0.30cPawcio4.0-Normal.zip|2634971|E1A1489882863A0057CC28465AFF431 A|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0
2. P4 optimized (also Celeron with SSE2):
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 P4
3. AMD K7 (Athlon, Duron) optmized:
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 AMD

ed2k://|file|emule0.30cPawcio4.0src.zip|2802563|008418EB2 671E6F96C763C8B05E1ACF6|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 Sources
Dump version:
ed2k://|file|emule0.30cPawcio4.0Dump.zip|2151038|43552DFC 515AEA633E2CD83FAC0E7EE5|/
--->Mirror by Rick164
--->eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 Dump


1. Pawcio Bandwidth Control (Tag: "Pawcio: BC") - tab "Bandwidht Control" in Preferences.
Completly new upload system based on Maella (50 ms, packets splitting), ZZ (USS) and own ideas.
-->A. Special algorithm for minimaliziation of opened slots (as an option: can be turn on/off by "Minimize number of opened slots" option)
-->B. Bandwidth Setting in 0.1 kB increaments (Maella idea)
-->C. Simplified options for USS and DSS(now you have to choose only the minimal upload/download and decide how much eMule should use your bandwidth - slider - no more need of % of lowest ping)
-->D. Advanced option for USS and DSS (you can exactly choose what max ping should be and which server to ping)
-->E. Auto managment of Max Connections and Max Connections per 5 second. If you set them too high BC can detect this(auto managment can be turn on/off by Manage of active connections)
Info: BC changes only too high settings (when managment is turned on), if they are resonable, they won't be changed
-->F. Possibility of "catching" whole eMule upstream/downstream within specified limits:
-->--> I: eMule protocol, IP, TCP, UDP header overhead (option "Include Overhead")
-->--> II: TCP connection negotiations (option "Include connections overhead") - empiric calculations
-->--> III: TCP acknowledge packets (option "Include TCP Ack") - empiric (doesn't not take account of RWIN size - only 2.5% of stream)
-->G. Cumulate upload bandwidth to certain slots (as an option - "Cumulate Bandwitdth for upload slots") - idea of ZZ:SlotFocus
-->H. "Session up 1:4 limit" from Morph Next.
-->I. Status of USS and DSS (working, preparing, etc) and all limits (up, down) can be seen on Bandwidth Control Tab (you can enter any value in Connection tab but limits of ratio are preserved, you can see them on Status on Bandwidth Control Tab)
-->J. There is new type of clients: Clients on reserved upload list (ready in any time to start upload):
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is not selected, reserved client is added when client on upload queue is just ending its session (so reserved client is able to prepare before taking the freed slot - no delays)
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is selected, there is quantified number of reserved clients (algorithm in CUploadQueue::AcceptToReserve)
-->--> - when "Cumulate Bandwidth for upload slots" is selected, reserved clients are very similar to Trickle Slots in ZZUL (so there is rotation between upload queue and reserved upload queue)
-->K. Blue lines added to graphs (in Statistic Window) showing whole current upload and download (with whole overhead)

When "Include connectino overhead" is selected you have to set minimum 11kB/s (instead of 10kB/s) for upload limit to have unlimited download, and minimum 3.5 kB/s (instead of 3kB/s) to have 4x ratio.
When "Include TCP Ack" is selected Session up ratio (ZZ:RATIO from MorphNext) is forced.
All limits you can see on Status - Bandwidth Control.

2. Features for RELEASERS:
- Power Sharing from ZZ (safe MorphKad 0.4 implementation). File in Power Shared mode is automatically uploaded with full chunks, regardless what you set in preference.
- HideOS / Selective Chunk Sharing from SF-IOM mod
- HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis. Every file can have it's own values (right click on file in Shared Files window), so released files can have HideOS value 1 and Selective Chunk enabled (as Slugfiller recommends) and normal files default value (5)
- Parts Selector - manually choose which parts are Enabled/Disabled (from Plus mod) or Auto managed (Auto means HideOS). Manually enabling/disabling works only for completed files and in power shared mode. Like in HideOS, if you block a part, but user can't take any other, the part is automatically unblocked for this user (so you won't become NSS for him).
- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window

3. Release Window from The Black Hand mod - access to news, releases from eMule!

4. Antivirus Check from The Black Hand mod - scan for viruses just completed files! (configuration in "Extended Settings" in Preferences)

5. Tray menu from eMule Plus mod with fast access to Upload Speed Sense (USS) and Download Speed Sense (DSS) options. (tag Pawcio: TrayMenu)

6. Anti-Leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature from Morph Next mod (Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

7. USS and DSS now in Scheduler.

8. Safe Hash - full implementation from SF-IOM mod

9. Merge Known - saves statistics also for not completed files (from SF-IOM mod)

10. Check Disk Space - from SF-IOM mod. Files get new stauts, when there is not enough space on disk (Insufficient Diskspace), Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences"

11. Drop High Queue Rate sources - usefull for 56K users (for others rather not because with time flow, queue ranks are decreasing). Drop is done the same way as original clients drops FullQ and NSS (can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

