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Alt 23. March 2007, 20:50   #1
Benutzerbild von Spike2
Registriert seit: 23.03.2007
Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26
MOD Releases: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] Problem: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007]

Soo, nun möchte ich doch auch hier einmal meinen Mod präsentieren und - wenn ich kann - Fragen zum Mod beantworten. Danke noch einmal @ Stulle, er weiß schon weshalb


Zunächst einmal der Changelog:

|crazy - funky - as fast as "Speedy the cat"|
| Whatever you do - you can't stop the |

You can reach me on the following board: http://www.***********.eu.
Comments, Critics, Bug-Reports, Feature Requests, etc. are very appreciated.

Spike2 1.0
ADDED : Add next connect theft - logging (from netF's WARP-Mod)
ADDED : AddOn-Directory (by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Anti-HideOS (optimizes ICS; taken from iONiX 4.4, updated & implemented by Spike2 - might be updated to ***********'s
implementation later)
ADDED : Better treatment of some mods (Spike2, ideas from WiZaRd)
ADDED : ClientPercentage (by SLAHAM, taken from MorphXT; Feature request from Mauro)
ADDED : Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity, taken from netF-WARP)
ADDED : DVD-Files aren't cleaned up by the Filename-CleanUp-function (FiX by BlueSonicBoy from TK4-Mod)
ADDED : eMulePlus has a ReaskTime of 28 instead of 29 minutes, so the ReaskTime for them is 28 minutes now ! (Spike2)
ADDED : Extra-cool MiniMule-eye-candy by WiZaRd (taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : ICS (Original by enkeyDev, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Inform sources of an ID-change: eMule-/eDonkey(Hybrid)-Sources will be informed with the OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID-opcode of an
ID-change, all other clients will be reasked as usual, because we can't know, if they support the OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID-opcode (ALL sources will be REASKED if we are on a LowID; NeoMule & parts from Spike2)
ADDED : IP2Country (Original by Commander/Eastshare, taken from the ***********-Mod) --> WITH WiZaRd's FileOrigin-AddOn (taken from
the ***********-Mod) and IP2Country-to-ProxyClient (taken from MorphXT)
ADDED : Known Clients Bonus (from netF-WARP, switchable in "Upload Management"-PrefPage)
ADDED : Links in NetworkInfoDlg (Spike2, inspired by Xtreme)
ADDED : LowID2HighID-AutoCallback (L2HAC; Original by eMule+ (?), taken from NeoMule)
ADDED : ML-Donkey's XS-Packets are now correctly recognized in ListenSocket.cpp (Spike2; full support will be added later,
ideas & hints from WiZ)
ADDED : "Obfuscated connection to server required" preference (leuk_he, taken from the newest MorphXT)
ADDED : PaybackFirst (WiZaRd's Implementation, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : PrefSlider (Original by eMule+, taken from X-Ray-Mod)
ADDED : Safe KAD, incl. Kad-Anti-fragmenting (by netfinity and optimized by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : SearchCatch (Slugfiller, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : SearchColours (WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Send protocol-extensions only to supporting clients to save overhead (idea from MorphXT, taken from the ***********-
mod and modified by Spike2) --> used for ModString, Webcache, L2HAC and ICS
ADDED : Show Compression in UploadListCtrl (Tarod/MorphXT, taken from the X-Ray-Mod)
ADDED : Show 'Download added' in TransferWindow (netfinity)
ADDED : Some AddOns in CommentsListCtrl (from MorphXT)
ADDED : SR13-Import-Parts function can be stopped now (by CiccioBastardo from CB-Mod)
ADDED : Support-Links, Server.met-Updating (Support-links inspired by Xtreme, Server.met-Updating taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : TabbedPrefs (Original by TPT, taken from X-Ray-Mod)
ADDED : Understand Crumbs- & TheHorde-opcodes (just for the verbose-log, taken from netfinity's WARP-MOD)
ADDED : UPnP-Support (with Windows-Service-Startup by WiZaRd) (taken from the ***********-mod, WiZaRd's / Shadows
BUGFIX : ClientAnalyzer-switchable: fixed bug in UploadClient.cpp (in combined FilePrio and Credit the Analyzer was always used)
BUGFIX : Collection double extension (by CiccioBastardo, taken from the MorphXT-Mod)
BUGFIX : Correct SUI-stats (by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-mod)
BUGFIX : Enhanced Client Recognization - some transferdata wasn't counted - Bugfix by Stulle
BUGFIX : Fix Connection Collision (from MorphXT)
BUGFIX : Fixed a bug in SLS, which caused SLS to not save sources (reported by Frawe, fix by JvA !)
BUGFIX : Improved BanCheck (from Sivka)
BUGFIX : Many fixes and optimizations from the ***********-mod, mainly by WiZaRd
BUGFIX : Small changes in Webcache (from newest MorphXT)
BUGFIX : Small fix in WebcacheClient.cpp (Spike2 - fixed timeout-values)
BUGFIX : Some fixes and optimizations from various mods (tagged in the code, i.e. MorphXT, ZZUL BastarD, Sivka-Mod, Xtreme, WARP, etc.)
BUGFIX : UDP Reask sequrity check - Don't accept responses if we haven't asked (by netfinity, from netF-WARP)
BUGFIX : Vista-/Windows2003-fix in otherfunctions.cpp (from MorphXT)
BUGFIX : WiZaRd's Fix for unfair client treatment (Board Message)
BUGFIX : WiZaRd's Missing-Code-fix in ListenSocket (taken from the ***********-Mod)
BUGFIX : WiZaRd's Optimization in LastCommonRouteFinder (taken from the ***********-Mod)
BUGFIX : WiZaRd's Respect SoftLimit (taken from the ***********-Mod)
CHANGED: ConChecker will be used in Webcache.cpp, too (Spike2)
CHANGED: Raised Webcache-Blocklist-size (by WiZaRd; 2000 --> 10000)
CHANGED: Some default settings
CHANGED: XMan's Reconnect Kad on IP-change to --> Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change (by WiZaRd)
REMOVED: Ban "CrashMules" (not needed anymore)
REMOVED: Dazzle's Create Map (buggy in the princip, so it can't be fixed)
REMOVED: netfinity's DownloadThrottler (was added with WebCache, reverted back to original code / Spike2)
UPDATED: Aux-ports-support by lugdunummaster (from newest MorphXT)
UPDATED: ClientAnalyzer (WiZaRd)
UPDATED: Code-Improvements in CUint128::toBinaryString & toHexString (by netfinity, modified by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
UPDATED: ConChecker (by WiZaRd)
UPDATED: Don't kill client / source - features (from MorphXT)
UPDATED: Dynamic Block Requests (by netfinity, taken from netF-WARP) - Download from eDonkey/eDonkeyHybrid should be a bit better now
UPDATED: Emulate Shareaza (just a small adjustment; Spike2)
UPDATED: Extra Kad-Logging (from MorphXT 9.0) to WiZaRd's Anti-Fake-IP (from the ***********-Mod)
UPDATED: "Initiate Rehash"-function updated according to the newest code in 0.47c-Partfile.cpp (by Spike2, thanks WiZaRd)
UPDATED: ModIconMapper to the updateable new version (Shadow/WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
UPDATED: ReadBlockFromFileThread (from netF-WARP 0.3)
UPDATED: SafeHash and FlushThread (from netF-WARP 0.3 and MorphXT 9.5; thanx to JvA for pointing out a bug)
UPDATED: Show Userhash in MyInfo (by WiZaRd, from the ***********-Mod)
UPDATED: SR13-Import-Parts (updated from the CB-Mod, "Stop import" by CiccioBastardo, threading code by Sirob)
UPDATED: UltraLeecherSecure (for those who still use it: made same NickName-checks case-sensitive, to avoid banning of innocent clients)
UPDATED: WiZaRd's Missing Buddy Check (taken from the ***********-Mod)

