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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 12. August 2005, 16:15   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.46c Antares 0917 Beta1 [18.09.2005] Problem: eMule 0.46c Antares 0917 Beta1 [18.09.2005]

eMule 0.46c Antares 0917 Beta1
eMule 0.46c Antares 0917 Beta 1
Thanx to Morph, Wizard, Ionix, Pawcio, Stulle, Slugfiller, Sivka, Khaos, Tuxmann and all
other Modders and Betatesters.

It's just a Beta, keep cool.

* Added Leecher Stats in own Stats Tree
* Added Mod Stats in own Tree
* and more

Changelog new writen for Beta 2.

* Webcache

This are no Bugs:
* Colorsettings Window

* Powershare
* Powersharelimit (for max complete Sources)
* HideOs
* Selective Chunk Sharing
* Share only the need
* Spreadbars
* Nice Hash
* show Modversion (in all Lists)
* show Queuerank (in Downloadlist)
* show QREta (in Downloadlist)
* show Downloads in adjustable Color and bold (in Downloadlist)
* show Friends in adjustable Color and bold (in Upload-/Queue- and Knowlist)
* show Powershared Files in adjustable Color (in Upload-/Queue- and Sharedfileslist)
* Push for rare and small Files
* Winsock v2 can enabled or disable
* Source Exchange between Clients can be disable or enabled
* Source Exchange from Server can be disable or enable
* Optimizer for memcpy/memset/memzero operations (aka On-the-fly Optimization)
* min and max Uploadslots are adjustable
* Creditsystems (for everybody that right):
- Original
- Pawcio
- Sivka
- Lovelace
- Peace
- Swat
- RT
- Fine
- Eastshare
* Payback for Credits
* Source Saver
* Connection Management (to reduce the opened connections)
* Chunk Selection Methode selectable (official / Xman)

* SNAFU v3.1 (checking Muleinfo and Hellopackets)
* Anti Nick Thief
* Anti Mod Thief
* Anti Credit Hack
* Ban Bad Usernames (stringsearch)
* Ban Bad Mods (stringsearch)

Fixed Bugs from Older Versions:
* Crash in Downloadclientlist
* Save Source fixed
* Statistic Bugs

eMule 0.46c Antares 0726 Gamma 1
* show Download/Upload of Clients in Downloadlist [LSD ???]
* show last seen complete and sourcecomplete count in Downloadlist

* Sorting now correct in Downloadlist
* Double Webcachestats removed
* Sorting Antares Options Dialog for best view
* other forgotten Things
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.46c Antares 0726 Beta 2
eMule 0.46c Antares 0726 Beta 2

Included: all Features of original 0.46c (it's a 0.46c MOD, hi hi)
Compiled with: VS 2003, Crypto 5.2.1, zlib 1.2.3, CxImage 5.99c
It's currently stable, beta. Beta 3 will follow.

* HotFix Due Complete Source Feature (Morph)
* CheckBadMod: neue Mods hinzugefügt (Antares)
* Automatic Shared Files Updater (MoNKi: -Automatic shared files updater-)

* graphical Bug in preferences->tweaks->Filebuffersize/Queuesize (Antares)
* graphical Bug in preferences->tweaks->Verbose (Antares)
* graphical Bug in downloadlistctrl (Antares)
* localization Bug in Sharedfileswindow (Antares)
* Crash on clicked Userinfo is History (I think )
* Sorting Bug in Queuelistctrl ???
* CUpDownClient::IsBanned (Xman)
* in PPgFiles (eMuleFan83)
* remove Kind Of in Filedetaildialog (slugfiller: removeKindof)
* Sorting Fix in Downloadlistctrl (Avi-3k: Sorting Fix)
* Icons in Downloadlist now show correctly (Antares, i think)
* Spreadreask now to in OP Section ->slowly source finding, but lower max connections
* shows Sourcesaver activities in Modlog
* delete Webcachesection in Clientdetails -> not needed
* delete webcache 1.2f unused code (old merging of 1.9b3)

eMule 0.46c Antares 0726 Beta 1

Included all Fixes of original 0.46c.
Inclusive: Crypto 5.99c
Zlib 1.2.3
png 1.2.8

