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Alt 14. September 2004, 19:20   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] Problem: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005]

eMule 0.44d [NetF 0.3a (beta 1)]

WARNING! This is a beta and may explode in your face!!!
Please avoid using any code from this beta in your own Mods, without first consulting me.

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 1 ***

* Added: limited dropping of slow downloads on part completion
* Added: delayed NNP to allow part to complete in case of corruption
(Holds a source for 10 seconds before going NNP)
* Added: instant upload slots for files below 10kB
* Added: P2P worm detection on opening eMule
* Added: view parts for A4AF sources in red'ish color
* Added: ask sources for A4AF files before asking the file for download
(Allow collecting status of A4AF sources with little additional overhead)
* Added: remember filename, comment, part status and more for A4AF sources
(Allows for better part selection and reduced overhead in future versions)
* Added: don't send 'Incomplete Parts' packets for complete files
* Changed: fast queue rotation now uses 1080 kB as the minimum upload limit
* Fixed? "Too Many Connnections" bug [SiRoB]
* Fixed: a possible crash with Kad buddies [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
* Fixed: PeerCache timeouts [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
* Fixed: accept an OP_HELLO as an answer when expecting OP_HELLOANS
(Solves an issue when a source connect to us at the same time we try to connect to it)
* Fixed: some issues with the ed2k protocol caused exceptions to be thrown
* Fixed: replaced ICS part priority list with a simpler and apparently more reliable solution
* Fixed: 'last seen complete' now gives the time when all parts was last displayed complete
* Removed: display of slots given in the log
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.44d [NetF 0.2f]

eMule 0.44d [NetF 0.2f]
NetF - 'The Need For Speed'

Major features of 0.2f:
- Fixed an important protocol bug! (could cause problem with Low ID clients)
- More specific reasons for succesful/failed dowloads/uploads in statistics window
- Better spread of download slots over parts
- Removed the assembler optimized hashing routines from eMule 0.44d (due to suspected stability issues)

NetF is a Mod that tries to improve file sharing experience without the need for overly complex configuration options.
NetF is targeted for the average user as opposite many other Mods which are dedicated to releasers.

- Dynamic Block Requests (faster and fewer failed downloads)
- Enhanched Upload Throttler Management
- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS)
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

*** NetF 0.2f ***

* Added: reason for 'Successful / Failed Upload Sessions' in statistics
* Added: don't throw exceptions anymore on OP_REQUESTFILENAME when extended data is missing
* Improved: distribution of download slots over parts
* Changed: minor changes to CEMSocket::GetNeededBytes in hope to get less upload timouts
* Fixed: improper termination of dropped download slots
* Fixed: serious protocol bug in OP_HELLO messages
  (Revorked the way emule/client tags are added to messages)
* Removed: assembler optimized hashing routines (un-merged)
- Known bug! Average download time shows strange values.
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
Mirror by skneo

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
eMule 0.44d [NetF 0.2e]
NetF - 'The Need For Speed'

Major features of 0.2e:
- Dropping of download slots that isn't downloading
- Merged with eMule 0.44d

NetF is a Mod that tries to improve file sharing experience without the need for overly complex configuration options.
NetF is targeted for the average user as opposite many other Mods which are dedicated to releasers.

- Dynamic Block Requests (faster and fewer failed downloads)
- Enhanched Upload Throttler Management
- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS)
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

Contact: netfinity at http://forum.emule-project.net

*** NetF 0.2e ***

* Added: dropping of download slots that appears to not receive anything in a NNP situation
* Added: dynamic timouts of upload slots based on datarate if common file
  (More stable upload and saturated clients get higher datarate per slot)
* Added: prevent new download slots to request packets if there is less than 20 seconds of download left
* Added: prevent slow download slots (<1kB/s) to request packets if they can't complete fast enough
* Added: prevent source requests to fill all sockets
* Fixed: catch exceptions in upload timeout check routine
* Fixed: some timeouts showed as disconnects in statistics
* Fixed: minor changes in CPartFile::GetNextEmptyBlockInPart()
* Optimized: dynamic block requests to calculate block sizes better
* Merged: with eMule 0.44d
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
eMule 0.44b [NetF 0.2d]
NetF - 'The Need For Speed'

Major features of 0.2d:
- Dynamic Block Requests, gives faster part completion and less failed downloads

NetF is a Mod that tries to improve file sharing experience without the need for overly complex configuration options.
NetF is targeted for the average user as opposite many other Mods which are dedicated to releasers.

