eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen. |
11. December 2003, 18:29
#1 | MODder
Registriert seit: 02.05.2003
Beiträge: 331
| Problem: eWombat 0.066d => eMule0.30/0.44 XMas-Wombat [24.12.2004]
eWombat Version 0.066d Zitat:
Zitat von cmgrr auf eMule-Project.net Hi,
this is the new eWombat Version 0.066d
- Fixed: S.N.A.F.U. detected webcache-mods as 'bad mods
- Fixed: sometimes wrong queue ranking was send
- Unicode support for kademlia
- improved internal download handling
- needs even less resources
binaries: eWombat0066d.rar
sourcecode: eWombat0066dsrc.rar
Tutorial: Tutorial
binaries: eWombat0066d.rar
sourcecode: eWombat0066dsrc.rar
You have to extract the language folder and all it's *.xml files from the archive
if you don't want to see only text-tags
you'll find more informations and changelog at the new eWombat Homepage http://www.ewombat.de
if you would, you may test it, and I am always grateful for bugreports, criticism and suggestions
The eWombat since Version 0.063 uses his own format for the 'client credits file'
Read the install*.rtf for more information
Read icons*.rtf for informations about eWombat Extra Icons
Changelog: www.ewombat.de/en/changelog.html eWombat 0.066d based on eMule v0.30/v0.44 Zitat:
codebase: eMule0.30
security: eWombat Wintermute/s.n.a.f.u. V3.1
protocoll: eMule0.44b - not yet unicode -
kademlia: eMule0.44b - hardcoded Unicode Support -
| New features Zitat: unicode support for kademlia Selectable Process Priority for eWombat at startup Change Process Priority for eWombat during runtime Kademlia with own definable UDP-Port Automatic Recheck Firewall every 2 minutes Avoid to get banned by Mods with Anti FakeRank Spase Files - Experimental Sparse File Support on NTFS-Drives Server Aux Ports - open ports by lungdunum, adapted from phoenix Statistic Values are hosted in SharedMem to gain thread/process-safe access to statistic-values Usage of thread-safe log-queues GUIThreads for Log-Window and MiniStatistics with own MessageQueue | |
hier ist der neue eWombat Version 0.066c
bitte unbedingt updaten!
- Fixed: Sources from kademlia not checked against hardlimit
- Fixed: FloatingPoint failure with Upload/Download Limit
- Fixed: Bandwidth/Limits Edit Fields
- Fixed: Wrong SUI State with newer eMules ( > 0.4x) if eMuleInfo-Packet not send by other client
Programm: eWombat0066c.rar
Quellcode: eWombat0066csrc.rar
Tutorial: Tutorial
Programm: www.emulemasters.net/wombat/files/ewombat0066c.rar
Quellcode: www.emulemasters.net/wombat/files/ewombat0066csrc.rar
Programm: www.atrac-com.de/files/ewombat0066c.rar
Quellcode: www.atrac-com.de/files/ewombat0066csrc.rar
Bitte auch unbedingt den lang ordner und alle *.xml Dateien darin in euer Wombat-Verzeichniss extrahieren
falls ihr nicht nur die Text-Tags sehen wollt
ChangeLog und Infos findet ihr auf der neuen eWombat Homepage www.ewombat.de
Wer Lust hat kann mal testen und für konstruktive Kritik, Fehlermeldungen und Anregungen bin ich immer dankbar...
Der eWombat benützt seit der Version 0.063 sein eigenes Format für das 'client credits file'
Lest bitte die install*.rtf.
Eine kurze Erklärung was die extra eWombat-Icons bedeuten findet ihr in icons*.rtf
Changelog: www.ewombat.de/de/changelog.html eWombat 0.066c based on eMule v0.30/v0.42 Zitat:
codebase: eMule0.30
security: eWombat Wintermute/s.n.a.f.u. V3
protocoll: eMule0.42g
kademlia: eMule0.42g
| New features Zitat: Kademlia with own definable UDP-Port Automatic Recheck Firewall every 2 minutes Avoid to get banned by Mods with Anti FakeRank Spase Files - Experimental Sparse File Support on NTFS-Drives Server Aux Ports - open ports by lungdunum, adapted from phoenix Statistic Values are hosted in SharedMem to gain thread/process-safe access to statistic-values Usage of thread-safe log-queues GUIThreads for Log-Window and MiniStatistics with own MessageQueue | eWombat unique features Zitat: for Releasers: 'Distribute' file mode
distribute different chunks of a file to different clients, depending on requests.
uses Slugfiller's hideOS=1 & selective chunk sharing.
