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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 13. February 2005, 08:57   #1
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von and
Registriert seit: 21.02.2004
Beiträge: 160
MOD Releases: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] Problem: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005]

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)]
Major changes in this version:
- Made upload throttling appear to behave like before. Restore to 80% of bandwidth again!
- Fixed a memory leak when using KAD
- Fixed curruption statistics when using AICH

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 7 ***

* Changed: 12.5% of the network overhead is now ignored in upload bandwidth calculation
* Changed: friend upload is not included, when calculating max allowed download ratio, anymore
* Fixed: corruption stats when saved by AICH
* Fixed: the issue with the width of download columns not being remembered when restarting NetF
* Fixed: a bug causing files with corruption in the last part to never complete
* Fixed: a memory leak with receive buffers, for Kad packets, never being free'd
* Fixed: a bug preventing UDP reasks to occur in some instances
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
Mirror by skneo: Bin & Sources

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 6)]
Major changes in this version:
- Fixed problems with upload throttling!

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 6 ***

* Fixed: a bug in 'Upload bandwidth Throttler', preventing correct throttling at lower datarates
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 5)]
Major changes in this version:
- Network overhead is included in upload speed.
Increase upload limit to 90%, instead of 80% of total bandwidth, for optimal upload rates.
- Fixed clients stuck in connecting and asking state.
- Better control of how many upload slots is needed. (completly automated)
Slot settings in NetF preferences does not have any affect anymore.
- Less 'corrupt' or 'out of order' packets, by making sockets thread safe.

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 5 ***

* Added: a trickle slot to improve bandwidth utilization when having a small number of slots
* Added: partial support for eDonkey crumb maps (these should never be received, but just in case)
* Added: network overhead is now included in upload bandwidth calculation
* Changed: session ratio for download throttling now excludes friend upload
* Changed: most sockets are now thread safe and queues received packets for processing by the main thread
* Changed: CEMSocket::GetNeededBytes now uses shorter times and always suggest atleast 512 bytes when possible
* Changed: reworked code for checking if new slots should be added (does not obey NetF preferences anymore)
* Fixed: endless reasking of client when 'No Needed Parts' and partmaps couldn't be obtained
* Fixed: disconnecting clients (restored partially to original code)
* Fixed: a timer in download throttler was not properly initialized
* Fixed: calculation and display of upload datarates
* Removed: a forgotten tweak to prevent simultaneous upload and download to same client
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 4)
*** NetF 0.3a - beta 4 ***

* Added: new bandwidth calculation class
* Added: adapt USS up/down slowness depending on if upload throttler requires more slots
* Added: don't give upload slots to clients not needing them (no needed parts)
* Fixed: Upload Speed Sense was broken in beta 3
* Fixed: an arithmetic bug in the new byte count and data rate classes.
* Fixed: upload slot count limiting (still not 100% working thought)
-- Included but not listed in beta 3 changelog --
* Added: re-evaluate upload slot if client downloads an other file than slot was given for
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 3)]
*** NetF 0.3a - beta 3 ***

* Added: instant reask via UDP, on reception of a UDP reask from client
* Added: payback now also works per session
* Added: spread source reasks to avoid collisions and bandwidth peaks
* Added: clients keep their waiting time when finishing a payback slot
* Added: new classes for time, byte count and data rates to support building safer algorithms
* Added: allow sources to be added in passive mode even if they are on the "dead source" list
* Changed: upload bandwidth throttler to use longer dynamic sleep periods
* Changed: tweaked "dead sources" handling
* Changed: payback is now activated from the first byte received
* Fixed: crashes on exiting! (missing check when deleting CClientFileStatus records)
* and a lot of other minor things...
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources


eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 2)]
NetF - 'The Need For Speed'

WARNING! This is a beta and may explode in your face!!!
Please avoid using any code from this beta in your own Mods, without first consulting me.

Contact: netfinity at http://forum.emule-project.net

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 2 ***

* Added: don't send file requests when in download state
* Added: don't request upload slots when already in downloading state
* Fixed: a copy-paste introduced bug in part selection routine
* Fixed: string for anonymous Mods did also show for non-eMule clients
* Merged: with eMule 0.45b
-- Included but not listed in beta 1 changelog --
* Added: view anonymous Mods and Mod string thiefs
* Added: raise priority for files uploaded less than their file size
* Added: show parts hidden by remote client in upload list window
* Removed: raised upload priority for files with high download priority
Download via ED2K:

NetF 0.3a beta 2 - Binary:
ed2k://|file|NetF_0.3a_beta2_binary.zip|2137069|A8F007826 91EAB08F3810AE33CE400B5| |h=4OSTF6GF7EDJQP23MVFTKAW7I6JQ3UIM|/
NetF 0.3a beta 2 - Source:
ed2k://|file|NetF_0.3a_beta2_source.zip|3550411|9C3C563D1 3C4EED3471797B82E084CFF| |h=ABD3VF4KDOGAE3TJXI7B6BFNF6DEVESL|/

[edit by Pathfinder: Update]
0.45b StulleMule v1.0
eMule v0.45b Max MOD
down all =up all
and ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. February 2005, 12:04   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
Beiträge: 160

http: Mirrror

Bin: eMule 0.45b NetF 0.3a beta3
Src: eMule 0.45b NetF 0.3a beta3

Geändert von skneo (7. March 2005 um 22:27 Uhr)
skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 5. March 2005, 18:48   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] Details

Neue Version: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 3)]

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16. March 2005, 12:45   #4
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] Lösung: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005]

Update auf Beta 4.
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11. April 2005, 05:28   #5
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005] [gelöst]

Thread aktualisiert auf Beta 5/6.
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. April 2005, 17:31   #6
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
Beiträge: 160

eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)]

              eMule 0.45b NetF 0.3a beta 7
   ** NetF 0.3a - beta 7 ***
   * Changed: 12.5% of the network overhead is now ignored in upload bandwidth calculation
   * Changed: friend upload is not included, when calculating max allowed download ratio, anymore
   * Fixed: corruption stats when saved by AICH 
   * Fixed: the issue with the width of download columns not being remembered when restarting NetF 
   * Fixed: a bug causing files with corruption in the last part to never complete
   * Fixed: a memory leak with receive buffers, for Kad packets, never being free'd
   * Fixed: a bug preventing UDP reasks to occur in some instances
Bin: eMule 0.45b NetF 0.3a beta 7 Binary
Src: eMule 0.45b NetF 0.3a beta 7 Sources
skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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