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Alt 5. December 2003, 00:24   #1
Benutzerbild von MorTillo
Registriert seit: 02.02.2003
Beiträge: 152
Standard: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 Problem: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004

Here we go again!!!

eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004

First of all: This is a mod consisting a couple of really nice features of especially Pawcio, Vorlost, sivka...me etc.
This mod is only for test-purposes, it's absolutely alpha, but running ! MorTillo 1.7 would correspond to an earlier MorTillo 7.alpha, but as I would only mod the new Kademlia-Version in the future the version-tag changed to 1.7 instead 7.alpha

Next official Kademlia-Releases will be the base for further MorTillo-Mods


Normal (Automatic Optimization inside):
? Server 1
- Mirror by Plastic3

? Server 1
- Mirror by Plastic3

Known Bugs:


? BandwidthControl by Pawcio:
Completly new upload/download system based on Maella (50 ms, packets splitting), ZZ (USS), and own ideas (DSS, ...) .
-->A. Special algorithm for minimaliziation of opened slots (as an option: can be turn on/off by "Minimize number of opened slots" option)
-->B. Bandwidth Setting in 0.1 kB increaments (Maella idea)
-->C. Simplified options for USS and DSS(now you have to choose only the minimal upload/download and decide how much eMule should use your bandwidth - slider - no more need of % of lowest ping)
-->D. Advanced option for USS and DSS (you can exactly choose what max ping should be and which server to ping)
-->E. Auto managment of Max Connections and Max Connections per 5 second. If you set them too high BC can detect this(auto managment can be turn on/off by Manage of active connections)
Info: BC changes only too high settings (when managment is turned on), if they are resonable, they won't be changed
-->F. Possibility of "catching" whole eMule upstream/downstream within specified limits:
-->--> I: eMule protocol, IP, TCP, UDP header overhead (option "Include Overhead")
-->--> II: TCP connection negotiations (option "Include connections overhead") - empiric calculations
-->--> III: TCP acknowledge packets (option "Include TCP Ack") - empiric (doesn't not take account of RWIN size - only 2.5% of stream)
-->G. Cumulate upload bandwidth to certain slots (as an option - "Cumulate Bandwitdth for upload slots") - idea of ZZ:SlotFocus
-->H. "Session up 1:4 limit" from Morph Next.
-->I. Status of USS and DSS (working, preparing, etc) and all limits (up, down) can be seen on Bandwidth Control Tab (you can enter any value in Connection tab but limits of ratio are preserved, you can see them on Status on Bandwidth Control Tab)
-->J. There is new type of clients: Clients on reserved upload list (ready in any time to start upload):
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is not selected, reserved client is added when client on upload queue is just ending its session (so reserved client is able to prepare before taking the freed slot - no delays)
-->--> - when "Minimize number of opened slots" is selected, there is quantified number of reserved clients (algorithm in CUploadQueue::AcceptToReserve)
-->--> - when "Cumulate Bandwidth for upload slots" is selected, reserved clients are very similar to Trickle Slots in ZZUL (so there is rotation between upload queue and reserved upload queue)
-->K. Blue lines added to graphs (in Statistic Window) showing whole current upload and download (with whole overhead)

When "Include connection overhead" is selected you have to set minimum 11kB/s (instead of 10kB/s) for upload limit to have unlimited download, and minimum 3.5 kB/s (instead of 3kB/s) to have 4x ratio.
When "Include TCP Ack" is selected Session up ratio (ZZ:RATIO from MorphNext) is forced. All limits you can see on Status - Bandwidth Control.