Hier der ältere Changelog:

Spike2 0.9
ADDED : IntelliFlush (by WiZaRd, from the emf-Mod) --> can be turned on/off in the Tweaks-PrefPage
ADDED : ModIconMapper (by WiZaRd, from the emf-Mod) with many new ModIcons & ModStrings (added by Spike2)
ADDED : Powershare (WiZaRd's Implementation from Tombstone-Mod)
-->NOTE: Powershare on partfiles isn't possible. (disabled by Spike2)
ADDED : Prevent USS-Spam (by WiZaRd)
ADDED : QRETA (by Slugfiller, taken from emf-Mod)
ADDED : Save Friendupload-Slot (by WiZaRd, from Tombstone-Mod)
ADDED : Security-Patch in ListenSocket.cpp (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : Server-Message-Filter (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : SharedView Ed2kType (by Avi3k and WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : ShowQDifference (by itsonlyme from SF-IOM, taken from emf-Mod)
ADDED : SpreadReask deactivated for Xtreme-Mods (Spike2)
BUGFIX : AntiCorruption - fixed by WiZaRd (could cause files to "hang" at 99,9 %)
BUGFIX : Context-Fix in ChatSelector (by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : Crash-Bug in MMSocket - Fix by XMan
BUGFIX : Enhanced Client Recognization: Fix in recognizing eMulePlus-Version
BUGFIX : Protocol-Obfuscation: Small fixes (i.e. Connect, show port // by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : SafeHash - Memleak-Fix by WiZaRd
BUGFIX : Several small fixes and optimizations from WiZaRd's Tombstone-Mod and from the emf-Mod
BUGFIX : XS-Workaround / Fix (by WiZaRd & Xanatos)
CHANGED: Colours in file-status (by Xman from Xtreme; Feature request from Blomy)
CHANGED: Dynamic Block Requests: Small changes by WiZaRd (taken from Tombstone-Mod)
CHANGED: First Start maximized (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
CHANGED: Friendslot-behaviour when VQB-FullChunk is selected (now more than one chunk is transferred, Spike2)
CHANGED: SLS: LowID-sources are saved, too - except we are a LowID-client ourself ! (Spike2)
CHANGED: Show active downloads in bold (setting applies immediately and doesn't need a restart any longer - changes
by Shadow2004 and WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
CHANGED: Small redesign of the "Security-Options"-page to make it easier for the user
REMOVED: AntiCreditHack (useless, because CreditHacks are already handled by official code // Spike2)
REMOVED: Don't show Splashscreen on old Windows to avoid crash (from Xtreme Mod) --> not needed with Standard-Splash
REMOVED: MSS-Setting (not used in Spike2-Mod, if it will ever be used by official codebase, your chosen MTU-value minus 40
will be used as MSS-Setting (Spike2)
UPDATED: Reconnect Kad on IP-Change by XMan (from Xtreme)
UPDATED: Some parts of the ClientAnalyzer (by WiZaRd) - XS-Spammers are now correctly punished

