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-   -   eMule 0.44b Ackronic 2.1c uni [05.11.2004] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/8234-emule-0-44b-ackronic-2-a.html)

Pathfinder 17. September 2004 06:47

eMule 0.44b Ackronic 2.1c uni [05.11.2004]
eMule 0.44b Ackronic 2.1c Unicode


Compiled with VS2003
Build version:Unicode

added: powershare sources limit [DkD]
added: Quickstart [TPT]
added: Quickstart after ip change [Cyrex2001]
added: uncomplete files in shared files list are now in blue [DkD]
added: full unicode support [DkD]
added: some resource string [DkD]
added: LOW-ID notifier [Chamblard]
- italian web-page [DkD]
changed: some cosmetic changes [DkD]
changed: variable slot number code from sivka mod [DkD]
changed: new skin from kademilaskins.net [kokaine]
fixed: my mistake - mod names not showed in download list client
other fixes and improvements
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
Download: Binaries & Sources (Mirror by Acronic)


Zitat von DkD auf eMule-Project.net
Hello my friends. I want to announce you the release of the new ackronic mod, the ackronic 2.1b, based on 0.44b official client. A lot of time is just passed from the release of the last mod but because i was very busy i have released the mod only now. So there the little changelog:


Code merged to the official 0.44b

Added: Powershare [zz]
Added: IP to Country [eastshare]
Added: Show found sources in transfer window [SLAHAM]
Added: Ackronic link in server log window [DkD]
Added: Language dll support
Changed: Sharezaa, overnet and MLDonley have now their icons
Changed: Upload slots number code changed [DkD] [test]
Fixed: My little mistake in Push Small Files
Some code improvement.

tnx to Oxide
I've changed the code of the variable upload slots number but it's only a test and it can be bugfull :)
With the binaries there is the wonderful ipfilter.dat by dragon. It filter the impossible :lol: I hope there aren't a lot of bugs and I hope you enjoy the mod!


skneo 17. September 2004 22:24

eMule 0.44b Ackronic 2.1a Bin
eMule 0.44b Ackronic 2.1a SRC

@Pathfinder ist es nicht Ackronic 2.1a ?

Pathfinder 18. September 2004 10:31

Danke, skneo, du hast Recht. Ich hatte den Fehler von eMule-Project.net übernommen:


Zitat von DkD
Hello my friends. I want to announce you the release of the new ackronic mod, the ackronic 2.1b, based on 0.44b official client.

Der MOD selbst identifiziert sich allerdings als 2.1a und auch die Dateien heißen so. Wird also stimmen.
Danke für den Mirror! :beer:

Pathfinder 10. November 2004 11:41

Update auf 2.1c

ronnos 10. November 2004 16:01

gefällt mir gut der mod.besonders das man die Uploadslots einstellen kann wie bei Sivka :D Ma schaun wie er läuft ;)

[edit by Pathfinder: Doppelposts zusammengefasst.]

Also bisher läuft er spitze.Kann ihn empfehlen.

PS: was heisst das Unicode?Für was steht das

Pathfinder 10. November 2004 20:36

Das bedeutet, dass der MOD Unicode Unterstützung integriert hat. Siehe hier.

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