12. Toolbar from Kademlia client - you can use now skins!

13. New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB

14. Mod version (partially form The Black Hand mod) - see what mods are using other users

15. Configuration of MSS in Connection Tab (from Morph Next and LSD mod)

16. Reconnect on LowID in Server Tab (by Tarod) thanks to WiRAHA

17. Code fixes:
- Maella fixes for Sockets
- fix in CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueue()
- fix in CUpDownClient::unzip()
- fix in CUpDownClient::TryToConnect()

Short guide (recommended settings):
USS Group:
- deselect "Max ping allowed"
- URL to ping - select Auto
- select options: "Minimize number of opened slots", "Cumulate bandiwidth...", "Include overhead", "Manage of active connections", "Include connection overhead".
- use slider (above "Max ping allowed" or on TrayMenu) to find best surfing experience.

Limits in USS group:
1. for T-DSL 768/128 (mostly Germany)
- Min upload - 11
- Max upload - 16
- deselect "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

2. for T-DSL 1536/256 (mostly Germany)
Min upload - 14
Max upload - 30
- deselect "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

3. for 512/128 (mostly France, Poland)
Min upload - 8
Max upload - 15
- select "Session up limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

Description of "Bandwidth Control" tab:
USS (Upload Speed Sense) Group:
USS (work of ZZ :respect: ) dynamically finds current, best upload rate from the range of "Min upload in kB/s" and "Max upload in kB/s". "Max upload in kB/s" can be found automatically by selecting "Auto" box. USS lower the upload when other applications are using your connection or when mule is downloading very fast (important for ADSL user when download can be limited by upload). The key of USS to work is pinging a host. USS can find the proper host to ping for you (just select "Auto" box, on the right of "URL/IP to ping:" input box). If searching fails (very rearly) it uses host given in "URL/IP to ping". If you know which host to ping
unselect "Auto" box and input own address. By pinging, USS gets replies from host and on this basis it knows what to do (increase or decrease current upload). USS has to have a value to comapre with received respons from host, this value is "Max ping allowed". It would be the best if you could know what is proper ping for your connection (if you know, then select "Max ping allowed" box and input it). If you don't know, do not select "Max ping allowed" box, instead use intuitive slider above (it will find the proper ping for on the base of lowest ping calculated during preparation of USS). When you move slider on the left upload will be lower but you can surf the net easily, on the right - opposite behaviour.

Minimize number of opened slots
- when this option is selected eMule will open less slots than original if it is possible (if less users can take more bandwidth). It means that the chunks will arrive faster to users.

Cumulate bandwidth for upload slots (idea of ZZ: Slot Focus - but a bit diffrent) - when this option is not selected eMule tries to upload to all users on upload queue with the same speed. Selecting this option is causing that eMule always upload to one user (Priority client - no matter wheter he has slow or fast connection) and then rest bandwidth gives for the fastest users (faster spread of chunks). Priority client is always client which was first on upload queue (stayed the longest), thanks to this for every client ("fast", "slow") will be a turn to get data.

Session up limit (1:4) (idea of ZZ, changed by MorphNext) - instead of 1:3 and 1:4 ratio for download (or unlimited when upload higher than 10) there is limit 1:4 for session. As long as you have downloaded less than 4 times the amount you uploaded (or you are uploading higher than 10kB/s) the limit of download is the same as value entered in "Connection tab" (so it can be unlimited). When you have downloaded more - the download is limited to preserve 1:4 session ratio.

Include overhead - eMule upload not only file data. It comunicates with other users (queue ranks, names of files, hashes, etc), server. If you want this upload can within limits defined in "Connection" tab or USS.

Manage of active connection - when this option is selected and you have too high values of "Max connections" and "Max connections per 5 sec for your connection, they will be adjusted automatically when needed.

Include connection overhead
- not only eMule communicates between users, system and network layer also (on diffrent level). This system communication can take a lot of bandwidth especially when sorces are loaded (SLS system, or a file with a lot sources from server). It's almost impossible to calculate this overhead exactly, but an approximate is acceptable. You can include this overhead within upload limits (USS or "Connection tab"). Keep in mind that to have the unlimited download or 1:4 ratio with this option selected the limits for upload were chaned:
- unlimited download needs minimum 11kB/s upload instead of 10
- 1:4 ratio needs minimum 3.5 kB/s upload instead of 3

Include TCP Ack Packets - every data received needs to be acknowledged (it is TCP ACK packet), so it's generating upstream. The amount of overhead is hardly to calculate exactly, it depends on many settings (e.g RWIN). But as with "Include connection overhead" some approximation can be done (64kB/s downstream needs circa 1.5kB/s upstream). You can include this overhead within upload limits but then Session up limit (1:4) is enforced.

Status Group:
Here you can see what's happening with USS, what are the limits of download (limited by settings described above - so you don't have to calculate them) and what host is pinged. USS/DSS can be Disabled / Preparing / Succesfull / Failed.

