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Alt 10. March 2004, 08:01   #1
Registriert seit: 08.03.2004
Beiträge: 2
Standard: Mod Ai***l *** [10.03.04] Problem: Mod Ai***l *** [10.03.04]

[Edit by Pathfinder: Logo entfernt]
Changelog :
eMule Ai***l final based phoenix ; eWonbat& Blackhand


- Slugfiller: modid
- itsonlyme: clientSoft
- [TPT] - New Preferences Banner
- SLUGFILLER: searchCatch
- itsonlyme: cacheUDPsearchResults
- eWombat [WINSOCK2]
- [TPT] - Save ed2klinks
- [TPT] - Sort by QR
- [TPT] - Patch to avoid 99% CPU freeze
- Some patches from development forum and security patches of 30e
- [TPT] - New friend message window
- VQB: ownCredits
- TBH Transfers Window Style
- [TPT]-Cumulate Bandwidth ---> thanks to Pawcio for this great colaboration!
- eWombat SNAFU v2
- Some Xtreme fixes
- Ipfilter Update (Morph)
- Dinamic QR from emuleplus
- MoNKi: -invisible mode- (In general preferences, you can hide emule from your boss and bring it back with a keyboard combination)
- MoNKi: -Check already downloaded files-]
- MoNKi: -Downloaded History- (in shared tab you can see which files you have downloaded (known.met is required))
- Announ: -Copy BBCode ed2k links-
- SLUGFILLER: reqBlocksClipping
- SLUGFILLER: batchComment
- itsonlyme: selFix
- SLUGFILLER: doubleLucas
- itsonlyme:reqFiles
- itsonlyme:clientDetails
- SLUGFILLER: modelessDialogs
- itsonlyme: virtualDirs
- itsonlyme: viewSharedFiles
- itsonlyme: displayOptions
- SLUGFILLER: showComments
- xrmb:seeTheNeed
- SLUGFILLER: Spreadbars
- SLUGFILLER: infiniteQueue
- MoNKi: -Support for High Contrast Mode-
- MoNKi: -Sel & Copy in Hypertextctrl-
- Optimizer from morph from emuleplus
- TBH: muleSysTray
- Minimule from TBH and Improved by TPT
- [TPT] - pHoeniX log
- MoNKi: -i18n support in CNumEdit-
- MoNKi: -OnPaste support in CNumEdit-
- enkeyDEV(th1) -notifier- y enkeyDEV(kei-kun) -TaskbarNotifier-
- enkeyDEV(ColdShine) -PartfileNameRecovery-
- xMule_MOD: showSharePermissions
- Added more credit systems: Pawcio, Lovelace,...
- Added: Commands on the friend details window (right click on friend tab) [TPT] - View friend details
- Added: Emule icon changes if a new message arrives [TPT] - Notify message.
- Added: Tooltips from rayita and mfck (remove some code) - [TPT] - MFCK [addon]
- Added: Code ident is based on TBH - [TPT] - modVersion)
- Added: View client country (copy ip-to-country.csv into config) ([TPT] - IP Country by Superlexx)
- Added: A part of MD4 optimization by AW3
- Bugfix: Fail that causes that sometimes the upload was 0
- Remove: Remove throttler from official and use Maella upload control
- Remove: Remove clean autocompleted due to it is in the official
- Added: New menus XP style ([TPT] - New menu style)
- Added: country identification based on Maxmind (http://www.maxmind.com) ([TPT] - IP Country)
(load icons based on Morph)
Copy GeoIP.dat and countryflag.dll in config dir, you can remove ip-to-country.csv from config dir)
- Added: [TPT] - Don't draw hidden Rect [MORPH]
- Added: Spreadbars in shared window (they are optional in preferences->phoenix2)
- Added: handshake filter messages ([TPT] - Filter Handshake messages)
- Upgraded to CxImage 5.99 ([TPT] - New CxImageLib)
- Fix: Fails with "A request resource was...."
- Fix: String title
- Fix: Show details with double click
- Fix: Some data where wrong initialized in statistics
- Fix: Fail in saving preferences
- Fix: Fail in order by mod
- Fix: Fail in webserver with files > 2Gb ([TPT] - Monki fix web interface)
- Fix: Fails with tooltips
- Added: Upload protection 1.4mo
- Added: COoLzero Tweak
- Added: Bann The Banner
- Added: Suspicious Clients Kick&bann
- Added: SNAFU Optimisation
- Added: More Magic feature*
BIN :[Edit by Pathfinder: Link entfernt]
SOURCES :[Edit by Pathfinder: Link entfernt]
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Ähnliche Themen: Mod Ai***l *** [10.03.04]

  1. mod umstieg? was brauch ich alles? welche mod empfehlt ihr?
    Mülltonne - 12. May 2004 (2)
  2. Neuer Mod --- >>> Darkmule Killer Mod
    Mülltonne - 30. July 2003 (3)

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