
[eMule-Web] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/)
-   eMule MODs - Allgemein (http://www.emule-web.de/board/emule-mods-allgemein/)
-   -   eMule 0.44d RT.14b [02.12.2004] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/8238-emule-0-44d-rt-14b.html)

Pathfinder 17. September 2004 18:18

eMule 0.44d RT.14b [02.12.2004]
eMule 0.44d RT.14b


*** eMule 0.44d [RT.14a] ***
> Add, WebCache (Code by JP/yonatan/Superlexx)
Preferences -> WebCache -> Enable WebCached Downloads
> Change, RT Statistics move to Root
Statistics -> RT Statistics
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)


*** eMule 0.44d [RT.14a] ***
> Update, Base on eMule 0.44d

Attention!!! eMule 0.44d knowns bug => Button of Messages ("Send", "Close") not work.
* Please use the key "Enter" to instead of "Send"
* Please use the Icon "X" to instead of "Close"

Download: Binaries & Sources


*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13g] ***
> Fixed Bugs of RT.13f

*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13f] ***
> Support Wap Interface(Code by MoNKI)
Preferences -> RT Settings -> Connection -> Wap Interface
> "Show ED2K Link" add 2 option
Download Dialog -> RightClick -> Show ED2K Link -> Don't encode to UTF8 Format (for old emule client)
Download Dialog -> RightClick -> Show ED2K Link -> Add BBCode-Tag (for Forum)
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)


*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13e] ***
> Fix Several Bugs. (RT should be more stable)
Download: Binaries & Sources


*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13d] ***

> Fix Bug which Caused RT.13c Crash.

*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13c] ***

> Cahnge, Custom One or Two Backup for eMule Config
Preferences -> RT Settings -> General -> "Auto Backup Config When eMule Start."
> Fix, Some bugs
Download: Binaries & Sources (THX to skneo!)


*** eMule 0.44b [RT.13b] ***

> Change, Base on eMule 0.44b
> Change, Restore Config only Prompt now. (Restore by manual)
> Add, Custom "Get Extract Meta Data"
Preferences -> RT Settings -> Display -> "Get Extract Meta Data"
> Add, Custom "Download Sort Separate Stopped File"
Preferences -> RT Settings -> Display -> "Download Sort Separate Stopped File"
> Add, New Downloading File List: config/RT_Downloading.htm

*** eMule 0.44a [RT.13a] ***

RT.13a will reset some settings (Leecher Count, Release settings of Shared Files)
because RT's data file use new format.

> Change, Base on "eMule 0.44a"
> Add, Record Upload Queue Waited Time
Preferences -> Ratio Settings -> General -> "Record Upload Queue Waited Time"
> Fix, Some Bugs.

Binaries & Sources (http, THX to Acronic)

skneo 4. October 2004 01:45

eMule 0.44b RT.13d BIND
eMule 0.44b RT.13d SRC

Pathfinder 13. October 2004 20:46

Es gab ein Update auf RT.13e

skneo 13. October 2004 21:23


Pathfinder 10. November 2004 11:53

Update auf RT.13g

Pathfinder 22. November 2004 07:09

Update auf RT.14a

salundy 22. November 2004 15:44

und hat jemand das teil ma getestet? wie läufts?

Deer-Hunter 2. December 2004 18:28

eMule 0.44d RT1.4b


> Add, WebCache (Code by JP/yonatan/Superlexx)
Preferences -> WebCache -> Enable WebCached Downloads
> Change, RT Statistics move to Root Statistics -> RT Statistics




Pathfinder 2. December 2004 18:58

Danke Deer-Hunter, Thread ist aktualisiert.

huMuZ2o05de 3. December 2004 21:39

Und... Wie läuft er?

damienstate[wae] 20. February 2005 00:19

kann mir jemad erklären was es mit den "credit1" auf sich hat....ich finde die uploadslots toll

habe 35kb up und 12 slots auf wovon 6 zu releasen genutzt werden. die anderen um meinen down zu fördern in dem ich share was ich selbst haben möchte...aber was zur hölle sind credit1 ??

vielen dank und schönes wochenende

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 20:59 Uhr.

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