Spike2 0.8
-->CODEBASE: Updated to eMule 0.47c
-->CODEBASE: Merged with netF's ESE 1.0b-Mod (nearly complete merge), @netF: PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!
-->CODEBASE: Added WiZaRd's ingenious ClientAnalyzer from Tombstone-Mod...a great piece of work. THANX WIZARD !!!!
==>NOTE: This release should be the right one for all Webcache-Users Big thanx @ maloXP for his good thoughts and
feature requests about Webcache. Please test the changes and post stats @ http://www.***********.eu !!
==>THANX FLY OUT TO MY BETA-TESTERS (listed in no special order): Jojo, magicm13, GrafBerg, ChrisCornell, Blomy, emulefan83
==>THANX FOR HELPFULL COMMENTS TO (listed in no special order): eMuleGott, WiZaRd, JvA, Xman
ADDED : AntiShape (by netfinity, taken from ESE-Mod 1.0b)
ADDED : Automatic AntiLeecher-Options-Check (prevents using incompatible settings; by Spike2)
ADDED : *** ClientAnalyzer 1.4ß from TombStone 1.55RC by WiZaRd...@ WiZ: Great work, thanx for this !! ***
ADDED : Dynamic Block Requests (by netfinity, taken from ESE-Mod 1.0b)
ADDED : Extra Kad-Logging (from MorphXT 9.0)
ADDED : Flush Thread (by SiRoB from MorphXT, taken from netfinity's ESE-Mod 1.0b)
ADDED : Forgot to mention in older changelogs: Enabled STRG+F in Transferwindow
ADDED : Full Chunk Upload switchable: None, Official- or VQB-method (Spike2, VQB's FullChunk taken from Tombstone 1.55RC) -
You can even switch during running upload-sessions !
ADDED : Infinite Queue (by Slugfiller, from SF-IOM)
ADDED : MessageFlash (by Slugfiller, from SF-IOM)
ADDED : ReadBlockFromFileThread (by SiRoB from MorphXT, taken from netfinity's ESE-Mod 1.0b)
ADDED : Reask sources after IP-change v2 (main parts by maella, modified by Xman and Stulle, changed for Spike2-Mod by Spike2,
taken from StulleMule 4.0)
ADDED : SafeHash (by Slugfiller, taken from netfinity's ESE-Mod 1.0b)
ADDED : Show ModVer in Queuelist (by WiZaRd, from Tombstone 1.55RC)
ADDED : Show related source coloured (by WiZaRd, from Tombstone 1.55RC)
ADDED : SlotFocus (very simple variant, Spike2)
ADDED : Variable compression - switchable in "Upload Management" (reduces CPU usage at high upload rates; by netfinity,
taken from ESE 1.0b)
ADDED : Webcache-Statistic (from MorphXT 9.0)
BUGFIX : Cleaned up the code here and there
BUGFIX : Countless fixes and optimizations from WiZaRd, incl. CPU-Saving fixes (mostly from Tombstone 1.55RC)
BUGFIX : ECR: Bugfix in EmulePlus-Version-detection (by Eniq)
BUGFIX : ECR & Emulates: Fixes in detecting and emulating MLdonkey (WiZaRd), Small fix in emulating (Spike2)
BUGFIX : Various fixes from various mods
BUGFIX : "Webcache & eMule > 0.47b"-Fix by Aireoreion from iONiX-Mod - THANX !!
CHANGED: Better Tagging in the code (Spike2)
CHANGED: Emulate MLdonkey (small change, Spike2)
CHANGED: FileBufferSize max. is now 15,5 MB again
CHANGED: FileBufferTimeLimit may be increased up to 20 minutes (instead of 10 minutes)
CHANGED: Forgot to mention in 0.7er Changelog: Merged changelog entries for Spike2 0.6 BETA1, BETA2 and Final
CHANGED: Small Addon in XMan's compression evaluation in AbstractFile.cpp (Spike2)
CHANGED: Some preferences-defaults (Spike2)
CHANGED: Some small changes around Spooky-Mode's ConChecker (from Cyrex2001-Mod)
CHANGED: Standard-Nick
CHANGED: Webcache changes inspired by maloXP:
* Webcache-capable sources - with the same proxy as we use - aren't dropped by the DropSources feature (can be switched on
or off in the Download Management; Spike2)
* enhanced the little "Webcache-Addon" from v0.1 (Spike2)
* Maximum proxy connections raised from 10 to 15 (Spike2)
* Threshold for temporary webcache-desactivation raised from 100 to 200 not successful requests (Spike2)
REMOVED: Avi-3k's Fix for new message log entry (not needed with ClientAnalyzer)
REMOVED: Dazzle's Faster Endgame (DFE) (due to implementation of netfinity's Dynamic Block Requests - Spike2)
REMOVED: GetClosestTo-Kad-Patch from Unknown1 - implemented in 0.47b
REMOVED: "Releaser-Options"-Preferences Page (makes no sense at all, the planned options will move to the "Upload
REMOVED: Webcache-Trustlevel-changes...now back to standard (Spike2)
REMOVED: XMans Chunk selection patch (not needed for 0.47b+)
UPDATED: WebCache updated to MorphXT 9.0-codebase (Spike2)
UPDATED: WiZaRd's Automatic Kademlia Firewall Retries (from Tombstone 1.55RC)
UPDATED: WiZaRd's Relax on Startup (from Tombstone 1.55RC)