? Power Sharing from ZZ (safe MorphKad 0.4 implementation). File in Power Shared mode is automatically uploaded with full chunks, regardless what you set in preference.
- HideOS / Selective Chunk Sharing from SF-IOM mod
- HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis. Every file can have it's own values (right click on file in Shared Files window), so released files can have HideOS value 1 and Selective Chunk enabled (as Slugfiller recommends) and normal files default value (5)
- Parts Selector - manually choose which parts are Enabled/Disabled (from Plus mod) or Auto managed (Auto means HideOS). Manually enabling/disabling works only for completed files and in power shared mode. Like in HideOS, if you block a part, but user can't take any other, the part is automatically unblocked for this user (so you won't become NSS for him).
- Inteligent Chunk Selection from enkeyDev! - to avoid two or more users choose to download the same chunk, ECS relies only on randomness: users choose randomly *hoping* to choose a different chunk each; in ICS users exchange infos about what chunk is being downloaded ATM, then a user can choose the less-downloaded (priority: spread the file faster); in ICS the user preference "first/last chunk" take importance only when there are NO rare chunks (priority: spread the file); With ICS, the same situation is a release-mode one, then you will choose the shortest-to-complete chunk that is not being downloaded ATM by any other client. This increase the probability you and the other clients would have downloaded different chunks and keep (globally) a complete source for the file, though a couple of sources quit...
- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window

- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window

? Release Window from The Black Hand mod - access to news, releases from eMule!

? Antivirus Check from The Black Hand mod - scan for viruses just completed files! (configuration in "Extended Settings" in Preferences)

? Tray menu from eMule Plus mod with fast access to Upload Speed Sense (USS) and Download Speed Sense (DSS) options. (tag Pawcio: TrayMenu)

? Anti-Leecher- and Anti-Credits-Thefts-Feature from Morph Next mod (Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

? USS and DSS in Scheduler

? Save Upload Queue Waiting Time v. 2 (SUQWT) by Moonlight - save each upload queue client's wait time, so if he connect again next time, he'll get his old upload queue time, it's choosable in Extended Settings

? Merge Known - saves statistics also for not completed files (from SF-IOM mod)

? Check Disk Space - from SF-IOM mod. Files get new stauts, when there is not enough space on disk (Insufficient Diskspace), Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences"

? Drop High Queue Rate sources - usefull for 56K users (for others rather not because with time flow, queue ranks are decreasing). Drop is done the same way as original clients drops FullQ and NSS (can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")

? New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
- added again from earlier MorTillo-Mods: Multiplier of 1,5 for people already downloading to you

? Allow Queue Overflow for Valid Sources, Friends and Release-Files by sivka [MorTillo] - If activated and your queue-limit is reached, only Valid Sources, Friends or clients that want to load your release-files are allowed to get into queue

? Mod version (partially form The Black Hand mod) - see what mods are using other users

? Configuration of MSS in Connection Tab (from Morph Next and LSD mod)

? Reconnect on LowID in Server Tab (by Tarod)

? See won/lost places (QR) in download-queue by IOM - won ranks are typed in green, lost ranks are typed in red [MorTillo]

? Spread Reask by SF/IOM-Mod [MorTillo] - This feature takes care that eMule don't try to reask known sources at the same time

? SafeHash by SF/IOM-Mod - The ultimate fix against sharing corrupt downloads, or missing or having corrupt hashlists (More details in SF/IOM-forum)

? "See The Need" in download window by xrmb [MorTillo] - See which chunks are needed by others

? Winsock v2 by eWombat

? High priority process for eMule from MorphKad - choosable option in Extended Settings

? See own comments in Shared Files window from MorphKad

? AutoPriority based on Valid Sources from Sivka (AutoHL) - on hard limit column you can see Valid Sources/Hard Limit; - variable Hard Limit with auto-function (50...1000, in-/decrease depend on priority of DL-file); - updating of Hard Limit is depended on Timer value; - Hard Limit per file will be initiate with value from usual used Hard Limit in preferences; - You can enter manually Hard Limit for individual files (right click - menu Sivka - AutoHardLimit)

? AutoSort by LSD - option in display-settings to reduce the CPU-load in control-windows

? Active Connection Control by Obelix - option in Extended Settings

? PNR (Partfile Name Recovery) from enkeyDev! This feature writes and keeps updated the file "config\PNRecovery.dat" that will help you recover files when you lose the ".met". For each record in the file, the part number, ed2k link and file name are saved in fixed lenght format.

