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-   -   eMule Plus 1.1g [22.12.2005] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/8660-emule-plus-1-1g-22-a.html)

Pathfinder 13. December 2004 10:43

eMule Plus 1.1g [22.12.2005]
eMule Plus was achieved thanks to the extensive work of a dedicated team of developers and through all the collaboration of the people sending us code. We want to thank all beta testers and translators who gave part of their lives to make this application better. Keep up the good work!

eMule Plus Official Web Site

Download eMulePlus Binary @ SourceForge
Download eMulePlus Sources @ SourceForge
Download eMulePlus Installer @ SourceForge

For mirrors go to our Homepage

Special thanks to lugdunummaster for cooperating with us.



REMINDER: you should update the webserver directory if you use the binary distribution instead of the installer, as there is new content there.

22.12.05 | eMulePlus 1.1g
FEATURE: Czech localization [rocky.intel/Aw3]
FEATURE: introduced new download state for LowID clients on another server & changed their handling [Eklmn]
FEATURE: send file rating to the server [Aw3]
FEATURE: integer file type in server search requests to reduce traffic {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: added download session log [Eklmn]
FEATURE: copy file hash to clipboard {DoubleT} [Aw3]
FEATURE: preview support for .cbr and .cbz {purgossu} [Aw3]
FEATURE: identification of new Shareaza [Aw3]
FEATURE: file type as integer for the server to reduce traffic {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: CSS for the page header to reduce traffic [morphis]
FEATURE: WebServer: 'Show paused and stopped files last' [Aw3]
CHANGE: show a warning about too many shared files based on actual server limit [Aw3]
CHANGE: revised and updated Chinese Simplified localization [xyes]
CHANGE: provide hashset even when no complete chunks to avoid a wave of requests from Hybrids [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced resources used by JumpStart database [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed "Drop sources with highest queue ranking" [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: added new file extension to the forbidden list (ini,lnk,pif,vbs,vbe) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: added LowID field into "upload.log" [Eklmn]
CHANGE: switch the A4AF client according its download state [Eklmn]
CHANGE: changed the way how client handles connection at the limit. The state DS_TOOMANYCONNECTIONS was replaced over DS_WAIT_FOR_FILE_REQUEST [Eklmn]
CHANGE: the slotted download queue was replaced over state slotted download queue (SSDQ) [Eklmn/Aw3]
CHANGE: increased base reask interval from 21:40 to 28 minutes for lower traffic sake [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated fake report and check options due to the service termination [Aw3/DonGato/Fuxie - DK]
CHANGE: improved LowID handling in waiting queue to minimize unfair waiting time (adapted from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: mark new emule compatible clients with 'CompatID #' [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased data packet download timeout to keep some kind of slow downloads [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't answer to improperly prepared OP_REASKFILEPING packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified processing of part and temporary file names [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased maximum uploading time to transfer more to/from slow users [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't share .DS_Store files {morphis} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more objective limiting of search results [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't send duplicate information in CT_PORT tag in server login request {Avi-3k/lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
CHANGE: some unification of resource strings [Aw3]
CHANGE: reorganized and unified strings in Preferences/Shortcuts [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved LowID check by SX [Eklmn]
CHANGE: output "Queue Full" if eMule client does not send us QR packet [Eklmn]
CHANGE: server ping to avoid UDP ping storm {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
CHANGE: display proper lphant version [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster sorting compare for file type columns [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: replaced tooltip code for one nicer, and some other fixes [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: new menulock code uses CSS fixed positioning for all browsers but IE [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: changed case to lowercase of HTML tags, attributes and values [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: moved most javascript out of BODY of the main template page to the page HEAD [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: font-family styles, removed duplicates and added fallback fonts [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: clean-up of the layout [morphis]
CHANGE: WebServer: FireFox 1.5 compatibility [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: corrected some incorrections {morphis} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash while HTTP downloading when there's no enough space on the drive {postmaster} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization of the predefined categories after language switch {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the A4AF switch when client is removed & only paused A4AF files exist [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: the A4AF switch when remote client informs us that file doesn't exist [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: session statistics 'Parts Saved Due To ICH' {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: the function GetValidSources() that gave inverted results [Eklmn/Aw3]
BUGFIX: the DL session cancel over timeout if client delays the sending of the block request [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: comment status update while swapping A4AF [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: don't show log messages in message box when status bar isn't ready yet {FGFEmperor} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't send global search packet to failed servers [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added missed download data overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uploading of completed file after file movement {xalbux} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected sorting by progress in some rare cases {gotrek} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't discard UDP search results of the same packet when search limit is reached [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected Failed Download Sessions statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: hidden exception when startup is disallowed due to disabled multiple instances [Aw3]
BUGFIX: answer UDP file status pings only for the requested file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected boundary conditions when min/max search file sizes are specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed server search overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: server search request when file extension is specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: identification of the client on incoming connection [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: download abort if local client sent file status request at the same time as got download invitation [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: incorrect highlighting of QR in the download list [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: update of preferences category list after <Ctrl-Tab>/<Ctrl-Shift-Tab> navigation [gonzlogu]
BUGFIX: WebServer: wrong end of the tag on statistics page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missing TYPE attributes of SCRIPT tags [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: escaped HTML end tags in javascript [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: escaped last remaining "&"s on main template page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: removed margin attributes from body tag [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missing ALT attributes of IMG tags from the main template page [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: borders of the menu status bars - now using style [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: removed double </td></td> in menubar status [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: appearance of 'Get first/last chunks for preview' menu {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: corrected and improved login page of the XP template [morphis]
BUGFIX: WebServer: missed end form tag and nested form tags [morphis/Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: show remote date/time for another time zone {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]


