Und die nächste:
eMule0.30e sivka v10c7 [Gnaddelwarz v1.3.2] (Dec 17 2003)
- fix: CrashReports did not include e-mail and description entered into
the crashreporter-window
- fix: Waittime is now properly reset, if client has downloaded sth.
- removed AntiCommunityMimic-Hack
- fix: Bug in "itsonlyme: virtualDirs"
see http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=35259
- merged parts of SFIOM-0.40a:
- updated "SLUGFILLER: shareSubdir" to 2.5
- merged "itsonlyme: viewSharedFiles"
- merged "Modeless dialogs"
- merged "itsonlyme: virtualDirs"
- fix: HideOS should now also work with last chunk
- some smaller fixes
- based on eMule0.30e
- fix bug in IRC-Contextmenu
see "http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=34162"
- fix bug in SUQWT, clients.met.30d.bak is now saved correctly +
clients.met is now compatible with other SUQWT-mods.
(you have to use the converter, if you upgrade from 1.3.1, otherwise
you will loose the clients.met (all entries are expired))
- fix: "Time on servers" in Statistics is now calculated correctly.
see "http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=35006"
- fix: Stopped/Paused downloads are shown correctly again in Cat-tabs.
- removed "Skipped lowid user on reconnect"-messages
see "http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=35006"
- merged sivka v10c7
- reduced time to keep clients in clients.met from 5 to 4 months
eMule0.30d sivka v10c6 [Gnaddelwarz v1.3.1] (Dec 07 2003)
- based on eMule0.30d
- Changed SLS:
- Prio high: 30 sources for 6 hours
- Prio norm: 20 sources for 4 hours
- Prio low : 10 sources for 2 hours
- not rare files (> 25 sources): only half the sources for half the time
- change downloadlocation for lang-files to own server (to include mod-specific strings)
- updated Slugfiller-MultiSort to 0.39b
- added "SLUGFILLER: noNeededRequeue"
- added "itsonlyme: prioSetFix"
- added new hosts for fakes.dat & ipfilter.dat update
- fix for download-speed (from GaMMa-OH)
see http://www.emule-web.de/board/viewto...r=asc&start=24
- merged Moonlight's Save Upload Queue Waittime (SUQWT)
see http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=32237
- merged "[BugFix] Complete Source"
see http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=32759
- merged "[fix] webserver uint sizes"
see http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=34083
- merged "[patch]PS_STOPPED, Added PS_STOPPED status"
see http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=33553
eMule0.30c sivka v10c6 [Gnaddelwarz v1.3.0] (Nov 24 2003)
- merged sivka v10c6 (complete)
- changed sivkas settings-saver to using a ini-file (easier to append data)
- corrected HTTPDownloadDlg
- updated most SLUGFILLER-parts from SF-IOM 0.36 to 0.39
- AutoA4AF is now saved (again)
- fixed a few bugs reported by CrashRpt
- added second versioncheck (for the mod), lets wait for 1.3.1 to test it 
eMule0.30a sivka v10a2 [Athlazan]v2.15c [Gnaddelwarz v1.2a] (Aug 28 2003)
- reverted ShowDWLPercent to white
- merged ZZUL-20030824-2238 (USS now shouldn't disable itself on transient errors)
- merged parts of sivka v10a2 (no downgrades)
- Moved mod-options to second tree-control (Extended Settings II)
- Moved ListRequestedFiles from *ListCtrl to CUpDownClient (reduce code size)
- Bugfix: Statusbar (found with CrashRpt)
- Removed code preventing Banning of friends (because of recent events, where
leechers replaced friends somehow)
- Updated from SF-IOM 0.36:
- SLUGFILLER: spreadReask
- SLUGFILLER: shareSubdir
- SLUGFILLER: modID stats
- SLUGFILLER: hostnameSources
- SLUGFILLER: checkDiskspace
- SLUGFILLER: preferShareAll
- SLUGFILLER: chunkDots (can now be disabled)
- Replace "AfxMessageBox(id)" with "AfxMessageBox(GetResString(id))" and the similar
- zegzav complete sources: Replace QSort with HeapSort
- itsonlyme: hostnameSources (from upcoming 0.37)
see http://www.emule-project.net/board/i...0&#entry177682
- merged new/updated options of "eMule 0.30a Athlazan.3.1"
- Per file setting "Zero-filled-senders" is now saved
(Rest entfernt)
Version 1.3.1 bringt die clients.met durcheinander, so dass sie nur von DIESER Version gelesen werden kann. (Andere Mods mit SUQWT sagen einfach, dass alle Einträge älter als 5 Monate sind)
Das Backup clients.met.30d.bak, dass eigentlich einen Wechsel zu einem Mod, der nicht SUQWT unterstützt, möglich machen soll, war leider auch kaputt.
Auf der Site
http://gnaddelwarz1.ath.cx/ ist ein Fix verfügbar, der die clients.met wieder sowohl in das (richtige) SUQWT-Format als auch in dass zu 30d-official kompatible Format umwandeln kann.
Dieser Fix ist auch im Archiv von Version 1.3.2 enthalten, um von 1.3.1 auf 1.3.2 upzudaten
Diese Version verwendet, wie auch schon die 1.2er-Versionen, die CrashRpt.dll, um gegebenenfalls Fehlerberichte zu erzeugen.
Diese kann man dann
hier hochladen, um mir die Möglichkeit zu geben, den Fehler zu finden.
(Siehe hierzu auch den Thread
Gnaddelwarz-1.2 (Testversion))
Achtung: In dieser Version werden auch die Log-Dateien in den CrashReport integriert, sofern man "Log-Ausgaben speichern" angewählt hat. Wem das nicht passt (weil da z.B. heruntergeladene Dateien oä. drin stehen können), der kann im CrashReport-Fenster auf den Details-Link klicken und einzelne Dateien aus dem Bericht ausnehmen. (Datei anwählen und Leertaste drücken))
ed2k://|file|eMule-Gnaddelwarz-1.3.2-Installer.exe|1892558|05B1086F1A2F161AD139BEBE8187 1CE3|/|sources,gnaddelwarz.mine.nu:4667|/
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