- Dynamic Block Requests (faster and fewer failed downloads)
- Enhanched Upload Throttler Management
- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS)
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

Contact: netfinity at http://forum.emule-project.net

*** NetF 0.2d ***

* Added: avoid too many sources assigned to one part (~4 sources per part)
* Added: dynamic block requests based on datarate, number of sources and data size left to download
* Added: reason for 'Successful / Failed Download Sessions' in statistics
* Added: show Mod strings next to eMule version in Downloads window
* Added: show Mod strings in client statistics [Slugfiller]
* Added: lower priority for saturated clients (double waiting time!)
* Added: timout (5 minutes) for 'Delayed Upload Slot Termination'
* Changed: increased allowed download with 3kB/s and made ramping steeper in sessio ratio control
* Fixed: loophole in payback slot allowed a bad client to download forever (reported by leexgx)
* Fixed: yellow icons when no credits bug in 'On Queue' list
* Fixed: minor issues like timers and random generators
* Removed: when less than one 9.3MB left to download blocks are requested in sets of 180kB instead of 540kB
* Removed: viewing of remote client IP addresses
NetF 0.2d - Binary: ed2k://|file|NetF%200.2d%20-%20Binary.zip|1911677|1669E3177BDF122A631E3CCABC49 5E0A|h=ADAXGHNBUPDWUZZTBSHICHNPJSQQOQHW|/
NetF 0.2d - Source: ed2k://|file|NetF%200.2d%20-%20Source.zip|4358941|3CD916226CC84EDFF835086099C6 15F2|h=YKZQRETSCNM6HPB2Q24CLP64IQZR3Y4R|/

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
Major features of 0.2c:
- Preferred number of upload slots can be configured (will still open more if really needed)
- Better average upload even with less slots
- Faster file completion and download of mp3s (upto 3 times if enough sources)
- Possibility to turn off some ("anoying"!?) NetF features
- Fixed some bugs with chunk selection
- No need for separate dll's anymore
- Possible to set the priority with which NetF will run

NetF is a Mod based on eMule 0.44b that has been designed to encurage sharing.
It tries to give good download ratios, without the need to unshare, and at the same time help rare files to spread.

- Enhanched Upload Throttler Management
- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS)
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

Contact: netfinity at http://forum.emule-project.net

*** NetF 0.2c ***

* Fixed some cosmetic bugs. (eg. yellow icons when no credits)
* Added option to set priority for the eMule task.
* Removed the need for 'id3lib.dll' and 'zlib1.dll'.
* Changed NetF to store unique preferences in 'NetF.ini' file instead of 'preferences.ini'.
* Fixed problem with text didn't fit in tray icon.
* Added, when less than one 9.3MB left to download blocks are requested in sets of 180kB instead of 540kB.
  (Speeds up file completion and significantly reduces time to download mp3's with many sources)
* Added option to disable certain NetF features.
* Added option to set preferred number of upload slots, datarate and interval between slot creation.
* Added Delayed Upload Slot Termination. Prevents release of slot before there is one to take it's place.
  (Reduces the dips in the upload datarate)
* Added Upload Slot Kickstart. Unlimited upload for the first 3kB to help slots to get up to speed.
* Fixed some lines of code that broke the forum rules, about changing don't modify code sections.
* Added random selection of 180k blocks within a chunk. Also fixed an issue with incomplete chunks.
  (Test to simulate some of the effects of using 180k chunks)
NetF 0.2c - Binary: ed2k://|file|NetF%200.2c%20-%20Binary.zip|1906800|69FCD708F593F4E79EDD538AF91C ECFD|h=52ETIAEWLT65GMBWMIFQ67XBBTOY3WNH|/
NetF 0.2c - Source: ed2k://|file|NetF%200.2c%20-%20Source.zip|4910334|E8F75C904954F97FEB0A540D8FB5 F4F4|h=XH7SPJSMJO7UHD6S2IET57QNA46FO4WJ|/

Mirror by skneo

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
NetF is a Mod based on eMule 0.44b that has been designed to encurage sharing.
It tries to give good download ratios, without the need to unshare, and at the same time help rare files to spread.

- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS)
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

*** NetF 0.2b ***

* Anti HideOS. See (colored in cyan) chunks that a source tries to hide.
(Needed for ICS to operate properly)
* Upload limits are now imposed when a chunk has more than 20 sources.
(The length of the upload sessions are a direct function of the number of sources)
* Bugfix for Upload Bandwidth Throttler [ani]
* New option to see time when download was added in the downloads list. (Allows sorting by date)
* Small tweak to ICS. Only select a new chunk for a source when the previous one is completed.
* Tweaked ICS to hopefully ease
* Some tweaks to the credit system was lost in the merge with 0.44b and has now been restored.
* The problem, with the session ratio limit icon, seems to be gone.
NetF 0.2a - Binary (ed2k)
NetF 0.2a - Source (ed2k)

Zitat von netfinity auf eMule-Project.net
Major features of 0.2b:
- Merged with eMule 0.44b.
- Fixed poor download speeds, introduced in NetF 0.1b.
- Solution to fake High IDs.