'distribute' file-mode is disabled, if at least x complete sources are found.
'distribute' file-mode and x (1..50) can be changed in filesettings.
clients requesting a 'distribute'-file can always enter the waiting-queue.
clients requesting a 'distribute'-file get a reserved upload-slot.
clients requesting a complete 'distribute'-file are handeled like friends (first in,first served) they get the next free reserved upload-slot but after downloading one chunk friend status is removed until next request of a complete 'distribute' file.
number of reserved upload-slots changeable (default: 1) regardless how many reserved upload-slot are used, at least one normal slot is always available. eXtended IPFilter [Wintermute]
avoid freezes due corrupt ip's
bogons-ip filter (ips not allocated or reserved) for entire IPv4 ip space with autoupdate.
eMule ip-filter with autoupdate filters incomming connections, sources from server and sourcexs, servers and 'hello'-packets.
if server-ip from low-id client is filtered the client is rejected.
UDP-Packets to filtered server are rejected. Connection Check
If you use a firewall you must allow ICMP-Pings.
For the moment, connection-check could have problems with anonymizer-proxy's.
if enabled eWombat checks your internet-connection every 2 seconds.
first check is done while retrieving current web-ip from dynip.org, this should work with every router, firewall and network configuration (HTML Port must be open) after this, connection-state is checked with a lean ping to current web-ip.
after connection lost detected: enable/disable 'stop uploadqueue, enable/disable 'stop downloadqueue', enable/disable 'cleanup client/server connections' (recommended), enable/disable 'cleanup ram'.
after connection is back everything will started again 'Spooky Wombat'
Only available if connection-check is enabled and there is at least one server with a static ip in the serverlist.
no server connection needed
servers are not asked for sources only Client-SourceXS is used
LowID clients are still able to get upload
activate/deactivate 'spooky-mode' with extra-button/'spooky wombat'
if connecting to a server 'spooky mode' is deactivated
enable/disable 'activate on startup'
if enabled ewombat will enter spooky-mode on startup
enable/disable 'activate on reconnect'
if enabled ewombat will enter spooky-mode after server-connection lost or internet-connection lost.
enable/disable 'keep mode beyond connection lost', if enabled ewombat will save the current mode (spooky-mode, server connection, or no connection) and will try to restore this mode after connection is back. SaferHash with JobQueues based on Sluggfiller's SafeHash
JobQueue 1: Using a JobQueue for harddisk-access Threads except for hashing of just downloaded parts and buffer-flushing.
User can decide how many jobs are processed simultaneously (1..10, default: 1)
Added 'Hash Jobs' list to Server-Window to show the waiting jobs
JobQueue 2: for hashing of just downloaded parts and buffer-flushing another JobQueue which allows 10 simultaneous jobs is used. Harddisk Protection Patch adapted from skynetman
File Buffer Size from 32Kbyte - 3MByte in 32KByte steps (default: 512 KByte)
User can select File Buffer Time Limit from 1 - 10 minutes (default: 5 minutes) S.N.A.F.U. Detects and bans known leechers
Detects hash-thiefes
Detection is based on analyzing clients behavior 'On The Fly' Optimizer
Enable/Disable CPU Optimization (default: disabled)
memcpy/memeset for FPU,MMX,MMX2(Athlon,Duron),SSE(PIII/PIV) buffer new sources before adding them slow cleanup 'spread connection' to avoid high 'too many connections'
| other features Zitat:
Individual file preferences
Statistic are displayed in textonly 'MiniStatistics'-Window
Cleanup filenames: manuall/automatic Queue Cleanup, changeable number of uploadslots
fake check with autoupdate
defeat 0-filled and supercompressed part senders (fake files)
Force use of winsock2.dll (Version 2) if avaiable (OS >=Win98SR2)
Using of Win32 MultiMediaTimer for speed-measurement
Windows XP Themes and Styles safe
Save Upload Queue Wait Time from moonlight Session based Ratio adapted from Slugfiller
Download is now limited not by the set upload cap, but by the session's upload.
