When a chunk is partially downloaded it will be shown in white instead of black. This makes it visible which data is downloaded but still unshareable.
Show where chunks start/end in the progress field for files in the download list (a variant of SF's ChunkDots).
Further improvements/experimentation with the code that requests less data at a time from slow sources. It will now request less than 180 KBytes for really slow sources.
Upload throttler will temporarily stop uploading in cases where connection seems to be competely saturated. (I'm not sure this is a good idea. Please report any weirdness you may have with upload speeds)
Improved a4af code to work better for No Needed Part sources. Earlier code could make a source get stuck on a high prio NNP file even if there were other files (with lower prio) that wasn't NNP.
Prevent locking of too many blocks when we are downloading from a slow (probably standby/trickle) slot. This should help with the case where a slow slot has locked the last blocks in a chunk, preventing a faster source from giving them to us. Experimental!
Bugfix: sources where sometimes in state NONE for a while (about 18 minutes) when they should be reasking the file.
Small change to code that finds next dl block to request, to prevent gaps to occur when several sources downloads from the same chunk/part. Experimental!