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Alt 3. March 2004, 09:14   #1
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Standard: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! Problem: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix!

eMule 0.42e [mfck] V1b

Zitat von mfck auf eMule-Project.net
Full change log and explanation, screenshots:
eMule [MFCK] Home Page

View Flash Demo (Updated 19/01/2001):
Transfer Window
Upload/Queue/Client/Active Transfer Window
Other Window
Preference Window

If you experience problem with icon colors apply this toolbar skin:
Author : Daan


I think that is better to delete "preference.ini" and start with a new file, to avoid future problem's (some users experienced strange bugs whith an old file).
Change Log:

v0.42e [MFCK] V1b based on eMule 042e Official
FULL ZZ Upload Featured 20040327

WARNING: Before installing this version you must delete "preferences.ini" .

MFCK [change] - Reverted the position of "Category Tabs" (at top) and "Switch View" buttons (at bottom).
MFCK [fix] - eD2k links (official) work as expected now.
MFCK [fix] - Button "Download eD2k links from clipboard" work again as expected:
- If you copy into the clipboard an entire page of eD2k links mixed with another text),
you can use this button (and another in "Search view").
Download 0.42e [MFCK] V1b Bin:
ed2k://|file|eMule0.42e_MFCK_v1b_ZZUL_bin.rar|2692768|2A2 A8CE26A047CD7438D3010E43AC242|/|sources,mfck.dynalias.com:4802|/
Download 0.42e [MFCK] V1b Src:
ed2k://|file|eMule0.42e_MFCK_v1b_ZZUL_src.rar|3978510|2FC 55EE60F2A079711CB922658C391CE|/|sources,mfck.dynalias.com:4802|/

Mirror provided by Silgit:

Old Change Log:

v0.42d [MFCK] V1d based on eMule 042d Official
FULL ZZ Upload Featured 20040327

WARNING: Before installing this version you must delete "preferences.ini" .

MFCK [removed] - Removed "Skinner" from [Avi-3k], there is a separate exe now.
MFCK [added] - Status Bar : added possibility to display/hide file and users (was only users).
MFCK [added] - Random Port : New behaviour now.
You can enter a port included enter 1024-6500, and UDP must be at least TCP + 1.
If you enter a value like TCP = UDP, at restart eMule set the ports like this:
TCP = 1024 and UDP = 1034.
If you enter a value < 1024 or > 65000, eMule set automatiquely the values like this:
TCP = 1024 and UDP = 1034.
If you set Port increment to 5, every time you restart eMule the TCP and UDP ports are incremented of 5.
MFCK [fix] - If you connect eD2k network by hand in server window, eD2k icon appear in Status Bar.
MFCK [fix] - Corrected focus bug in preference/display other and reordered all controls.
MFCK [fix] - Change view buttons are hidden if the concerned list is disabled.
MFCK [fix] - Corrected icon display when swith view in transfer window.
MFCK [fix] - Reordered some code included "Other Display Settings".
MFCK [addon] - Added a new banner in "Preference" window [TPT].
MFCK [addon] - Replaced "Update Queue" button by "Queue Display", if you press it the queue is updated..
MFCK [addon] - Friend Slots - Log friend activities [Mighty Knife].
MFCK [addon] - Added "Friend Slots/Remove Friend" menu in all list.
MFCK [addon] - Corrected bug bug in "Show transfer rate on title" display.
MFCK [addon] - New Server window layout to gain space for better display of "My Info" window .
MFCK [addon] - In "Status Bar" eD2k/Kad/Ul/Dl/Users/Files appear only if used.
MFCK [addon] - Added new icons for "eD2k/Kad" state (Connected/high ID/low ID).
MFCK [addon] - Ping is displayed at top of eMule window.

v0.42d [MFCK] V1c based on eMule 042d Official
FULL ZZ Upload Featured 20040318

MFCK [fix] - Statistic Tree expanded branchs are saved correctly now (I hope).
MFCK [fix] - Upload/Download tooltips are displayed in their correct place now
MFCK [fix] - Removed these annoying messages "Case 1/2: Limiting downspeed".
MFCK [fix] - Active transfer window settings are correctly saved now.
MFCK [fix] - Reordered some code included "Other Display Settings".
MFCK [addon] - Reduced exe size was 4Mo, now is 3,5Mo.
MFCK [addon] - You can choose country display (ex: US, USA, UNITED STATES).
MFCK [addon] - All Tooltips strings are traduced in French now.
MFCK [addon] - New "Status Bar" eD2k/Kad/Ul/Dl/Users/Files have theirs own separate space.
MFCK [addon] - In "Status Bar" eD2k/Kad/Ul/Dl/Users/Files appear only if used.
MFCK [addon] - Added new icons for "eD2k/Kad" state (Connected/high ID/low ID).
MFCK [addon] - Ping is displayed at top of eMule window.
MFCK [addon] - Added possibility to Disable/Enable "AutoSort" on Transfer Window.
MFCK [change] - Update "Fake Check" is now in Preferences/Security with Update IP Filter.
MFCK [change] - You can enter a "Fake Check/IP Filter" URL in the same control.
MFCK [removed] - SUQWT "Save upload queue wait time" is removed for the moment.