When download exceeds 3 times the session's upload, it's reduced to maintain a steady 1:3 limit on the session UL L ratio.
Slugfiller's Requested blocks clipping
language xml files from sf-iom
Slugfiller's hide overshares, selective chunk sharing and spreadbars
Slugfiller's SafeHash
Slugfiller'sFullChunk-Transfer without Timeout
Slugfiller's SearchCatch from sf-iom
Itsonlyme's cacheUDPsearchResults from sf-iom
Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation from eMulePlus/Dongato
Show Share Permissions from xMule Mod
Avoid to get blacklisted from Lugdunum Servers from kaos
simulated one queue per file, adapted from Maella/bloodymad
push rare/small files, adapted from slugfiller/maella
Cache Sources adapted from enkeyDEV(kei-kun)/Save Load Sources
| Changelog: Zitat:
eWombat 0.066c based on eMule v0.30/0.42
codebase: eMule0.30
security: eWombat Wintermute/s.n.a.f.u. V3
protocoll: eMule0.42g
kademlia: eMule0.42g
zlib: 1.2.1
cryptolib: 5.1
id3lib: 2.3.0
Changes from eWombat 0.066b
- Automatic Recheck Firewall every 2 minutes (default: disabled)
only active if kademlia is firewalled
- S.N.A.F.U. V3 Enhanced 
Some more bad tags (used by leechers)
- Anti Anti-FakeRank
Avoid to get banned by Mods with AntiFakeRank 
- Showing Ban Reason in Ban-Columns if client is banned by std. eMule Ban (not s.n.a.f.u. or s.u.i.)
- eMule 0.43a Stuff
Ban flooders (file request and queue rank)
Internal changes:
- updated zlib from 1.1.4 to 1.2.1
- Fixed: Sources from kademlia not checked against hardlimit
- Fixed: FloatingPoint failure with Upload/Download Limit
- Fixed: Bandwidth/Limits Edit Fields
- Fixed: Wrong SUI State with newer eMules ( > 0.4x) if eMuleInfo-Packet not send by other client
| Zitat:
eWombat 0.066b based on eMule v0.30/0.42
Small bugfix
codebase: eMule0.30
security: eWombat Wintermute/s.n.a.f.u. V3
protocoll: eMule0.42g
kademlia: eMule0.42g
Changes from eWombat 0.066a
- Fixed 'eWombat disapears' after freh installation
- Onlinesig reactivated
| Zitat:
eWombat 0.066a based on eMule v0.30/0.042
codebase: eMule0.30
security: eWombat Wintermute/s.n.a.f.u. V3
protocoll: eMule0.42g
kademlia: eMule0.42g
Avoiding failed UL-Sessions:
- no more difference between LowID and HighID Clients in AddNextClient(...)