I hope it is understandable. Sorry for my english

eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 - 26.10.2003
[ADDED] More stable upload/download during high CPU usage by other programs
[ADDED] HDD protection by skynetman
[FIXED] PowerShare for small files (MorphNext)
[FIXED] Other fixes to code.

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC - 23.10.2003
[FIXED] Crashes on exit and server reconnect
[FIXED] Proper change of the skins
[FIXED] Improved auto new-connections managment
[FIXED] Completed sources by zegzav

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 BETA 2 - 21.10.2003
[FIXED] Crash on empty shared file list
[FIXED] Friend list crash
[FIXED] Cancel upload attack 100% cpu usage
[FIXED] Proper display of HideOS and Selective Chunk on context menu (right click in Shared Files)
[FIXED] Code dealing with sockets

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 BETA - 19.10.2003
[ADDED] DSS - download speed sense is now implemented
[ADDED] Power Sharing form ZZ/MorphKad 0.4
[ADDED] HideOS/Selective chunk sharing form SF-IOM.
[ADDED] HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis (every file can have it's own values) - more detail on the features list
[ADDED] Parts selector for Power Shared and completed files (more on feature list on the first post)
[ADDED] Toolbar from Kademlia (Dann's skins included in the zip!)
[ADDED] Drop High Queue Rate Sources (especially for 56K users). Droping is done in the same way as original eMule drops FullQ and NSS (option in "Extended settings" tab)
[FIXED] All new (comparing to original eMule) options are now grouped in "Extended settings" tab under "Additional Tweaks" group.
[FIXED] CONNETION_TIMEOUT value is back to original 40000 (from 25000)
[FIXED] Other small fixes:
- proper save of decimal value
- working feature "Full chunks for Release files"
- no more dialog with "29 characters"
- fixes to bandwidth code

Alpha4 version - 01.10.2003:
[FIX] Fix to Bandwidth Control code (prevent crash)
[ADDED] Spanish, French, German (partial) languages

Alpha3bHOTFIX version - 30.09.2003:
[FIX] Fix to CDownloadQueue::SortByPriority() to work with CheckDiskSpace (caused problems with connecting to server)

Alpha3b version - 29.09.2003:
[FIX] USS Scheduler now fully compatible with 0.30b
[FIX] Sorting of eMule version
[ADDED] Check Disk Space (SlugFiller - option in "Extended Settings") thanks to Meuh6789
[ADDED] Anti-leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature form MORPHNext (option in "Extended Settings") thanks to danielsan81 and sam06000
[ADDED] Up/Down Column from LSD thanks to sam06000
[ADDED] Reconnect on LowID (Tarod - "Server" tab in "Preferences") thanks to WiRAHA
[ADDED] WebServer files in zip (thanks to LD86)

Alpha3a version - 29.09.2003:
UPDATE to eMule 0.30b code

Alpha3a version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Performace fix for Bandwidth Control
[FIXED] Bug in DwonloadQueue (thanks to lcf)

Alpha3 version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Yellow icons again(thanks to MorTillo)
[FIXED] Fast cycling of queue when no connection (thanks to Meuh6879)
[FIXED] Important fixes and tunes for Bandwidth Control

Alpha2 version - 24.09.2003:
[FIXED] Number of opened slots
[FIXED] Yellow icons of clients now displayed properly in transfer window[/color]

Alpha version - 22.09.2003

Best Regards,

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. October 2003, 23:01   #59
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 02.10.2003
Beiträge: 987

cyrex2001, im moment läuft bei mir der vorgänger und stellt alles im bereich download in den schatten, was ich je gesehen habe. habe im moment 29 files im dl und eine dl-rate von ~ 75 - 83 kb/s seit etlichen stunden. mit allem overhead läuft mein dsl am anschlag. wenn ich cFos nicht hätte, wäre vom prinzip surfen nicht möglich. leider traue ich mich nicht in die statistik umzuschalten. denn da schmiert er mir immer wieder ab. aber egal - sowas habe ich schon lange nicht mehr am start gehabt. seit cirka 3 tagen glühen die leitungen. leider bricht bei dem sehr hohen dl der ul manchmal bis auf 6 kb/s ein. bedingt durch die vielen dl´s habe ich manchmal eine cpu-last von bis zu 43 %. im durchschnitt aber so 13 bis 25 %. der ramverbrauch liegt nach 18 std. laufzeit bei 70 mb. so weit für die leistung, die er bringt, also nocht gute werte. beschränke ich meine dl´s auf 15 bis 20, merke ich noch nicht mal, das der esel läuft. seinen nachfolger, den 4.0 auf 0.30c basis habe ich über ed2-link eingefügt. will doch meinen dl nicht durcheinander bringen. wenn er dann da ist - mal schauen. die nächste zt kommt bestimmt.
Gucky ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. October 2003, 23:18   #60
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096


Das ist, wenn ich richtig gesehen habe der "1." 0.30c !!!
Da gilt es zuzuschlagen und rein in den Test

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