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Alt 16. February 2005, 06:23   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b [28.02.2005] Problem: eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b [28.02.2005]

eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b
emulEspaña v4b (0.45b):

MoNKi: Fixed text drawing in TaskbarNotifier.
tag: MoNKi: -Fixed DrawText in TaskbarNotifier-

MoNKi: "Invisible Mode" now restores the window immediately.
tag: MoNKi: -invisible mode-

MoNKi: UPnP:
- Fixed problem with routers that uses the default http port (80) for the
web server (thanks to AINVAR).
- Add/Delete actions are now done in a diferent thread.
tag: MoNKi: -UPnPNAT Support-

MoNKi: Fixed problem with BBCode links and the "|" char in some boards (IPB)
tag: Announ: -Copy BBCode ed2k links-

MoNKi: Fixed problem with badformed friend links.
tag: Announ: -Friend eLinks-

MoNKi: Shared files window now shows the number of files again.
tag: MoNKi: -Downloaded History-

eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4a

Changelog: emulEspaña v4a (0.45b):

MoNKi: Some Webcache fixes from Morph
etiqueta: MORPH: -WebCache-

MoNKi: Increased max toolbar button size to 80 pixels.
etiqueta: MoNKi: -Increased max toolbar button size-

MoNKi: Added support for 16x16 skins in the skin selector.
tag: MoNKi: -Skin Selector-

Announ: The "Server busy" dialog which appeared sometimes when running eMule
during Windows startup is now avoided.
tag: MoNKi: -Avoid "Server Busy" dialog-

Announ: When eMule doesn't start because of another already running (in the same port),
the eMule already running is shown.
tag: Announ: -Launching another eMule instance restores the eMule Window-

Announ / MoNKi: Webcache support (by Webcache mod)
tag: Webcache: -Webcache-

MoNKi: Added option to add HTTP sources in the FileLinks dialog (just like in LinkCreator).
tag: MoNKi: -HTTP Sources in eLinks-

MoNKi: BBCode links: Better support for phpbb boards and brackets in names.
tag: Announ: -Copy BBCode ed2k links-
Announ: -Friend eLinks-

MoNKi: Added Unicode & Common Controls dll's to the setup

MoNKi: New UPnP implementation, using libupnp (http://upnp.sourceforge.net/):
- Support for all windows versions (9x/NT/2k/XP)
- Support for "dynamic" port mappings (if the router supports it). A dynamic port mapping is removed
is removed by the router if the port mapping isn't updated in a specified time.
- Removed option "Try with random external ports". You can use random TCP/UDP ports instead.
tag: MoNKi: -UPnPNAT Support-

MoNKi: Added option "Open incoming folder" to the tray icon menu
tag: MoNKi: -Open incoming folder on systray-

MoNKi: Added icons to ours menus.

MoNKi: Replaced "Copy links" menus on Downloaded History with the new "File Link" dialog
tag: MoNKi: -Downloaded History-

MoNKi: Removed "Sel & Copy" code on HyperTextCtrl. Now this code isn't needed because
new text control is used on chat/irc.
MoNKi: -Sel & Copy in Hypertextctrl-
MoNKi: -Context Menu Title in HyperTextCtrl-
MoNKi: -Moved Save Log to HyperTextCtrl-

MoNKi: Updated to libpng 1.2.8

MoNKi: You can swap random/fixed ports or change random ports range if emule is running.
Only if no connections have started.
A "Safe Restart" time can be specified: If you restart eMule in this time the last random ports
will be used (900 seconds Max).
tag: MoNKi: -Random Ports-

MoNKi: Modified. Invisible mode char is saved on preferences.ini as a char and not as
a int (better unicode support).
etiqueta: MoNKi: -invisible mode-

MoNKi: Fixed bad initialization of WinSocks v2.
tag: eWombat: -WINSOCK2-

MoNKi: Custom incoming folder icon is not removed if the icon is not the emule's forder icon.
Option to disable incoming folder icon in prefs.
tag: MoNKi: -Custom incoming folder icon-

MoNKi: Added BBCode elinks to FileLink window.
tag: Announ: -Copy BBCode ed2k links-

MoNKi: Blinking tray icon is now compatible with skins.
tag: MoNKi: -Blinking tray icon on message received-

MoNKi: WapServer:
- Fixed searchs
- Updated to UNICODE [MoNKi/MorphXT]

MoNKi: [MorphXT]: Fixed crash on bad formed friends elinks.

