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Alt 18. August 2004, 12:36   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.43b emulEspaña Mod v3b [18.08.2004] Problem: eMule 0.43b emulEspaña Mod v3b [18.08.2004]

eMule 0.43b - emulEspaña Mod v3b

Changelog emulEspaña v3b (0.43b):

MoNKi: Fixed setup script. Now creates the multipleinstances shortcut correctly

MoNKi: Fixed a bug when saving .part.met files which caused errors when loading
the downloading files
tag: Announ: -per file option for downloading preview parts-

Announ: Option to allow multiple instances of eMule removed (it's already supported
in the offical, unless they try to open the same port)
tag: khaos: -allow multiple instances-
Downloads:[*]Binaries Pentium4 & AthlonXP:[*]Setup:[*]Source code:[/list:u:2120d4ace4]

Zitat von MoNKi auf eMule-Project.net
0.43b - emulEspaña Mod v3a

  • Per file option for downloading first and last chunks.
  • Wap Interface: Allows you to control emule with a wap enabled phone (no java needed)

  • Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements [Maella]
  • Optimized memcpy function for processors that support MMX or SSE
  • Blinking tray icon on message received
  • GUI numbers are formated using the user system settings.
  • Added creation and support of friend eLinks (based upon userhash)
    friend eLink: ed2k://|friend|<nick>|<userhash>|/
    friend list: ed2k://|friendlist|<URL of emfriends.met>|/
  • Skins previewer

  • Random ports. You can select a port range for this random ports.
  • Copy file stats to clipboard
  • Support for High Contrast Mode. If the user has the High Contrast Mode enabled on the system Accesibility Modes, eMule adapts the colors to high contrast colors.
    Mod (left) vs Oficial (right):

  • Downloaded History: Shows a list with all known files. You can remove and merge duplicated files in the known.met
  • Invisible Mode. Hides eMule with a HotKey without display the tray icon.
  • The system tray icon blinks when receiving a message
  • Incoming folder has a personalized icon
  • A start TTL between 1 and 20 can be specified for USS
  • Patch for USS that allows a better operation with determined ISP's (ONO Spain, for example) [zz]
  • Universal Plug & Play (UPnP)
  • Windows firewall support improved:
    - Support for multiple instances of emule.
    - Better integration with the UPnP code.
    - Added the "Server UDP" port mapping.
    - Asks for autoconfiguration when it first detect the firewall.
  • emulEspaña ToolBar Skin
  • Allows multiple instances
  • Now transparent skins works on windows 2000
  • Windows Sockets v2 [eWombat]
  • Fixed variables sizes in web/wap interfaces [itsonlyme]
  • Detect files already downloaded. Shows a warning if a file with the same name or same hash has been already downloaded.
  • Reconnect if LowID [SlugFiller]
  • Mod name identification [itsonlyme]
  • Version name creation [itsonlyme]
  • Mod identification support [SlugFiller]
  • Updated to CxImage 5.99a
  • Updated to LibPng 1.2.6 rc5
  • .... For a full list see the full changelog here

Changelog emulEspaña v3a (0.43b):

MoNKi: zz: Patch to USS that allows a better operation with determined ISP's (ONO, for example)
tag: zz: -curHost to lastDestinationAddress for faked lastCommonHost-

MoNKi: Now incoming folder has a personalized icon
tag: MoNKi: -Custom incoming folder icon-

MoNKi: The system tray icon blinks when receiving a message
tag: MoNKi: -Blinking tray icon on message received-

MoNKi: A start TTL between 1 and 20 can be specified for USS
(1 is the official per default value)
tag: MoNKi: -USS initial TTL-

Announ: "Give credits to secured clients only" option removed
tag: Announ: -give secured credits only-

Announ, MoNKi:
- Floating point numbers stored in "preferences.ini" and "statistics.ini"
use '.' instead of the regional decimal separator (better compatibility with
configuration files from other eMules)
- The panel "My info" now shows numbers using the system format.
tag: MoNKi & Announ: -interface thread must be localized-

MoNKi: Image formats support increased in the resources when using CEnBitmap.
(Neccessary to load the mod skin)
tag:  MoNKi: -Improved image formats support on EnBitmap-

Announ: Added creation and support of friend eLinks (based upon userhash)
friend eLink: ed2k://|friend|<nick>|<userhash>|/
friend list:  ed2k://|friendlist|<URL of emfriends.met>|/
tag: Announ: -Friend eLinks-

MoNKi: New "start" and "about..." images. The version number has been removed.
tag: MoNKi: -emulEspaña splash screen-

MoNKi: Windows firewall support improved:
- Support for multiple instances of emule.
- Better integration with the UPnP code.
- Added the "Server UDP" port mapping.
- Asks for autoconfiguration when it first detect the firewall.
tag: MoNKi: -Improved ICS-Firewall support-

MoNKi: Invisible mode: Now the window can be hidden pressing the key combo.
(Before, the key combo just restored the window)
tag: MoNKi: -invisible mode-

MoNKi: Skins previewer
tag: MoNKi: -Skin Selector-

MoNKi: Password textboxes support added in TreeOptionsCtrl
tag: MoNKi: -Pass Edit on TreeOptionsCtrl-

MoNKi: Wap server:
- Ported a 0.43b
- Kad support added.
- GIF images compression using LZW algorithm.
- Fixed exploit when using DecodeBase16
tag: MoNKi: -Wap Server-

MoNKi: Slidebars in the search window removed

MoNKi: New skin for the toolbar
tag: MoNKi: -emulEspaña Skin-

Announ: Parameter to allow multiple instances of emule modified to "ignoreinstances",
  like official. The registry entry "IgnoreInstances" is ignored, the mod
  obbeys to what the user specified in emulEspana preferences.
tag: khaos: -allow multiple instances-

MoNKi: Random ports: The intention is not using the same UDP & TCP ports
tag: MoNKi: -Random Ports-

MoNKi: Added complete sources count to "Copy File Stats To Clipoard"
tag: -MoNKi: Copy File Stats To Clipoard-

MoNKi: Possibility of disabling skins on lists if High Contrast mode is enabled
tag: MoNKi: -Support for High Contrast Mode-

Announ: the option "Try to download first and last chunks first", which is
  independant per file, is saved between sessions (in the xxx.part.met)
  New tag used: 0xA0 <uint32>
tag: Announ: -per file option for downloading preview parts-

MoNKi: Now transparent skins works on windows 2000
tag: MoNKi: -Toolbar Transparency On Win2k-

MoNKi: Updated to CxImage 5.99a

Announ / MoNKi: Updated to eMule 0.43b code.
Downloads:[*]Binaries Pentium4 & AthlonXP:[*]Setup (Bin, Bin P4, Sources & third party libraries):[*]Sources:[*]Other Mirrors:
januar2.de: http://www.januar2.de/13558.html (Thanks to Januar1956)[/list:u:2120d4ace4]

Thanks to all the people in emulEspaña.net
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. August 2004, 15:09   #2
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Beiträge: 13

Stürzte ab, als ich in Dateien auf die Details einer Datei geklickt habe. Schon gelöscht.

heinerlauterbach ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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