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Alt 13. October 2003, 11:41   #1
Registriert seit: 13.10.2003
Beiträge: 1
Standard: LSD-12b trying to send emails! Problem: LSD-12b trying to send emails!

sorry not sure where to post this as i do not speak german, hope someone can help me.

im just wondering if there is something known to be wrong with emule-LSD12b, my firewall blocked it from trying to send out going emails from my pc.

i have a screen shot of the warning msg if needed, many thanks.
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Alt 13. October 2003, 11:48   #2
Senior Member
Benutzerbild von Vip2002
Registriert seit: 05.03.2003
Beiträge: 488

This is just emule traffic using the port for emailservice.
e.G. Tiscali Users do so, cause Tiscali blocks the performance of the standard emule ports.

<MfG> ViP2002 </MfG>

-- :o DON`T PANIC! - Deine Hardware reicht für eMule allemal :o --
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