Ich bin so frei... und mache mal höchst selber

ein update.
V3 (25.08.03)
- fixed parttraffic - seems to work now.
- added support for ET_COMMUNITY 0x60 (i think this one was not in use - hope so.)
I think sending the communitystring as a tag to the other clients is a much better
way than all the communitynames in the clientsname.
On advanced-pref-tab are now two edittext. One for the communityname, the
other for the identifier.
Please check the tags, because old community-string(identifier) is now the
Communityname in username is still supported.
- did some localization (i tried to - spanish and italian).
V2 (22.08.03)
- added changed downloadpercentage. [HoaX_69]
- added and modified releaseslot [Slugfiller].
If this feature is enabled (on Advanced-pref-tab) and client asks for a release-
priority file the client goes right to the uploadqueue. The next client asking for
a releasefile has to wait until the slot is free again, but its going up the queue
as usual too.
- changed the parttraffic code.
- did some localization (German only - sorry).
binaries und sourcen gibts hier
Edit: beim binary scheint beim upload irgendwas nicht geklappt zuhaben, habs nochmal hochgeschoben. Sollte jetzt in Ordnung sein.