Spike2 0.7
-->CODEBASE: Updated to eMule 0.47a
are were (in alphabetical order): Abyss K3 IC, GrafBerg, hackersondope2002, Hausi GER. (retired), magicm13,
Sh0ck3r, Smoke and sWub/Poolitzer.
And BIG THANX @ WiZaRd for answering many, many questions and giving helpful hints and tipps...!!!
ADDED : Activation Limit for the Drop Sources System (Spike2)
ADDED : Checkbox for using the new HighResTimer by zz (to be found in the "Extended Settings") (Spike2)
ADDED : "Dazzle's Map" can be turned on or off now (Spike2)
ADDED : Drop Sources System with Timer for FQ, HQR & NNP (taken from Sion, slightly modified) enhanced with the LODATI;
DropSources feature recommended / requested by GrafBerg & magicm13
ADDED : ListenSocket.cpp: OP_REQUESTFILENAME isn't answered for banned clients (from eMulePlus, changed by
Spike2 to avoid calling IsBanned())
ADDED : List of don't ask these IPs (for Drop System, taken from Cyrex-Mod; original by Sivka)
ADDED : Logging options for the new features (Spike2)
ADDED : Multiple Instances (from iONiX, taken from Resurrection; request from Poolitzer/sWub)
ADDED : SLS - Sources Loader/Saver (Original from enkeyDEV, taken from the Sion-Mod, modified by Spike2 - with big
Thanx to WiZaRd !!)
ADDED : Spooky-Mode, incl. ConChecker, rule-compliant (Original from eWombat, modified by Fenderman, taken
from Cyrex2001, Rule-Compliance by WiZaRd <-- Thanx to all of you !)
ADDED : Show Spooky-Connect icon in Statusbar and MiniMule - I think it looks better now... (by Spike2,
Tag: SpookyConnIcon)
BUGFIX : Code-Improvement in DownloadClient.cpp regarding the UDPReaskForDownload() (by Loulach, taken from Sion)
BUGFIX : Control for showing active downloads in bold: Setting was not saved (Bug found by magicm13)
BUGFIX : GetClosestTo-Kad-Patch from Unknown1
BUGFIX : FileDetailDialogInfo-Patch (thx to Sirob, taken from StulleMule)
BUGFIX : Prevent switch to ... busy popup during windows startup (by leuk_he, taken from Cyrex2001)
BUGFIX : Small Fix around server.met-handling & -updating (Bug found by Poolitzer)
BUGFIX : Some small fixes for the SR13-Import-Parts-feature (incl. "Initiate Rehash") from iONiX 4.4
BUGFIX : Some small fixes from MorphXT
BUGFIX : Some small Webcache-Fixes & -Changes (from iONiX)
BUGFIX : The Hardlimit was not always obeyed (Bug first reported by pivi33)
CHANGED: Anti-CreditHack (optimized, thanx to WiZaRd)
CHANGED: Enhanced Client Recognization: added some Compatible ClientIDs, added "TrustyFiles" (Spike2)
CHANGED: Enhanced Client Recognization: eMulePlus-Version is correctly shown (1.1g instead of 1.1.7...) --> Thanx to Blue-
SonicBoy from TK4!
CHANGED: Enhanced Client Recognization (ECR): little typo (wrong casing) for Hydranode fixed (thanx to madcat666)
CHANGED: Optimizer - fully implemented now, inserted some more MEMZERO instead of MEMSET, where applicable (Spike2)
CHANGED: Spooky-Mode - removed redundant "enable Spooky-Mode" (was used for enabling Spooky at Startup) and
fixed small bug in rule-compliance (Spooky keeps being enabled, when you manually disconnect Kad)
CHANGED: TransferWindow: Right Arrow and Left Arrow expand / collapse the download again (without pressing ALT)
(can be enabled in "Look & Feel Options") (FR from official eMule Board, Spike2) (Tag: use Arrow-keys without ALT)
CHANGED: Webcache-TrustLevel = 15 as default (from iONiX)
CHANGED: XMan's Chunk Selection Patch can be turned on / off now (Spike2, idea from Antares & nextEMF)
REMOVED: Code-fix by Maella in ListenSocket.cpp (from Xtreme Mod) - not needed, thanx to WiZaRd
REMOVED: Redundant IsBanned()-checks before banning in BaseClient.cpp (Thanx to WiZaRd)
UPDATED: CxImage-Lib updated from 5.99a to 5.99c (Spike2, from MorphXT 8.0)
UPDATED: Emulate Shareaza (Spike2)
UPDATED: LibPNG updated from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 (Spike2, from Xtreme 4.8.2)
UPDATED: SR13-Import-Parts-feature for large file support (Spike2, partly from MorphXT)
UPDATED: Webcache for 0.47a (Spike2, greatest parts from MorphXT)

