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Alt 8. May 2005, 10:33   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] Problem: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005]

eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)]
Release high-lights:
- Merged with eMule 0.46b
- Optimized code for less CPU usage
- Fixed several bugs

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 11 ***

* Added: harder restriction on max upload slot count at low bandwidths
* Added: don't draw hidden rects [SiRoB]
* Added: don't refresh list items when not needed [SiRoB]
* Added: extended ability to recover from failed send and receive socket operations
* Added: dynamic upload buffering, based on datarate
* Added: dynamic ban threshold for CorruptionBlackBox to avoid mass banning
* Changed: minimum time between upload slots is now 1 second when minimum slot count has been met
* Changed: increased gain for the upload speed regulator in upload bandwidth throttler
* Fixed: a crash in IO thread
* Fixed: a possible "memory leak"
* Fixed: several possible race conditions
* Fixed: status of hashed parts were not always set properly (caused no upload of part files)
* Optimized: redundant keys in CBarShader::FillRange are automaticaly removed
* Merged: with eMule 0.46b
-- Included but not listed in beta 10 changelog --
* Changed: minimum upload session time of 5 minutes, except for payback and file switching
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.46a [NetF 0.3a (beta 10)]
Major changes in this version:
- Fixed a problem with sockets timing out
- Made NetF more compatible with high bandwidth users

- Dynamic Block Requests (faster and fewer failed downloads)
- Enhanched Automated Upload Throttler
- Detect Hidden Chunks (Anti HideOS, required for ICS)
- Intelligent Chunk Selection (ICS) [enkeyDev]
- Fake High ID prevention (a must for Low ID users)
- Small File Push
- Payback Queue
- Rare Chunks gives more Credits
- Fast Queue Rotation (try keep upload sessions short)
- Improved Download Throttling (for users who limits their downloads)
and some more...

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 10 ***

* Added: separate IO thread for uploading slots
(solves problem with unresponsive GUI when upload is high and harddisk is slow)
* Added: new message queue class for communication between threads
* Changed: upload bandwidth throttler now uses dynamic thresholds for requesting more slots
* Changed: time between when upload slots, are given, is now also based on
* Changed: minimum number of upload slots are based on current used bandwidth for unlimited upload
* Fixed: code in upload bandwidth throttler caused sometimes control packets not to be sent
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.46a [NetF 0.3a (beta 9)]
Major changes in this version:
- Fixed the problem with older Windows versions
- Some other bug fixes

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 9 ***

* Changed: buffers are not flushed (written to disk) in the packet processing loop anymore
* Fixed: a merging error in ListenSocket.cpp
* Fixed: cross linking checks in CReqSocket class
* Fixed: CClientFileStatus class cleanup code for upload slots
* Removed: notification of last OP-code sent/received when closing a socket
* Other: recompiled with modified wspiapi.h to make code run on Windows 2000 clients
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.46a [NetF 0.3a (beta 8)]
Major changes in this version:
- Merged with eMule 0.46a
- Some patches inspired by Xman
- Many bug fixes

*** NetF 0.3a - beta 8 ***

* Added: don't give upload slots to clients in progress to ask for a file [inspired by Xman]
* Added: don't change state, if downloading, when file request is done
* Added: don't ask sources that is already in process of being asked (safe guard)
* Added: don't attempt to connect to ask sources when there is less than 30 seconds of download left
* Added: delayed file requests after connecting until secure identity has been sent
* Added: delayed OP_ACCEPTUPLOADREQ when after connection is made to allow client to make a file request first
* Added: a fix for a bug with adding sources from servers [found by tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
* Added: some fixes for badly linked sockets [Maella]
* Added: send empty part request packet as a keep alive when downloading if nothing was sent for 30 seconds
* Added: resend OP_ACCEPTUPLOADREQ (and no more) on OP_STARTUPLOADREQ in upload state [inspired by Xman]
* Added: resend part requests on OP_ACCEPTUPLOADREQ in download state [inspired by Xman]
* Added: clear received packets when closing socket to prevent processing packets without sockets
(Would otherwise result in a fatal crash)
* Added: send OP_CANCELTRANSFER to all sources in download state when the file is completed
(Is nicer to the sources, when delayed 'No Needed Parts' is in effect)
* Added: new Swedish UPC-Chello subscriptions (incl. symetric subscriptons)
* Changed: compressed packets can never exceed 10kB
* Changed: socket timeout for upload slots are multiplied by 4
* Changed: socket timeout for idle slots has been set back to normal
* Fixed: a fatal coding error in ListenSocket.cpp (some code would never had executed)
* Fixed: a minor bug in CPartFile::MOD_DropStalledDownloads()
* Fixed: far to many upload slots when USS tries to set too high datarates
* Fixed: payback when there was nothing to payback
* Merged: with eMule 0.46a
-- Included but not listed in beta 7 changelog --
* Fixed: upload slot count was sometimes a bit small
* Removed: blocking upload to client while downloading from the same
* Removed: boosting of insufficiently uploaded files
Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources
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Alt 8. May 2005, 11:00   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 01.01.2003
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ich bekomm bem starten sowas:
emule.exe - Einsprungspunkt nicht gefunden

[Das weisse Kreuz im roten Kreis] Der Prozedureinspungspunkt "GetAddrInfoW" wurde in der DLL "WS32.dll" nicht gefunden.


