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Alt 27. December 2003, 13:37   #1
Registriert seit: 27.12.2003
Beiträge: 4
Standard: MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? Problem: MODs with more than 150 upload slots??

I apologize for not speaking in German.

LSD has 250 max upload slots, but also has a bug with web interface. If you try to download a file greater than 2-3GB, in web-interface the transfer page won't show up any more. Remove the file from temp dir, and it comes back!

Tried zzul, SF-IOM, pawcio and in neither I can set number of upload slots.

Can any other MOD go beyond sivka's 150 slots?

I have a 100Mbit line (at work), and would like to use its max. potentials. (e.g. 3-5 MB/s)

Thx. for any suggestions.
mir0 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. December 2003, 14:52   #2
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
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Welcome to our board! So you're one of those really big fish with linespeeds users here in germany can only ever dream of!

Just one question before I continue: Why do you need more than 100 or 150 upload slots? If you give 100 users a slot and eMule upstream is at 5 MB/s that is ~50 kB/s per slot - whoohoo! Any eMule user gets excited about speeds like that.
But I can understand your concern.

Have you ever considered to use more than just one eMule client? Would be the best thing to do in your case I think.
I use to run two different mods at a time for some testing purposes sometimes.
I run Vorlost Omikron.4b (new release today - link in my sig) as main client and some Kademlia client additionally - they work well together - just run them on different ports and you are fine.
Max. number of upload slots with vorlost's mod is 100 and any new Kademlia should do 100 at least, too. So you get 200 which should be ideal for your line.

Check it out and let me know if it works for you.

For further questions just use this thread - so we get it all together with the english language in here.

cosmic girl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. December 2003, 23:57   #3
Registriert seit: 02.01.2003
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Standard: MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? Details

@mir0, how many Uploadslots would you like to use with one MOD ?
And how much Uploadspeed would go out for each Uploadslot ?

I need to know the ranges for min. & max. Uploadslots you need.
min. Uploadslots is changeable from 0 to 99 in my MOD at the moment.
And max. Uploadlots is min.Uploadslots+1 upto 100.

vorlost ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. December 2003, 03:26   #4
Registriert seit: 27.12.2003
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Standard: MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? Lösung: MODs with more than 150 upload slots??

How many slots? I can reach 250 easily with LSD if I put upload limit to 3 MB/s. I think 350 would be enough. That would give everyone 10 kB/s (if the limit is 3.5 MB/s).
I tried today eMule Plus MOD Omikron.4b. - does it use the same web control panel/template as non-plus MODs?

I noticed I can set ports only from 1-9999 for the web control panel. (and not 1-65536) It's not a big problem, I just like my server to be stealth (1-9999 makes ports easier to scan).

@cosmic girl
Welcome to our board! So you're one of those really big fish with linespeeds users here in germany can only ever dream of!
Hehe, you got flat-rate ADSL in DE, I have to connect through modem to reach my server (in Croatia).

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I assume you get credits just for establishing an upload slot for someone, so it doesn't matter how much you upload to specific user, it only matter's how much you wait for your download, ULL ratio, and if your name is written in his known.met file?

I also did have enough time to try with 2 eMule simultaneously, and I didn't like controlling 2 web interfaces at once.

Thank you for reading.
mir0 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. December 2003, 03:54   #5
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
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Standard: MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? MODs with more than 150 upload slots?? [gelöst]

Hi and a big welcome from me, too.

Zitat von mir0
I assume you get credits just for establishing an upload slot for someone, so it doesn't matter how much you upload to specific user, it only matter's how much you wait for your download, ULL ratio, and if your name is written in his known.met file?
That´s not correct. Your ammount of credits you get concerning a user depends on your uploaded bytes to him, not just, if a connection was established. If you uploaded at least 1 byte, you get credts.
NaP ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. January 2004, 11:37   #6
Registriert seit: 02.01.2003
Beiträge: 216

you need at least 1MB to get Credits.
At this point the dl/ul-Modifier begins to grow.

it´s corrects eMule gives credits too for just uploading to someone, but my own MOD verifies if the upload is high enough to prevent such tricks !!!
I coded a patch against those lame 0.0-0.3 Upload Leechers for my own MOD Vorlost-Omikron...
vorlost ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. January 2004, 11:59   #7
Registriert seit: 02.01.2003
Beiträge: 216

Zitat von mir0
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I assume you get credits just for establishing an upload slot for someone, so it doesn't matter how much you upload to specific user, it only matter's how much you wait for your download, ULL ratio, and if your name is written in his known.met file?

Thank you for reading.
I wonder why you think about upload to more uploadslots than allowed in eMule and ask here if you get credits just for Uploading to someone with really no Uploadspeed at the same time ???

There should be no Problem to reach a high Uploadrate when using the Uploadthrottle-Feature(unlimited Uploadspeed to a single client if possible) because there are a lot of DSL-Clients who are able to dl 768(~80kB/s), 1538kbps(~160kB/s) or more...
If you upload to 50% of the 100 allowed Uploadslots with 80kB/s you´ll get an Uploadspeed with nearly 4MB.

You should try my MOD with "UploadThrottle" activated first.
vorlost ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 7. January 2004, 08:34   #8
Registriert seit: 27.12.2003
Beiträge: 4

Yes, I guess you are both right. Thx NaP and vorlost.
The confusion started when I noticed I got better speeds with LSD, which I assumed the reason were more available upload slots...
Now I am using two MODs at the same time (LSD+Sivka).

I see LSD is not welcome on this and official ENG board? Is it true that some MODs automaticly ban LSD MOD?
mir0 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 7. January 2004, 08:44   #9
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Zitat von mir0
The confusion started when I noticed I got better speeds with LSD, which I assumed the reason were more available upload slots...
Are we talking about upload or download speeds here now?

And about ban of LSD Mod.. well, I heard those rumors - yet cannot tell whether they are true - but I could imagine that some other Mods did ban the LSD Mod since the coder just recently had built in a feature to disguise the Mod string which his Mod was sending to the ed2k network. Decide for yourself what to think.
cosmic girl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 7. January 2004, 21:02   #10
Registriert seit: 27.12.2003
Beiträge: 4

Are we talking about upload or download speeds here now?
Well, both

This is a quote of your earlier post:
Just one question before I continue: Why do you need more than 100 or 150 upload slots? If you give 100 users a slot and eMule upstream is at 5 MB/s that is ~50 kB/s per slot - whoohoo! Any eMule user gets excited about speeds like that.
But you forgot that people never download only one file at a time, so it ain't 50 kB/s per upload slot, it's more often 10-20 kB/s, and a few of 50 kB/s. Which is 100 * 20 kB/s (cca) = 2000 kB/s.

I hope my uni admin won't found out where his bandwith is going...
mir0 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 9. January 2004, 00:05   #11
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 31.03.2003
Beiträge: 98

hi nice discussion. Whats with A.U.B.W.C from eWombat? it never stops open uploadslots if you uplimit isnt reach...

mmm..but maybe i havent understand everything
Pulpman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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