v0.42d [MFCK] V1b based on eMule 042d Official
FULL ZZ Upload Featured 20040310

MFCK [addon] - Multiple Instances per directory [Elandal].
MFCK [fix] - File size in "File Tooltips" is displayed correctly now.
MFCK [fix] - Status Bar is resized when you display overhead or only users or ping.
MFCK [addon] - Added eMule Skinner from HebMule [Avi-3k].
MFCK [fix] - Funny Nick work again [Xrmb].
MFCK [addon] - Added Friend Slot from ZZ Mod [ZZ].
MFCK [addon] - Added PowerShare from ZZ Mod [ZZ].
MFCK [addon] - Added full ZZ Upload sense from ZZ Mod [ZZ].
MFCK [addon] - Added Download Manager from ZZ Mod [ZZ].
STORMIT [CODE] - Code base ported to eMule v42d. / Stormit
STORMIT [fix] - Corrected Random port code, Default is TCP=4662 - UDP=4662+10=4672 Diabled=0.
STORMIT [fix] - Corrected statusbar sizeing, so information is displayed corectly.
STORMIT [fix] - Corrected the Statistics so they will display correctly.
STORMIT [fix] - Corrected a button missing in the Search window, for auto save.
STORMIT [fix] - Works Fine in Win98 Now and Should work fine in WinME also.
STORMIT [fix] - Mod detection for new v42d version. AndCycle / Stormit.
STORMIT [fix] - ADDED A patch in ircwnd.cpp. Unknown1 / Stormit.
STORMIT [fix] - ADDED some code improvments. Stormit / Sivka.

v0.42b [MFCK] V1a based on eMule 042b Official

MFCK [fix] - Very High CPU Usage in Download Window when switch views
MFCK [addon] - Added color choice for "Stopped & Never Seen Complete" files
MFCK [fix] - Very High CPU Usage in Download Window (somtimes was 85%, now < 30%)
MFCK [change] - All "Sources Saver" and "Auto Hard Limit" settings are now in a new directory named "Extra Lists"
MFCK [addon] - Now "French DLL is included with bin package (To do: all tooltips strings)
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to randomize ports with increment or disable it
MFCK [fix] - Now when you restart eMule you go on last main windows dialog used before (official code)
MFCK [fix] - Now when you restart eMule you go on last log pane (server window) used before (official code)

v0.41b29 [MFCK] V1d Hotfix based on eMule 041b29 Official

MFCK [hotfix] - Very High CPU Usage in Download Window (somtimes was 85%, now < 30%)
MFCK [change] - All "Sources Saver" and "Auto Hard Limit" settings are now in a new directory named "Extra Lists"
MFCK [addon] - Now "French DLL is include with bin package (To do: all tooltips strings)
MFCK [addon] - Country/User Name are displayed in color (more readable), you can enable/disable in preferences/color
MFCK [addon] - Added new buttons to switch directly different view in Download window
Warning :The new buttons appear when you click on "Change View"

v0.41b29 [MFCK] V1c Hotfix based on eMule 041b29 Official

MFCK [addon] - Upload Datarate Min/Max values are controled now (1024/6144)
MFCK [addon] - Upload Slot Min/Max values are controled now (2/100)
MFCK [hotfix] - Emule Crash at start if we switch "Client List" view

v0.41b29 [MFCK] V1b based on eMule 041b29 Official

MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in queue list (see home site for explanations)
MFCK [addon] - Upload/Download state colorized/bold in Known Client List
MFCK [addon] - Upload/Download speed is displayed in a new column (in Known Client List)
MFCK [addon] - Download state colorized (and in bold) in Download/Active Transfer/Known Client windows [MORPH Mod idea]
MFCK [addon] - Upload/Download speed is displayed now in Known Client List
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to set Upload Datarate
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to set Max Upload Slots
MFCK [addon] - Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 from [MORPH Mod]
MFCK [addon] - Detect Client's Location By His Ip (display in tooltip)[Superlexx]
Warning !! (bin package contain ip-to-country.csv file that is needed)
MFCK [addon] - Low ID Retry [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [fix] - Better display of file name in Active Download List (no more ?)
MFCK [fix] - New Save Load Sources work now ! [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
MFCK [fix] - "Category" column not displayed if "last reception" column hidden
MFCK [fix] - Added "full version string" display in client details window
MFCK [fix] - The sort by "Time Left" works now.