Spike2 0.6
--> CODEBASE: *** !!! *** UPDATED TO eMule 0.46c *** !!! *** (FINALLY !!!!!!)
==>NOTE: Finally the Spike2 runs on 0.46c-basis !! It took a long time, but gladly it runs now - finally,
but better late than never. I'm so happy that it works now ) But you would laugh why it took so
long time and never worked... I tested min. different 5 Webcache-implementations and spend hours and
hours... Finally I merged to WC 2.0b1 and - the SAME ERROR. Until I recognized my own, _very little_ (and
quite stupid) error and realized, that ALL VERSIONS WOULD HAVE WORKED WITHOUT THIS TINY BUG !!!
What did I learn from it ? Yes - don't use C-style-comments (e.g./*Comment*/) in Macros (e.g.
_T("Blabla")) !!! [Although I'm quite a bit angry about all the wasted time...]
ADDED : Anti-Fake-eMule-Version (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Code-Improvements in CUint128::toBinaryString & toHexString (netF 0.3beta12, checked with Xtreme 4.5)
ADDED : Control for showing active downloads in bold
ADDED : Display UserHash in Status Window (from iONiX)
ADDED : Don't show Splashscreen on old Windows to avoid crash (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2): Hydranode and eMule+ are correctly identified
ADDED : Hardlimit of 5 for eMule-Collections (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Now the SAFE_DELETE-macros from eWombat are used (taken from iONiX)
ADDED : Recheck firewalled for Kad (by WiZaRd)
ADDED : Recognize newer Shareaza (Spike2) - !! needed for "emulate Shareaza" !! (if we don't recognize them,
we can't emulate them...)
ADDED : Reconnect Kad on IP-Change (by Xman)
ADDED : SR13-Import-Parts-feature from MorphXT
ADDED : "Stop this client" from Xtreme's Downloadmanager (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : WiZaRd's UDPFNF-FiX (from iONiX)
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix to MuleListCtrl.cpp
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix to SearchListCtrl.cpp
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix to Sockets.cpp (eMule sending its port twice to servers)
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix to TrayDialog.cpp
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix for new message log entry (believe it or not, I had the same idea and was
looking in the code how to do it...!)
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Fix for Shared Files "open folder"
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Maxfilesize fix (by Avi3k, taken from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Avi-3k's Sort fix for DownloadClientsCtrl.cpp
BUGFIX : Compiled with netfinity's WS2_32.dll-fix (by netfinity)
BUGFIX : Fix for Shared Files "open folder" (by Avi3k, taken from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Reconnect to Kademlia from Pawcio
BUGFIX : Some small fixes and improvements from iONiX (thanx to Wiz + AiR) & Xtreme (thanx to Xman)
BUGFIX : Some small fixes and optimizations from FRTK-EvoStar and MorphXT
CHANGED: Adjustable File buffer size max. is now 8,5 MB instead of 15,5 MB (avoid having a whole
chunk in the buffer)
CHANGED: Adjustable Queue size minimum is 2000 again (like in vanilla eMule)
CHANGED: MOD-Version now correctly shown in Debug-Builds, too
CHANGED: Optimizer: Enhanced CPU-Infos (by LSD, from FRTK-EvoStar)
CHANGED: Removed some username-bans to avoid banning "innocents" (Spike2)
CHANGED: Some Client-Icons (from several Mods)
CHANGED: Webcache-TrustLevel is always 99 (Spike2)
REMOVED: NeoMule 4 - ban (because it's officially allowed again...and to avoid further flamewars)
REMOVED: Wizard's Critical section mutex unlock (it was finally included in official 0.46)
REMOVED: Xman save 2nd sort criterion (not needed in 0.46c anymore)
UPDATED: BanList (again & again & ULTRA-Leecher-Secure (Spike2)
UPDATED: Dazzle's faster endgame to work with 0.46c (old implementation caused the "yellow bug")
UPDATED: Emulate eDonkey, eDonkeyHybrid, MLdonkey (Spike2)
UPDATED: Mark LowIDs by Xman (from Xtreme-Mod, added in DownloadClientsCtrl due to 0.46c-Merge)
UPDATED: SNAFU-Tags (from Xtreme Mod)
UPDATED: Webcache from 1.9a(b3) to 2.0b1 (Webcache by JP, Superlexx, Yonathan)
UPDATED: zlib from 1.1.4 to 1.2.3 (due to 0.46c-Merge)
==>NOTE: Big Thanx @WiZaRd for answering numerous questions of mine !!!!