It is recommended you update to this release to avoid the zlib vulnerability.

01.08.05 | eMulePlus 1.1f
FEATURE: added Related File Search [Aw3]
FEATURE: flood protectection against block request packets [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Last Seen column for friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: save state of the friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: adjustable splitter for Messages window (adapted from original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: ability to host xml and txt files {Fuxie - DK} [SyruS]
CHANGE: Removed useless search list context menu 'Remove this Searchresult' [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster processing of commands for search list [Aw3]
CHANGE: zlib library update to 1.2.3 [Aw3]
CHANGE: limitation of possible chat message length [Aw3]
CHANGE: more space for informative fields in all windows [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced number of system handles and faster multithread synchronization {xrmb} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected string clipping in statistics window {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disabled 'Clear All' search list context menu without selection [Aw3]
BUGFIX: saving and display of "Gained Due To Compression" global statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: activation of friends list context menu by keyboard [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Send/Close chat buttons should've been disabled on start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected addition of overhead statistics to appropriate group [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added missed overhead statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eD2k link parsing when filename contains only spaces (original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: prevent file access outside webserver directory (original) [SyruS]

12.07.05 | eMulePlus 1.1e
FEATURE: Extremaduran localization [purgossu/Aw3]
FEATURE: ED2K link shortcuts for Server and Search lists [Aw3]
FEATURE: mark with '*' in the list shared files which should be published on the server [Aw3]
FEATURE: added possibility to get preview parts for .asf files {DonGato} [Aw3]
FEATURE: log canceled files [Aw3]
FEATURE: Croatian localization [lhay/Aw3]
FEATURE: try to auto-detect Media Player Classic path if no valid player is set [katsyonak]
FEATURE: show time remaining to client reask in download list client tooltip {azhad} [katsyonak]
FEATURE: IRC autojoin to #emule+ and current localized language channel if supported [katsyonak]
FEATURE: added eMugle web search support [Aw3]
FEATURE: added eMugle's File Information to web services [Aw3]
FEATURE: show media information (length, bitrate and codec) for search results [Aw3]
FEATURE: process client shortcuts for friend list too {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: store corrupted part list in .part.met to continue recovering after restart [Aw3]
FEATURE: support for extended UDP server protocol to get multiple file search results in one UDP packet [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: main menu can be locked to the top of the page {Fuxie - DK} [Psy/SyruS]
CHANGE: consider files .djvu as documents [Aw3]
CHANGE: proper detection of new Hybrid versions [Aw3]
CHANGE: major Lithuanian language update [Unlimiter]
CHANGE: major Greek language update [geodimo]
CHANGE: major Korean language update [p5657587]
CHANGE: major Catalan language update [ernzzz]
CHANGE: faster remote client name handling in the lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified way to display client name and version [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified and regrouped shortcuts [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced number of GDI objects in Statistics window [Aw3]
CHANGE: format of command line switch from "limits=UpLim[,DownLim]" to "limits=[UpLim][:DownLim]" [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed locking of Reload button [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved files publishing algorithm on the server (adapted from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't republish shared file on the server after renaming [Aw3]
CHANGE: reimplemented "connection in 5 sec" condition, now it does not use average [Eklmn]
CHANGE: slightly reduced main timer processing overhead [Aw3]
CHANGE: more space for data in upload pane lists (reduced column margins) [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster drawing of some list elements [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster part traffic processing and drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: changed IRC server to irc.emuleplus.info {Madmax75adsl} [katsyonak/kuchin]
CHANGE: moved IRC VERSION messages to the status log [katsyonak]
CHANGE: some optimizations for download list processing and drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: show client port and country at chat session start [katsyonak]
CHANGE: updated FileDonkey web search [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized search list sorting [Aw3]
CHANGE: show message taskbar indicator also when Message pane is active but eMule Plus isn't topmost [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster size to string conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: updated FileDonkey web search [SyruS]