v0.41b29 [MFCK] V1a based on eMule 041b29 Official

MFCK [addon] - Display UDP Search status [eMulePlus]
MFCK [addon] - CacheUDPsearchResults [Itsonlyme]
MFCK [addon] - SearchCatchDownloads [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] - ReqBlocksClipping [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? Multisort on all Window [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? New toolbar icons based on skin Cobalt V3 [Daan]
MFCK [addon] ? Display progress hash in status window[O² : Bzubzu]
MFCK [addon] ? Save Upload Queue Wait Time (MSUQWT) [Moonlight]
MFCK [addon] ? Possibility to disable File State color with a checkbox for all states.
MFCK [addon] - Added PS_STOPPED Status [Lexiw]
MFCK [addon] - Open CatFolder in context menu[Avi3k]
MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in upload list (see home site for explanations)
MFCK [addon] - Code Improvement and fix [Maella]
MFCK [addon] - Display User Hash in MyInfo [The Black Hand mod]
MFCK [fix] ? Wrong client software display in Statistic tree
MFCK [addon] - Display Server BlackList from [The Black Handmod/Khaos]

v0.41b29 [MFCK] V1 based on eMule 041b29 Official
PORTED to 041b29 CodeBase

MFCK [fix] ? Wrong volume name display in Directory Tree
MFCK [addon] - All cosmetic arrangement from old versions
MFCK [addon] - PartFileNameRecovery V2 [enKeyDev]
MFCK [addon] - New tooltip's [eMulePlus/Rayita]
MFCK [addon] - SpreadBar [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] - New server windows arrangement (you can view/hide add server/url/my info)
MFCK [addon] - Antivirus Check [The Black Hand mod]
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to change font size for all window in preference/panel/display (no restart needed)
MFCK [addon] - Only download complete files v2.1 [Shadow]
MFCK [addon] - New GUI (interface revisited: one button to switch all views Download/Upload/Queue/K
MFCK [addon] - Change font and color for all windows (Transfer/Server/Shared Files/Statistic tree/Search)
MFCK [addon] - Change color for files (Donwnloading/Complete/Paused/A4AF)
MFCK [addon] - Remainig size and time separated into two column
MFCK [addon] - New systray with sliders to select speed [eMulePlus]
MFCK [addon] - New Statistic windows based on [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Fake list update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - IP filter update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Number of Clients (Upload/Queue/Known Client) is shown on transfer window.
MFCK [addon] - New no rated icon based on [NoamSon] idea (better file transfer look)
MFCK [addon] - Shared network directories [SLUGFILLER] (new version)
MFCK [addon] - Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display A4AF file name in user column (in any color)
MFCK [addon] - Hard Limit per File (auto and manual) and auto remove HQRS [Sivka]
MFCK [addon] - Edit server in context menu [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display ask number in client column and tooltip [Sivka]
MFCK [addon] - Copy Ed2k links to clipboard (you can paste entire html page) [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
MFCK [addon] - Multiple Instances on command line (emule ?multi) [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 (modID) [SF-IOM]
MFCK [addon] - SaveKnownMet [VQB]
MFCK [addon] - Download overview (Active Transfer List) [XRMB]
MFCK [addon] - Server filter on user or file number [EpicStruggle]
MFCK [addon] - Funny nick [Xrmb]
MFCK [addon] - Fake check in context menu [Sivka]
MFCK [addon] - New Save Load Sources [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
MFCK [addon] - Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation (Auto/Manual) [eMulePlus/Dongato]
OriginalThread gekürzt. Nur aktuelle Mirrors übernommen.
cosmic girl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 3. March 2004, 15:46   #2
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
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Ich würde zu gerne wissen, wie die das machen, dass die immer die ersten sind, wenn es darum geht den ersten MOD von dem neuesten Clienten rauszubringen.

Die Optik ist auf jeden Fall schon mal einsamme Spitze und die letzten MODs vom MFCK-Team sind immer gut bei mir gelaufen.
Ein guter Grund den gleich mal anzutesten.


Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.
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Alt 3. March 2004, 17:18   #3
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Standard: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! Details

klingt wirklich sehr sehr intressant !!!

cu .. de DQA321 .. nur ICH halt
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Alt 3. March 2004, 17:47   #4
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Standard: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! Lösung: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix!

jemand anders war noch schneller (darf ich aber hier leider nicht erwähnen)
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Alt 3. March 2004, 18:52   #5
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Benutzerbild von Scum
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Standard: eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! eMule 0.42e [MFCK] V1b [03.04.2004] New! ed2k Links Hotfix! [gelöst]

Ob schneller auch besser ist sei mal dahingestellt!

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Alt 6. March 2004, 11:29   #6
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Hat schon jemand aussagekräftige Stats?
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Alt 6. March 2004, 14:46   #7
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Benutzerbild von Dragon76
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Hier habt ihr mal meine bisher erlangten Statistik werte da dieser Mod momentan der einzigste ist der bei mir läuft.

eMule v0.42b [MFCK V1a] Statistics [Dragong]

Session ULL Ratio: 1 : 3.67
Cumulative ULL Ratio: 1 : 3.22
Uploaded Data: 446.69 MB
Active Uploads: 4
Waiting Uploads: 5000
Upload Sessions: 655
Total successful upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Total failed upload sessions: 0 (0.00%)
Average Uploaded Per Session: Waiting...
Average upload time: 0 Seconds
Total Overhead (Packets): 167.06 MB (3.22M)
File Request Overhead (Packets): 0 Bytes (0)
Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 0 Bytes (0)
Server Overhead (Packets): 0 Bytes (0)
Kad Overhead (Packets): 0 Bytes (0)
Downloaded Data: 1.60 GB
Completed Downloads: 1
Active Downloads (chunks): 3
Found Sources: 2957
Download Sessions: 1350
Successful Download Sessions: 0 (0.0%)
Failed Download Sessions: 0 (0.0%)
Gained Due To Compression: 72.04 MB (4.4%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 9.28 MB (0.6%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 144.06 MB (3.23M)
Reconnects: 2
Active Connections (estimate): 250
Average Connections (estimate): 240
Peak Connections (estimate): 345
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Average Downloadrate: 4.24 kB/s
Max Downloadrate: 37.93 kB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 10.46 kB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: Samstag, 28.02.2004, 02:00:04
Time Since Last Reset: 7 days 12:41 Hours
Runtime: 1 days 14:16 Hours
Transfer Time: 1 days 14:15 Hours (100.0%)

cya Dragon76
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Alt 6. March 2004, 15:27   #8
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Wofür ist die Option "Upload Clinet Datarate" in den extended Settings?
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Alt 7. March 2004, 08:25   #9
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Benutzerbild von oma wetterwax
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ich würd den mod gern testen ABER: ich kann die ports nicht umstellen.
immer wenn ich die voreingestellten ports auf "meine" umstellen will, übernimmt er das zwar vorerst, nach dem neu starten des mod ist aber wieder alles beim alten - tcp auf 1024 statt 456, udp auf 4577 statt 4567.

random ports increment steht auf 0 = disabled

natürlich könnte ich meinen router auf diese werte umstellen, aber warum sollte ich das tun? ich mein, vielleicht hat sich ja jemand etwas dabei gedacht, wenn es nicht einfach ein bug ist.
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Alt 7. March 2004, 09:20   #10
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guck dir doch mal die preferences.ini an.
Vielleicht hast du die ausversehen auf schreibgeschützt gestellt !
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Alt 7. March 2004, 10:54   #11
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Benutzerbild von oma wetterwax
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danke für den hinweis - kanns aber nicht sein.

ich hab den mod einmal "blank" gestartet, also ohne übernahme der alten einstellungen, da waren ports mit 6000+ voreingestellt.
neue portnummern eingetippt, auf übernehmen geklickt, alles schien ok.
mod runtergefahren, neu gestartet: tcp 1024, udp 4577

ich glaube eher, dass er niedrigere ports nicht annimmt, da die "empfohlenen" portnummern (zumindest las ich das in den diversen tiscali-diskussionen) bei 1024 anfangen.
andere mods und das original funktionieren aber mit meinen niedrigen ports 1a und ich möchte eigentlich nicht unbedingt meinen server und das ganze netzwerk neu starten.

na was soll's, mittlerweile gibt es ja schon 42c
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Alt 7. March 2004, 18:29   #12
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Hallo oma wetterwax,

ich habe auch seit 3 Tagen den MFCK laufen, jetzt 2mal neugestartet, die vorherigen Einstellungen incl. der Ports (sind bei mir aber >1024) wurden jedesmal wieder unverändert übernommen. Ich tippe dann mal eher auf ein Problem bei deinem System ...