? EDT (Estimate Download Time) from enkeyDev! (option in Extended Settings - for slow CPU <600MHz it's recommended to turn off) This works only between EDT compatible versions. It lets you known how much it will take to download from a specific source and is updated every reask (as the QR). The requester can see the EDT in "Remaining" column. The provider can see EDT for enqueued clients in their details window (N.S. means EDT "Not Supported" by that client). To have a reliable statistic, EDT performs no estimation until about 30 clients start download (and that can take very much). Anyway this is VERY experimental. Do not take EDT for an oracle, if the provider changes a file priority or shares another file or a million other things, your EDT changes consequently!

? Reask Sources after IP-Change by Xman - Reinitialize all sources after a change of the global IP (e.g. modem disconnected) or a change of lowID to lowID

? Extended Full Chunk (partly from Xman)
It's a compromise of Tarod-Full-Chunk and VQB-Full-Chunk.
Tarod stops the upload when a client request a diffrent chunk. VQB always transfers 9,29MB.
With Tarod it can happen that a user only gets a few Bytes. With VQB your cycling time is to big.
Now you give at least 2 MB without looking at the chunk boarder. After 2 MB the upload stops if a new chunks is requested. The upload also stops after giving ~9,28 MB (~one Chunk).

MorTillo 1.9e - 08.01.2004
[ADDED] Reask sources after IP change- (idea Xman)
Reinitialize all sources after a change of the global IP (e.g. modem disconnected) or a change of lowID to lowID
[ADDED] Some Memory-Optimizations
[CHANGED] Full-Chunk-Upload by MorTillo (idea of Xman) - details are above mentioned B)
[CHANGED] Improved friend-handling
[FIXED] Anti-Leecher-Protection ban users even with disabled option
[FIXED] Client Icons are shown without credit-overlay in transfer-window (download-clients)
[FIXED] Some little fixes in code - as almost always B)

MorTillo 1.9d - 06.01.2004
[ADDED] Safe Hash - by Slugfiller
[ADDED] Loaded Sources are now shown as SLS in Transfer Windows
[FIXED] Max. DL-Rate Average is now corrected in Statistics - thanks cyrex
[FIXED] Rating is now showing the right Rating (not only "Not Rated" anymore) - thanks Raffgier
[FIXED] Problem With Web Interface on Transfer Page, if you download a File >2GB, the transfer page in web interface don't works - thanks MoNKi
[FIXED] Some little fixes in code

MorTillo 1.9c - 03.01.2004
[READDED] Multisort - by Slugfiller
[UPDATED] Mod-String is now displayed properly - by MorphKad
[CHANGED] Some Banning-Code isn't that aggressive anymore
[FIXED] Now EDT is really finally corrected for sending to other clients
[FIXED] Some little fixes in code, some of them are cosmetical B)

MorTillo 1.9b - 29.12.2003
[ADDED] BC - detection of the end of upload of small files by Pawcio
[ADDED] When finishing downloading the last known chunk of a source, the source is set as on queue rather than as a no needed source, in case that source completed a new chunk in the mean time - by Slugfiller
[UPDATED] SpreadReask to the latest version
[CHANGED] Cumulate Bandwidth possible without the need of minimalization of opened slots by Pawcio
[CHANGED] Include connection overhead possible without "Manage active connection" selected, but then session 1:4 limit forced
[CHANGED] Cosmetic code change to ICS by Pawcio
[FIXED] Hopefully now EDT is correctly sent to other clients (Update to latest version)
[FIXED] Some little fixes in code

MorTillo 1.9a - 28.12.2003
[ADDED] Enable SLS (Saving and Loading of Sources), now it's again configurable in Preferences|Tweaks II (thanks Stormit!)
[CHANGED] Queue-Size is now adjustable between 1500 and 15000
[FIXED] Waiting Queue Overflow for Valid Sources didn't filter the clients as it should if queue-limit was reached
[FIXED] Some little fixes in code