BUGFIX: Change Destination Directory for multiple files {Capitan Hispania} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: speed-meter disappearance after several turns on/off [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loss of server list caused by fast client closure right after startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: upload autopriority calculation for paused/stopped files {KuSh} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected some basic file functions rarely working wrong [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart and hidden parts reporting {DopeFish/DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: overflow of download client bandwidth calculation if limit is in use (for limits > 210 KBytes/s) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: file share mode to eliminate "Failed to save OnlineSig.dat" [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of corruption loss size [Aw3]
BUGFIX: cumulative statistics of lost due to corruption was always zero after restart {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of lost due to corruption in Projected Averages statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: speed-meter scaling after rate capacity change [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed incorrect socket closure if connection was lost [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: socket processing flaw causing exceptions at the end of downloading {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: user hash display in client details for Exchanged Source [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client rating display in client details for Saved Source [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed preferences localization {BouRock} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: shared files hashing issues when hashing stopped {Juokelis/GMGMGM/taltamir} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possibility to have files with the same hash in shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: download list update after enable/disable of some related preferences options [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting issues when 'Show paused and stopped files last' is enabled {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong next UDP search time in statistics right before search start {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: context menu launched by hot key in download list could be for incorrect list item [Aw3]
BUGFIX: some shortcut actions could be for wrong download list item {DopeFish} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disabled 'Clear All' button after request of shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Send Message action by double-click in friends list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected friends list to display a default action in context menu [Aw3]
BUGFIX: friend state update in known clients list when state is changed in download list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: chunk found corrupted on file completion wasn't marked as corrupted to make recovery faster [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption loss statistics wasn't updated when chunk is found corrupted on file completion [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disable of blinking new message taskbar indicator [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed unrequired part file saving and list updates on part file renaming in file details dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part file renaming {dirkmill} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: javascript error while showing menu in Turkish {BouRock} [Aw3]

We recommend you update to this version ASAP as 1.1c has a bug that can lead to crashes.

21.03.05 | eMulePlus 1.1d
FEATURE: updated algorithm to retrieve server description [Aw3]
FEATURE: server like source exchange system (i.e. A4AF & source outside the UL-queue will be also spread) [Eklmn]
FEATURE: possibility to sort parts by Accepted Requests in the shared files list [Aw3]
FEATURE: saving of second sorting level for shared files list when default sorting settings're not in use [Aw3]
FEATURE: dim hidden part on part traffic progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster shared files list sorting by some criteria, and other lists by file name [Aw3]
CHANGE: rewritten shared files list sorting to make it according to other lists [Aw3]
CHANGE: consider files .cbz and .cbr as documents {Beltxo} [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: added User Nick to page title [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: added tooltips for Clear All and Timer On/Off [DonGato]
BUGFIX: possible fix for rare case when colors of status bar connection icon are wrong {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed status bar connection icon after start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory deallocation while processing wrong packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: erasing own comment from shared files also removed rating display in download list [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: tag processing what caused file writing issues and crashes after file was added from search [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting arrow in shared files list when second sorting level is used by default [Aw3]

- A couple of security protocol features were implemented in this version, that's why we strongly recommend to update!
- Special thanks to lugdunummaster for cooperating with us.
- Special thanks to xalbux for reporting a score comparison bug which could have been released.