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Alt 8. March 2004, 08:15   #13
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Benutzerbild von oma wetterwax
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na genau da liegt ja mein problem

Einstellungen incl. der Ports (sind bei mir aber >1024)
ports > 1024 nimmt er ja, meine liegen aber DARUNTER, und die nimmt er nicht. das schöne flash-tutorial macht mich da auch nicht schlauer.
in vielen threads ist die rede davon, dass die ports zwischen 1024 und 65535 liegen müssen, da es bei mir aber bisher mit den niedrigen ports einwandfrei funktioniert hat, hätt ich einfach gern gewusst warum.
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Alt 8. March 2004, 23:16   #14
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Benutzerbild von Deer-Hunter
Registriert seit: 30.11.2003
Beiträge: 230

Hallo zusammen,

also ich hab den Mod dann seit langem mal wieder getestet und muss sagen, nich schlecht. Schnelle Quellenfindung und auch der Download setzt zügig ein.

Was mich dann aber doch was an dem Mod, wie auch an den meisten anderen wurmt, ist: Ich finde das Feature der unnützen Quellendroppen wie bei ef-Mod oder sivka einfach super. Leider sucht man das in den meisten Mods vergebens.

Lt. Changelog wurde ja auch das HQ-Droppen in dieser Version wieder entfernt. Ich frag mich nur wieso???

Schade, sonst würde ich mir den Mod sicher öfter mal anschauen aber so... wenn was neues von sivka oder efMod kommt, werde ich sicher wechseln.

Es sei denn, MFCK überlegt es sich noch mal mit dem Quellendroppen.
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Alt 9. March 2004, 07:35   #15
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
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MFCK hat gut daran getan ein solches feature wieder zu entfernen - ein sehr plausibles Argument hat Ornis+ kürzlich erst im offiziellen Forum auf die Frage, warum "Auto Drop No Needed Sources, high queue, high rate" nicht im originalen eMule eingebaut werden, geliefert:
Because it is not as great as you think on the first sight.

First, those sources are dropped already, when the source limit is going to be reached - to be able to replace them with new sources.

If you remove too many sources, you get them right back by source exchange or servers tell them again. So you start connecting again to them. This requires more traffic than keep them in queue and reask MUCH more seldom!

I wonder, why MODs still provide this pain...

Just let eMule handle the sources. It can do it much better than someone could manually do.
Kurz übersetzt:
Die Quellen [beim originalen eMule] werden schon gedroppt, wenn das Limit bald erreicht würde, damit diese durch neue Quellen ersetzen kann.
Entfernt man zu viele, bekommt man sie gleich wieder durch Source Exchange oder eben via Server.
Man fragt also wieder nur die gleichen Quellen an, die man kurz vorher schon angefragt hatte und es entsteht mehr traffic, als wenn man sie behalten und VIEL seltener anfragen würde.

Der ganze thread hier: http://forum.emule-project.net/index...opic=41314&hl=

Ausserdem, meine Meinung dazu ist: Woher weiss ich, ob nicht eine Quelle, die eben noch uninteressant für mich war, nicht in 5 min einen Chunk für mich hat oder aufgrund von anderen Einstellungen (Release Prio für ein file wird gesetzt z.B.) ich auf einmal von QR 4000 auf unter 500 rutsche!?
Ich habe von diesen features noch nie etwas gehalten und wenn ich einen Mod nutzte, welcher diese hatte, hatte ich sie immer deaktiviert.
Es gibt immerhin noch genügend clients, die einen bannen, wenn man eine gewisse Anzahl von Anfragen innerhalb kurzer Zeit stellt...
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  3. Wo finde ich eMule V0.42e [MFCK V1b] ?
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 2. July 2004 (4)
  4. eMule 0.42e Peace 10b Hybrid [18.04.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 20. April 2004 (15)
  5. eMule 0.42e 2.4 O² [13.04.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 15. April 2004 (1)
  6. eMule 0.42e released (2.April 2004)
    eMule Allgemein - 13. April 2004 (41)
  7. eMule 0.42e BlackRat 0.40407 [10.04.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 11. April 2004 (0)
  8. Emule0.41b29-storm-mfck-alpha[13.02.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 20. February 2004 (3)
  9. eMule 0.41b29 [MFCK] V1d [5.02.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 11. February 2004 (45)
  10. eMule 0.30e [MFCK] V1b [23.12.2003]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 6. January 2004 (33)
  11. eMule 0.29a [MFCK] v1b - [10.06.2003]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 11. June 2003 (10)
  12. ED2K-links by xxxx emule+v1a
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 11. March 2003 (1)

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