MorTillo 1.9 - 27.12.2003
[UPDATED] Almost all features are merged into new codebase of Official eMule 0.41a.10
[ADDED] L2HAC (Lowid to Highid Automatic Callback) by enkeyDEV
[FIXED] Proper display (violet chunks) of incompleted chunks (Pawcio)
[FIXED] Power Shared files score (Pawcio)
[FIXED] LowID users were getting immediately slots after already being on upload queue thanks to dr.clone
[REMOVED] Multiple-Selection A4AF, (To any other file) [Moonlight]
[REMOVED] SLS - Saving and Loading of sources is temporarily removed due to some incompatibilities

MorTillo 1.8
[ADDED] FPU/MMX/AMD/SSE memset FPU/MMX/SSE memcpy optimized (eMulePlus)
[ADDED] Auto Add IP-Filter by MorphKad in Preferences|Security II
[ADDED] Fake-Test with AutoUpdate by MorphKad Preferences|Security II
[ADDED] Allow More than One eMule
[ADDED] Implemented hotfix by official 30e:
bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
[ADDED] AutoBackup from TheBlackHand mod
[ADDED] Delete Shared File from TheBlackHand
[ADDED] AutoClearComplete from MorphKad
[ADDED] Download-Status in Upload-List by MorphKad
[ADDED] Compression is shown by Tarod
[ADDED] SeeOwnCredits by VQB
[ADDED] Funny-Nicks are inside again by xrmb
[ADDED] An Icon to see who else is using a MorTillo
[ADDED] Download-Management by MorphKad
-[ADDED] Option to enable TimeRemaining in Download-List by Khaos in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] Defeat 0-filled part senders by Maella in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] Enable to show Dowloading Files in Red in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] Enable SLS (Saving and Loading of Sources) in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] AutoClearComplete in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] Check File-Availability before downloading in Preferences|Tweaks II
-[ADDED] Boost Friends (x1,5) in Preferences|Tweaks II
[CHANGED] Multiple-Selection A4AF, (To any other file) [Moonlight]
[CHANGED] Some Icons are adapted from MorphKad
[IMPROVED] Anti-Leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefts feature
[REMOVED] Option that shows never-seen-complete-files in red
[UPDATED] PartNameRecovery v2(enkeyDEV) - MorTillo
[UPDATED] Library "zlib" is now in v.1.2.1.
[FIXED] BC for high speed connection (number of opened slots)
[FIXED] Current Mod-Version isn't right displayed on tray-hovering
[FIXED] EDT bug fixed, it could cause a crash on winxp for 0-credit clients
[FIXED] A couple of bugs that may have caused more memory and cpu usage for some people. Memory usage should be lower now.

MorTillo 1.7a
[FIXED] Some Bandwidth Control code by Pawcio (A Must-test!)
[ADDED] UDP ping by dong (If previously USS/DSS hasn't been working for you because your ISP blocked ICMP now it can work! thanks to dong work)* (Code of Pawcio 4.11)
[ADDED] ICS (Intelignet Chunk Selection) from enkeyDev!
[ADDED] PNR (PartFileName recovery) from enkeyDev
[ADDED] EDT (Estimated Download Time) from enkeyDev
[ADDED] Auto Hard Limit by Sivka! (you can now select different hard limits for every file or leave it to be done automatically)
[ADDED] Active Connection Control by Obelix
[ADDED] High priority process for eMule from MorphKad (as an option in extended settings)
[ADDED] WinSock2 byWombat
[ADDED] See own comments in SharedFileWindow frOm MorphKad
[ADDED] Blue cross for clients able to use EDT and/or ICS
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Alt 5. December 2003, 00:35   #2
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Hey MorTillo,

welche/s feature von Vorlost hast du denn übernommen? Kann ich so aus dem changelog nicht erkennen. Oder bezieht sich die löbliche Erwähnung auf ältere Teile des codes?

