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Alt 12. March 2004, 13:17   #1
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von Scum
Registriert seit: 27.07.2003
Beiträge: 183

Standard: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] Problem: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004]

[edit by Pathfinder]

eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
1.) CHANGED: The default upload ping from 100 to 200 for and Download from 200 to 300.

2.) FIXED: A bug in the Emsocket.cpp for listening for the connections on startup and more.

3.) CHANGED: Changed version detection from Current_Version_Long to Mod_Version.

4.) FINAL: This will be all for this version as long as there are no major problems.




eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25c SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net

This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.

1.) REMOVED: Ewombat Winsock2, no need for it since the official version supports it now.

2.) FIXED: A bug in the PartFile.cpp tags that could crash.

3.) FINAL: This will be all for this version as long as there are no major problems.




eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25b SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net

This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.

1.) FIXED: Just a couple of small bug that I found.

2.) FINAL: This will be all for this version as long as there are no major problems.




eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25a SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
1.) FIXED: A bug in the statistics window.

2.) CHANGED: Made some changes and Improvments to Save Load Sources.

3.) FIXED: A couple small cosmetic bugs.




eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25 SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
1.) CHANGED: Ported all posible code to eMule.v42g.

2.) CHANGED: The search window somewhat so it is less confusing.

3.) Program is also fully optimized for Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP.




eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.24b SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
1.) FIXED: A crash bug in the Partfile.cpp.

2.) Added: A Patch to Kad, should work much better now.





eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.24 SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
Hi All.

Here is the full version files for you.

Features: Date: 05/02/04 for emule0.42e-pawcio4.24-se.

This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.

1.) CHANGED: Server, files, UDP, reasktimes again somewhat, overhead may decrease a little.

2.) CHANGED: Queue Range to (500 - 5000) the lower setting seemed to be better for Win-98,Win-ME.

3.) ADDED: Adjustability to SLS and an on off option, in preferences extended settings.

4.) FIXED: A bug in the A4AF AUTO SAVE code.

5.) ADDED: Removed "L!0" from anti-leech evildoer code.
This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.
Have Fun Stormit!
PS: Happy Testing.




Dump-Debug (Please use this if you are having any trouble, Thank You.)

Note: For Winme or Win98.

Registry patches do not work if your system can not handle the load. 

Max Connections: 100 is standard microsoft OS max. Yours should be less. 

Hard limit should be no higher than: 300

Max new connections for 5sec. should be: 5

If any of these settings are exceeded your system may crash.
Please also check you Harddisk for Errors:

Your disk may also be corrupted and reporting the wrong space this has happen to me alot. If emule crashes you can corrupt data on the disk and space left is miss reported. Infact any crash can cause this you need to check your disk for errors, I do this all the time because it happens to me. This will also cause a crash. 
Note:  Important Information:
As your Known.met file grows so will the memory use. But if you remove it all of your files will rehash.

If you do not have alot of shared files remove or rename the Known.met file and check the memory use then, but remember it will climb with the size of the file.

eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.23d SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
Hi All

Here is a new test file for you.

This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.

Features: Date: 04/30/04 for emule0.42e-pawcio4.23d-se.

1.) CHANGED: Server, files, UDP, reasktimes again somewhat, overhead may in crease a little.

2.) FIXED: A bug for server connection & emule identification.

3.) FIXED: A bug in the transfer window.

4.) These changes should fix the crashes some of you have been having.

5.) This is the best that I can do so please enjoy it!

Have Fun Stormit!




Dump-Debug (Please use this if you are having any trouble, Thank You.)


eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.23a SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
Hi All

Here is a new test file for you.


Features: Date: 04/27/04 for emule0.42e-pawcio4.23ase.
1.) FIXED: The files window had overlapping controls.
2.) FIXED: Another little error in the Partfile hashing process.

Features: Date: 04/27/04 for emule0.42e-pawcio4.23se.

1.) FIXED: Changed reasktimes to help reduce overhead somewhat.

2.) FIXED: A error in the Partfile hashing process.

3.) ADDED: Maella's Extended cleanup II //

4.) ADDED: Maella's Fix for sockets //

5.) ADDED: Save Load Sources with 25 saves all automatic.