!!! VARNING !!!
This is an experimental release based on eMule 0.44b. All features hasn't yet been fully tested.
The release is intended for those who have problems with downloads/uploads.

The source code contain many sections that are either commented out or has no apparent function.
These code pieces a are for experimental future features.

*** NetF 0.2a ***

* Merged with eMule 0.44b (Absolute value for complete sources, lost due to merge problems)
* Removed upload slot count limiting code (gave unstable upload ratios)
* Throttling is not used for unlimited sockets anymore
* Download throttler behaves like 0.1a again but with some enhanchements
* Removed code to boost download of files with few sources (caused some problems)
* Rearranged code to make future merges easier
* Fake High ID prevention
  (High ID's from servers are treated as bad connections until an incomming packet has been received)

- Known bug! Session ratio limit icon fail to show.
NetF 0.2a - Binary (ed2k)
NetF 0.2a - Source (ed2k)
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. September 2004, 00:01   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
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Das es bis jetzt ja nur ed2k links hier stehen..

eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2a Binary
eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2a Sources

[edit by Pathfinder: Links mit denen des ZX vertauscht - Danke für den Mirror]

skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16. September 2004, 04:53   #3
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Benutzerbild von Deer-Hunter
Registriert seit: 30.11.2003
Beiträge: 230
Standard: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] Details

Läuft bei mir ganz gut an... auch die Quellenfindung geht recht zügig über die Bühne.

Bin echt überrascht weil ich noch keinen Vorgänger von dem Mod am laufen hatte. Keine großen zusatzoptionen drin aber dennoch kommt er gut in die Gänge.

Leider beim ersten Lauf nach ein paar Stunden abgestürzt. Danach lief er nach Mod-Neustart so ganz gut durch (bis Netztrennung) ein Ratio von 1: 2.21.

mal sehen was weiter so kommt.


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Alt 20. September 2004, 05:50   #4
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] Lösung: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005]

Update auf 0.2b
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20. September 2004, 20:37   #5
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
Beiträge: 160
Standard: eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005] [gelöst]

eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2b Binary
eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2b Sources
skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. October 2004, 20:55   #6
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Update auf 0.2c
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. October 2004, 22:22   #7
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Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
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Zitat von Pathfinder
Update auf 0.2c
eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2c Binary
eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2c Sources
skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2004, 10:06   #8
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Neue NetF - Version: 0.2d
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2004, 13:05   #9
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 08.06.2004
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werde den mod mal bissl testen.Habe da gleich ne frage.Habe bei uload slots max 2 eingestellt.warum steht nun immer im log 12.11.2004 13:01:34: Added direct slot: ...... ist das normal?was hat es auf sich mit dem direct slot,payback slot oder normal slot?gibts irgendwo ne erklärung für die features von dem mod?
ronnos ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2004, 13:20   #10
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Ein Direct Slot ist sowas wie ein Trickle-Slot beim Morph, also ein Slot der geöffnet wird um verbleibende Bandbreite zu füllen.
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Alt 12. November 2004, 14:11   #11
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 08.06.2004
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ok danke für die antwort.Bräuchte ich nur noch die Erklärung für die Features hier

ronnos ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2004, 01:20   #12
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
Beiträge: 160

eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2d Binary
eMule 0.44b NetF 0.2d Sources
skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2004, 19:28   #13
Registriert seit: 24.03.2004
Beiträge: 29

@ ronnos

1. zurückzahlen der wartenden (gibt wohl jedem in der warteschlange von dem du was saugst wieder zurück)
2. schnelle warteschlangen abarbeitung (arbeitet die wartenden schneller ab, dh. du hast dadurch schneller frische quellen in der warteschlange)
3. die clienten (user die von dir saugen) bekommen einen 1,5-fachen credit. dh. das sie schneller/mehr von dir saugen können
4. download versteckter dateiteile (aufgeteilte quellen nur)
5. extra cedite an user die dir seltene dateiteile geben

und wie ist der mod so?
salundy ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2004, 19:36   #14
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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muß mal korrigieren:
1.Payback , also "zurückzahlen" ist nach den offiziellen emule Regeln nicht erlaubt. Insofern denk ich, daß es sich nicht um das klassische Payback-Feature handelt.
2. Fast Queue Rotation ist das eizige Feature dieses Mods, das ich wirklich kenn. Es geht hier darum, daß nicht immer 9.30 MB an jeden Client geuploaded wird, sondern, daß der Mod bei Verbreiteten Dateien, nur einen Bruchteil eines ganzen Chunks abgiebt (1/4, oder 1/2).
4. Download hidden parts meint, daß auch Chunks angefordert werden, welche ein Client eigentlich mit der Option "Hide Overshares" versteckt hat.
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Alt 14. November 2004, 20:25   #15
Registriert seit: 24.03.2004
Beiträge: 29

aha ok danke. dann hab ich das jetzt auch verstanden.
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