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Alt 5. December 2003, 06:33   #3
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Benutzerbild von MadeinChina
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Standard: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 Details

Hammer ein neuer Mod MorTillo Mod! Ich mach mich dann mal als erster an den Test! *freu*

AMD Athlon @1200Mhz, MSI K7T Turbo, 40 GB und 120 GB von Maxtor, 2x 256MB SDRRAM, ATI Radeon 8500, Win XP Prof.

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Alt 5. December 2003, 07:36   #4
Benutzerbild von Odinasgardson
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Standard: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 Lösung: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004

Ich hatte ihn schon gestern

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Alt 5. December 2003, 08:43   #5
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Standard: eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 eMule v.0.41a.10-MorTillo 1.9e - 08/01/2004 [gelöst]

MorTillo, einen mirror gibts auf meiner seite unter: http://www.*********.de/
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Alt 5. December 2003, 09:33   #6
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Habe ihn auch mal angeschmissen die AMD Version. Bis jetzt gibt es keine negativen auffälligkeiten aber erstmal sehen was die Zeit zeigt.
hackersondope2002 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 5. December 2003, 10:41   #7
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auch der mortillo enthält aus meiner sicht eines der unsinnigsten features im emule: alle angehaltenen files in roter farbe darzustellen. und die option ist nicht mal abschaltbar. (oder ich bin total blind )

aber zumindest fängt er mal nicht schlecht an zu saugen.
aber auch hier ist der ul-code vom pawcio drinnen. meiner meinung nach ist der schlechter als der original-zzul-code, der war einfach konstanter. der code von pawcio hingegen hat immer wieder große einbrüche, und das obwohl ich noch große reserven habe was die ul-bandbreite angeht.
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Alt 5. December 2003, 15:45   #8
Benutzerbild von MorTillo
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Zitat von renegade
auch der mortillo enthält aus meiner sicht eines der unsinnigsten features im emule: alle angehaltenen files in roter farbe darzustellen. und die option ist nicht mal abschaltbar. (oder ich bin total blind )
Das wird sich aber bald ändern... und ob es unsinnig ist, mag ich nicht beurteilen, ob's Geschmackssache ist, schon eher...
Zitat von renegade
aber zumindest fängt er mal nicht schlecht an zu saugen.
aber auch hier ist der ul-code vom pawcio drinnen. meiner meinung nach ist der schlechter als der original-zzul-code, der war einfach konstanter. der code von pawcio hingegen hat immer wieder große einbrüche, und das obwohl ich noch große reserven habe was die ul-bandbreite angeht.
Im nächsten Release am WE wird ein Fix von Pawcio drin sein. Ich persönlich kam mit dem BC von Pawcio besser zurecht als mit dem zzul-system.

@cosmic girl: Ich musste im letzten Moment das Friendslot-System von Vorlost wieder deaktivieren, behalte es mir aber vor, dieses für die Zukunft zu implementieren. Vorlost hat generell einen super code, von daher schadet es auch nicht ihn zu erwähnen

No Risk, No Fun! - AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 1 GB DDR-RAM, 80GB HD, Win XP Prof. SP2 - ADSL 2048/320 kBit/s
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Alt 5. December 2003, 18:36   #9
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
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Du meinst das AutoEstablishFriendSlot und so?
Ja, du hast recht mit Vorlost.. - das feature funktioniert wirklich astrein und ist ideal, wenn man releasen möchte.
Schon alleine deshalb würden sicher viele es auch gerne in anderen Mods sehen! *g*
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Alt 5. December 2003, 21:26   #10
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MorTillo, das Friendslot-System von Vorlost, funktioniert das anders als das momentane system? da sieht es ja nun so aus, das ich usern, die in meiner warteliste stehen, keinen friendslot zuweisen kann.