6.) ADDED: Some code improvments sivka / Stormit //

7.) CHANGED: The Statisics window back to original Pawcio.

8.) CHANGED: The Speed on the title bar will now show up after eMule Name.[/B][/color]




eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.22b

Zitat von Roman2K auf emule-project.net
Hi all, 4.22bSE released :

- Fix: USS part in status-bar was a little too small
- Change: don't display UNLIMITED value in max-downspeed field
- Localized a bit Systray dialog and BC prefs
- Reduced BC prefs dialog and connections prefs
- Allow LowID friendslots
- Added min down and max down icons for systray
- Fix to splashscreen (modstring didn't fit)

- The speed shown in USS part of status bar wasn't the correct one
- modid (statistics) by SlugFiller wasn't correctly merged

- XML langs (same languages than in SF-IOM) so everyone can customize BC prefs strings
- Sends mod string ("Pawcio v4.22SE")
- Show letter instead of 0.xx.x for eMule versions in statistics (fix)
- Mod statistics from SF-IOM (a must)
- Friendslot is saved (a must)
- Friendslot is focused when the current focused has finished downloading (else it is ~always in reserved-slots)
- Clean tray-dialog with USS/DSS settings
- Clean connections tab in prefs with MSS setting
- USS/DSS scheduler
- Whole Bandwidth graph-color setting in stats tab in prefs
- Maella - Extended clean-up II (should avoid the crash that certain people encounter)
- PowerShare (taken from Pawcio v4.14) (a must, too)
- Kad search through webserver didn't work if nothing was written in availability (fix)
- Recoded priority sorting in webserver, upload-, queue-, shared-window


Pawcio's BC port by Stormit,
Version released by Roman2K.

=> Binaries
=> Sources

PS: don't forget to update your "lang" directory.

eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.21 SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.


1.) FIXED: Changed a bit of code to help increase the sucessful upload sessions percentage by about 10% or more.

2.) FIXED: Resized the statusbar Panels some so the text fits better

3.) This is the finial version of this for now!

Have Fun Stormit! :thumbup:





eMule 0.42e Pawcio 4.19 SE

Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
Here is a new Pawcio eMule from Stormit for you to try.
Features: Date: 03/19/04 for emule0.42e-pawcio4.19se.

This is in honor of my friend Pawcio, I wish he was still around to continue his great work.

1.) Fixed: A problem that was causing successful upload sessions to be less than normal for Pawcio BC: to many failed.

2.) Fixed: An error in the downloadlist with the file colors, when the files were incomplete and or the color red, the paused and stoped colors did not work now they do.

3.) CHANGED: Some server reask and file reask times back to old settings.

Mirror (eMulefan83):

[edit by cyrex2001 ]
Zitat von stormit auf emule-project.net
Features: Date: 03/17/04 for this version 42e.27.18se.

1.) OPTIMIZED: This application is now fully optimized for Win98 or ME, also for Win2000 or XP and XP-Sp2.

2.) Ported: All posible code to the new v0.42e.27 code base.

3.) CLEANED : Cleaned up and retaged much of the code base, Tagged // Pawcio: BC //.

4.) FixED: Just some other small bugs.

5.) Added: Side banner to the preferences window.

6,) Changed: The Statisics window, never did like the 4 corner one.

7.) Rearanged the transfer window menu somewhat.

8.) Added the icons back to the dowloadlist, and some file colors.


[Edit by Pathfinder]

Zitat von Pawcio auf emule-project.net
eMule 0.42d Pawcio 4.17 SE (special edition - only BC)

Pawcio 4.17SE - 13.03.2004
Added missed UDP download stream overhead

Pawcio 4.16SE - 12.03.2004
Fix size of reserved list window

Pawcio 4.15SE - 11.03.2004
BC version 1.2 merged to eMule 0.42d
Main host thanks to STORMIT

eMule 0.42d Pawcio 4.17 SE

eMule 0.42d with Pawcio BC v1.22 Sources


Hello everybody !
I've merged BC version 1.2 with eMule 0.42d But only BC was added, no other features from previous Pawcios. So it can be a good base for others modders who want to do theirs mod with BC.
With BC v1.2 I've added from original ZZ USS the parameters: going up and down slowness, so you can choose between fasr reaction of BC (old behaviour) and smooth upload curve.

