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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 17. January 2003, 16:40   #1
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 18.12.2002
Beiträge: 84
Standard: Emule Plus 24b 5b Problem: Emule Plus 24b 5b

17.01.03 | eMulePlus 0.24b 5b
BUGFIX: Corrected a problem with A4AF in tooltips [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Now Moview Preview Mode only available when 'Get first/last...' selected [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Added code to avoid been discovered as eMule when faking an mlDonkey client [Tarod]
BUGFIX: Updated Upload Throttle code [Tarod]
BUGFIX: Added correct translation in server preference between eDonkey and eMule settings [Hein]
BUGFIX: 0.0KB/s speeds not shown anymore in Download list [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Now Load Sources doesn't remove unneeded sources if option not enabled [Vorlost]
BUGFIX: "Final" fix to see myself problem [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: Minor GUI improvements [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Fixed various control panel bugs [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Removed crash on exit in win9x [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Statistics showing bug, division by zero [Arnie Misfeldt]
BUGFIX: Some crash fixes [kuchin]
BUGFIX: Don't try to save dump file on Win9x - impossible [kuchin]
BUGFIX: Reasking sources improved [Vorlost]
BUGFIX: WebServer: minor code & templates fixes [kuchin+Julien]
BUGFIX: WebServer: web search working again [Ducky2002]
FEATURE: WebServer: multithreaded now, support many connections [Gelfer+kuchin]
FEATURE: Web Server: added special characterset support [EC]
FEATURE: Graphical progress bar for upload list [obaldin]
FEATURE: Selection menu for the new Vorlost movie preview [DonGato]
FEATURE: Different movie preview modes for AVI/MPG files [Vorlost]
FEATURE: Load Rarest Finished Chunks Patch 2 [Vorlost]
FEATURE: Added Hebrew language [katsyonak]
FEATURE: Updated to xrmb's Part Status code version 2 [DonGato]
FEATURE: Tooltips enabled in the statusbar to show the full text [Cax2]
FEATURE: Now you can set the ratio for general connections scale [Cax2]
FEATURE: Now you can revert to default colors the statistics graphs customization [Cax2]
FEATURE: Option for not banning Community users [DonGato]
NOTE: this distribution now has an aditional file named eMule.tmpl including the Web template. Please update the file in the eMule Plus instalation directory with each new release.
link: http://emuleplus.dyndns.ws/

netzjunkie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. January 2003, 16:41   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294

hehe Ich war schneller, habs aber in Pinky's Thread geschrieben

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. January 2003, 16:44   #3
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 18.12.2002
Beiträge: 84
Standard: Emule Plus 24b 5b Emule Plus 24b 5b Details


netzjunkie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. January 2003, 00:51   #4
Registriert seit: 24.12.2002
Beiträge: 27
Standard: Emule Plus 24b 5b Lösung: Emule Plus 24b 5b

hab seit neuesten probs. mit der hauptseite von euch ich krieg nix mehr auf is sie umgeändert geworfden?
scheman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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