* prevent locking of too many blocks when we are on a slow [UploadClient.cpp][official]
* Spreadreask [Slugfiller] (Random Reaskdelay of 4 minutes)
* two new Creditsystems (Fine (from CB), ZZUL)
* Nice Hash, for better performance while Hashing (CB)

eMule 0.46b Antares 0723

* Removed Boostclient code for more credits (it's unfair) [uint32 CUpDownClient::GetScore]
* Removed extra Filepriorities for SUQWT (is not needed) [int CUpDownClient::GetFilePrioAsNumber]

* One clicked Systray Icon was fixed (IDD_MINIMULE was not ressource.rc)
* Uploadwindow ???
* Downloadcolor and Download in Bold
* Max Slots was yet openend on Max Uploadspeed

eMule 0.46b Antares 0719 Testversion

Todo: Graphical Bugs in Preferences

* reconnect to kadmelia
* don't kill sources if it's only last complete, friend or proxy (Morph)
* show correct LPhant and Donkey Versions (Spike2)
* Extended Clean Up II (Maella)
* show Slotnumber in Uploadlist (ZZUL)
* Friendslot Add/Remove in Clientlist, Queuelist, Downloadlist
* enable/disable checking for bad Modnames
* enable/disable checking for bad Usernames
* scale to lowspeed (MorphXT)
* show LowId Clients in red Color
* enable/disable show Friends bold
* enable/disable show friendscolor
* enable/disable show powershareclients
* Antares Source Request (based on evolution mod) (only test)

* Antares options dialog restyled
* show Downloadqueuerank not in statustab of downloadlist, but in prioritytab
* Removed Stats from Uploadqueue.cpp and added in StatisticDlg.cpp->Process

* graphical bug in server window
* graphical bug in sharedfiles window
* Modversionroutine in Baseclient.cpp was wrong, now show correctly in statistic
* Value for Overshares before hiding Chunks is now correctly saved
* Powershare/hideOS routines
* graphical bug with downloadcolor and download in bold

Code Improvements:

* CEMSocket::SendPacket (Xman)
* CUDPSocket::~CUDPSocket (Xman)
* Improvements by The Phoenix Team

eMule 0.46b Antares 0710

* ported to 0.46b

eMule 0.46a Antares 0709

Enable/Disable Chunk Selection Methode (Official/XMan)
Enable/Disable Source Requests
Enable/Disable Source Requests between clients
Enable/Disable Winsock2
Enable/Disable Push rare and small File
Obelix Connection Management
Send no hello to filtered Clients [maella]

Proxy Configuration Test [thanx to il_bue]
other small fixes by maella
delete call procedures changed to Wizard's SAFE_DELETE/SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY (it's easyier to write)

eMule 0.46a Antares 0703

Modthief v2.2
Anti Nick Thief
Anti Credit Hack
Snafu v3.1
Intelligent Chunk Selection
Save/Load Sources
Added Queuestatus to Statusbar
SUQWT now clickable in Antares Prefs
Payback First for Credits
Show Hardlimit or Autohardlimit in Sourcetab in Transferwindow
Sivka Autohardlimit

removed Color mismatch in Transferwindow
not show QR in Prio Tab, show in Status Tab
and other things

known Bugs:
Push rare and small File not clickable, sorry
allow source exchange in Antares Prefs not working now

eMule 0.46a Antares Build 0528

* Webcache 1.2f [Webcache Dev Team]
* CPU Optimizer [eWombat]
* Winsock 2 [eWombat]
* Creditsystems: + Official
+ Lovelace
+ Peace
+ Sivka
+ RT
+ Swat
+ Pawcio
+ Eastshare
+ None
* SQWT (Save Queue Wait Time)
* Slugfillers: Modversion + Modversion in StatisticWindow
* and other fixes

* Text to Speech
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
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