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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 19. August 2004, 16:28   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.43b NetF 0.1c [30.08.2004] Problem: eMule 0.43b NetF 0.1c [30.08.2004]

eMule 0.43b [NetF 0.1c]

Zitat von netfinity auf eMuleProject.net
NetF 0.1b had serious problems with locked up sockets, and where prone to crash on program exit. The problems was related to the feature of adding failed upload sessions back to the waiting queue and has therefore been removed in this release.

Some GUI enhancements and uploading of full chunks has been limited to parts with less or equal to 50 sources. This gives faster queue rotation, so more rare parts can be served.

!!! VARNING !!!
This is an experimental release based on eMule 0.43b. All features hasn't yet been fully tested.
The release is intended for those who have problems with downloads/uploads.

*** NetF 0.1c ***

* Shouldn't open as many upload slots anymore
* Small icon by up/down shows when session ratio limit is activated
* Only upload a quarter of a chunk when having more than 50 sources (to give rare parts a chance)
* Turning off, transfer full chunks doesn't have any effect anymore (atleast shouldn't)
* Small tweaks to 'Client Details' window
* Fake HighID detection, doesnt't do anything about it thought
* Disabled back on queue for disconnected sockets, due to stability problems
* Small File Push'ing can now be configured via preferences GUI
* Normal & High download priority takes precedance over upload priority for part file (was already in 0.1a)
NetF 0.1c - Binary: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1c.-.Binary.zip|1843900|EB029661A806F2DEAAE2AA6672E41F 2F|/
NetF 0.1c - Source: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1c.-.Source.zip|3113811|935BB9A0978DACA612FB6A6CE7334F 12|/
Zitat von netfinity
New, release trying to improve when downloading and sharing rare files. Also adds ICS, which isn't widely supported but doesn't cost much to implement.

The source code contain many sections that are either commented out or has no apparent function.
These code pieces a are for experimental future features.

!!! VARNING !!!
This is an experimental release based on eMule 0.43b. All features hasn't yet been fully tested.
The release is intended for those who have problems with downloads/uploads.

*** NetF 0.1b ***

* Increased timout for data blocks, while downloading (pointed out by cmgrr)
* Added ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) [enkeyDev]
* Uploads does not time out any more if there is no clients in the waiting queue
* If a socket is disconnected while uploading, client is added back to the waiting queue
* Update download bandwidth throttler
- Throttling always active, even when using unrestricted download rate
- Give a bit more to the files with least active sources
* Absolute value for complete sources, when searching Kademlia [Viruzz]
* Non-linear small file pushing (was actually already in NetF 0.1a)
* Removed 20 minutes check for clients who download to slow (obsolete! shouldn't have got into NetF 0.1a)
NetF 0.1b - Binary: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1b.-.Binary.zip|1843975|63E54793E07558A9C2E132630D39D4 26|/
NetF 0.1b - Source: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1b.-.Source.zip|3087413|7681E6479EE2A288344DBC3DEEAC98 27|/

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
Fellt compelled to relase my mod, due to the massive amount of users with download problems.

!!! WARNING !!!
This is an early release and all features hasn't been fully tested.
The release is intended for those who have problems with downloads in the official eMule.

*** NetF 0.1a ***

* New download bandwidth throttler code (fixes 0.0 kB/s downloads. for limited downloads only!)
- Rare parts get priority
- Parts close to completion get priority
- Always tries to download at a minimum rate based on amount of slots and download limit settings
* Session ratio control (prevent download to become more than 3 times the upload)
* Limit upload session to part boundaries (code partially from --stormit-- Mod)
* Queue bonus for incomplete upload sessions
* Payback queue (upto 33% of bandwidth is used to give data back to people downloaded from)
This feature is disabled when download exceed 90% of upload for the session.
* Less credits to clients who ask often
* Uploaders of rare parts (note! not files, but parts) get more credits
* Small changes in credit system to make credit shaping harder
* Push small files
Source: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1a.-.Source.zip|2972732|2F926C9F654C606046DBD3A1E24674 8A|/
Binary: ed2k://|file|NetF.0.1a.-.Binary.zip|1852566|7D94C32A151C92E04DA3D4E898CC20 FF|/
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29. August 2004, 18:45   #2
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Neue Version dieses experimentellen aber interessanten MODs: NetF 0.1b

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. August 2004, 11:23   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.43b NetF 0.1c [30.08.2004] eMule 0.43b NetF 0.1c [30.08.2004] Details

Und gleich noch ein wichtiges BugFix hinterher: NetF 0.1c

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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