MoNKi: Skin selector improvements:
- Sort by skin name.
- Default skin is always shown at first position.
- Skin in use is shown in bold.
- Added option "Get more skins..." to the right click menu, linking to http://www.*****.net.
tag: MoNKi: -Skin Selector-

MoNKi: Fixed crash in "Media Info" window.

MoNKi: Updated to eMule 0.45b / UNICODE
Bin:Bin P4/AthlonXP:Sources:Setup (Includes: Bin, BinP4, Sources, 3rd Party Libs, Microsoft Layer for Unicode, Last Version of Common Controls, One click to compile) 5,74 MB:
  • Per file option for downloading first and last chunks.
  • Wap Interface: Allows you to control emule with a wap enabled phone (no java needed)
  • Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements [Maella]
  • Optimized memcpy function for processors that support MMX or SSE
  • Blinking tray icon on message received
  • GUI numbers are formated using the user system settings.
  • Added creation and support of friend eLinks (based upon userhash)
    friend eLink: ed2k://|friend|<nick>|<userhash>|/
    friend list: ed2k://|friendlist|<URL of emfriends.met>|/
  • Skins previewer
  • Random ports. You can select a port range for this random ports.
  • Copy file stats to clipboard
  • Support for High Contrast Mode. If the user has the High Contrast Mode enabled on the system Accesibility Modes, eMule adapts the colors to high contrast colors.
    Mod (left) vs Oficial (right):
  • Downloaded History: Shows a list with all known files. You can remove and merge duplicated files in the known.met
  • Invisible Mode. Hides eMule with a HotKey without display the tray icon.
  • The system tray icon blinks when receiving a message
  • Incoming folder has a personalized icon
  • A start TTL between 1 and 20 can be specified for USS
  • Patch for USS that allows a better operation with determined ISP's (ONO Spain, for example) [zz]
  • Universal Plug & Play (UPnP)
  • Windows firewall support improved:
    - Support for multiple instances of emule.
    - Better integration with the UPnP code.
    - Added the "Server UDP" port mapping.
    - Asks for autoconfiguration when it first detect the firewall.
  • emulEspaña ToolBar Skin
  • Now transparent skins works on windows 2000
  • Windows Sockets v2 [eWombat]
  • Fixed variables sizes in web/wap interfaces [itsonlyme]
  • Detect files already downloaded. Shows a warning if a file with the same name or same hash has been already downloaded.
  • Reconnect if LowID [SlugFiller]
  • Mod name identification [itsonlyme]
  • Version name creation [itsonlyme]
  • Mod identification support [SlugFiller]
  • Updated to CxImage 5.99a
  • Updated to LibPng 1.2.6 rc5
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Alt 17. February 2005, 03:09   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 10.10.2003
Beiträge: 160

Bin: eMule 0.45b eMulEspana v4a
Src: eMule 0.45b eMulEspana v4a

skneo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. February 2005, 23:55   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b [28.02.2005] eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b [28.02.2005] Details

Version 4b ist erschienen. Ein paar kleinere Bugs wurden beseitigt.

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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Ähnliche Themen: eMule 0.45b emulEspaña MOD v4b [28.02.2005]

  1. Alternative zu emulEspaña v4b
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 27. January 2006 (9)
  2. eMule 0.45b Max v1.0a [28.07.2005]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 30. October 2005 (17)
  3. eMule v0.45b Max v0.1e MOD-Basis [30.04.2005]
    eMule MOD - Development - 30. October 2005 (189)
  4. eMule 0.45b StulleMule v1.1 [11.05.2005]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 18. October 2005 (215)
  5. eMule 0.45b MorphXT 6.7 [09.04.2005]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 5. September 2005 (324)
  6. eMule 0.45b the pHoeniX 1.16 [03.05.2005]
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  7. eMule 0.45b Xlillo 7.0 [20.02.2005]
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  9. eMule 0.45b EastShare v9.0 [17.02.2005]
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  10. eMule 0.45b eF-MOD 1.5b [19.04.2005]
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  11. eMule 0.45b eF-MOD 1.5b (2005-04-20)
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  12. eMule 0.45b ZZUL BastarD MOD 1.4.2 [17.04.2005]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 18. April 2005 (2)

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