Spike2 0.5
ADDED : Don't kill client if we are the only one complete source, it's a friend or a proxy (from MorphXT)
ADDED : Don't kill source if it's the only one complete source, it's a friend, a proxy or not ed2kclient (from MorphXT)
ADDED : Emulate lPhant (Spike2)
ADDED : ENHANCED Emulate Shareaza (Spike2; thanx to Wizard for many helpfull tips and explanations,
thanx to the nextEMF-team for implementing the first version in an updated way - i took this one,
too and updated the emulated Shareaza-Version to v2.1.2 ) --> Spike2 added: newer eDonkey-
Protocol-Version from Shareaza is emulated as well --> Shareaza < v2.0 (i.e. v0.30) are now
emulated too !!!
ADDED : Filebuffer-time limit is now changeable from 1 to 10 minutes (now increasing the
filebuffer-size makes sense...) --> I recommend increasing this value, if you
have increased the filebuffer-size (Spike2)
ADDED : Friendhandling from all windows (by Xman, from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Option to turn "80% score for non-SI-Clients" on or off (under "Upload Management")
ADDED : Recognize newer eDonkeyHybrid-Versions (Spike2)
ADDED : Send ModVersion in MuleInfoPacket too, not only in HelloTypePacket (from iONiX)
ADDED : Settings for Spike2-ModLog (under "Look+Feel Options")
ADDED : Show correct lPhant-Version (Spike2)
ADDED : Show LowIDs by Xman (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : XMans save second sort criterion for downloadlistcontrol (from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Hotfix to avoid crash in FriendListCtrl.cpp (from MorphXT)
BUGFIX : Many small fixes & optimizations (from some other mods, look at the tags)
BUGFIX : Repaired faulty Optimizer-implementation
BUGFIX : Wizard's Memleak-Fix in WebcacheClient.cpp
BUGFIX : Wizard's "Fix for closed" in ChatSelector.cpp (from iONiX)
CHANGED: Min./Max.Slots - Min.Slots-minimum is 1, maximum 200; Max.Slots-minimum is 2,maximum 250
CHANGED: ModLog - now it is possible to give the status-bar-bool here (Spike2)
CHANGED: ModLogLines - now with tags, i.e. [BANNED] (idea from nextEMF)
CHANGED: MOD_VERSION-code (now done by CurrentVersionLong, by wizard)
REMOVED: Ban Powermule, Plus Plus & Lionheart, so that the original system with setting them as "GPL-
evildoers can work" (and added the newer Lionheart-Tags to the GPLevildoer-section)
REMOVED: Block MLdonkey-messages ("Please update...") from iONiX (Not needed anymore)
UPDATED: BanList (again...)
UPDATED: Emulate-settings (now using wizard's optimized code from iONiX 4.21)
UPDATED: Emulate mlDonkey (big thanx to Torni!!)
UPDATED: Recognizing eDonkeyHybrid-Version (from 0.46a...Spike2-Mod will soon be
merged to 0.46 completly - promised !)
UPDATED: Wizard's AntiLeechClass to the newer version from iONiX 4.21 (by Wizard)

Spike2 0.4
ADDED : 80% score for non-SI-clients (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Anti-CreditHack (from MorphXT)
ADDED : Find best sources by Xman (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Modstring related stuff (Splashscreen, Credits)
ADDED : Show ModString in ClientDetails (from Xtreme Mod)
ADDED : Variable ClientBanTime (from iONiX)
ADDED : XMans Chunk selection patch (from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Code-fix by Maella in ListenSocket.cpp (from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Fixed an official bug in banning clients (from Xtreme Mod)
BUGFIX : Security fix by Maella in Server.cpp (from Xtreme Mod)
CHANGED: A small change in Partfile.cpp to log "Dazzle's faster endgame" events in the
ModLog (Spike2)
CHANGED: BanThreshold for CorruptionBlackBox variable...changed uint16 to uint8
CHANGED: Filebuffer-size changed to max. 15,5 MB, Waitingqueue may be changed from 1000 - 30000
CHANGED: SNAFU...i forgot some tags...all tags from eWombat, Phoenix, SWAT and MorphXT are
merged now + anti-CT_friendsharing with friendsharing-ID from MorphXT
CHANGED: Some small bugfixes and changes from Xtreme Mod (Thanx to Xman)
CHANGED: Some small changes in baseClient.cpp: ModLogLine@SNAFU changed, use !IsBanned
CHANGED: Spike2-Mod will not send Ban-Messages anymore
CHANGED: Splash-Screen...now you see: Speedy the cat
UPDATE : Updated BanList

Spike2 0.3
ADDED : Dazzle's Faster Endgame (similiar to netfinity's dynamic block requests (?), thanx to dazzle)
ADDED : Sorting by Mod in ClientList, Mod-Statistics (from iONiX and other mods..)
ADDED : Wizard's AntiLeechClass: AntiModThief 2.1, AntiNickThief 2.2, Ban "Crash-Mules"
(from iONiX)
CHANGED: IS_IDNEEDED-change in ClientList by wizard (from iONiX)
CHANGED: S.N.A.F.U. v3.1 (new Tags from eWombat, Phoenix and MorphXT)
UPDATE : Updated BanList (new Darkmule etc.)

