ALs erstesmal meine Stats :
eWombat o.o65d [build: oo65.o313]

L Ratio: 1 : 1.15 (1.76 : 1)
Downloaded: 114.48 MB (1.25 GB)
Uploaded: 99.94 MB (2.20 GB)
Average DL-Rate: 12.58Kbs (max: 55.23Kbs) UL-Rate 10.99Kbs (max: 11.29Kbs)
Active Connections (estimate): 145 - Too many connections: 0
UL-Sessions successful: 18 avg. time: 28:56 mins | failed: 7 (can't connect: 6 | critical error: 0)
DL-Sessions successful: 46 avg. time: 9:22 mins | failed: 20 (out of data: 2 | timeout: 2)
Uploads Waiting: 1506 | Found Sources: [26] 4151 (5)
S.U.I. successful: 7129 - failed: 12
Detected 25 leechers, 3 credit thieveries
Fake Blocks: 0 | Corrupt Blocks: 0
Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes | Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Runtime: 2:35 h
Winsock 2.2 [WinSock 2.0] Running
Mem: 66.50 MB | ClientPool: 5500
ed2k server mode
active downloads 24
Und mein System :
Windows XP (Professional), (Terminal Services in Remote Admin Mode), (Uniprocessor Free) v5.1 Build:2600 Service Pack: 1a
Installed RAM: 1024MB
CPU: 2405 MHz - Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz [Intel Corporation]
eWombat o.o65d [build: oo65.o313]
Download: 96 - 86
Upload: 16 - 11
Max. Connections: 180
Max Sources Per File: 200
Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 15
Clientport - TCP:4662 UDP:4672
Server UDP Port: random
(+)S.U.I. (Secure User Identification)
(+)S.N.A.F.U. V2 (Advanced Leecher Detection)
(+)A.C.T. V2 (Anti Credit Theft)
( )Block Friendshare-Leecher Mods
( )'OnTheFly' Optimizer
(+)Inform sources of an ID change
(+)Signal to the client the end of the upload session
(+)Spread connections
( )Disable source exchanging between clients
(+)Check Internet Connection - RAW-Ping Timeout: 1 sec TTL: 10
( )stop downloadqueue
( )stop uploadqueue
(+)cleanup client/server connections
(+)Cleanup Ram
( )keep mode beyond connection lost
( )activate on startup
( )activate on connection lost
( )activate after server connection error's - max. server connection retry's:: 5
(+)Filter server and client LAN IPs
(+)check server-ip from lowid clients
(+)Filter dynamic IPs
(+)Last Update: 02.02.2004 19:45:17
( )Last Update: Unknown
Filterlevel > 127
(+)Filter servers
( )Auto Cleanup Sources
(+)Drop Sources with QR >2000
(+)Drop Full Queue Sources
(+)Drop No Needed Sources
( )Drop Unknown Sources
ManuallyDrop Sources with QR >500
(+)Cache Sources
(+)Fake Block Check (A.Z.F. v2)
(+)Defeat corrupt/fake block senders
A.U.B.W.C.: min: 4
Push Release-files by factor: 5
(+)One Queue per File
( )Push small files
( )Push rare files
( )Transfer full chunks v2
(+)Try to transfer full chunks to all uploads
Client Connection Timeout: 50 sec
Server Connection Timeout: 25 sec
ServerReaskTime: 800 sec
UDPServersReaskTime: 1300 sec
ServerKeepAliveTimeout: 0 min
MTU: 1452
Max HDD Jobs: 1
File Buffer Size (512 KByte)
Max. minutes before forcing a File Buffer Flush (5)
Queue Size (1500)
Safe .met/.dat file writing On shutdown
( )Safe Connect.
(+)Use smart LowID check on connect
(+)Use Credit System (Reward Uploaders)
( )Use Winsock1.x only
( )Use eMule Socket timing
Hier nun meine Frage........
Warum habe ich soviel Download und Upload Fehler ?
Bin ja eigentlich zufrieden,aber es macht mich schon stutzig. In der vorigen Session hatte ich bei Upload zustehen 91 Erfolgreich 67 Fehler / bei Download war es ein 60 : 40 Verhältnis !
Hoffe auf Hilfe
Gruß Koradhil