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Alt 8. May 2005, 11:59   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] Details

Ich hab' den MOD eben entpackt und gestartet - ohne Probleme. Du solltest mal versuchen deine ws32.dll zu ersetzen (leicht zu finden via Google), eventuell hat ein Programm diese verändert (-> Virus?).

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Alt 8. May 2005, 12:02   #4
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Standard: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] Lösung: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005]

aber jede andere 45b version läuft bzw. der original 46a :-/

werd die datei mal suchen..
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Alt 8. May 2005, 17:16   #5
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Standard: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005] [gelöst]

Die Datei heißt übrigens "WS2_32.dll".

Das Problem tritt lt. Berichten im englischen Development Forum bei 46er-Mulis auf, die mit VC2003 kompiliert worden sind und dann unter Win XP ohne SP2 ausgeführt werden sollen.
Mit installiertem SP2 solls tun, oder wenn der Muli mit VC2002 kompiliert worden ist, so wie der originale Muli 46a.

Kannst ja mal probieren, wenn du nur die eine DLL aus dem SP2 nimmst, aber warum nicht das komplette SP2?

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Alt 8. May 2005, 18:33   #6
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hab aber kein XP sondern Win SP4
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Alt 8. May 2005, 18:47   #7
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Win2000 mit SP4?
Dann ist das bei dir vielleicht doch was anders oder das von mir oben beschriebene Problem tritt auch bei W2k auf.
Wie heißt die Datei denn genau bei dir? "WS2_32.DLL" oder "WS32.DLL"?

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Alt 8. May 2005, 19:21   #8
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anderer muli bringt nen andern fehler mit der gleichen DLL..

"FreeAddrInfoW" <- 0.46a miles version
"GetAddrInfoW" <- 0.46a netF version

Geändert von Hopie (8. May 2005 um 19:25 Uhr)
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Alt 9. May 2005, 22:52   #9
Senior Member
Registriert seit: 06.10.2003
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Zitat von Hopie

anderer muli bringt nen andern fehler mit der gleichen DLL..

"FreeAddrInfoW" <- 0.46a miles version
"GetAddrInfoW" <- 0.46a netF version
Ich habe auch von einem Win98 User gelesen, dass er dasselbe Problem hat. Es tritt nur bei mit VC2003 kompilierten Mulis auf 46a Basis auf. Ich kann das Problem bei mir nachvollziehen, auf meinem XP SP1 Rechner tuts nicht, auf dem XP SP2 und Win2003 SP1 Rechner ist alles ok.

Fogbav hat im engl. Forum auch beschrieben, dass mans hinkriegt wenn man die neue Mailbenachrichtigungsfunktion im Quellcode auskommentiert und deaktiviert, das klappt bei mir auch mit dem originalen 46a Muli.

Aber leider kann ich die aktuellen NETF Sourcen gar nicht kompilieren, da krieg ich noch seltsame Fehler, sonst könnte ich dir eine eigene Version (nur ohne die neue Mailbenachrichtigungsfunktion) erzeugen.

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Alt 9. May 2005, 22:59   #10
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hm, schade..

aber danke
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Alt 11. May 2005, 11:55   #11
Registriert seit: 11.05.2005
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hab nen prob beim aktuellen mule:

wenn ich angebe er soll von nur max 5 quellen ziehn, interessiert ihm das herzlichst wenig!
ich tippe auf nen fehler ind er aktuellen version! mit den vorgängern klappte dies natürlich!

Hat sonst jemand ähnliche Probs?
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Alt 11. May 2005, 12:39   #12
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
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Kein Fehler. Das ist ein neues Feature. Du mußt nun auf JEDE Datei gehen und dort einzeln das HL ändern.
Erweiterte Einstellungen-->Zeige mehr Einstellungen(oder so) aktivieren und dann per Kontextmenü im DL-Fenster.

MFG Stulle
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 29. May 2005, 15:31   #13
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Update auf beta 9.
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Ähnliche Themen: eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005]

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    Mülltonne - 28. October 2008 (0)
  2. eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.11 BETA [09.11.2007]
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  3. eMule 0.47c NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA [22.04.2007]
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  4. 0.47b Beta 1 mit VS 2005 kompilieren
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  5. eMule 0.46c [NetF 0.3a (beta 13)] [15.12.2005]
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  6. eMule 0.46b [NetF 0.3a (beta 11)] [15.07.2005]
    Mülltonne - 9. October 2005 (2)
  7. eMule 0.46b released [05.07.2005]
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  9. eMule 0.45b [NetF 0.3a (beta 7)] [17.04.2005]
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  10. eMule 0.44d NetF 0.3a (beta 1) [04.02.2005]
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  11. eMule 0.44d eNOS OD BETA HoTFiX 18h% [19.01.2005]
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  12. eMule 0.43b NetF 0.1c [30.08.2004]
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