01.03.2005 | eMulePlus 1.1c
FEATURE: middle mouse click opens comment dialog in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: support new ed2k tag format [Aw3]
FEATURE: show Incoming and Temp folders in category tabs tooltips {DopeFish} [katsyonak]
FEATURE: support several UDP server source packets in one UDP packet (official) [Aw3]
FEATURE: new protocol security features: provide file size for TCP & UDP server source requests {lugdunummaster} [Aw3]
FEATURE: save part file corrupted size and compression gain to .part.met file (official) [Aw3]
FEATURE: tooltips for truncated items in File Details->Sources Names [katsyonak]
FEATURE: show last ping time in server tooltips [Aw3]
FEATURE: server LowID users statistics (adapted from original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Belarusian localization [Kryvich/Aw3]
FEATURE: show chunks which can be downloaded from the particular client on upload progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: 'Folder' column in Search list which shows the location of the files at the remote client [netwolf]
FEATURE: add sources possibly received from global search (official) [netwolf]
FEATURE: 'Folder' column in Shared Files list [netwolf]
FEATURE: tooltips for the Friends and Search lists [katsyonak]
FEATURE: shared files permission to show files in the shared files list [netwolf]
FEATURE: output folder to Downloadlist tooltips + context menu indicator if alternative destination folder is used [netwolf]
FEATURE: tooltips for the Shared Files list [SyruS/katsyonak]
FEATURE: auto-download lists for inside-group file spreading and other nice uses [kuchin]
CHANGE: improved rare part selection when several rare sources are available for download {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more compatible way to save part file statistics: requests, accepted requests, transferred data [Aw3]
CHANGE: zlib library update to 1.2.2 [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster loading and saving of configuration files [Aw3]
CHANGE: several file tag codes changed to be more compatible (UL/DL priorities and category) [Aw3]
CHANGE: check possible values during parameters loading from known.met and .part.met [Aw3]
CHANGE: delete FT_PARTFILENAME tags found in known.met on its load [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster loading of ip-to-country information [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't save some tags with zero values to .part.met and known.met files [Aw3]
CHANGE: better looking Turkey flag icon [bertan]
CHANGE: optimized parameter tag processing (preparation and parsing) [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized server list sorting [Aw3]
CHANGE: don't save tags with zero values to server.met [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified display of file permission and upload file priority [Aw3]
CHANGE: current fake list is loaded until the new one is downloaded [KuSh]
CHANGE: create an ED2K link without sources info if it isn't connected [KuSh]
CHANGE: don't use 32 bit color if OS/comctl32.dll doesn't support it (official) [netwolf]
CHANGE: forced sources saving during client close [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: when a new version is available, taskbar notifier now informs you (if version check is enabled) [netwolf]
CHANGE: unified level of accuracy of speed displays in Transfer window [netwolf]
CHANGE: reworked control over number of clients in the upload queue [Eklmn]
CHANGE: WebServer: time refresh no longer scrolls back the page to the top [Psy]
CHANGE: WebServer: thin separation lines on download list for Firefox [Psy]
BUGFIX: Shared Files progress indicators borders in a themed Windows environment [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: auto resume from stand-by {Mikelke/al37919} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eliminated erroneous possibility to rename completed file in file details by pressing Enter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: weird issues caused by file renaming after completion (within current session) {DopeFish} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected calculation of server download overhead [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible fix for Taskbar Notifier focus stealing [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: corrected initial servers port of the source found by UDP source request [Aw3]
BUGFIX: eliminated sending of empty UDP source request packet (OP_GLOBGETSOURCES) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed several loadings of .part.dir files on startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed double loading of .part.settings file on startup [Aw3]
BUGFIX: friend last seen time value update [Aw3]
BUGFIX: resource string loading when localized string is missed {Psy} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: display of Max. Users in the server list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: server list sorting by IP [Aw3]
BUGFIX: closable tabs display in a themed Windows environment [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: some server priority (server.met) incompatibility with the original eMule [Aw3]
BUGFIX: saving of several server parameters to server.met [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed one extra file sources saving attempt [Aw3]
BUGFIX: overflow of upload client bandwidth calculation (for upload limits > 1048 KBytes/s) {cvictor} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: more robust ed2k link parser [Aw3]
BUGFIX: localization of ed2k link parsing errors [Aw3]
BUGFIX: parsing ed2k-links with AICH hash (official) [roytam1]
BUGFIX: corrected remaining chunk time and size display at the end of the chunk [Aw3]
BUGFIX: disable starting of next download (if enabled) after fakes.rar completion {Prodoc} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed hidden column appearing when hitting 'CTRL+' [KuSh]
BUGFIX: memory leaks in Websocket (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: memory leak in Archive Recovery thread (official) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: prevent adding install/working directories to Shared files [netwolf]
BUGFIX: corrected VLC auto-detection attempt if there is no other player specified [netwolf]
BUGFIX: minor statistics plot shift to the left [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed problem with Mozilla browsers and confirmations [DonGato]

