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Alt 18. December 2003, 08:46   #1
Registriert seit: 18.12.2003
Beiträge: 1
Standard: Where do the bug reports go around here? Problem: Where do the bug reports go around here?


My first day using 2-B-4. I notice it is a huge improvement for low bandwidth modem users. However, it is a bit unruly.

I just paused everything then, and something kept downloading. It was showing on total downloads. After a while, I resumed all, and then got very high figures for download rate on one file, which had obviously continued downloading.

I used to have to use 3k down /1k up, and emule stuck strictly to 1k. But when I try the same in beta4, it always ends up being 1.3-1.4. Not that I give a damn, but it's weird. When I limit it to 0.8, it ends up being 1.7. I put it to 0.3 and it went to 3.6... oh well...

I can't understand what the 1:3 ratio <10kb is all about. Doesn't seem to do anything.

Upload reduction at download seems to override any numbers and just go fast. OK!!

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