Only connected clients are able to get an free upload-slot:
Score calculation still based on credits+file-priority+waitingtime
High-Score is calculated for connected clients (regardless of High/Low ID)
Low-Score is calculated for every client (regardless of High/Low ID or connection state)
Best High-Score will get next Upload-Slot, if their is no High-Score best Low-Score will be used
For the first time you'll have many LowIDs on Upload-Slots due their high suqwt
This feature was tested over a long time (about 6 month)
(If a LowID gets an Upload-Slot, its already connected via server,
on eMule it's gets an Uploadslot when it connects next time, therefore same Serverload)
Additional Threads:
- Statistics:
Statistic Values are hosted in SharedMem to gain thread/process-safe access to statistic-values
(one writer/multiple readers)
- Logs: (Server,eMule-Log, Verbose, Snafu, Wintermute, JobQueue)
Usage of thread-safe log-queues (multiple writers/one reader)
- GUIThreads for Log-Window and MiniStatistics with own MessageQueue
New/Changed Windows:
- Additional small toolbar (Logs, PlugIn-Settings, additional PlugIn Icons)
- Logs Tab moved from serverwindow to new Log-Window
- New Kademlia-Button and old Server-Button replaced with 'Networks'-Button
- New Kademlia-Window and old Server-Window moved to new 'Networks'-Window
- MyInfo-Window is now shown left-side of Transfer-Window
Alternate KAD-Port (Kad Aux):
- You can define an own Kademlia UDP-Port (recommended, default: disabled)
- If disabled or same Port as Client-UDP Port Kademlia runs on Client-UDP Port (like eMule 0.42)
Experimental Sparse File Support on NTFS-Drives (adapted from moonlight & shadow)
With Sparse File Support no diskspace is allocated for empty chunks/blocks of a downloadfile
- If enabled every new temp file will be created as an sparse file (not recommended, yet)
- Only files with more than 2 Parts/Chunks will be created as sparse files
- Could lead to fragmentation
- You must be sure that their is enough space for the final temp file on the disk
- default: disabled
- Use on your own risk
Changes from eWombat 0.065f
- USS Removed
- Mini UL/DL Scope (adapted from eMule Plus)
Displayed on the left side of mini-statistics
Showing percantage of ul(red)-/dl-(green)rate from available bandwidth (from settings)
- s.n.a.f.u. V3
Analyzing/checking known 'bad'-tags (from leechers, secret communities, etc.) in Hello and eMuleInfo Packets
- open ports by lungdunum, adapted from phoenix - Aux Ports
- Creating the listensocket with SO_REUSEADDR (idea from eMule0.42e)
enable/disable in settings (default: disabled)
- icon in Serverlist indicates if server is connected (green ball)
or used in spooky-mode (pumpkin head)
- Added current limits (from settings) to quick speed selectors
- eMule0.42 Stuff:
send an Hello packet to the server when connection esdtablished.
support for new eserver 16.45 UDP description packet.
Fixed possible mem leak with OP_REQUESTPARTS message.
Added MLdonkey compatible client tag recognition
New Tag Types received from servers
Internal changes:
- Removed Jigle Search and Jigle Web Search (Jigle is down)
- ewombat.ini cleanup on startup
rearange sections - emule, proxy, statistics, ewombat, GUI-STUFF (new)
removing unused/old entries from previous versions & other mods
- Fixed memleak in UDPSockets
- Fixed memleak in CPartFile::LoadPartFile(...) with some tags added from CPartFile::CreatePartFile(...)
- Fixed rare but possible crash in extended cleanup
- Better parser for ipfilter lists (adapted from eMule 0.4x)
| |
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11. December 2003, 18:29
#2 | MODder
Registriert seit: 02.05.2003
Beiträge: 331
| Ein paar Hinweise/Tips zum eWombat 0.065a:
Damit der connection-check und somit auch der spooky-mode funktioniert
müsst ihr, falls ihr eine Firewall/Router habt, unbedingt
ICMP freigeben (echo und echo-req)...
Im spooky-mode empfängt der eWombat Quellen nur über SourceXS von anderen Clients, es sollte also
unbedingt 'SourceXS' und 'Quellen zwischenspeichern' aktiviert sein.
Da der eWombat im spooky-mode mit keinem Server verbunden ist, funktioniert naturgemäss die Datei-Suche nicht und
es kann bei neu hinzugefügten Downloads sehr lange dauern bis die ersten Quellen gefunden werden...
Es wird auch weiterhin eine Serverliste benötigt.
Der spooky-mode ist nur bei aktiven connection-check und mit mindestens einen Server mit fester IP
in der serverliste verfügbar.
Der Spooky-Mode hat nichts mit Kademlia zu tun !
Mit den sonstigen Einstellungen ist alles beim alten geblieben...
Darkwolf |
| |
11. December 2003, 18:55
#3 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 191
| eWombat 0.066d => eMule0.30/0.44 XMas-Wombat [24.12.2004] Details Gabs diesmal gar keinen Betatest? Hab mal nichts mitbekommen, außer es wäre als SPAM gefiltert worden.