27.12.04 | eMulePlus 1.1b
FEATURE: search list sorting by Complete Sources [Aw3]
FEATURE: open client ports on Windows XP internal firewall (adopted from koizo) [katsyonak]
FEATURE: save state of the Parts Status list [Aw3]
FEATURE: highlight downloading chunks on download file progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by known client credits [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster calculation of assumed remote base modifier [Aw3]
CHANGE: speed up of candidate source selection from the waiting queue [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed 'Remove all Servers' menu item [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected AVI preview parts request order (in some cases) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: hidden part drawing on part traffic bar when there was no transfer of the part {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare uploading drops due to incorrect feeding of the main slots [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uploading drops caused by computation overflow [Aw3]
BUGFIX: extremely high uploading rate peaks caused by system load [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible fix for crash {A.Vedjakin} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: upload attempt loss during completing of the same file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash while progress bar drawing {XAVI} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: socket closure after template loading error {muleteer} [Aw3]

12.12.04 | eMulePlus 1.1a
FEATURE: new log warning when sharing too much files that leads to connection problems [DonGato]
FEATURE: new log warning when adding a file from search that has no complete sources reported [DonGato]
FEATURE: added MODs client statistics for eMule Plus [Aw3]
FEATURE: detailed file parts information [Aw3]
FEATURE: added list search for the friends list [Aw3]
FEATURE: show parts a remote user can get from you on upload progress bar {DopeFish} [Aw3]
FEATURE: new eMule Plus identification [Aw3]
FEATURE: updated eMule protocol up to version 0.4x (original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: inform a remote client when 'See my share = No one' to save traffic (original) [Aw3]
FEATURE: Last Seen Complete was added to search results [Aw3]
FEATURE: random TCP and UDP ports for new users [Aw3]
CHANGE: Windows 98/ME users now also can save crash dumps [Aw3]
CHANGE: reduced memory used by IP filter [Aw3]
CHANGE: better grid scaling for statistics plots [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized progress bar to properly merge neighbor segments for faster drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster preparation of download file progress bar for GUI and WebServer [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved BarShader to speed up progress bar drawing [Aw3]
CHANGE: corrected progress bar color for inactive files with sources [Aw3]
CHANGE: more progress bar gradations to better represent the number of sources [Aw3]
CHANGE: faster download file progress bar preparation [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved ICR to better select rare chunks for download and use less resources [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved IP filtering [Eklmn]
CHANGE: faster sources sorting in the download list [Aw3]
CHANGE: unified cancel packet sending [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved ZZ upload process [Eklmn]
CHANGE: changed the way we use backup files for .part.met (more user friendly) [DonGato]
CHANGE: send new message notifications also when Messages window is active, but eMulePlus isn't foreground application {DopeFish/muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: smoother uploading; reduced probability of connection loss [Eklmn]
CHANGE: removed unused closable tab stuff to reduce used memory and GDI resources [Aw3]
CHANGE: download list file collapse/expand icons [Psy]
CHANGE: faster image lists icon loading; reduced memory usage [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: improved selection of the sorting direction for alphabetical columns [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: removed template eMule.tmpl [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: faster way to detect file type as well as more file extentions added [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: XP template 800x600 compatility [Psy]
CHANGE: WebServer: added Total Files being downloaded to download footer [DonGato]
CHANGE: WebServer: reduced size of some pictures [Aw3]