was den ul-code angeht, so hab ich halt die erfahrung gemacht, daß beim pawcio-system der ul immer wieder mehrere kb nach unten einbricht und teilweise sehr lange braucht wieder ans eingestellte limit zu kommen. der zzul hat das einfach viel schneller ausgeglichen, so das einbrüche fast immer unter 1kb geblieben sind. man sieht es auch in den stats. beim zzul ist das eine kerzengerade linie, beim pawcio-system gehts im leichten zickzack.

sicher sind, wie du geschrieben hast, manche dinge eher geschmackssache. das mit den einfarbigen dl´s trägt halt, besonders wenn man mehrere, farbige kategorien hat, nur eher zur unübersichtlichkeit bei. meine wenigkeit und sicher viele andere auch haben nun mal eine kategorie genau in dieser roten farbe.

was aus meiner sicht ein sehr gutes feature für eine bessere übersichtlichkeit ist, ist das vom morph, bei dem in der kategorie-ansichts-auswahl die ansichten gewählt werden können, die man sehen möchte, die anderen wählt man einfach ab. oder so wie im hunter 7, der 2 extra ansichten implementiert hat, zum einen eine für ladende/wartende files, zum anderen eine für die gestoppten/pausierten files. könntest nicht eine dieser möglichkeiten bei dir mit einbauen? ist die meiner meinung nach beste möglichkeit, viele files übersichtlich im muli zu verwalten.

das ganze soll keine böse kritik oder ein schlechtmachen sein, der mod läuft wirklich prima und bisher stabil, sondern viel mehr nur ein einbringen meiner erfahrungen in diesen dingen.
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Alt 6. December 2003, 01:12   #11
Benutzerbild von MorTillo
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eMule v.0.40f.26-MorTillo 1.7a is out!
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Alt 6. December 2003, 12:55   #12
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fein, *freu* das du mal wieder moddest
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Alt 6. December 2003, 13:52   #13
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Nachdem die alte Version schon recht gut lief, wird jetzt auch schnell die neue getestet.

Einziger "Fehler", der mir aufgefallen ist: Wenn man emule in den Systemtray minimiert und dann mit der Maus drüberfährt, um die aktuellen Up-/Down-Werte zu sehen, dann wird dort oben drüber "CURRENT_VERSION_LONG (Verbunden)" angezeigt.
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Alt 6. December 2003, 14:00   #14
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Ach ja, gleich noch was wegen dem AutoHL:

Zitat von obelix
1. Settings sowie Sivka-Settings auf Default.
2. AutoHL an und HL auf 50 (wichtig!)
3. MaxConnections auf 300 für Sauger, für Releaser auf 200 (reicht immer noch für > 2000 Quellen).
4. 50 Files im DL machen dem Esel nichts mehr aus...
(ist aus dem Posting der Pawcio-OLX-Version)

Gelten diese Tipps auf für diesen Mod hier? Ich meine damit besonders das 2. : hardlimit auf 50...kommt mir ehrlich gesagt etwas spanisch vor...
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Alt 6. December 2003, 14:03   #15
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Benutzerbild von MadeinChina
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Ok bei mir ist das Problem mit dem Systemtry auch! Also das gleiche Problem wie Ov3rKiLL hat. Aber ansonsten fällt mir nichts besonderes auf.
AMD Athlon @1200Mhz, MSI K7T Turbo, 40 GB und 120 GB von Maxtor, 2x 256MB SDRRAM, ATI Radeon 8500, Win XP Prof.

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  7. clean up fkt beim mortillo mod
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 12. May 2003 (2)
  8. ?? welche Einstellungen für eMule 0.27c [MorTillo.5alpha] ??
    Mülltonne - 30. March 2003 (0)
  9. Probleme mit 0.27c [Mortillo.5Alpha
    Mülltonne - 28. March 2003 (1)
  10. emulev0.26d (mortillo.4epsilon) fehlermeldung???
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 26. March 2003 (1)
  11. eMule 0.26a [MorTillo.1] - {05.02.03 aktualisiert}
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 3. February 2003 (1)
  12. eMule 0.25b [MorTillo.3] {01.02.03 aktualisiert}
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 2. February 2003 (18)

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