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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 12. August 2005, 15:53   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1 [16.09.2005] Problem: eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1 [16.09.2005]

eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1
eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1
#Fixed two bug in the SUQWT
#Added the invisible mode
#Added See client version
#Removed proxy
#Powershare priority are increase
#Improved the credits dialog.
#Now a complete file in PowerRelease are double priority that a incomplete file in PowerRelease.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.0
eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.0 Final
#Fixed a bug in the "Show dl in bold"
#Fixed a bug in SLS
#Added ip to country
#Added features Anti-leecher
#Added buffer time limit
#Added HIDEOS[eXtreme]
#Added DiffQR
#Added nicehash
#Changed PS[eXtreme]
#Changed control slot[Ackronic 2.1c]
#Incomplete files with more than 50 sources can't be set in PowerRelease
#Some grafic and code improvements.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.46c [AcKroNiC 3.0 BETA3]
1)Fixed a bug in SLS
2)Fixed the Powershare.
3)Aggiunta l'indicazione del numero max di slot in upload accanto alla scritta "In Upload"
4)Added show download in Bold and/or show download in Blue
5)Added show client percentage
6)Added Quick Start
7)AddedReask sources after reconettion of modem (IP change)
8)Added drop sources
9)Fixed SUQWTv2
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.46c [AcKroNiC 3.0 BETA2]
Beta 2:
# fixed control slot
Beta 1:
# Added the name of Mod
# Added the Dev-team in the credits
# Inverted the window Serverlog with Log
# Changed adsl values in the wizard
# Fixed concurrent download 16+ (wizard)
# Changed default nick
# Added ackronic icons
# Italian language set as default
# Added optimizer
# Added the SUQWTv2
# Added thel Save Load Source
# Added the LOW-ID Notifier
# Added the Control Slot
# Optimized the options
# If you use WinXP, the option "Create new part files as 'sparse'" is enabled by default
# Increased the buffer to 10 Mbyte
# Added the PowerShare
# Added the emulation
# In Sharded Files tab, when a file is PowerShare comes visualized in red, when is incomplete in blue
# Added the Family Filter
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. August 2005, 10:26   #2
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Update auf Beta 3.

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 1. September 2005, 15:11   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1 [16.09.2005] eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1 [16.09.2005] Details

Version 3.0 Final ist erschienen.

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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Ähnliche Themen: eMule 0.46c AcKroNiC 3.1 [16.09.2005]

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  3. eMule 0.46c Xtreme 4.7.2 [24.11.2005]
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  10. eMule 0.46c Antares 0917 Beta1 [18.09.2005]
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