Mirror thanks to STORMIT

Pawcio 4.15 SE (special edition - only BC)


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Alt 13. March 2004, 10:20   #2
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endlich mal wieder n guter mod ...

obwohl das teil nur pawcios bc drin hat

dampfer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. March 2004, 13:45   #3
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Standard: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] Details

kann es sein dass der Link nicht geht?

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Alt 13. March 2004, 15:21   #4
Benutzerbild von Odinasgardson
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
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Standard: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] Lösung: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004]

@ Enigma
versuchs mal damit.

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Alt 13. March 2004, 15:42   #5
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
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Standard: eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] eMule 0.42g Pawcio 4.25d SE [28.05.2004] [gelöst]

@ Enigma

Ich hab die bin. auch hochgeladen.

Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.
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Alt 13. March 2004, 15:58   #6
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
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Zitat von Pawcio auf emule-project.net
eMule 0.42d Pawcio 4.16 SE (special edition - only BC)
Main host thanks to STORMIT
eMule 0.42d Pawcio 4.16 SE
eMule 0.42d with Pawcio BC v1.21 Sources

Mirror by Anybody

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 13. March 2004, 18:55   #7
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Benutzerbild von lexaiden
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Lief eigentlich recht gut, aber ich habe den Test nach kanpp 20 Stunden abgebrochen weil ich einfach Powersharing benötige sonst krieg ich nicht das hochgeladen was ich eigentlich will bzw. was viel dringender ist.
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Alt 13. March 2004, 19:43   #8
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von xtremchopper
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Ist gerade nach ca. 12Std. Laufzeit eingefroren. Man konnte noch alles machen jedoch wurde keine Anzeige mehr aktuallisiert.
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Alt 14. March 2004, 16:23   #9
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Ich hatte mich so gefreut auf einen neuen Pawcio, aber dieser Mod verdient den Namen Pawcio nicht. Das Bandwidth Control ist zwar cool, aber ohne die coolen Releaser Funktionen ist er weniger als die Hälfte des alten Pawcio. Sorry.
Kraut ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. March 2004, 18:48   #10
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
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eMule 0.42d Pawcio 4.17 SE ist erschienen -> siehe oben
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Alt 14. March 2004, 20:58   #11
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Benutzerbild von Furio
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Kraut, der "Roman2K" hat Pawcio's BC und auch das Feature "Release Prio". Kannst ja mal gucken, ob Dir das reicht
Currently running eMule v.43b Cyrex2001 v4.0 on:
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Alt 14. March 2004, 22:35   #12
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Danke für den Tip, werde ich mal testen.
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Alt 18. April 2004, 20:51   #13
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Benutzerbild von Scum
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This is a non official port by Stormit of the pawcio mod 17se to eMulev42e.27.

Features: Date: 04/17/04 for this version 42e.27.18se.

1.) OPTIMIZED: This application is now fully optimized for Win98 or ME, also for Win2000 or XP and XP-Sp2.
2.) Ported: All posible code to the new v0.42e.27 code base.
3.) CLEANED : Cleaned up and retaged much of the code base, Tagged // Pawcio: BC //.
4.) FixED: Just some other small bugs.
5.) Added: Side banner to the preferences window.
6,) Changed: The Statisics window, never did like the 4 corner one.
7.) Rearanged the transfer window menu somewhat.
8.) Added the icons back to the dowloadlist, and some file colors.

Scum ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. April 2004, 20:56   #14
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
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du kannst deinen thread, auch selber aktuallisieren, dass ist der button, wo edit, drauf steht!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
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Alt 18. April 2004, 21:13   #15
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
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Scum hat den ersten post um 21.59 nochmals editiert, aber es steht immer noch nur die 0.42d da..

Mit ein Grund, warum wir hier unsere Mod release threads nur durch erfahrene Mitglieder machen lassen..
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