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Alt 8. December 2002, 09:54   #1
Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
Standard: Tarod : a killer function suggestion Problem: Tarod : a killer function suggestion


There's a missing function in emule. I think tarod should implement it in its mod. The idea is the following :

DL are not allways active. Some of the files I DL are quite never active when I have a look on my computer, but the DL is still going on. When I was still using ed2k, I wrote a piece of software that was drawing a graphical chart of DL progress (using RRDtool/MRTG). It was really helpful to evaluate when a DL should complete. This was drawing something like :

of course the data was always increasing, as a DL cant go back

This is really usefull for very rare files for wich DL are active only a few hours per week. It helps you to wait for the DL to complite or to cancel it when you are sure it will never complete.

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Alt 8. December 2002, 15:14   #2
Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624

Another easy way to do such developments would be to have an auto-export function in emule beeing able to export in a text file (CSV) for example, a description of the current file DL :

- file name
- ed2k hash
- file size
- current size DLed

This would be helpful to develop new statistical application (or to be able to publish your own list of DL/shares on a web page)

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