BUGFIX: 'Get first/last chunks for preview' menu item processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Preview menu item availablity {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: cancelling of Internet Connection Check {DoubleT} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client download data rate calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: rare download attempt loss due to incorrect limit calculation [Aw3]
BUGFIX: part traffic bar information for files with size = 0 modulo EMBLOCKSIZE (180KB) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: avoid shared directories reloading after change of other preferences settings [Aw3]
BUGFIX: collisions caused attempt loss while downloading the same part from several sources [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart was allowed for small files causing malfunction [Aw3]
BUGFIX: JumpStart didn't work for files with size = 0 modulo PARTSIZE [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect parts status report by JumpStart when only one incomplete part is left {MadamEve} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: removed sending of a spare byte in OP_SETREQFILEID packet [Aw3]
BUGFIX: added protection to correctly check 3DDepth parameter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: unrequired aqua-style progress bar updates after appling preferences [Aw3]
BUGFIX: several rare progress bar glitches [Aw3]
BUGFIX: download file progress bar preparation for GUI and WebServer [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Italian rating translation {Ldx} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: progress bar for 1 byte files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrectly drawn part request on source progress bar after downloading start [Aw3]
BUGFIX: vulnerability of reading corrupted clients.met {cupidon} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: client information update in the Known Clients list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: Multiple Instances configuration on the fresh start of the second instance {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: protection against short invalid packets [Aw3]
BUGFIX: sorting sources by 'UL/DL Ratio' in the download list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possible upload break at last block in part [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: filtering of small fake RX packets (caused impossible file completion in some cases) {vendetta7} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: possibility to add shared directories from some kind of USB drives {smashy} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don't report 100.00% completed for file with minor amount left to download {vendetta7} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: notification 'A new chat session was started' didn't work at all [Aw3]
BUGFIX: no indication (statusbar & notification) of a message reception to inactive chat session [Aw3]
BUGFIX: probable solution for crashes reported by users crash dumps [Aw3/Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed some untranslated strings [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: possibility to apply Auto upload priority for shared files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: reporting JumpStart together with Auto upload priority [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some pictures weren't cached {Aw3} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: limitless download configuration when upload limit < 10 {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: rename feature had problems with images and other files {Aw3} [SyruS]
BUGFIX: WebServer: some file types were incorrectly represented in the lists [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: show sources for a file smaller than PARTSIZE as complete in search results [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: added missed report of socket creation failure [Aw3]

Pathfinder 27. December 2004 14:53

Neue Plus-Version: 1.1b

and 28. December 2004 17:21

mein erster Plus Mod Test
gibt es irgendwo eine Deutsche eMule Plus Hilfe ?
bei den Einstellungen Quellen
Automatik für Max Quellen je Datei !
ist bei begrenze Quellenaustausch auf ? pro datei oder insgesamt ?

erst hat er nur wenig Quellen gefunden jetzt sind es viel zu viel

Hohe QR: 896
ab wann ist es eine hohe QR ?

skneo 29. December 2004 10:29

mIrroR uPdator:
eMule Plus 1.1b Binary
eMule Plus 1.1b Sources

Firecobra 2. January 2005 18:10


Ich habe früher mit emule Plus sehr gute erfahrungen gemacht aber bei den nachfolgenden Versionen klappte fast garnichts mehr
Jetzt versuche ich den Mod nochmal und werde ihn eine Nacht lang testen