Nichtsdestotrotz werde ich gleich mal checken, was geht.
__________________ Es gibt nichts besseres als Hubraum. Außer noch mehr Hubraum. |
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11. December 2003, 19:00
#4 | It's cosmic ...
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326
| Lösung: eWombat 0.066d => eMule0.30/0.44 XMas-Wombat [24.12.2004] darkwolf
Dein neuer Mod kommt gerade in Zeiten mit überlasteten Servern wie gerufen!
Wenn man sich die threads und posts zum Thema Serverconnection der letzten paar Tage ansieht, ist deutlich, daß dein Mod sicher viele Anhänger finden wird.
__________________ |
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11. December 2003, 19:08
#5 | Junior Member
Registriert seit: 06.10.2003
Beiträge: 78
| eWombat 0.066d => eMule0.30/0.44 XMas-Wombat [24.12.2004] [gelöst] jawoll , nen neuer ewombat
erstes feedback folgt in 12 stunden :]
__________________ There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. |
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11. December 2003, 19:14
#6 | Gesperrt
Registriert seit: 21.09.2003
Beiträge: 844
| erst zeigt er spooky moden an ! dann sagt er nicht verbunden und bleibt auf keinen server ?? habe nis2004 |
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11. December 2003, 19:14
#7 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 191
| erkär mir mal einer bitte für was folgendes gut ist.
'Connection Check' geht bei mir nicht, trotzdem, daß die firewall sagt, es wäre freigegeben und der router ist schon so programmiert, daß er alles direkt weitergibt (DMZ)
'Spooky Wombat' - geht dann auch nicht
'OnTheFly-Optimizer' - was es hätte sein sollen
__________________ Es gibt nichts besseres als Hubraum. Außer noch mehr Hubraum. |
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11. December 2003, 19:16
#8 | It's cosmic ...
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326
__________________ |
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11. December 2003, 19:21
#9 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 26
| so ich werde ihn nun mal testen 
Quellen findet er jedenfalls schonmal sehr gut |
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11. December 2003, 19:29
#10 | Gesperrt
Registriert seit: 21.09.2003
Beiträge: 844
| gut test beendet ! nach 5 minuten 2500 user gebannt ! mal sehen was ihr so sagt |
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11. December 2003, 19:34
#11 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 20.02.2003
Beiträge: 167
| hallo darkwolf,
damit hatte ich jetzt überhaupt nicht gerechnet. Werd gleich mal den Neuen anwerfen. check und spooky-mode werd ich wohl erst mal drauf verzichten, weil no bock firewalls umzukonfen. Und eigentlich will ich auf die LowID Leute nicht verzichten, weil ich auch an sehr seltenen Dateien sauge.
Aber deine Ideen sind einfach nur der Hammer!!
Gruß Maddis |
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11. December 2003, 19:45
#12 | Junior Member
Registriert seit: 11.03.2003
Beiträge: 84
| ich komme mit den neuen Einstellungen nicht klar , was sollte man aktivieren (spooky mode) und was nicht, für Tips wäre ich dankbar |
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11. December 2003, 19:49
#13 | Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 20.02.2003
Beiträge: 167
| @Savini:
Les dir am besten die Online Hilfe durch und überlege dann mit welchen Vorteilen/Nachteilen du von den einzelnen Modis leben kannst/willst. |
| |
11. December 2003, 19:52
#14 | It's cosmic ...
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326
| Ich frage mich echt, wozu darkwolf sich die Mühe gemacht hat, das Tutorial zu schreiben und den link oben direkt unter den DL-links zu posten!?
Und was hier andere posten, scheint auch nicht wahrgenommen zu werden: http://www.emule-web.de/board/viewto...?p=92758#92758 Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil!
__________________ |
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11. December 2003, 20:14
#15 | Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096
| darkwolf,
Als einen der fähigsten Modder, den ich kenne, kann ich mir aber jetzt nicht die Frage an Dich verkneifen: Warum dieses EVENT nicht gleich in Kombination mit einem Kademlia ?
__________________ Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server. |
| |
| Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, neue Themen zu verfassen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. HTML-Code ist aus. | | | Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 11:45 Uhr.