The Black Hand v7
Smart Devil
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ed2k://|file||3428601|2B73684AE138BC246632B9DD28D 227B8|/
Binary [/G7]
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ed2k://|file||3414116|38ED0FC4373C094AF4C93 2EA72D2C9E0|/
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ed2k://|file||2423089|CD949A89F8A1B6DC36CE5390C1B C5408|/
The Black HandBook v2
Credit: r3fu53d
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eD2k://|file||3449275|C D7638B20B9E80E972ECECC6AB932525|/
Merge v41a.10
CacheUDPSearchResults [SF_IOM]
PNR -> PNR v2 [enkeyDev]
EDT [enkeyDev]
Release window - now translatable and supports rdf/rss description [Some code by enkeyDev]
Bandwidth Control [Pawcio]
PW Prot - password protect and hide downloading and shared files (NOTE: There is NO default password so remember the ones you set! This is not meant to be a complete lock down of files, but just an extra measure to keep out spying eyes.)
SMID - simple mod ID. Much less code to do the same work... includes stats portion of SF_IOM modID
Full multi-select support for deleting files from shared files window.
More memory optimizations
Configurable web server timeout [thanks aibarz]
"Auto" selection of Source Exchange [based on code by Obelix ACC]
Share SubDirs 2.5 [SF_IOM]
Advanced shares browsing [SF_IOM]
Virtual shared dirs [SF_IOM]
Safehash again [SF_IOM]
Modeless dialogs [SF_IOM]
Queue traversal display [SF_IOM]
Spread ReAsk again [SF_IOM]
New Mulisort [SF_IOM]
Sharing permissions [SF_IOM]
Hover capture fix [SF_IOM]
Refresh Shared Files [SF_IOM]
reqBlockClipping [SF_IOM]
ICS [enkeyDev]
Added scrollbars to logs and preferences menu
Fixes to sorting/columns
Tweaks to powersharing, including auto implementation [most code by Morph team and Pawcio]
Set default share permission
User name and hash displayed in MyInfo window again. If your userhash has changed since the last time you started emule it will be displayed in red.
Added title bar to credits
Fixed issues with TBH Tweaks tree
Tweaks to Anti-Blacklisting
Max Average Downloadrate stat now works
Clients are now indented in download list
Fixes to queue display
Filename always keeps cat color, while the rest of the info will change per paused, downloading etc.
More translatable texts
Lots of optimizations and tweaks