Spike2 0.2a (HOTFIX)
BUGFIX : Repaired faulty AUX-ports-support implementation (mea culpa)
BUGFIX : Repaired faulty ListenSocket.cpp (mea culpa, too...)
BUGFIX : Repaired Statistics-bugs
CHANGED: ULTRA-Leecher-Secure: removed eChanblard (all versions), eMulePlus and
NeoMule from BanList

Spike2 0.2
ADDED : AUX-ports support by lugdunummaster (from iONiX)
ADDED : CPU-Optimizer (thanx@JohnArcher, from Xlillo)
ADDED : Slugfiller's SpreadReask (thanx to jacko)
ADDED : Winsock 2.2 (thanx@bobo, from eWombat)

Spike2 0.1
--> CODEBASE: eMule 0.45b
ADDED : BanThreshold for CorruptionBlackBox variable ("Security Options"-Page)
ADDED : Create a map for fastest source adding by IP (from eF-Mod)
ADDED : Emulate MLdonkey, emulate eDonkey, emulate eDonkeyHybrid (from iONiX)
ADDED : Flood ask protection / "Geaiez" (by Dark, from eF-Mod)
ADDED : Min./Max.-Slots (from iONiX)
ADDED : ModLog (from iONiX)
ADDED : MSS-Setting (from iONiX)
ADDED : MTU-Setting incl. Double Sendsize (from XMan)
ADDED : P2P-worm detection at opening eMule (from netF)
ADDED : Preferences Side-Banner (from iONiX)
ADDED : Small Webcache-Addon (Spike2)
ADDED : S.N.A.F.U. v3.1 (partial) (from iONiX)
ADDED : ULTRA-Leecher-Secure (Spike2) : bans almost all known leechers by ModString,
by Username or other Infos, bans GPL-breakers
ADDED : Webcache 1.9a(b3) (BigThanx@Brano, who helped me with this) incl. 0.45b-fix by Wizard
BUGFIX : Preferences won't be saved on clicking cancel (Fix by Wizard)
BUGFIX : Wizard's Complete source display fix (from iONiX)
BUGFIX : Wizard's Critical section mutex unlock (Fix by Wizard)
BUGFIX : Wizard's Missing Buddy Check (Fix by Wizard)
BUGFIX : Wizard's PC- & WC-timeout fix (from iONiX 4.11)
BUGFIX : Wizard's URL-Client memleak fix (Fix by Wizard)
CHANGED: Credits-Thread: Bluecow is shown under "retired members", Spike is shown as Modder
CHANGED: Own Splash-Screen
CHANGED: Relax some list-cleaning actions to save CPU (by Wizard from iONiX)
CHANGED: Some GUI-Stuff (Icons, etc.)
REMOVED: Scheduler

Und jetzt die Download-Links:

Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire

Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire

Viel Spaß mit dem Mod !!

PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod

Geändert von Spike2 (5. April 2007 um 23:09 Uhr) Grund: Neue Version !
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Alt 23. March 2007, 20:54   #2
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

hallo spike. ein herzliches willkommen von meiner seite! auf das alles gut wird. und um den filter zu umgehen nutze doch am besten ein kürzel oÄ.

auf gute zusammenarbeit,

Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 23. March 2007, 20:56   #3
Benutzerbild von Spike2
Registriert seit: 23.03.2007
Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26
Standard: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] Details

Kein Problem, habe das eben mal auf emf geändert Dann erstmal ein Dankeschön für das Willkommen hier !

PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:05   #4
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096
Standard: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] Lösung: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007]

Coooool !!!

Gleich mal eine Frage. Was ist, oder bedeutet IntelliFlush? So richtig verstehe ich die obige Bemerkung dazu nicht.

Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.

Geändert von Januar1956 (23. March 2007 um 21:08 Uhr)
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:16   #5
Benutzerbild von Spike2
Registriert seit: 23.03.2007
Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26
Standard: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007] [gelöst]

"IntelliFlush" ist ein Funktion, die WiZaRd entwickelt hat.

Sinn / Funktion ist Folgender:

Angenommen (ist jetzt mal ein Beispiel mit extremen Werten) Du stellst den Dateipuffer auf 15,5 MB und die Flush-Zeit (nach der der Buffer zwangsweise, auch wenn er noch nicht voll ist, geflusht wird) auf 20 Minuten. So kann es evtl passieren, daß Du deine ganze Zeit lang einen vollen Chunk im Puffer hast, der noch nicht auf die Platte geschrieben wurde (doof beim Crash) und der natürlich auch noch nicht gehasht wurde und auch anderen Usern noch nicht zum Download zur Verfügung steht.