Pathfinder 2. March 2005 02:05

Neue Version des Plus MOD erschienen. :clap

and 4. March 2005 06:22

immer noch kein USS oder sonst einen eine Funktion die den Up regelt
und immer noch Communitysharing

skneo 7. March 2005 22:29


Zitat von Pathfinder
Neue Version des Plus MOD erschienen. :clap

http: MIrror

Bin: eMule Plus 1.1c
Src: eMule Plus 1.1c

donkali 17. March 2005 16:25

Emule Plus 1.1c macht ein Benutzerkonto
Hallo Leute

Emule installierte :rant auf meinem pc ein eingeschränkts Benutzerkonto:clap . nachdem ich das Benutzerkonto Löschte verweigerte mir mein pc die zugriffsrechte zu meinen mp3s.:bang Nach einem Neustart bekam ich diese Nachricht von windows "Datenausführungsverhinderung - wegen Ausführen von bösartigem Code die meinen Speicherbereich angegriffen haben, dies hatte die Folge das ein windows Programm sich automatisch ausschaltete . Ist das ein Emulehack oder arbeiten die neuen Emuleplus Proggies so.

Kann das was mit den Emuleclientports zu tun haben oder mit den ports die ich zusätzlich freischaltete: 4711, 4661 , 4665,
Wie kann ich alles wieder ins Lot bekommen.?


Stulle 17. March 2005 20:29

also an deiner stelle hätte ich min einmal n neues OS raufgezogen. ich mein nen format c mit neu installation.

mfg stulle

PS: beziehe programme nur aus vertrauenswürdigenquellen. versprechen sie dir unglaubliches, haben sie n hacken. für eMule nutze halt dieses und das offizielle forum, gibt aber auch andere, wie das von snake-pilsken und emulefan83 und ne reihe französischer. manche dieser foren bieten besseren support für bestimmte mods und manche auch andere clients.

aalerich 17. March 2005 22:23

Ja, der Rat von Stulle scheint mir auch angebracht. Irgendwas ist faul an Deinem System und eine Suche nach der Ursache wäre mir viel zu mühselig, langwierig und gefährlich. Auch ich vermute, daß Du Dir irgendwelchen Dreck auf den Rechner gezogen hast. Mach' Windows platt, vermutlich die einfachste Lösung.
Mit den Ports hat das nichts zu tun und das Muli installiert garantiert keine Benutzerkonten. EDIT: Die zweite Aussage dieses Satzes ist Unfug. Dank an daenemark für die Aufklärung!
Welches Antivirenprogramm benutzt Du? (Eigentlich will ich fragen, ob Du eines benutzt und es regelmäßig aktualisierst.)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

daenemark 17. March 2005 23:47

Nur so eine Idee : Erstellt der Muli nicht ein Benutzerkonto wenn man bei Einstellungen Sicherheit
" eMule als unpreviligierten Benutzer starten " anklickt ??

aalerich 18. March 2005 02:54

Hab' ich nie genutzt und wäre nie auf die Idee gwekommen... Dankeschön jedenfalls für die Korrektur! Näheres gibt es hier nachzulesen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Borg-King 18. March 2005 03:32


Zitat von daenemark
Nur so eine Idee : Erstellt der Muli nicht ein Benutzerkonto wenn man bei Einstellungen Sicherheit
" eMule als unpreviligierten Benutzer starten " anklickt ??

Ja das ist richtig es wird ein Konto mit eingeschränkten Zugriff erstellt.
Weiterhin wird ein eigenes Verzeichniss mit dem Namen eMule_Secure auf dem Laufwerk C:angelegt.

Das hat natürlich zur Folge das alle Daten die damit innerhalb eMule etc erstellt bzw fertiggestellt wurden diesem Konto unterliegen.Wird dieses Konto jetzt wie geschehen gelöscht verlierst Du normal den Zugriff auf diese Daten.Diesen erhält man nur wieder als "Superadmin".Damit meine ich man benötigt das Pw was man bei der Installation von Windows einmal angeben musste.

Pathfinder 21. March 2005 17:46

Neue Version 1.1d, Update wird dringend empfohlen.

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 21:22 Uhr.

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