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-   -   eMule 0.42e BlackRat 0.40407 [10.04.2004] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/7276-emule-0-42e-blackrat-0-a.html)

Furio 11. April 2004 16:34

eMule 0.42e BlackRat 0.40407 [10.04.2004]

Zitat von leratnoir on emule-project.net


- Based on 0.42e
- Management of the upload slots number[Le Rat Noir]
- Favored Sharing [Le Rat Noir]
- Management of slots reserved for the friends, release or the other clients [Le Rat Noir]
- Antileech Functions [Le Rat Noir]
- Sort of the scores following the "friend", " release " or "other" priority [Le Rat Noir]
- Mods Identification [Maella]
- Menu BlackRat coded to avoid the laborious integration in the resources[Le Rat Noir]
- English, German, Spanish Translation of the BlackRat options [Le Rat Noir]
- "ClientSoftware" and "Download Status" columns added in Upload list [Le Rat Noir]
- BlackRat board link added in Tools/Links as well as in the system menu (click the mule at the top to the left) [Le Rat Noir] (Inoteb idea)
- Different SplashScreen from that of "About eMule ..." [Le Rat Noir]
- Correction of the sources sort in the "Downloads" windows [Le Rat Noir]
- Correction of the sort of obtained parts in the "Uploads" windows [Le Rat Noir]
- Splashscreen, "About eMule ...", logo in Preferences [Le Ch'ti Dragon/Windozeur/Inoteb]
- New icons added [Le Rat Noir]
- Small modification of the calculation of the global upload [Le Rat Noir]
- Integration of the Lugdunummaster code allowing to use the auxiliary port of a server in this case Razorback (*)

(*) Some Users of "Free" ISP should rediscover Razorback2

Add the server ed2k://|server||80|/

or ed2k://|server||443|/

or ed2k://|server||25|/

The server can listen to auxiliary tcp ports. This is to help some users to avoid providers filters that block standard wellknown ports (4661,4242). Default value : none. Only updated clients may use aux ports, because we ask them not to spread aux ports values to other clients, because we dont want to receive additionnal UDP trafic. [Lugdunummaster]

Don't forget to remove the 4661 port server in the static server and to add the new server in the list. Verify, please, that there is a single Razorback server in this list. To create the "Aux Port" column ", press on the right button in the server items and mark the option.

Liens directs :

Exécutable : http://blackrat.free.fr/binaries/eMule0.42e-Binaries.[BlackRat].0.40407.rar [ 1.38 Mo]

Sources : http://blackrat.free.fr/sources/eMule0.42e-Sources.[BlackRat].0.40407.rar [ 2.88 Mo]

ed2k Links :

Binaries : ed2k://|file|eMule0.42e-Binaries.[BlackRat].0.40407.rar|1446070|CA45544DCCC34B9536CA3A8B67D3F E08|/

Sources : ed2k://|file|eMule0.42e-Sources.[BlackRat].0.40407.rar|3019563|31B0E8C8034CF0FC59EDDF6C8ED56 37C|/

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