Dennoch möchtest Du - um Deine Platte zu schonen - nur alle 15,5 MB bzw. 20 Mins flushen und nicht (wie beim Original-eMule) schon nach 1,5 MB bzw. (ich glaube es waren 2) Minuten.
IntelliFlush macht nur eines: Er leert den Puffer und schreibt ihn in die Datei, sobald ein Chunk vollständig ist. So hast Du niemals einen ganzen Chunk im Puffer, der nicht weiter-geshared wird, und kannst dennoch einen großen Datei-Puffer mit einer verlängerten Flush-Zeit nutzen.
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:33   #6
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

ich setze folgendes dagegen:
#define BUFFER_TIME_LIMIT	60000   // Max milliseconds before forcing a flush
das macht bei mir 60 sec oder 1 min!
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:34   #7
Benutzerbild von Spike2
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Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26

Jepp, stimmt - 1 Minute bei maximal 1,5 MB im Original
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:42   #8
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

da stimm ich zu. in jedem fall wohl ein gutes feature. aber wenn sich crumbs durchsetzt wird es enorm an bedeutung und an nutzen vor allem verlieren. dies sollte man sich stets vor augen führen...
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:45   #9
Benutzerbild von Spike2
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Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26

Stimmt, wobei ich das Crumb-Project von netfinity auch sehr interessant finde. Dann muß man schauen, daß man nach so-und-so-viel Crumbs den Buffer leert.... oder irgendwie so
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 23. March 2007, 21:55   #10
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

das würde das crumbs projekt aber eigentlich unnötig machen. es geht schließlich darum jedes kleinstteil zu schicken und da länger als atm max zu warten mit dem speicher+sharen killt diesen grundgedanken, IMHO. dann könnte man auch eher davids subchunktransfer verfolgen, da dies ohnehin "neubau" ist und es somit an ein solches feature angepasst werden könnte.

nichtsdestotrotz scheint vielleicht gerade letzteres der bessere weg zu sein, denn ein neubau heißt auch, dass wir etwaige fehler bei dem ehybrid crumbs killen könnten. die hybrids sind eh zu selten...!!!
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 23. March 2007, 22:18   #11
Benutzerbild von Spike2
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Beiträge: 26

Stimmt auch wieder, ein langes Buffern würde den Sinn des Ganzen wieder aushebeln. Dennoch finde ich eine Kompatibilität zum Hybrid gar nicht schlecht, noch sind ja einige unterwegs... Wobei ein Neubau auch ganz gut wäre, so braucht man Fehler, die evtl. im Crumb-Protokoll stecken, nicht mitzunehmen. netfinity hatte auf dem offiziellen Forum ja auch schon angedacht, eine eigene Implementation zu verwirklichen, wenn die Crumb-Geschichte erstmal richtig läuft. Aber die Entwicklung ist schon äußerst spannend...
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 23. March 2007, 22:35   #12
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

jojo, geb ich dir recht. das absolute optimum ist und bleibt aber wohl eine adaption durch die devs. alles andere hat zuviele unkonstanten und diskussionsgrundlagen. da brauche ich mir nur isp-t vs. obfus anschauen!
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 23. March 2007, 23:31   #13
Benutzerbild von Spike2
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Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26

Richtig. Wobei die Obfuscation ja irgendwie auch nix halbes und nix Ganzes geworden ist... wenn man den Berichten aus Italien im Offi-Board glauben kann. Aber wahrscheinlich hilft - ähnlich wie damals ISP-T - nur ein Mod als Vorreiter, damit die Offi-Devs das adaptieren
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Alt 24. March 2007, 01:03   #14
Benutzerbild von Jok3r
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Wiso ist den die Obfuscation nichts halbes und nichts ganzes geworden?
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Alt 24. March 2007, 01:17   #15
Benutzerbild von Spike2
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Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26

Weil sie ganz offensichtlich nicht so wirklich funktioniert - siehe die diersen Beschwerden italienischer User im OffiBoard. Außerdem war IMO NeoMule's ISP-T-Implementation technisch wesentlich besser und umfangreicher als die Offi-Variante.
PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod
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Ähnliche Themen: eMule 0.47c Spike2 1.0 [05.04.2007]

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    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 18. September 2007 (3)
  2. eMule 0.47c ScarAngel v1.9 [25.03.2007]
    Xtreme MOD - 29. June 2007 (468)
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  6. Herausgelöst aus eMule 0.47c TK4 Mod 2.0e [10.02.2007]
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  9. Herausgelöst aus eMule 0.47c ScarAngel v1.9 [25.03.2007]
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  10. Herausgelöst aus eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.5 [14.02.2007]
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  11. Herausgelöst aus eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.5 [14.02.2007]
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  12. eMule 0.47c TK4 Mod 2.0e [10.02.2007]
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