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-   -   eMule 40b2 LSD-14b (http://www.emule-web.de/board/5160-emule-40b2-lsd-14b.html)

Misio 2. October 2003 20:46

eMule 40b2 LSD-14b



-Manual Save/Load Sources Based on enkeyDEV SLS
-Can Drop manual/auto(with limits) (downloading sources) with this status NNS/FULLQ/ASK/TooMany/Connecting
-Search VLC button on registry.
-Edit Name Server.
-Filedetail compression.
-Maella Defeat 0-fillers.
-Live Update Fakes/IPfilter.
-Slugfiller modID statisc.
-Fix sorts in some dlg.
-Identifiy mod generic string and dysplay in list also especific mod id.
-Added extra columns info in some lists.
-Push Rare And Small Files (tarod).
-Disable auto-sort.
-New Priority Level (Yery High/Release) and can use old version.
-QueueSize 2000-100.000
-disable ipfilter msg.
-tab minsize reduzed to 15.
-users to accesc files (very high/release) always enter in queue if is full.
-can change UDP value, 20-120 defaul in kademelia is 50, in emule 100.
-can change Max Sofy value, 100-3000 (and never more than max hard) in kademelia is 500, in emule 1000.
-5 main buttons for accions in all files.
-show system icon on dl_list (NoamSon)
-wistily correct filesize calculation in BarShaders Upload/Download client. for ending blocks or files with less than 9mb.
-Manual Ask Server for new Sources.
-Manual Set XS Answer Timeout (2 * CONNECTION_LATENCY + ::GetTickCount() - SOURCECLIENTREASK ) this cause 44sec delay min between manual asks.
-emule-multi.bat or executing emule.exe -multi allow multiple instances.
-edonkey hybryd display version number fixed.
-community based on username [], one community only

Kademlia has new UDP port 4673, i recomend open this in router or firewall.
Also install in clean dir and later select old incoming/temp folders

for compiling need this extra libs:

/srchybrid <-emule folder
/srchybrid/CxImage (compiling this too)


ed2k://|file|eMule0.30b-LSD13a-Libpng.rar|324387|83C4F702564521515CE038404E1F699C |/


stern 2. October 2003 20:49


Bitte editieren und in den....

MadeinChina 2. October 2003 20:50

Das hatten wir auch schon: http://www.emule-web.de/board/viewtopic.php?t=6128

Usul 2. October 2003 20:50

Bitte beachten:



-> Tonne.

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 20:14 Uhr.

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